No idea how i actually ended up here; oh well.
Going in any direction off the map causes the game to freeze, though
There are plenty of bizzare glitches outside. Some are really great.
For example:
Wow... I never knew it had any glitches. I know in the final area, there is a baracade if you run at just right, you go through it and that is it. Discovered it while doing my last play through.
what is baracade and where is it in the game?
I remember it is the red bricks in the final area. If you run towards it in a diagonal motion, you can go through it near the bottom. I will try to get a screen shot of it for you next time I play through. If you do a play through of the original, try it on all the red barriers you see, and you will surely find it too. It was entirely by accident that I did.
I made this video just for you. Never made an emulator video before now, so you should feel special :bluelander:
May or may not be seen as useful. I used a password I found online just for the purpose of making the video.
Oh! I just tested every barrier that went vertically and this trick can be applied at any of them in the final area. I believe I have tried other areas with the red barrier with no success but let me get back to you on that. I may run some tests later. I made a video of me going through multiple barriers which I will edit and post, although I don't think it is necessary. BTW I just didn't care about taking damage. You don't have to be hit or anything special to walk through the barriers :-) may save you from having to go around a few times lol.
Here it is! hopefully this is something new and interesting that no one has seen before. I even got the site's address on the screen.
If you go the wrong way, definitely not a problem anymore :-p I will test some other areas with the same kind of barriers to make sure, but I am pretty sure this is the only area you can do it.
Alright, this will hopefully be my last post here on the topic, but I have confirmed you can indeed go through any red barrier in any area, EXCEPT I was unable to in Optomon's Mod, TGL - Secret. I am going to take a break from my one million posts on this forum :p
Quote from: AlastorSX on October 21, 2012, 05:55:21 PM
Alright, this will hopefully be my last post here on the topic, but I have confirmed you can indeed go through any red barrier in any area, EXCEPT I was unable to in Optomon's Mod, TGL - Secret. I am going to take a break from my one million posts on this forum :p
you can do it in his rom hack
Awesome. I haven't been able to get it to work personally but good that it does. I will keep trying.
This trick depeneds on the speed. When Miria become fast enough she can go through any barriers and even slightly into the walls.
I thought you meant you had some stuff that let you go out of map or something like that.
No lol. I have experienced the wall trick though. There is also the trick of hitting a blue chip diagonally with blocks to the left or right of it, and below it to restore health and chips, but other than that, bot a whole lot I know when it comes to secrets.