The Guardian Legend

Sequel of The Game => Basic ideas for the sequel => Topic started by: arseniy on April 28, 2010, 01:01:07 AM

Title: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 28, 2010, 01:01:07 AM
If the sequel have a new guardian girl what name would she have?
Personally I have no idea!
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on April 28, 2010, 02:33:21 AM
Too many to choose from imo. =P
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 28, 2010, 02:36:59 AM
well lets try some. and is it better that this will be some name not used in other games already?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on April 28, 2010, 02:56:16 AM
That makes it even more hard! Atleast we should know her personality and her appearance to easily choose something within reason.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 28, 2010, 03:04:06 AM
should it be some kindfull name ? Miria sounds like kind person's name.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: TrickyCC on April 28, 2010, 08:36:21 AM
Some people say that this girl has a different name in a different region as the name of "Alyssa".
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 28, 2010, 09:38:37 AM
Quote from: TrickyCC on April 28, 2010, 08:36:21 AM
Some people say that this girl has a different name in a different region as the name of "Alyssa".
Alyssa is english speaking name and Miria is japanese as I was told. I like Miria more than Alyssa.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on April 28, 2010, 05:28:47 PM
how about Rousseau? its a french sur nae and means red...? :redlander:
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 28, 2010, 06:10:08 PM
Quote from: RagnarokNAJU on April 28, 2010, 05:28:47 PM
how about Rousseau? its a french sur nae and means red...? :redlander:
It's like Rosie or Rose.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: Megadeth502 on May 02, 2010, 01:04:05 PM
Quote from: RagnarokNAJU on April 28, 2010, 05:28:47 PM
how about Rousseau? its a french sur nae and means red...? :redlander:

i like this name. its not cliche(SP) like Fayte or Skye lol. and the player can call her Rose if he/she wants to
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: MoonCloud on May 02, 2010, 04:37:23 PM
oh not Rousseau  ;D am I the only one here who has seen Lost?  :bluelander:
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: Megadeth502 on May 02, 2010, 04:53:28 PM
what would you suggest?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on May 02, 2010, 06:16:59 PM
Quote from: MoonCloud on May 02, 2010, 04:37:23 PM
oh not Rousseau  ;D am I the only one here who has seen Lost?  :bluelander:

bleh.. i love LOST.. but i have always liked this name... also fits well since the char's main color seems to be red
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 03, 2010, 03:03:50 AM
The Rousseau is kinda confusing. I think better to have some name that would look familiar. Rousseau would confuse many exept french.
Rosiu would be enough - Rousseau too long and non english too much.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on May 03, 2010, 09:31:55 AM
when naming a char i thought we were aiming for something not too familar and something mystic... Rousseau is perfect for that.. and Rousiu just seems to nick nameish or dumbed down...
Rousseau might even be able to speak to her origin in some way..
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 08, 2010, 11:23:17 AM
Or we could have the character be custom made? :P

If male, the name must end with eo
if female, the name must end with ia

Due to code names?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 11, 2010, 02:11:56 PM
Or we could keep it as one person that isn't named? :P
Like "Newbie" "Rookie", "Greenhorn" "Seed" or something.
And only reveal her name at the end of the game?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 16, 2010, 09:17:07 AM
I would stay away from rookie. It's Guardian and it's special. This names is for human military service.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 16, 2010, 08:41:10 PM
Well, if you really need a name, a face or a sprite would be need, so let's begin with her description first.

Hair Color?
Eye color?
What personality?(Will make her do actions during plot events.)
What's her reason to be the hero?
Why her?

Answer these first then we can probably draw a name. :)
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 16, 2010, 10:31:14 PM
lol the first question!
name - Nilma
Nationality - japanes :)))
Hair Color - black
Eye color - brown
What personality - honest,purposeful,sense of humor, not like violence, loves nature - animals plants
What's her reason to be the hero - a match and a love for the earth
Why her - a match
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 17, 2010, 12:50:01 AM
I think 2 japanese people would probably be 1 too many.

And yeah first question wasn't much thought behind. XD

And her persona seems..."too common", We already had most of those heroines around for most...well..Any game with a cheery person as a hero.
Hair is fine though, so is eye color.

She feels like a....errr, how to say this nicely...

"Miss USA" contest winner. :P
(Which is actually quite shallow most of the time.)

Think we need more in depth unique character then that.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 17, 2010, 01:47:17 AM
Not sure how in games but in life this is a rare personality
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 17, 2010, 01:54:07 AM
A cheery goody two shoes = Been plenty of those about in games since 90s games with persona.

It may be a rare in real life, that's cause that persona doesn't really work that well.

Especially not a hero in a fantasy game, that's for certain. ;)
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on May 17, 2010, 09:54:43 AM
Ill have to agree that even though it might be rare in real life.. people whom have been writing these stories tend to go for the rare real life persona such as a perfect nature loving violence hating type.. :3
maybe we should go with something odd and groundbreaking, like an angry person with a heart of gold.. she hates the average human for there constant greed and shallowness and she cant stand the way the world works and people treat each other..
but she would defenda life in an instant and has an uncontrollabel empathy and hidden compassion.. just some ideas..
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 17, 2010, 11:56:16 AM
Quote from: RagnarokNAJU on May 17, 2010, 09:54:43 AM
Ill have to agree that even though it might be rare in real life.. people whom have been writing these stories tend to go for the rare real life persona such as a perfect nature loving violence hating type.. :3
maybe we should go with something odd and groundbreaking, like an angry person with a heart of gold.. she hates the average human for there constant greed and shallowness and she cant stand the way the world works and people treat each other..
but she would defenda life in an instant and has an uncontrollabel empathy and hidden compassion.. just some ideas..

The personas I made in the other thread is based on that. :P
Not all goody two shoes.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 17, 2010, 05:47:02 PM
Involving moral is highly appreciated. Look around. Games and movies lowered humans moral pretty much(YES RPG games too :))
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 17, 2010, 07:47:39 PM
What kind of morale would you be speaking about?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 18, 2010, 08:37:31 AM
any as it's very rare in the movies or games really. It's more of some moral emulation usually but nothing real
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 20, 2010, 10:57:35 AM
Well, I'm more for the story then the morale.
The morale doesn't come from the story, it comes from the viewpoints of the characters in the story.

Honestly, I have not thought about that yet for any of the possible scenario of stories we've gotten to. Hmm.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 23, 2010, 06:42:10 PM
Well at least it should be count.
Look what people become playing games. Their moral feelings lowered. Some go out and shoot. Some start to beat their teacher. Many have results that are not obvious.

I just suggest to keep that in mind. The questions about moral and ethic actually are as hard(if not harder) as the most top physic science problems.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 24, 2010, 01:16:03 AM
I still stick to that it's the perspective of the character that makes the morale, not other way around.
If the person is not fit to play a game, or try and reproduce it in real life, that state of mind clearly is not the fault of the game, but the person itself.

Besides, there's not many morale choices available in the sequel, really. We're using very few people to be in the story.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: Megadeth502 on May 25, 2010, 08:55:53 AM
Quote from: arseniy on May 23, 2010, 06:42:10 PM
Well at least it should be count.
Look what people become playing games. Their moral feelings lowered. Some go out and shoot. Some start to beat their teacher. Many have results that are not obvious.

I just suggest to keep that in mind. The questions about moral and ethic actually are as hard(if not harder) as the most top physic science problems.

no offence dude but that is complete bullsh....  you cant blame video games for kids shooting people or beating there teacher. what about Terminator movies. or 90% of rap (most of it is murder songs or beatin there wife doing drugs. etc.) or pro wrestling for that matter, we all know its fake but i guarantee that some kids think its real

ive played video games for 20 years and i believe that i have good ethics and morals . i also listened to Eminem back when he was good and i like terminator movies

its not the games or movies or music. its people. some people are just stupid, or angry at the world for whatever reason, but that also is a rediculous reason. my dad died 3 years ago, but i didnt go on a killing spree

some people are just weak.     you build your morals and ethics by observing things and making you own opinions. if you chose to build your ethics around something you saw in a video game you are not very smart

sorry for getting off topic. i just had to throw that in there
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on May 25, 2010, 11:19:32 AM
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 25, 2010, 09:15:28 PM
Well no. The games do affect and movies too. And books too. It's well known in psychology but not very well known for general public. The killing is the edge but there is more not obvious hidden affects. Human has lots of things going on in him which he not awares. Some processes even not possible to percive. The subconcious processes is a fact.

Take aspirin as example. It was discovered that this medication was_not harmless and now they say it even dangerous to take it. Only when really necessary. It has very bad affects together with good.

This medication examples can be compared to the games because medication affects can be very obvious while psychological is too hidden. Also I should remind you some medications or other things(for example GMO) can show the affect only for the next or next next generation. So really your point looks very unthoughtfull. Games exist for very shot period. The smoking also was not known as a health harmfull action for a long time. But even smoking is known health-harm many people still doing it. So same will be with computer games. But saying that games or movies not do a big affect on the psychology is mostly because of non-knowledgeable.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 25, 2010, 09:23:12 PM
I like games but also I like mental health. That's the point :bluelander:.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 25, 2010, 09:45:56 PM
I would lie if I said that games actually doesn't affect your personality.
It gives an experience and makes you feel emotion(Aeris FFVII death anyone?, or Terra's?)
You can learn alot from games, depending on why you watch or play the game from your perspective.
It does make a impact on us, however, if the mind of the person who think this works in reality, it's the persons mind that is at the fault, not the game itself.

There's a thin line between where Insanity and Sanity is "The normal standard." for humans. :P

Anyway, Move this topic to General Forum to continue on with this, it's interesting ;)

SO! About the Female hero name!

Here's a few example, Letter order.

A: Anne, Ann-Frid, Aewena, Azeline, Alemia, Archienna, Adelle, Aer?n, Aileen, Amelia.
B: Bridget
C: Celine, Caileen, Cecilia, Cindi, Colleen
D: Darcelle, Denev?, D'Arch? :P
E: Elena, Eileen, Estrelle, Evelina, Ezelle, Europa, Eil, Emelie, Eyana
F: Frida, Frodine, Felice, Felissia, Feline,
G: Genelle, Genevir, Gertrud, Gelinne, Goa, Gaileen, Gloria.
H: Hilde, Hildegaard, Helene, Hanna, Holeen, Hochelle, Hylde

Come on guys. :P There's so many names to take! And this is ONLY european names. There's plenty more in other continential names.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 25, 2010, 10:13:31 PM
Hm. not much of this names would fit guardian hero.
From the RandomSpriter's list the best is:
Aileen and Elena.
I think the name can't sound like Estrelle or Darcelle.
Maybe we should think what names of Guardians should represent. I think in first place they should represent earth.
lets try continue alphabet:
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 26, 2010, 12:36:21 AM
Interesting choices of names compared to the European pronouncement, Arseniy.

Somehow, Latin names should be kinda interesting to see.

N: Noria, Naomi, Naphillia, Nemia, Nomenia, Namini, Nichelle, Nia, Naname,
O: Osora, Owena, Odenia, Oruka
P: Paula, Pia, Purea, Pheline
Q: Q....Q....?
R: Ruria, Rika, Rena, Ruinea, Rurika, Releen, Romena, Reika, Romeria, Rina, Riena, Ryuki
S: Sae, Savae, Savannah, Saelia, Serenia, Solena, Starleen(lol?)
T: Tiffi, Tellia, Terra(Terria), Tyka, Torria, Tolena, Toreena, Thunderia, Taileen, Tae, Tay, Tauleen, Tannea

Here's more common Latin Female names.
Appia Aula Caesula Decima Fausta Gaia Gnaea Hosta Lucia Mamerca Mania Marca Maxima Mettia Numeria Octavia Paulla Postuma Prima Procula Publia Quarta Quinta Secunda Septima Servia Sexta Spuria Statia Tertia Tita Tiberia Tulla Vibia Volusa Vopisca
Just to give you a hint of a more uncommon name we can give or transform.

Hmmm, I like Tay. :P And Terria, Iona, Kia, Liaris.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on May 26, 2010, 03:21:50 AM
Well some of the first letters can be exluded/ For example I not like names for this case starting from T,K,H,P,B,F,O
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on November 05, 2010, 09:05:57 AM
Quote from: RandomSpriter on May 08, 2010, 11:23:17 AM
Or we could have the character be custom made?
Thumbs up for this. But the implications are steep. Someone would need to animate twice the character frames. All the text in the game should be double checked to be correct for M/F gender. As this is locale-dependant, there could be issues.

I suppose you might be interested in knowing some more about the names you posted previously.
I am also trying to estabilish some structure in a single place. I'm writing from the Mediterranean region and I am a neo-latin native speaker. As a tribute to the original game, I think all Japanese names should really get an automatical +1 vote, so I'll put a 'J' to mark this to names I can clearly recognize as Japanese.
I tried to collect all the names so far, sorted them alphabetically (regardless of their "origin" as previously proposed by RandomSpriter for example), and added a couple. The new names are in italics.
This is the result of a few days of research - my doctor prescribed me a few days of relax due to a not-so-small issue I'm having but looks like I cannot just stand completely idle.
As this took a while, not all the names have been investigated in the same way.

Because of message length limitation, this has been split up in various messages.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on November 05, 2010, 09:20:24 AM
(this looks ugly without borders)

NamePerceived originMy notesVote
Adellefrench?Sounds common.
Aer?neu?Writes well and sounds easy thanks to overabundant wowels. On the minus side, requires Unicode characters.
Aewenaeu? sounds tolken-ish to methere's a slight issue with pronunciation to me as my language lacks "Ae" ligature, but seems to have potential+1
Aileeneu?Already heard that somewhere. Could work.+1
Aja, Aija, Aya, AiyaCentral AfricaBut that's just me, because I used to spend some time with a girl so named. I don't really know the correct spelling, but I hope it got 'j's because they make me feel at home (although they sound like "who" around here). I guess the 'y' variations could read as Japanese I guess.+1
Alemiaeu?I think it should be avoided. Remarkably lacks strong phonetical pheatures in my language. Also similar to "Alenia", which is a company manufacturing civil and military aircrafts.-1
Ann-Frid, Annfridfrench? german?I heard that before. I don't consider it much.
AnneEU+US?Seems to lack remarkable features, quite common around here.
AppiaLatinReferences to Via Appia ( I advice against it.-1
Archiennaeu?sounds rare but also feels somewhat wrong.
AulaLatinDoes not sound very modern. Lack of strongs consonants gives a "smooth" feel, beware of the "au" ligature, which is slow in neo-latin. Unsure about eng.
Azelinefrench?easy to write and pronunce, sounds good to me, the 'z' is a remarkable phonetical feature.+1
Bridgetfrench? english?
CaesulaLatinI take it's the feminine version of Caesar ( Not worth a -1 but worth it (I simply don't like the idea).
Caileenenglish?sounds familar, yet exotic.+1
CarinaLatinI think it's just better to go for Karina instead!+1
CastaLatinYes (, please ( Joking aside, there could be geographical references.-1
CeciliaLatin?I don't quite like those two 'c's.
CelineFrench?Easy in both writing and pronunciation. Sound has a nice "shape" if you can get what I mean, with an initial "harsh" peak with "c" and a smooth ending. Naturally recalls a singer ( to me. Worth a try.+1
Cindi, Cindyenglish?Unsure about those.
Colleenenglish?Sounds exotic. For some reason I think it's rare.+1
D'ArchFrench?Does not qualify as a name (surname perhaps). Naturally recalls Juanne D'Arc ('Arc) (eng ('Arc)). We have to think carefully about that but for me, that's a no go.-1
DarcelleFrench?Don't like it much, probably because of 'rc'.
DecimaLatinSimilar to "decimal", ten. The idea that this can be used as name is quite poor to me. See also Prima (1st), Secunda (2nd), Tertia (3rd), Quarta (4th), Quinta (5th), Sexta (6th), Septima (7th)... those have been omitted, I seriously hate the idea.-1
Denev?French?Heard that before. I'm not sure.
EileenFrench?I take it could be the french version of Elena?. Possibly better for international use.+1
Eil?Wait, what? Ankwardly short to me.
ElenaLatin? Russia?Sounds neither rare nor exceedingly common. Possibly a good choice, nice "smooth" sound to me.+1
Emeliefrench?Probably a variation of Amelie, possibly originating from Aemelie. I'd keep contemporary names.-1
EstrelleFrench?Not sure about this.
Europa?Europe in Italian (, also a moon, an asteroid and a princess ( I'd rather avoid it because of the explicit geographic reference.-1
Evelina, EvelineLatin? FrenchNot sure about this.
Eyana?sounds familar, yet exotic. Good pronunciation?+1
EzelleFrench?Sounds very exotic, Z seldom used. Good to me.+1
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on November 05, 2010, 09:28:04 AM
(this looks ugly without borders)

NamePerceived originMy notesVote
Felice?Does not sound like a female name to me. Pronunciation? Leaves me confused.-1
Feline?Feline? ( Good sound but... really?
Felissia, Felisiaeu?Sounds good with a single 's'.+1
FridaGerman?I don't like it much. Sounds somewhat barbar-ish or viking to me. Could actually work.
Frodinefrench?Just "meh"
GaiaLatinI think it's awesome ( Sounds good in neo-latin, unsure about English.+1
Gaileeneu?I like the acute 'ee' sound, but I'm unsure this is the correct pronunciation. Maybe worth of further consideration.+1
Genevievegermanic ( good at first, but leaves me confused about correct pronunciation. Variation of Genevieve?
Genevireu?See above.
GloriaLatinCan be interpreted as a reference to Christianity, first hit for WP:en (
GnaeaLatinG... n... aea... Sounds like eating ("gnam gnam"). Just drop it in google images and see what comes out. Food, for me. No way.-1
Goa?Ankwardly short to me.
HannaGerman?WP:en ( hit. Unsure about that.
Helene,Heleneu?I'd be interested in hearing more opinions about that.
Hildegaard,HildegardGerman? Northern-euVery epic feeling. While it doesn't feel quite feminine to me, I have to admit germanic-derived languages don't take me very much. There's an interesting WP:en ( hit from the Soul Calibur series with a really interesting design.
HildeGerman?I'd be interested in hearing more opinions about that. Short form of the previous.
HochelleFrench?This 'ch' sounds very harsh to me.
Holeen?Unsure about that, to me it sounds to have similarities to "holy", which could be a good thing.+1
Imi?Ankwardly short to me.
JennaEnglish, USI find myself in the unfortunate position to report that my first page of google hits regards two porn stars. I have average (default) filter level. I'd say no thanks!-1
Karia?According to WP:en: "Karia is a settlement in Kenya's Central Province". Sounds both familiar and exotic. Why not?+1
KarinaLatin, Originally Carina (http://"")Good alternance of "strong" wowels and consonants delivers a quite good feeling to me. +1
KatarinaSee above.Some matches in Ukraine.Sounds like "Katana", which could be a good thing. It takes the best of Katrina and Karina, good hits. I'd truly give this a +2 but I decided to self-impose some rules to my voting.+1
KatrinaSee above.More exotic than Karina, the "tr" sound somewhat breaks the name in two pieces to me. Half first page of google hits deals mostly with the Katrina hurricane.
Kru?Ankwardly short, very harsh sound.-1
LadiaLatin?You mean Nadia.
LaetitiaLatinYes (, please ( Joking aside, there could be geographical references.-1
LiarisLatin?I don't like it at all, probably because of Liar.-1
LuciaLatinNothing to say about that. Why not?+1
LymmNorth-euMaybe Lynn!-1
LynnEnglish!"Meh". Say Hokuto No Ken ("Lin" in English but traslated as "Lynn" here).
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on November 05, 2010, 09:36:21 AM

NamePerceived originMy notesVote
MamercaLatinDon't like it.
MarcaLatin?Just say no.-1
Matti?Doesn't work for me.-1
MaximaLatin?How to pronounce 'x'?
MirageSeriously? No way for me.-1
MiyanaJAPI like it!+1 J
NadiaLatin?WP:en east EuropeI liked Fushigi no Umi no Nadia a lot and pretty sure lot of people liked it as well! I'd say it's a recipe for continuous references, but I'm biased so I'll leave it to 0 instead of -1...
NaomiLatinPlease leave this out. A lot of hits about the model (http://"") here. Please no.-1
NaphilliaLatin?Sounds like a disease, or maybe some mental disorder!-1
Nia?Ankwardly short.
NichelleFrenchMore likely Michelle.
NilmaEnglish-ized JAP?From arseniy. Reporting for completeness.J
NumeriaLatinSomething dealing with numerals (
NoriaNorth-eu?Can't say about that.
OctaviaLatin?Lots of hits regarding a car.
OdeniaNorth-eu?Peraphs female version of Odin? Sounds odd to me, but maybe worth further consideration.+1
OrukaMaybe East Europe?Cannot quite tell if I like it or not.
OwenaSomewhat Tolkien-ish, maybe north-eu
Paola, Paula, PaullaLatinPaula is a fairly rare form around here, but I have been told the second is fairly common in Spain and Portugal. I'd say this name lacks in rarity.-1
PhelineFrench?Sounds like Feline. Really? Nah.-1
Pia?Ankwardly short, sometimes used as "Saint" in Italy (not exactly "saint", you know).
PostumaLatinDon't know...
ProculaLatinSounds archaic.-1
PubliaLatin?Public, publicity...?
Purea?I would be somewhat confused in meeting her. WP:en says a Queen from the Landward Teva tribe and a self-proclaimed ruler of all Tahiti ( Still a no-go for me.-1
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on November 05, 2010, 09:44:48 AM
R VS L - Japan note
I want to repeat myself: I write from the Mediterranean region and I use a Latin-derived language natively. There are a lot of Japanese-like or "clearly" Japanese names here. Most of them sounds definetely better with the "R" sound rather than the "L" sound. I know this doesn't make sense to you if you are from Japan so I'm not even sure I should try to explain more, but that's what happens to people using neo-latin languages IMHO.
To keep it rather vague, say that the "R" provides a "strong" start, while "L" is more like a "smooth" connection. I'd say I perceive more "personality" in the "R" version.

NamePerceived originMy notesVote
Raeleen?Has a really nice touch. First google hit ( Sounds a good candidate.+1
ReikaJOh yes, I'm pretty sure there was a few of those in the mangas I did read years ago. Good mix of 'r' and 'k' in neo-latin, feels "complete". If I had to give this girl BIG GUNS to go destroy a lonely planet, I'm sure Reika would do it, get a few scratches and get the rid of the problems!+1 J
Releen?Looks like a variation of Raeleen. Probably more modern.
Riena?"Rien ne va plus"? That's just me... google is fine with it.
Rika, RicaJap?Maybe because I've been too much into mangas. Could truly work in Latin as well, like Costa Rica ( If K is used, the exotic influence is strongly prominant.J?
RinaLatin?Not sure about this. Seldom used in neo-latin, but I recall Lina Inverse (http://"") which were translated with 'R' here for the reasons above.
Romena?Rome? (http://""). A no-go for me.-1
Ruinea?Sounds difficult.
RurikaJapI don't quite like the recurring 'r'.-1
RyokoJapAs far as I can recall, this is fairly common in anime and manga. I'd expect she would just BLAST everything out of existance.+1 J
RyukiJapI don't know why, but sounds familiar. I don't quite remember what manga, but I suppose I've already read that here.+1 J
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on November 05, 2010, 09:49:33 AM

SaeliaLatinThis one is truly odd and charming to me, I don't know why. It makes me think to sea (rich, blue), and salt (white, crystal, regularity). It's probably just me.+1
Sae?Ankwardly short, "does not complete" (read as "does not compute" XD).
Savae?I'm confused. But somewhat charming. Let's give her a try.+1
Savannah?That's it for me. ( Google hits with a city, a few geographical locations and a GPL project. Nothing in the first 10 pages of google seems to be a first name. Is it really a name?-1
Serenia, SerenaLatinProbably rare, I suppose. I don't really know. The second is more modern but it has a very different, much simplier sound in neo-latin. By contrast, the second sounds much better in English to me.
Servia?You don't really mean this ( (google hit). Also this ( To be avoided due to geogrophical references.-1
SolenaLatinI'd expect her to come out in full plate and SMITHE EVIL. Feels very RPG-ish. Is it a true name? Google seems to report a few ppl with this name so I guess it's just very rare nowadays. Also somewhat weird to me, likely because of solenoids (
SpuriaLatinUnsure about that...
StarleenEnglish?Some google hits, seems to be used. Interesting google hit (
Statia?Statue? Static?
Tae?Too short.-1
Taileen?Google hits seems to suggest this is sparingly used (I don't know if as name or surname) in Latin America. Maybe Spain as well.
TanneaLatin?Sounds more like two distinct words in neo-latin. Quite slow pronunciation. I'm unsure about english however.
Tauleeneu?Sounds good, but beware of the rl-variant "Tauleen" -> "Taureen" -> Tauren ( Still worth a try.+1
TayEng feelToo short.-1
TelliaLatinI think I read somewhere this is Latin (or maybe Greek) for Earth... or maybe "ground", I don't know. The double 'll' slows the pronunciation a lot in neo-latin, maybe it's wanted. I don't like it much, but has potential!+1
Terra, TerriaLatinWP:en, the planet Earth, in Astronomy. Seems to be fairly used in games and in real (sur?)names as well. I don't know.
ThunderiaEng?Seriously? Well, I suppose you were serious so I'll just say no.-1
TiberiaLatinDon't like it much. Tibia ( Maybe some old emperor of Romanian empire?
TiffanyEnglishI would not count on her much... I don't know why. Very varied google hits.-1
Tiffi, TiffyEnglishShort for Tiffany. Say .tif?-1
Tita?I don't know... Sounds like clock' sound.-1
Tolena?This one was interesting. I would have placed this in Spain. Google revealed hits in mid-east, which lead to p-tolema-ic ( Is it really used as a name? Nah.-1
Toreena, Toleena?Has an RPG feels. Seems to be actually used as a name, albeit rarely. 'l' variation sounds good as well, still noth worth a +1.
Torria?Thor? Not really.-1
Tulla?I don't know...
Tyka?Maybe RPG-ish? Is it a real name? Google is white noise. Tick-tock. Very fast and easy pronunciation in neo-latin. Unsure about english. Could actually work.+1
VibiaLatinDon't know.
VolusaLatinSounds archaic.-1
VopiscaLatinSounds archaic. Or maybe like a place.-1
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on November 06, 2010, 03:41:19 AM
Man soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much names here
Why not choose only 10 best ones? :redlander: ?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on November 09, 2010, 02:26:39 AM
It's your fault!  ;)
This seemed so collaborative I didn't feel right at just vote my favs. I also wanted to make sure they were further considered for wide reception.
They are not really much, I just took all the names you guys suggested and organized them consistently. In retrospec however, I think the forum is not the right tool for this. Maybe a google spreadsheet would be better... but I'm probably taking this too seriously!
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on November 09, 2010, 07:38:04 AM
why not. Taking seriously might bring better results :heart:
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 06, 2011, 11:52:57 PM
Seems the name of the Main character is up in the air still. XD

Hmm, thinking of actually making you be able to play all of the characters so far with a "Player swap" to another Guardian, making use of special attacks per character instead of one having all.

Of course, there should be one character that you have "full control" over as being the main character, but it's still up in the air.
So far Renia is the "demo" character.

Going to take out all the +s you made, UserK to see what we have in the "top", since you and me agree on most of the names.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on March 18, 2011, 02:11:56 AM
it also could be Rimia - a swaped M and R :)
LOL also could play with combiation of AAIMR a letters from original name
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 18, 2011, 02:20:56 AM
Don't think that's a good idea, Arseniy. ;)
We can make use of our fantasy as this character is not connected to the original as they weren't present in that "timeline" of TGL.

I think we have alot of name suggestions here already that we can make use of, UserK made a quite good list of the one that sounds better or easily fits in.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on March 18, 2011, 08:35:26 AM
I actually tried to make a google spreadsheet so everyone of you can contribute.
The goal was to provide a "feel" of how the various names sounded like in the various places of the world (neo-latin for me).
I added very little besides the feeling, most names were already there to start with (I don't remember who proposed them).
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on March 18, 2011, 09:04:21 AM
If we choose like 10 best names and me or someone create poll with them, then I will send newsletter so we will have some votes. :redlander:
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 18, 2011, 09:49:43 PM
Well... I know this is pretty biased... But I really like the name Sakura (Japanese name meaning Cherry or Cherry blossoms) I personally would use this name because it's a japanese game, and it would keep with the RED theme of the main character.

Physical stats? I would say:
eye color: red (unlike Miria's blue)
hair color: lavender (pale blueish purple)
hair style: short (cut down to mid-neck), bangs cut and hanging over forehead, center fade
breast size(she's female! we can't forget this.): A cup (smaller means more athletic :P)
age: 16-20 (sometimes age can change the cuteness level and she needs to be cute XD)
height: 4 ft, 11 in (not too tall, she needs to be able to fit in smaller spaces)
weight: 105 lbs (she needs to be skinny, but not too skinny)

As for personality: a girl who acts violent yet is actually very innocent behind her somewhat dark "shell". She should actually be willing to risk her life to save someone she doesn't even know. She should also get embarrassed easily (normally she'll get mad when she's embarrassed :P). Maybe if she is with more people she could develop a love interest as well.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 18, 2011, 10:15:56 PM
Sadly Sakura is a heavily used name, which I would like to avoid as I wish for using a more original or less used name. ;)

Although I do like your Physical status suggestion, although I wonder if Red would be a good choice. Then again they are cyborgs, but wouldn't it be better to go for something more humanish?

Also, her personality is heavily biased(You said it!) that almost it's always that persona in most anime/Manga/stories from Japan. ;)
Stereotypes helps out, but getting alittle bit more uniqueness to steer clear from "Just another fan game with stereotypes and archtypes.".

Lavender sounds like a good idea though, also her Hairstyle is just gorgeous on how you explained it.^^

Let me see if I can draw up something akin to what you seek.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on March 19, 2011, 10:15:04 AM
Quote from: zeldatimelinefreak on March 18, 2011, 09:49:43 PMeye color: red (unlike Miria's blue)
Red? That would scare the crap out of me in the real world. I suppose I'd take it as a pixel artifact in a sprite.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 12:32:29 AM
I guess I can see where you're going with the name and personality, but I feel that someone who is forced upon this task would end up very similar to this personality anyway... you can tweak it around if you want! I do have other names though; Sakura (I still think it's a nice name, and it kind of fits the hair style in a way) was just my personal favorite.
My other choices (Staying with the japanese theme, some may sound better with -Chan at the end) are: Misaki, Hikaru, Natsumi, Chii, Yasuko, Haruhi, Mariko, Akari, Itsuki, Rina, Neko, Maru, Hikari, Kuro, Shiro, and Midori. I feel Misaki would be the best alternative if you decide on a different name XD.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on March 20, 2011, 12:38:44 AM
I like Misaki but in russian it would sound a bit awkward because of some similarity with piss. I not feel S letter to be in the name. So if to mix Sakura and Misaki without S it would be something like Mikaru or Maruki
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 02:29:17 AM
Maruki is actually translatable from japanese, but it's definition is log :-\. The characters to spell it are 丸木. Check google translator if you want to see.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on March 20, 2011, 04:16:31 AM
haha! Log would be pretty stupid name XD
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on March 20, 2011, 04:25:25 AM
Log in the sense of "slice of wood"? I don't know if it is bad. I can tell by sure "maruki" has a strange "shape" in neo-latin it doesn't sound "natively" jap to me.

While we're at it, anyone has (english) updates on Japan' situation for today?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 05:13:34 AM
Yes it means wood... Don't forget that there are other name suggestions! Sakura and Misaki were just my 2 favorites because they (atleast to me) fit the hair style.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 30, 2011, 01:25:45 PM
We need to progress more on the name >:(!!! It's been 10 days since I posted on this and no replies! I have more names in my list than what two we've been looking at! Tell me which ones you like, or make a name of your own! Come on and make suggestions, or take one from my list if you feel like it!
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on March 30, 2011, 07:17:04 PM
what is your list? or you mean the names been mentioned in this topic?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 31, 2011, 01:41:02 PM
Quote from: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 12:32:29 AM
My other choices (Staying with the japanese theme, some may sound better with -Chan at the end) are: Misaki, Hikaru, Natsumi, Chii, Yasuko, Haruhi, Mariko, Akari, Itsuki, Rina, Neko, Maru, Hikari, Kuro, Shiro, and Midori.
This is the list of names I came up with, remember -_-? But like I said, you can make your own names if you want (By the way, Chan is an honorific. There are others (Kun, San, and Chan), but girls can only use San (for older women or just people you don't know in general) and Chan (for younger people, more specifically children or teenagers and can also be used for nicknames) as their honorific. Kun is normally a non-formal honorific for men.).
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 31, 2011, 04:38:19 PM
I actually like the name Iona quite alot. It's "neutral" name, of course we don't have to give her a second name. But Iona is both powerful, beautiful and cannot be connected to any current country.  =3

Should really get this list going of what I liked eh.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on April 06, 2011, 07:55:17 PM
Quite... I feel that if we finally obtain a name we can create a background story for her as well... So how are we gonna do this? Are we gonna make a poll? Are we going to use my idea of her physical and emotional features (in other words: does anyone else have an idea on her body, hair, and personality types?)? We should also have her suit as another detail! I don't think we should use the same red suit, maybe a blue suit since I said her eyes should be red. I've made my suggestions and we need more details on her background story! I think we should make a new subject on this matter though.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 06, 2011, 11:38:35 PM
Poll omcourse.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on April 07, 2011, 05:03:18 PM
Quote from: zeldatimelinefreak on April 06, 2011, 07:55:17 PM
Quite... I feel that if we finally obtain a name we can create a background story for her as well... So how are we gonna do this? Are we gonna make a poll? Are we going to use my idea of her physical and emotional features (in other words: does anyone else have an idea on her body, hair, and personality types?)? We should also have her suit as another detail! I don't think we should use the same red suit, maybe a blue suit since I said her eyes should be red. I've made my suggestions and we need more details on her background story! I think we should make a new subject on this matter though.

I already added several characters that'll make an appearance in another thread. As for the main character, we'll go through it more once it's been decided, I already have some ideas as well for her.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 08, 2011, 01:09:50 AM
Why do you go with several character man? One will be enough work with and after it will be possible to create another story with other character. Maybe someone else will do it.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on April 08, 2011, 01:17:03 AM
There'll be deaths, Arseniy.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 08, 2011, 05:02:16 AM
what you mean?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on April 08, 2011, 07:41:52 AM
Simply, some/most of the characters will die.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on April 08, 2011, 12:14:53 PM
I've got some suggestions for those deaths!!! Maybe the new girl's mentor dies sometime in the middle of the game(she'll be captured then when you reach her she'll be killed right in front of the main girl's eyes). I also think that her parents should die (not before the story, but near the beginning to see her scream in sorrow(sorry I've got some REALLY dark ideas...)). Of course if we were to do her parents like that it would be something like Naju's remaining aliens found Earth and went on a rampage, and our new heroine sees her parents die in the crossfire. She then kills quite an amount of Naju aliens with just a Knife (if we do the original gameplay it would be like a short beam sword that does very little damage :P). She shows potential as a guardian and is accepted as the newest guardian with the help of her soon to be mentor. The guardians clear Earth of the Naju aliens and head off to find the remaining forces. They find out that the remnants of Naju are divided into XX sections and that each section holds the power for the next one's forcefield (yes the areas will be protected by forcefields). In area X your mentor will be captured, and you have a choice: go find her, or destroy the area with her on it. The choice will effect the other guardians reactions to your mentor's death (example: Go destroy the area: "You could of saved her!!!" Go save her: "It wasn't your fault"). You finally reach the final section; a labyrinth of twists and turns that could confuse anyone! You finally reach the corridor and prepare to defeat the new and improved IT. You fight many familiar bosses and some you've never seen before. At the end you destroy the final section, Naju's remnants are no more and IT takes on all of the guardians at once (except you) and all the remaining guardians except Miria die; she falls back... IT was the one who killed your mentor, you saw IT kill her! You fly into the battle alone and battle IT with everything you've got. In the end you weren't strong enough alone... Miria comes back to help! With your powers combined (multiplayer?) IT is finally killed. You two fly back home and get a celebration to remember. Of course there are going to be more deaths between the beginning and the end as well :o! Maybe a teammate dies in area 2 because she underestimated the area's enemies. Damn this is long, but is it what you were expecting RandomSpriter?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on April 08, 2011, 04:01:02 PM
Actually, you're quite close to it, but not that close. ^^

There'll be 2 deaths at the very first intro stage, I won't reveal who or what or when, that's for when I am done with the demo.
There'll also be, counted on hand, 3 more deaths during the exploration mode storyline(Even one rips out her spine and back from behind due to "something":)

To be honest, I*m trying to stay away from cliche's as much as possible. If it's been viewed 1000 times already I want to make something abit more fresh.
The mentor, you'll see who later, will actually be the only one that's alive, except for the main character, until a certain condition is met.

It's hard not to reveal too much on what I had in mind already. :P
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on April 10, 2011, 11:29:57 AM
On a scale of 1 - 10 how close was I :P?
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: RandomSpriter on April 10, 2011, 11:42:26 AM
Quote from: zeldatimelinefreak on April 10, 2011, 11:29:57 AM
On a scale of 1 - 10 how close was I :P?

2. ;)
But I'll not show the script as it's rather spoilerish. And it's not final either.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on May 23, 2011, 09:15:49 AM
It's been over a month and still no poll -_-'... We also need some more boss ideas as well, but that's a different post!
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: Golbez on April 22, 2012, 12:29:35 AM
From RandomSpriter's post on page 3, I like


Arseniy on page 4: "it also could be Rimia - a swaped M and R"

I think an elegant adaptation of this would be

"Rimaya" (Ruh MY yuh")

And I came up with one I'd like to contribute that I think would be a good name, with the same stress pattern as Rimaya:

Rinoa  (Rih NO uh)

Various other spellings: Rinowa, Renowa, Wrinoa, etc.

I think boss names would come after the design of the boss, so that the image can be taken into consideration. I feel that "Fleepa" was designed this way, being a fish with a big fin like "Flipper." So seeing the object/boss might allow for some clever word play. Threadsurrected!
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on April 22, 2012, 02:01:29 AM
Yeah well ) yeah nice.

We also thought to name the sequel game The Legend of Miria.

But is not closed yet. So if the girl name changes, then the name of the game would change too.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: AlastorSX on October 18, 2012, 07:47:35 PM
Maybe Altrisha? Sounds Angelic, and guardian like IMO.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: UserK on October 19, 2012, 03:36:07 AM
I wouldn't say so. I took a stab at geographic issues some time ago. It's a pain to deal with.
It sounds quite complex in my language. "Miria" has a short, decise sound. Or at least it sound so here. How does it sound to Japanase people? To Russians? To English-speaking people? Maybe we could work on this method instead.

We don't even know if we want it to sound similar - as a continuation - or clearly different.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: AlastorSX on October 20, 2012, 04:42:50 PM
If similar, Marina (Mayor-In-A) is of japanese origin if I spelled it correctly. Almost sounds like Marinate lol. I am at a loss at the moment so let me think on it.
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: arseniy on October 21, 2012, 12:22:45 AM
Quote from: AlastorSX on October 20, 2012, 04:42:50 PM
If similar, Marina (Mayor-In-A) is of japanese origin if I spelled it correctly. Almost sounds like Marinate lol. I am at a loss at the moment so let me think on it.

Marina is totally russian name hehe!
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: AlastorSX on October 21, 2012, 10:22:42 AM
I like it. It is a nick name in the anime series "shuffle!" But since it is Russian, and easily pronounced, not too bad a name. I am sure someone will come up with an epic name that will get the whole lot of us pumped up!
Title: Re: New girl name
Post by: EinhanderZwei on October 22, 2012, 07:32:15 AM
Quote from: arseniy on October 21, 2012, 12:22:45 AM
Quote from: AlastorSX on October 20, 2012, 04:42:50 PM
If similar, Marina (Mayor-In-A) is of japanese origin if I spelled it correctly. Almost sounds like Marinate lol. I am at a loss at the moment so let me think on it.

Marina is totally russian name hehe!
...of Latin origin, BTW  :P
But yeah, I like that. Its 'aquatic' ('marina' is actually 'aquatic' in Latin) meaning complements 80% of the enemies, which are fish-like... only if the remake/sequel would have 80% fish-like enemies, of course  :skull: