The Guardian Legend

Sequel of The Game => Basic ideas for the sequel => Topic started by: RandomSpriter on May 17, 2010, 07:57:38 PM

Title: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 17, 2010, 07:57:38 PM
Well, the topic says it all.
What kind of bosses would you love to see in the sequel?

I already sprited a concept idea of a boss, a three eyed snake thing. :P

Name: Unknown?
Description: A exoskeleton snake, with most of the flesh part is hollow, and constructed mostly of skeleton bonematerial.
Three eyed, big gaping mouth, also stuck in the ground with it's body except the snake neck and head.
Attack Pattern1: Waves it's head in a slow pace of a 8, opening it's mouth once the player is right below the head to shoot several energy beams towards the player position
Attack Pattern2: Once 1 wave of 8 has been done, it'll move it's head backwards to the edge of the screen, and then strike with the head towards the player on the screen, High dmg.
Attack Pattern3: Once 25% health is left, the 8 movement pattern will change to z in a faster movement, shooting the energy beams each time it's passing, does not strike with it's head anymore.

Remember, due to the TGL game, most of the bosses had eyes being a big part of the boss, don't forget it. ;)
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on May 18, 2010, 09:11:14 PM
Well the bosses should be as big as original has but I would vote against the bosses that aref huger than screen . Some Shmups has it but I not see any charm in it it's more like programming power than really a good gameplay :\
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 18, 2010, 10:00:41 PM
Actually I had a plan on a long beast thing for a boss. :P
You'll see it later on.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on May 18, 2010, 11:49:24 PM
Quote from: RandomSpriter on May 18, 2010, 10:00:41 PM
Actually I had a plan on a long beast thing for a boss. :P
You'll see it later on.
oh noez...
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on May 19, 2010, 02:34:56 AM
Quote from: arseniy on May 18, 2010, 11:49:24 PM
Quote from: RandomSpriter on May 18, 2010, 10:00:41 PM
Actually I had a plan on a long beast thing for a boss. :P
You'll see it later on.
oh noez...

It's not big, just long. =P
Besides, it's just an idea so far.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: teremochek on June 24, 2010, 06:55:23 AM
Quote from: RandomSpriter on May 17, 2010, 07:57:38 PM
Remember, due to the TGL game, most of the bosses had eyes being a big part of the boss, don't forget it. ;)
Has well noticed!
It is very important detail.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 06, 2011, 11:50:16 PM
I'm keeping the eyes as a big focus, don't worry.
It's called the Eye balls game for a reason. Tere. ^^

As for bosses, the "demo" I'm working on at the moment, is trying to fix up the bosses and code in GML to make it easier to "use" or "change".
Also, there'll be quite a....few "revisits" of the bosses from TGL classic one. You'll see once I am done with it, about 1/10th done of the bosses you'll see.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 11, 2011, 08:47:16 AM
For example, remember this guy?(I buffed him up a few sizes.)


Of course, not final yet, going to add more colours and darkness once I get around the Texting UI Code.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on March 11, 2011, 09:45:34 AM
it looks much better here than original. Yay!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 19, 2011, 01:41:34 AM
well... there's only 1 custom boss idea so far... here's my idea!

(http://tglcustombossideabasic.png) hope this image uploads, it's a rough draft that took me quite a few minutes.

Name: Dropha
Description: Giant membrane encased in diamond with an eye in the middle. Diamond spins clockwise.
Attack Pattern 1: Moves similar to Optomon but moves up and down freely to strike. Fires 1 turret bullet at a time when eye is open. Opens and closes eye at random. (when eye is open it's vulnerable)
Attack Pattern 2: At 50% health diamond starts to crack. fires 3 turret bullets. Eye starts to open less.
Attack Pattern 3: At 25% health diamond is destroyed showing brain-like membrane. Constantly fires turret bullets. Eye stays open because it has no shielding.

Any spriter can pick up on the image and make higher detail and/or a full sprite sheet if you want. Anyway... Does it sound good?
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: UserK on March 19, 2011, 10:16:54 AM
I like very geometric bosses.
Can you make it shiny?
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 19, 2011, 11:57:43 AM
I was actually thinking of doing that but I also wanted to keep it 8-bit... I'll see what i can do with 3 just colors per sprite!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on March 20, 2011, 12:18:32 AM
I like the concept of this boss. But please lets not stick to 8-bit :grimgrin:
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 01:48:41 AM
I did some editing and this is how it came out :P!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on March 20, 2011, 02:01:48 AM
so it's like u shoot the armor from it and under it it is biologic?
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 02:55:27 AM
Pretty much, but like I said: anyone can edit this to increase the quality and/or add animations such as the diamond spinning, the membrane's details, or even making the diamond transparent to show the membrane inside.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on March 20, 2011, 04:15:06 AM
probably a work for 3d programm
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: UserK on March 20, 2011, 04:19:49 AM
A fairly well known anime had an enemy like this. See ( (fairly sure you know that already)
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 10:37:11 AM
*Smacks forehead* Quite... I actually played a sim-date based off of this anime before, but I didn't even have this in mind when I made my boss idea...
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on March 20, 2011, 11:47:40 AM
Crystals is common theme in games. I think it's okay. Maybe it should be some improved but overal it's okay.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 20, 2011, 05:20:12 PM
You mean like this?

Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 06:10:59 PM
Looks pretty good lol, but it needs to fly around like :optomon: and be able to swoop down to ram into you once in a while. Plus it's eye needs to close when it's invulnerable.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 20, 2011, 06:13:47 PM
The eye on the outside of it, the red one, is when it's outside.
Once it's out of the glass container, it'll be attackable, until then, it's the glass that needs to be broken...
Not so easily though....

Like this? :P
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 20, 2011, 06:27:23 PM
I knew the red eye was when it's outside lol... The glass container idea is actually pretty good though!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on March 20, 2011, 10:56:47 PM
look kewl. RandomSpriter you did that?
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 20, 2011, 11:42:11 PM
In about 1 hour yeah.
Just wanted to see how it looked like if it was in game.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on March 21, 2011, 02:31:24 AM
looks good tho I would say - meh 8-bit :P
:heart: :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 23, 2011, 12:47:50 AM
Sorry for being bad with graphics. :(
Or Coding.
Or game overall!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on March 23, 2011, 03:13:24 AM
The graphics is awesome for 8 bit man. I meant my preference is not 8 bit but full color in big resolution. That's all.
The boss looks really kewl for 8 bit. :heart:
But since it's your final decicion I will try to not poke about 8 bit graphics!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 23, 2011, 03:44:48 AM
I don't focus much on the graphics, so 8 bit for now, I'll go up higher once i got the engine running.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: UserK on March 23, 2011, 11:54:31 AM
I'm not into 8-bit much but the work is fairly impressive to me.
The background looks really fuzzy on my monitor.
Crystals are common because they are cool!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 23, 2011, 12:50:06 PM
It was just a mock up, a concept of the boss, not the real textures or anything.
I don't want to spend too much on concepts as they are just that. ;)
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: teremochek on March 28, 2011, 10:18:50 AM
The boss the Crystal, not ordinary idea. A good Eye!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on March 30, 2011, 02:16:38 PM
I guess we've got my first idea finished XD! Anymore ideas before the next one? No? Okay!

Name: Tentastar
Description: Name should speak for itself, but it's shaped like a 4 pointed star that has tentacles coming from the bottom (?) area. It has 2 tentacles with eyes at the end coming out of the top inner corners and an eye in the center (Is this a trend?).
Attack pattern 1: Moves similar to :grimgrin: but has 2 hitboxes (top half does less than bottom half). Shoots :optomon: beams out of center eye and :eyeblue: out of other two eyes.

There should be multiple versions of this boss as well!

Once again, anyone who wants to change this is welcome to do so since this is just a basic layout :P!

EDIT: Key note! The tentacles MUST move!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on March 31, 2011, 04:37:00 PM
Hmm... I think I have an idea from what you showed me...

Give me a few hours and I'll see if I can...
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: UserK on April 02, 2011, 01:47:38 AM
What if the tentacles "grow" with time up to a certain length?
A tentacle can soak a bullet only if it can completely absorb it. If the tentacle can absorb a bullet, then roll a chance of happening.
They have hit points independent from the star and start at 0, adding - say - 5 hp/sec.
The more HP a tentacle has, the longer it is.

The more powerful the boss is, the more tentacles it gets. Max tentacle length is also increased (and possibly even chance to soak).
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on April 02, 2011, 10:51:23 AM
Actually that sounds like a good idea since it's center (right under the eye) should be open, and that would mean improving on your accuracy more. I'm also thinking that the final boss should implement parts from every boss before it, and this with a smaller window would be great for the challenge of the game. I think I have an idea of what IT should look like in this sequel/fan game (IT would have evolved quickly to adapt to certain things (won't look anything like in the first game), and would be the biggest challenge of all). I'll make a basic idea sprite later! I'll just focus on this for now XD!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on April 06, 2011, 08:19:31 PM
To believe this whole day was almost post-less without me -_-'... This boss needs it's renovations and I already know we've got some spriters on this site! I've come up with 2 of the 3 "custom" boss ideas on this page and we need more!!! I'll be glad to let my mind out as a boss designer, but we need to complete the ones we've already made first >:(. I don't mean to sound rude but we really need to work on these things, and quickly! We WILL make this game as awesome as the original! Maybe even better!!!
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on April 06, 2011, 11:40:44 PM
Also keep some bosses from original. Like fleepa,optomon,grimgrin,eyeballs and Naju's Defense Turrets :)

I liked teremochek's idea about few bosses on screen at same time.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on April 07, 2011, 02:15:24 PM
Of course we need to keep old bosses XD! But we also need new ones as well, and that's were I can come in :P! I wouldn't want to be the only boss designer though... I just love this game so much, and to be part of an unofficial sequel just makes me so happy XD! I also think that if we remake the old bosses that they should have somewhat different movement styles; not extremely different, but more fluent. Do you understand what I mean? The best example I guess would be Ocarina of Time 3DS. If you pay attention to it, enemies and bosses move more fluently than in the N64/GCN version. Of course I'm exited for it, but that's not supposed to be on this page :P. :optomon: is DEFINITELY going to be cheapest in his blue form again though (Light speed seaweed!!!).
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: RandomSpriter on April 07, 2011, 05:02:11 PM
Even if we got spriters on this site, we still have things to do outside of the TGL things. ;)

Anyway, I'm back for a while again. And I've been thinking about the base design of your ideas.
This is JUST a blueprint of the early stages on how the boss can be commenced.

as you can see, I read here in this thread about ideas to this boss, so far this is how I see him in the final game if it'll be released.
Giving him the "meatshield" that he can use for both defense and offense(This boss is 5 TYPES of bosses in one, remember that.). 2 "arms", Top(The Control brain of the other 4 pieces.), The shield and the eye/feast.
Tentacles I'll add later since they are rather hard to do in this size.

Another point I wish to make is also that I'll keep this "Organical" boss rather then a "Computing boss" like previous one.

Quote from: arseniy on April 06, 2011, 11:40:44 PM
Also keep some bosses from original. Like fleepa,optomon,grimgrin,eyeballs and Naju's Defense Turrets :)

I liked teremochek's idea about few bosses on screen at same time.

You'll LOVE what I've done for the Dragon Boss in the intro stage then if you like BIg resolutions. ;)
I'll show him off later once he's done.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: arseniy on April 08, 2011, 01:06:55 AM
This is looking cool! I don't see necessary of tentacles. I think this thing looks good without tentacles and also it's rather intresting soldier guard creature. Also the color choose is cool too.
He don't seem to be able to shoot until his front shield got destroyed.
Title: Re: Concept Ideas(Bosses)
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on April 08, 2011, 11:07:41 AM
I actually did want this boss to be organic XD. I wasn't really thinking much about removable arms though :-\, but it actually looks very good :P!!! I hope the finished product is even better than I imagined!!!