Intro Stage current idea:
"With the probable destruction of Naju, and during the Guardian's entrance back to Earth, she encounters "IT" and defeats it.
However the IT was more tolerable and Survivable then first thought, as IT exploded, a huge "shell" of it's skull was sent towards Earth. As the humans thought it would burn up once it entered the atmosphere, they just gave a warning to the close city, Jourun, to evacuate in case of smaller debris hitting the city.
However, the shell itself was tolerable enough to not incinerate, but as it was closing into it's impact point, even evolving the Alien germs on the shell to evolve themselves to higher sentinent beings within minutes. As the shell impacted, it's impact broke the sound barrier and devastated Jourun with rock debris falling and the sound breaking the glass buildings inside Jourun.
The Human forces retaliated immediatly to the site, sending over the original Guardians, Miria and Alyssa, with the newly accepted System DPs, Lydia, Renia and Maria. To investigate the crater and if aliens were at the impact point, eliminate them and clear the city of the infestation.
As the Harrier Ship(See it as Aircraft Carrier.) neared the city of Jourun, the System DPs, Code Named "The Guardians.", set off towards Jourun to assess and dismiss the threat of the World."
This is merely the Intro stage so it's not going to be hard or anything.
As the Mission begins you will see all Guardians taking off from the Harrier Ship, and flying over water towards Jourun, during the flight we'll have a small Commander Talk and after that, all Guardians split up to clear the sectors they got ordered too, leaving the new "Playable Character" for him or herself to take the sector we'll be flying through.
As the flight of the monster seems pretty scarse at first. With the view of the Beach that it's flying over, later turning to grass, Roads and small homes, and then finally the City. As the closer we get to the mid of the city, the enemies is starting to REALLY pile up, even overwhelming. During this 20-30 seconds of flight, you were to survive and keep yourself alive, until Lydia joins into the fray as a NPC and will support your fire.
The Destruction of Jourun becomes more clear and clear, with destroyed buildings, concrete and most of the glasses shattered. At the first sight of the crater, a huge beam of matter comes from the mid of the crater and hits Lydia straight on. She will crash land on the ground below, but will survive. During this she will tell over the intercom to her fellow Guardian she is retreating due to injury.
As the closer to the crater, less and less enemies are starting to come. (It's more fair since it's a new char your playing that haven't been a guardian for a while.)
As soon we enter the impact point, we'll see a piece of "ITb", as the Shell looks something of a skull now with a "Snake" body. But the neck of the Snake head is stuck in the ground and unable to move. And this is the boss fight. Shouldn't be hard as Alyssa already weakend it before it came to earth.
As soon this fight is over, you turn around Ala TGL style and head for the Harrier.
After this, I'm pretty much blank at the moment. But so far I think the best aim is to get the Guardians to Naji.
I take it it's too much to read? :P
I not like that Guardians sounds like that simple. U know there is no much mystery you leaving behind them. Reading this I feel like there is total control of producing Guardians like one die next one gets in production. I think better be one Guardian for the whole game otherwise we make another Marvel universe.
You know I m against the most of modern movies plots by very serious reason. The super heroes movies has this very visible to the eye.
The problem is with psychology. It's like an ill myths. The old myths as you may know slightly describe or reflect very subconscious processes of the humans. That is why psychology has lots of names from there.
The modern movies suggest neurotical and psychotical behave model to the people. Not only movies and games but I relate to them as we doing same work.
I would be pretty against to have this in any game I relate to. I will try to make inputs to correct game flow into healthy stream and ask anyone to try do same. Of course I can mistake as well. I m not professional psychologist.
You maybe know that mythology was used in movies and games production very heavily. Since the producer's interest of the money is number one we have a lot of sick schemes in the games and movies instead of real mythologycal themes.
Would you like to avoid that in The Guardian Legend sequel if you know about this?
I would suggest to watch some movies about GMO - genetically modified organism - I mean the movies that talk about "dark side" of GMO. Not sure which ones in english but since the problem hard to keep a secret anymore it should be very available.
This way you can see how weak technology is and how much filthy pride human has yet. That is why there cannot be other Guardians yet. Because we are not smart enough to think up this balanced.
The thing I like in TGL that it feels really deep compare to other games. I always feel like there is some mystery behind it. I think this is because TGL displays some subconscious themes in graphics. Many games do that but not the same.
I can understand your viewpoint to the comparrison about Marvel Universe quite clearly.
Creating so many Guardian Suits, but if the world is in danger(Before Naju exploded) I thought humankind would not conserve their resources to create the suits more often during that time. Once Naju was gone, they would conserve again.
If our world would be in danger of a complete wipeout. Wouldn't you do the same and do everything possible to make Earth have a chance to survive?
That includes overimbursing to create the Guardian Suit that Miria wore.
Once Miria was shipped out into Naju to find a way to remove the Space station, the other Guardians was created after she departed, just in case she would fail they would be able to send another one to try and save their World.
It's something you said, once the World is in a threat, we would unify and with our Stubborness as humans, achieve the chance for another chance to live.
Humans wouldn't care about anything else then theirselves, not about the eco system, not about the balance. Just everything possible to survive.
That's the reason why I thought about several character, Guardians in particular.
Quote from: arseniy on May 11, 2010, 10:31:38 PM
Well... I think better be one Guardian for the whole game
i also think there should be only 1 Guardian....maybe a small appearance by Miria for a story segment.
maybe on the first boss, we get hurt or we cant damage him(the boss) and Miria shows up to help us with her fully upgraded fireball, and she just smokes the first boss with no problem. but then the final boss (or one of the final boss's henchmen) show up and annihilate Miria and take her captive. and we have to go get all of our upgrades and save her
yes, i know, its kinda cliche, but i think its a decent idea
So you're thinking of a "lower quality" suit then compared to the one Miria got?
Something that's way weaker but more mass produceable in comparrison?
Cause if Miria is the only Guardian, who are you going to play as, is a better question?
I think he meant that Miria is experienced guardian and you are novice and not upgraded yet but both are same kind.
@Megadeth502 that's such a cliche everybody will say - that was sooooo predictable meh... :P Megaman series immediatelly comes to my mind XD
But if the new character is a Guardian, but there is only ONE Guardian, makes Miria not a...
An answer here would be nice.
If Miria is the only Guardian, who are we going to play as? Lesser guardians? Not a guardian at all, Hero?
Quote from: RandomSpriter on May 15, 2010, 01:57:15 PM
An answer here would be nice.
If Miria is the only Guardian, who are we going to play as? Lesser guardians? Not a guardian at all, Hero?
Miria not exist anymore. Thats the answer for another guardian hero. Maybe Guardian can live only 5 years.
You want Miria dead!? O.o How rude!
Hmmm, really don't think that's a good idea really.
Most people really want to see Miria again in some way or other.
Quote from: RandomSpriter on May 16, 2010, 06:22:08 AM
You want Miria dead!? O.o How rude!
Hmmm, really don't think that's a good idea really.
Most people really want to see Miria again in some way or other.
Hm.. Well I m not the one who desire to see Miria also it could be not direct sequel - remember? Then there no need to talk about Miria or Naju etc but making a new plot but with same and improved game mechanics and concept - top down ADV+Vertical SHMUP. Ya I also would vote for walking from one screen to another. I not think to make scrolling in adventure mode is good idea. I would keep going from one screen to another.
You'll only scroll(Up to down) in TGL mode(The SHMUP mode), while room to room scroll only in adventure, just as the original. It's one of it's charms after all.
So far, Direct Sequel is in the poll lead after all. =/
With not so much voters yet. Well I think direct or non-direct it both will be very intresting stuff
Well, I already made up a more sci fi story if it's a direct sequel, or a possible adventure to Naji Najo and Naja with a more "explore" part story.
It'll be fun to see which one it becomes. :P