What is the best NSF plugin or player? The one that playes NES music most pleasantly for ears I mean!
Well, I use VirtuaNES because of it's cool piano player, VirtuaNSF, NotSoFatso plug in for Winamp to play NSF & NSFE files, G-NSF with this nice feature like in Ninja Gaiden II sound test mode, FCEU emulator and NSF2MIDI.
i haven't heard of NSF2MIDI
The VirtuaNES and FCEU play mono sound right?
Right! Nestopia & NotSoFatso NSF player is the only one's that I know that have stereo sound.
I use the english patch for the japanese video game player KBMediaPlayer by Kobarin.
I like it much better than any plugin.
A guy named brad smith did this within the NES standard. Take a look and listen. I like Side B two best in the version he made of Pink Floyd's album.
Quote from: theoden_2010 on April 22, 2010, 07:10:46 PM
A guy named brad smith did this within the NES standard. Take a look and listen. I like Side B two best in the version he made of Pink Floyd's album.
Not bad. He had to make each song separately. All in one long file not best idea.
yeah, I'm at square one for this kind of music, so as a programmer I hope to learn from what he did, and for his record he did it in one chunk for nostalgic reasons- like when you play a tape or type 75' record. he ended up compressing the heck out out some sections just to hit the notes and key sounds right because of it being mono.