The Guardian Legend

Original Game => Rom Hacks, MODs, Plugins => Topic started by: Quoise Games on February 19, 2015, 04:11:52 PM

Title: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on February 19, 2015, 04:11:52 PM
Enjoy TGL: WORLDS, a journey through alternate realities of Naju.  Experience new cooridors, twisting labyrinths, easy and unfair fights, and more!

Unzip the program and open TGLWorlds.html. Upload a standard TGL.nes file and a new world will be generated for you. 

Currently on version 1.0. More changes to come

File attached.

Special thanks to all the members of this forum, especially those of you who have posted information about the ROM's data.

Eventually, I want to randomize how corridors are unlocked.  If anyone wants to contribute any information concerning the corridor unlocking feature, I would be grateful.  Or if anyone wants to work with me in general on the next release, or just wants specific information about the hack was done, just let me know.

[edit ] version 1.0 is more like inspiration for the hack.  You'll see that its unbalanced, there are some strange cooridors, there is an easy way to win or lose.  some cooridors are near emtpy or have graphically glitched enemes, some bosses have seemingly endless hp or super low hp.   So feel free to post what you like/don't like/what you'd like to see and we'll try to get that in the next version.

[edit] version 1.1 is now attached.  In this version you can select the type of things you want changed.
Hope ya like it. If you don't, it will mean that I have failed.  :bluelander:

[edit] Version 1.2 is now attached.  Makes Boss HP reasonable, removes problem with empty corridors,  unique boss for each corridor, only has corridors 1 - 21 in labyrinth.

[edit] Version 1.3 is now attached.  Randomization of enemy movement patterns.

[edit] Version 1.4 is now attached. Spruced up the interface, added Change Data Log feature, which prints out all the data that has been changed. You can also modify this text file and reupload it to  change the file you're creating. This is the file you'd post on the internet to share with others, if you want them to play your world (or a feature of your world). It's not fully completed yet though.  Also make sure that weapons atleast cost 1 chip, and chip value should be within the range of weapon strength.

[edit] Version 1.5 is now attached.  Added corridor brakes. Pressing start will bring the corridor speed to 0.  Also reduced occurances of Claw Bot.

[edit] Version 1.6 is up. Added "Fighting Chance". When running low on HP, you'll earn a small boost of HP after destroying some enemies, just enough to give you a fighting chance.

[edit] Version 1.7 is up.  Fixed Corridor 17, added few lines of random text. Made all weapons on all levels show random speed.  Toned down random movement patterns

[edit] Got the Speed Racer up (download available here,2001.msg8049.html#msg8049). This is basically a streamlined labyrinth master with all the corridors and areas in order. Balanced and good for completion race challenges.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on February 20, 2015, 04:48:57 AM
it randomly generates every time?
[edit] - i see. It does generate randomly. I m not sure about good color generation because my eyes feel pain from what there is generated.
[edit2] - seems funny but hardly playable. More like a source of inspiration for ф hack :)
anyway acid color ruins the fun.
Also the bosses should be more random and bosses from corridors should be possible to be in walk-mode, and bosses from walk-mode should be possible in corridors. Balance of this is bad. I stumbled on that "sun" miniboss and it wasn't hard but had so much HP I'm tired to run around, I turned on cheat.
[edit3] - corridor 22 is available in the map. I think it should not be as well as 21 should be closed before you beat all main corridors.
The corridors 23 and above is not playable.
In generation I tried to play corridor 17 wasn't playable. Was just simple background running over and over. I speed throttled to see if boss appear later because some other corridors was empty or almost empty but had boss. Those had normal variative background tho.

About improve you should talk with optomon. He knows a lot about the game you know.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on February 21, 2015, 01:18:21 PM
What I also didn't liked that some subwepons don't do damage and some bosses don't shoot anything.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on February 21, 2015, 01:50:21 PM
Also an idea. Because all things is random there could be option to copy/paste parts of the game you liked to some special build. Maybe even the original one?
This way it's like making another hack but different way.
Here is some level is kinda nice but - fireball don't work. First half of the level is almost empty:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on February 21, 2015, 04:11:03 PM
Quote from: arseniy on February 21, 2015, 01:50:21 PM
Also an idea. Because all things is random there could be option to copy/paste parts of the game you liked to some special build. Maybe even the original one?
This way it's like making another hack but different way.
Here is some level is kinda nice but - fireball don't work. First half of the level is almost empty:

Thank you for your input, and that is a great idea.  I've posted version 1.1.  In this version you can select what you want randomized.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on February 22, 2015, 08:54:54 AM
It's hard to like it for general person, you know it. It's hardly playable.
Consider to shuffle the bosses instead of random. It gave me alsmost only Clawbot and Bombarder in every damn corridor. So boring.
But some bosses could be reduced too. For example that floor polip boss is so boring. And there are too much of those. The crystal boss met only once and dragon met only once, could be done 2 times.
Maybe instead of random to make their HP and damage relative to corridor?

I found it pretty fun that the final boss had fire rate higher than original. Optomon could do something similar in his hack and maybe make him shoot something different. But firerate also give it a good challenge improve.
Can you make random bullets for bosses or it's not possible to change what it shoots?

Also how do I open corridor 4 without  :bluelanderbig:?
Also why corridor 0 always same?
And as I mentioned the corridors above 21 should not be there. And 21 should be opened like in original after all main are beaten. Because what the point to let player to enter corridor 21 or 22 and the game is beaten.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on February 22, 2015, 09:32:12 AM
Quote from: arseniy on February 22, 2015, 08:54:54 AM
It's hard to like it for general person, you know it. It's hardly playable.
Consider to shuffle the bosses instead of random. It gave me alsmost only Clawbot and Bombarder in every damn corridor. So boring.
But some bosses could be reduced too. For example that floor polip boss is so boring. And there are too much of those. The crystal boss met only once and dragon met only once, could be done 2 times.
Maybe instead of random to make their HP and damage relative to corridor?

I found it pretty fun that the final boss had fire rate higher than original. Optomon could do something similar in his hack and maybe make him shoot something different. But firerate also give it a good challenge improve.
Can you make random bullets for bosses or it's not possible to change what it shoots?

Also how do I open corridor 4 without  :bluelanderbig:?
Also why corridor 0 always same?
And as I mentioned the corridors above 21 should not be there. And 21 should be opened like in original after all main are beaten. Because what the point to let player to enter corridor 21 or 22 and the game is beaten.

I like the idea of setting the HP of the boss relative to the corridor. I 'll be able to reduce the corridors to 21 (just wanted to add some glitch corridors there to add to the randomness of it all)  I left the layout of corridor 0 there the same so that the user can be pretty much guaranteed to at least get through that.  Also, I'll be sure to not repeat bosses and remove boring ones, like you suggested.  I can change what the bosses shoot, but it will take a while to test it properly. I should have the rest of these suggestions in sometime tomorrow
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on February 22, 2015, 09:52:43 AM
Add the option to remove corridor 0 from randomization. I don't like that it's same all time, would be cool to play something different there.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Grimgrin on February 25, 2015, 03:43:15 PM
This tool is more fun that the other one. I'm having fun with this one too!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on February 26, 2015, 12:46:00 AM
Quote from: Grimgrin on February 25, 2015, 03:43:15 PM
This tool is more fun that the other one. I'm having fun with this one too!

Are you going to join?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on February 26, 2015, 10:30:10 AM
Version 1.2 is now attached.  Makes Boss HP reasonable, removes problem with empty corridors, unique boss for each corridor, only has corridors 1 - 21 in labyrinth.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on February 26, 2015, 12:10:41 PM
randomization for the corridor 0 plaese :redlander:
BTW, does it makes any difference if I make randomie for original ROM or for already randomized?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on February 26, 2015, 12:17:05 PM
Quote from: arseniy on February 26, 2015, 12:10:41 PM
randomization for the corridor 0 plaese :redlander:
BTW, does it makes any difference if I make randomie for original ROM or for already randomized?

You can reuse a nes rom as many times as you like.  For example, if you get a rom with a palette you like, but you don't like your weapon selection, you can reupload the palette rom, and only randomize the weapon selection.

Next update, I'll have corridor 0 randomized, but by default it will be set to off.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Grimgrin on February 27, 2015, 02:24:17 PM
Quote from: arseniy on February 26, 2015, 12:46:00 AM
Quote from: Grimgrin on February 25, 2015, 03:43:15 PM
This tool is more fun that the other one. I'm having fun with this one too!

Are you going to join?

Well I have some cool ideas for this too. If I have one, I can post it.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on February 28, 2015, 08:16:33 AM
Version 1.3 is now posted.  added randomization of enemy movement patterns.  Sometimes enemies will loop around the screen. Other times, they'll be limited to vertical movement only (or horizontal only). 
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 01, 2015, 01:38:18 AM
And still no random for corridor not. The game now crashes on virtuanes :(
On FCEUX also tho fly a bit further. By some enemies. Ok. On NesTopia too.
OK. The third build works so far. Also I don't like how there are random dots blinks on the map.

The enemies that are not deleted when go out of screen just take over the screen.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: deepshock on March 01, 2015, 05:13:09 AM
I am curious as to what bug/set of bugs led to this.  :P
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 01, 2015, 09:24:25 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 01, 2015, 01:38:18 AM
And still no random for corridor not. The game now crashes on virtuanes :(
On FCEUX also tho fly a bit further. By some enemies. Ok. On NesTopia too.
OK. The third build works so far. Also I don't like how there are random dots blinks on the map.

The enemies that are not deleted when go out of screen just take over the screen.

Its going to be a while before I can randomize corridor 0. I'm looking at the major issues first, then I'll go back and randomize it.  Its set up slightly different in ROM, so I'd have to do some poking around before it works.

I'll try to remove the random blinks on the map screen
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 01, 2015, 12:32:06 PM
Ah I see, so that's the problem.
You making just a mix of corridors contents between them?

BTW I got really fun build(compare to several others I tried bfore) but what I don't like are that so much enemies and bullets just fly straight forward or even stuck. Some enemies or bullets keep teleportationg or something so when they get to botton they appear from top then. And it's easy to create situation so they take all the bufer and no other can appear on screen.
Look here ptero took all the possible enemies on screen because they don't disappear:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 01, 2015, 12:44:40 PM
Quote from: arseniy on March 01, 2015, 12:32:06 PM
Ah I see, so that's the problem.
You making just a mix of corridors contents between them?

BTW I got really fun build(compare to several others I tried bfore) but what I don't like are that so much enemies and bullets just fly straight forward or even stuck. Some enemies or bullets keep teleportationg or something so when they get to botton they appear from top then. And it's easy to create situation so they take all the bufer and no other can appear on screen.

Ah ok. In the future, I'll only apply movement randomization to objects that wont get stuck by that effect, as well as making sure they don't go to an infinite speed when looping through the screen. 

And as far as corridor 0 randomization goes. The only issue is that the data information is set up like this: Corridor 0, Flying Sequence, Landing Sequence, Other Sequence, Corridor 1, 2, 11, 12, 3,4, 13, 14, etc.  So Corridor 0 is not in the predictable data flow of all the other corridors so I have to set up a seperate but similar script for it.

I'm currently working on a World CHIP feature.  This is basically a save file that has all the information that has been changed in a text format. You'll be able to share this text file and others will be able to play the world you've been able to generate. You'll also be able to edit this file and upload it to the generator and resave the changes to your new rom.  This information will also highlight where the changes were made in the rom incase you want to tinker around with the actual rom file yourself. Should have this done some time this week.

Thanks for your constructive comments. As much as I like this game, I don't have alot of time to test it (I usually just watch the computer play). So this feedback is helpful
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Grimgrin on March 01, 2015, 04:09:51 PM
Corridor 17 is playable now when I was playing TGL mode. I have an idea that I almost forgot about. Is it possible to randomize the area in adventure mode? Here's an example: area 0 would become area 1, 2, 3, etc.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 01, 2015, 04:53:44 PM
Quote from: Grimgrin on March 01, 2015, 04:09:51 PM
Corridor 17 is playable now when I was playing TGL mode. I have an idea that I almost forgot about. Is it possible to randomize the area in adventure mode? Here's an example: area 0 would become area 1, 2, 3, etc.
good idea. I'll look into it. This would allow for area enemies to have different strengths based on their true area value

Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 02, 2015, 12:05:55 AM
making something with infinite speed would be cool because of this:

Also I think would be better if sub weapons speed will not be 0 and Damage will not be 0. And chip use no 0. I have laser saber now chip use 0. So cheaty.
Maybe in future an options with some predicted sub-weapons parametrs. Could also work for original game sub-weapons rebalance if not touch anything else.
Grenades in this build do nothing to enemies.

And another thing. I have GrimGrin here in this build and he is in final mode from begining but he shoots only for several seconds and then stop to shoot at all. He moves only on Y axis.

I just stumbled across pretty cool thing. The game created 2 bosses. First one appeared before the siren sound, so there was 2 of them - (

I wonder how it is done, because I know only the adress to call the clone of the boss but not the boss itself.

Also I guess everyone know that EyeGore appears in state 1 for a little and then go to the state 2 when start firing. So the one appeared before siren was in mode 1 untill the second one appeared and went to mode 2.

Also random boss not works yet. There was lot of Bombarder and Claw Bot but no Fleepa and Dragon.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on March 02, 2015, 04:11:12 PM
I'll certainly try this out after it's tuned a bit.  I kindof like how crazy it is, though tuned to be beatable may be good for random racing.

Since you're getting into the assembly a lot for something like this, is there anything odd you've seen that people wouldn't know about the game logic.   Partially because I like to know whatever odd trivia I can know, partially as a (bad) speed runner in hopes that you'll tell me something potentially useful.

I probably should learn 6502 assembly at some point, and start trying to figure out the games logic, but it's hard to convince myself to do.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 03, 2015, 06:20:00 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 02, 2015, 12:05:55 AM

Also random boss not works yet. There was lot of Bombarder and Claw Bot but no Fleepa and Dragon.
There are 3 different iterations of those bosses so you'll see them more frequently than fleepa and dragon.  It may be randomizing correctly
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 03, 2015, 06:22:31 AM
Quote from: fireball on March 02, 2015, 04:11:12 PM
I'll certainly try this out after it's tuned a bit.  I kindof like how crazy it is, though tuned to be beatable may be good for random racing.

Since you're getting into the assembly a lot for something like this, is there anything odd you've seen that people wouldn't know about the game logic.   Partially because I like to know whatever odd trivia I can know, partially as a (bad) speed runner in hopes that you'll tell me something potentially useful.

I probably should learn 6502 assembly at some point, and start trying to figure out the games logic, but it's hard to convince myself to do.

I'm modifying the data more so than the game logic, so I can report on data findings that I haven't seen on the forum,  but as far as game logic goes, its hard to modify it successfully so I don't see the need to keep track of it as of yet.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 03, 2015, 09:40:23 AM
Quote from: headfonez on March 03, 2015, 06:20:00 AM
There are 3 different iterations of those bosses so you'll see them more frequently than fleepa and dragon.  It may be randomizing correctly

There was no single Fleepa or Dragon in the game.
In original game there is only 1 dragon so better replace  other one with dragon(and make it harder like in Hack) so there will be 2 dragons.

This could be done with other bosses as well who appeared only 1 time in original game.

Also if you can call multiple some bosses this could be cool. Like this:

The crab is so super easy. But multiple instances not so easy and more fun. And for that polypus super easy miniboss he could be harder if he throw those seastars who are stronger than normal.

Just some ideas.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on March 03, 2015, 12:02:33 PM
Quote from: headfonez on March 03, 2015, 06:22:31 AM
I'm modifying the data more so than the game logic, so I can report on data findings that I haven't seen on the forum,  but as far as game logic goes, its hard to modify it successfully so I don't see the need to keep track of it as of yet.
That actually tells me a fair bit of how this games code is organized, which is interesting in itself. 
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 05, 2015, 01:11:25 PM
Version 1.4 is now up. Spruced up the interface, made weapon chip count atleast 1, added a change log feature, which will allow you to view all the data that has been changed in text format.  You can also upload the change file  and apply it to the nes file you're randomizing. Going to be doing more work on that feature as it is not complete.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 06, 2015, 05:40:49 AM
no fix for the bosses count?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 06, 2015, 06:12:06 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 06, 2015, 05:40:49 AM
no fix for the bosses count?

do you mind speed running through different iterations of TGL mode and posting a print out of the 20 types of bosses you see. I'm still not sure that this is a bug, and this will help me determine that. Thanks.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 06, 2015, 07:40:27 AM
Quote from: headfonez on March 05, 2015, 01:11:25 PM
Version 1.5 is now up. Spruced up the interface, made weapon chip count atleast 1, added a change log feature, which will allow you to view all the data that has been changed in text format.  You can also upload the change file  and apply it to the nes file you're randomizing. Going to be doing more work on that feature as it is not complete.

Is it a typo? v1.5? in the main post it says 1.4
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 06, 2015, 07:43:33 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 06, 2015, 07:40:27 AM
Quote from: headfonez on March 05, 2015, 01:11:25 PM
Version 1.5 is now up. Spruced up the interface, made weapon chip count atleast 1, added a change log feature, which will allow you to view all the data that has been changed in text format.  You can also upload the change file  and apply it to the nes file you're randomizing. Going to be doing more work on that feature as it is not complete.

Is it a typo? v1.5? in the main post it says 1.4
thanks, fixed
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 06, 2015, 08:23:50 AM
I was unable to test it.
7 generations chrashes on first corridor 0(tried on VirtuaNES and Nestopia)
1 generation crashes on next space
and 1 generation chrashed on space 3
also the boss was unable to beat. I used frame throttle and kept shoot him for few minutes. Nothing happened. I had to use adress 0070 value 5 to skip him
The builds:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 06, 2015, 08:37:59 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 06, 2015, 08:23:50 AM
I was unable to test it.
7 generations chrashes on first corridor 0(tried on VirtuaNES and Nestopia)
1 generation crashes on next space
and 1 generation chrashed on space 3
also the boss was unable to beat. I used frame throttle and kept shoot him for few minutes. Nothing happened. I had to use adress 0070 value 5 to skip him
The builds:

Oh ok don't worry about testing. I forgot the boss count change meant eliminating bosses that repeat more than twice.  Have you tested at al using FCEUX, im not getting any crashes with that.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 06, 2015, 08:40:13 AM
They crash on fceux-2.1.5-win32 too
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 06, 2015, 10:02:56 AM
getting the crashes too.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Grimgrin on March 06, 2015, 04:54:32 PM
Same here!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 07, 2015, 11:56:12 AM
Reposted  version 1.4 with the crash removed, also removed vertical only movement

Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Grimgrin on March 07, 2015, 07:22:07 PM
Corridor 17 is not playable. Corridor 0 is working.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 08, 2015, 07:50:14 AM
It is optomon. Also notice the spaceship keep warping through screen too:
Later there was tons of stuff warping through screen.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 08, 2015, 08:38:29 AM
And here is the bosses sequence I got. Pretty horrible isn't it?
eye gore
Claw Bot
Claw Bot
Fleepa(shoot nothing)
Grim Grin(instantly in final mode)
Claw Bot
Claw Bot
Zib Zub
corridor 17 - infinite simple pattern. Had to skip it with #00A0 - 05 value.
Eye balls
Zib Zub
Craw Daddy
Claw Bot
eye gore
In corridor 21 some bosses died instantly without appearance. But I think there was all the same bosses as in original(could those be random too?).
Final Boss instantly in final mode

I wish there was only 2 clawbots in the game and instead 1 there was 2 or 3 dragons and if far then with strong bullets like in the hack version. Also if bombarder appear far it should have strong rockets with HP to not be possible broken with sabre. He is so damn easy boring boss without strong rockets he doesn't make any problem.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 08, 2015, 10:17:56 AM
thanks for this list I'll tinker around and see why claw bot is showing up so much. that optomon you saw in the middle of flight is me experimenting with having bosses during flight.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 08, 2015, 10:41:42 AM
It might be cool actually, to see bosses in the middle of the flight.

That crystal boss ( be in flight area instead of boring satellite boss( am I only one think it's annoying one?).
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 11, 2015, 11:07:31 AM
Posted version 1.5. Added new Corridor Brakes system. Pressing start will reduce corridor speed to 0. Giving you time to catch up on any powerups that take long to open. Also should have appearance of claw bot reduced.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Grimgrin on March 11, 2015, 12:30:08 PM
Cool! I notice the corridor speed on this. I'll check this one out now.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 13, 2015, 10:53:25 AM
Version 1.6 is up. Added "Fighting Chance". When running low on HP, you'll earn a small boost of HP after destroying some enemies, just enough to give you a fighting chance.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 16, 2015, 10:28:36 AM
Isn't this fighting chance is like cheat?
Is it possible to make EyeGore to move with Optomon's or other boss pattern?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 16, 2015, 11:05:55 AM
I also think the subweapons speed is not randomized on their 2,3 levels
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 16, 2015, 11:09:14 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 16, 2015, 10:28:36 AM
Isn't this fighting chance is like cheat?
Is it possible to make EyeGore to move with Optomon's or other boss pattern?

In the future, fighting chance will deplete some chips so it wont feel like a cheat.  So enjoy it for free while you can.  You'll also have an option to enable/disable it through the editor. 

I can take a look at mixing up boss movement patterns.  I got a couple of other ideas coming down the pipe so stay tuned.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 16, 2015, 11:10:24 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 16, 2015, 11:05:55 AM
I also think the subweapons speed is not randomized on their 2,3 levels

So it IS randomized on their first level? Great find! I kept getting tripped up as to why sometimes the speed varied and while other times it did not. I'll take a look it that
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 16, 2015, 11:41:12 AM
The problem with Clawbots I think not solved. The corridor 17 still not playable. Repetitive pattern.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 16, 2015, 11:53:59 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 16, 2015, 11:41:12 AM
The problem with Clawbots I think not solved. The corridor 17 still not playable. Repetitive pattern.
I'm pretty sure Clawbots reappearing more than 3 times is solved. Feel free to post an nes rom with more than 3 clawbots so I can look into it
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 16, 2015, 12:34:33 PM
I need the corridor 17 to work to be sure.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 16, 2015, 01:06:02 PM
Quote from: arseniy on March 16, 2015, 12:34:33 PM
I need the corridor 17 to work to be sure.

Ok. I'll try to get 17 working in the next build.  In the meantime, you should see no more than 3 clawbots per session.  Its unlikely that there would be a fourth one hiding in 17. 
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 25, 2015, 01:03:51 PM
Version 1.7 is up.  Fixed Corridor 17, added few lines of random text. Made all weapons on all levels show random speed.  Toned down random movement patterns
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 27, 2015, 10:45:19 AM
Did you read this?
Don't know if this gives any advance. It's a TGL changed to MMC3 mapper,2002.0.html
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 27, 2015, 07:06:32 PM
Quote from: arseniy on March 27, 2015, 10:45:19 AM
Did you read this?
Don't know if this gives any advance. It's a TGL changed to MMC3 mapper,2002.0.html

Thanks for the link.
I looked it over.
Read some things.
And now...


Expanded worlds are on the way!

Let me know what you'd like to see in TGL with new ROM space added.  Soon we'll be limited only by our imagination!

So far I can get atleast 21 new corridors in, as well as double the size of the current map.  But it doesn't have to stop there.  I can put in new game mechanics, new behaviors, etc.  The only thing I'm not so sure about is new graphics.  But that can come later.  Data and gameplay are expanded.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on March 27, 2015, 08:13:15 PM
Double TGL would be what, 256k?  Under the 512k that current flash carts max out on.

Actually, has this been tested on a flashcart, I should probably do that.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on March 29, 2015, 12:58:44 PM
If I were to write something that generated some sanity checked labyrinths for races, would you give me the technical info to patch the data into the roms?

As I'm unreliable, I'd write the generator first so it made playable maps out of game to a level that seemed OK, and then worry about figuring out how to bring them into the game.  If I don't write the generator, I have no reason to waste your time probing for details.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 29, 2015, 02:32:25 PM
Quote from: fireball on March 29, 2015, 12:58:44 PM
If I were to write something that generated some sanity checked labyrinths for races, would you give me the technical info to patch the data into the roms?

As I'm unreliable, I'd write the generator first so it made playable maps out of game to a level that seemed OK, and then worry about figuring out how to bring them into the game.  If I don't write the generator, I have no reason to waste your time probing for details.

I can give you data information about the Labrynth. Infact there's already a thread for it on this forum.  But if I'm reading this right, you want to make random races? As in a competitive race through the labyrinth?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on March 29, 2015, 02:50:32 PM
Quote from: headfonez on March 29, 2015, 02:32:25 PM
Quote from: fireball on March 29, 2015, 12:58:44 PM
If I were to write something that generated some sanity checked labyrinths for races, would you give me the technical info to patch the data into the roms?

As I'm unreliable, I'd write the generator first so it made playable maps out of game to a level that seemed OK, and then worry about figuring out how to bring them into the game.  If I don't write the generator, I have no reason to waste your time probing for details.

I can give you data information about the Labrynth. Infact there's already a thread for it on this forum.  But if I'm reading this right, you want to make random races? As in a competitive race through the labyrinth?

Races for speedrunners and that like of which there's a few now.  Give everyone the same modified rom, everyone goes into the rom blind, you see who finishes the game first.  You need some consistency in how things are generated just so the races have a predictable difficulty and time frame.

--edit-- I would probably just leave the corridors the same.  Trying to keep those balanced would be a good bit of work.  Keeping the labyrinth balanced is pretty easy, to the extent of "you can lock the items to being the same area as the original, they just fall in random spots in the new labyrinth" and you'd still have a pretty fun race.  After that you kindof just add options to add variance to the number of areas things can spawn in.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 29, 2015, 03:12:17 PM
Quote from: fireball on March 29, 2015, 02:50:32 PM
Quote from: headfonez on March 29, 2015, 02:32:25 PM
Quote from: fireball on March 29, 2015, 12:58:44 PM
If I were to write something that generated some sanity checked labyrinths for races, would you give me the technical info to patch the data into the roms?

As I'm unreliable, I'd write the generator first so it made playable maps out of game to a level that seemed OK, and then worry about figuring out how to bring them into the game.  If I don't write the generator, I have no reason to waste your time probing for details.

I can give you data information about the Labrynth. Infact there's already a thread for it on this forum.  But if I'm reading this right, you want to make random races? As in a competitive race through the labyrinth?

Races for speedrunners and that like of which there's a few now.  Give everyone the same modified rom, everyone goes into the rom blind, you see who finishes the game first.  You need some consistency in how things are generated just so the races have a predictable difficulty and time frame.

--edit-- I would probably just leave the corridors the same.  Trying to keep those balanced would be a good bit of work.  Keeping the labyrinth balanced is pretty easy, to the extent of "you can lock the items to being the same area as the original, they just fall in random spots in the new labyrinth" and you'd still have a pretty fun race.  After that you kindof just add options to add variance to the number of areas things can spawn in.
Oh. That's a great idea.  Currently the generator removes the need for keys, but I can modify it so that maps are layed out in the original Game's format, giving two corridors per area and giving the key to the next area upon completion. Provide as many details as you need and I should be able to work on it once all the details are in. 
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on March 29, 2015, 10:17:00 PM
Ah, I was going to work on the logic a bit to not try to impose my own personal goals on you, but, if you want to work on it, it would make me happy.  If you have any questions/comments about anything I say, ask, or if you want hard numbers, I'll happily count the occurrences of things in the main game or things like that.  If you're finding this hard to read I'll reformat it.  I'm also willing to chat on... pretty much any messenger if that's more convenient, or skype call, or whatever.  Ask and I'll pm you whatever.

I talked to another speedrunner, and it seems like a base set of rules for our current group would be something like:

Seeding from a entered number/string would be good, so we could all generate a rom based on a working base, instead of having to transfer the rom.

   Stock corridors are fine, especially early on.  We probably could use the practice anyway.
Separated zones with keys. 
   The game should be roughly the same size as the original, probably meaning that each zone would be somewhere between 24-40 rooms large.
   (random zone interlinking is neat, but probably shouldn't happen more then 2-3 times in a rom much, should still require key to switch zones)
   Somewhat maze like, not entirely open, though perhaps open in places, as much as you can convince random generation to fake stock design.
   Our group has done enough challenge runs, as long as the items are in the game, the only thing that must be controlled is that shields and gun powerups have to happen at around the time they do in the base game. With too low of shields, the game stalls out at about red grimgrin, if our no shields no guns challenge race says anything.  Red grimgrin is beatable, we were ehhhh on continuing.
      Actually, it may just be shields that is required.
   Minibosses can be randomized however they may fall, just try to limit miniboss occurance to about 3.
      The only way this could screw you over is if many of your shields got locked behind the red seaweed bosses, or the skull bosses, I'm pretty sure we could take any other occurrence.  If you limit shields to 3 or less in these 2 spawns combined, we will be fine. (there are several extra shields)
   Item distribution
      Normal Landers, Normal Shields, Normal Guns
      4 of each weapon, to deal with that boss you don't want to backtrack for, or losing items to pick 3 shops.  If you must lose an item, we'll certainly deal with it.
      Shops, same shop number and prices is fine, and you can put them anywhere, but if it contains a shield, it's a shield from an area that matches the area the shop price came from.  You could also just ban shields as a shop spawn, this is inferior to the prior logic, but it's also less work.
   As far as items go, you lock the spawn area for your shield's/guns, then you go nuts with placing the other ones.
      20 items come from corridors
      ?? items come from minibosses, I assume you aim for the same number of minibosses as the main game
      other stuff comes from crates, again, I assume you just pull that number from the main game (though it might increase or decrease slightly due to the 4 of each item, lock spawn just about as many EEs as stock.)
   Honestly don't care, because they're generally easy enough to evade.  Locking enemies to their areas is dandy.  Having full game chaos is fine too, only thing that would slaughter of the games normal enemy set is the re-purposed spidercrabs of a9/10, and we'd probably go around them.

I think that's about as much balance as one would need to create a labyrinth in the style of the original game that one/all of the current runner group could beat.  May want to sanitize it more to be easier, but for the people we're currently doing races for, this is probably the best balance of randomness/beatability, most of the people who would want it probably also are solid enough to handle it.

--edit-- probably best to only have one area touching the other by a single or few squares as well, just to keep the map a tad more readable.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on March 30, 2015, 10:15:30 PM
I am that other speedrunner that Fireball has been talking to, and i concur with his ruleset completely, as him and i came up with it together.

Seeding would be phenomenal if its a possibility (i dont code so i dont at all know its done) but it would definately be a benefit when trying to setup a 4 or 5 man race.

One important thing that Fireball touched on that i want to echo, is that the areas need to be locked behind keys. The main reason for this is game flow, as well as progression. For the most part, we want everyone taking the same path so that people watching the race can get an idea of whos in the lead. if the whole game is open, 4-5 guys can easily go 4-5 different ways.... which isnt exactly great for race progression.

Also, keeping 2 corridors per area is also important, basically just to make sure that the game follows the same format it currently does.

Outside of that. His list is basically perfect :D
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 31, 2015, 06:14:28 AM
Ok, all of that seems doable.  I plan to have the first draft up by this Friday.
"The Guardian Legend SpeedRacer." Do you think you'd have a need to limit the amount of corridors required to win? This way, you could shorter or longer races depending on how many corridors the user has to get through.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 31, 2015, 09:01:17 AM
All I want to ask from you word document with every jpeg of all the enemies, bosses, and items in the game.  I'm going to write information about each element and it would be helpful if I had the images in a word document.  Thanks.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on March 31, 2015, 09:32:26 AM
Quote from: headfonez on March 31, 2015, 06:14:28 AM
Ok, all of that seems doable.  I plan to have the first draft up by this Friday.
"The Guardian Legend SpeedRacer." Do you think you'd have a need to limit the amount of corridors required to win? This way, you could shorter or longer races depending on how many corridors the user has to get through.
It's easy enough to do on a regular sized map, just by saying "first to beat c0-c5 wins".  I mean, a half map would be neat, but It'd be of low importance to me. 

Quote from: headfonez on March 31, 2015, 09:01:17 AM
All I want to ask from you word document with every jpeg of all the enemies, bosses, and items in the game.  I'm going to write information about each element and it would be helpful if I had the images in a word document.  Thanks.

Consider it done.  Are you wanting me to document all current spawns of items/minibosses/enemies, I'll certainly do that for shields/guns regardless.  I use a map that has most of the information already there, so separating the info shouldn't be bad.

If you just want a image with cleaned up images of just one of each items/bosses/enemies, I can do that too.  Just want to be sure on what you want before I start.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 31, 2015, 09:54:19 AM
Ok. As much documentation that you can provide will be great.   I don't need any cleaned up images, just so long as they are seperated so that I can add notes about each item.  So no progammable corridor limitations are needed, ok.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on March 31, 2015, 10:23:38 AM
Talked to Zakky, he said that he had got to C10 with 1 shield 1 gun, so he thinks that most likely we would be able to finish with just the stock number randomized.  He says it would be good to have an option to have either the shield area rule, the guns area rule, both, or neither.  In which case, you can probably just not code in the rule until a later version, or not code the choice until a later version.  Doesn't matter to me.

Will work on that document either today or tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on March 31, 2015, 12:55:13 PM
Wow by friday? Thats badass!
Limiting the number of corridors isnt an issue, we can just set an arbitrary number.
As long as the map is kept within the confines of the standard size, the games shouldnt be more than a couple of hours long as long as we dont get some insane bad luck on item spawns.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on April 02, 2015, 09:19:27 AM
I started working on the document, and started chopping up the map.  Will base my formatting on this doc, which has all the item spawn information, will then grab images, and then attempt to document the enemy spawns of every room in the game (roughly).
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 02, 2015, 02:25:32 PM
Document looks good so far. Still on target to have first draft up by Tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on April 02, 2015, 02:33:23 PM
That doc is unmodified from Zakky atm, he asked if I had an items list, and gave me it to work off.  I just figured it could be useful to you while I work on adding other info to it.

Also, exciting times, we'll be sure to do some test runs and document our adventures, though I'm sadly out of town this weekend.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 02, 2015, 06:32:20 PM
Oh dont you worry Fireball! WE ARE GOING TO TEST THIS :D
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 03, 2015, 06:51:03 AM
LOL. Fireball, check this page out

Its pretty much a visual layout of the labyrinth. So I can gather information from this.  I would still ask for just a sheet with individual sprites so I can add information to it, but I won't need map data anymore.  thanks.

Also, I won't be able to make the random map look like the original map.  Infact, corridor interlocking (going through area A to get to area B) may happen quite often.  But since corridors are highlighted in the minimap, this shouldn't be too much of a problem, and might make it more of a challenge.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on April 03, 2015, 10:52:22 AM
Quote from: headfonez on April 03, 2015, 06:51:03 AM
LOL. Fireball, check this page out

Its pretty much a visual layout of the labyrinth. So I can gather information from this.  I would still ask for just a sheet with individual sprites so I can add information to it, but I won't need map data anymore.  thanks.

Also, I won't be able to make the random map look like the original map.  Infact, corridor interlocking (going through area A to get to area B) may happen quite often.  But since corridors are highlighted in the minimap, this shouldn't be too much of a problem, and might make it more of a challenge.

That's what I was using to gather data anyway as well.  As long as you can get everywhere and everything, that's the main thing.  If I were to write a generator to approximate the map, I'm sure it would have to happen in stages.  I would first have it slice the map into sections, and then have it generate small maps bound to those sections, then you connect them, declare what areas they are, and place your random stuff.  That said as long as you can get to every area in the proper order, it doesn't matter too much, especially not for now.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 03, 2015, 11:40:47 AM
Yeah, I was going to section it off, until I realized that there were 10 areas (thought there were 8 ). So randomizing them to be confined within a small space may prove to be challenging . But I can look into those restraints later on.  I think traversing through areas to get to a different area will be fun for now.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 03, 2015, 11:44:30 AM
It actually would make for an interesting race as long as we could keep track of progress theough corridors. Will the randomizer keep the corridor numbers confind to their respective areas?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on April 03, 2015, 11:56:33 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure even if you implemented a normal map generator, you'd still keep the built out generator around, because variety is good.  As long as it's ordered so A1 is entirely available before A2 and so forth, it should still be very race-able.   
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 03, 2015, 01:02:18 PM
That was my main concern. But as long as it follows the normal flow of the game, even if the map doesnt look normal, we should be fine
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 03, 2015, 01:36:23 PM
Yes, for version 1.0 there will be two corridors per area. However. There may be a limit on the number of areas total.  So for one race, you may have 8 unique areas, for another race you may have the full 10 areas. Regardless, the total corridor count will be 21, and all of the extra corridors will be found in the last area.

[edit] nevermind, there will always be 10 areas as usual for this draft.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 04, 2015, 12:04:09 AM
The Guardian Legend: WORLDS SpeedRacer version 1.0 is up. Check it out. File Attached

[edit] Version 1.1 is now up. Item spawns should be correct now. Area 10 should show up. All doors should correspond to their correct areas and keys. Give it a try.

[edit] Version 1.2 is now up. Corridors are now randomized. The randomization is based on the area.  So, for example, corridor 1 may have corridor 11's enemy listing.  I haven't randomized the bosses yet but should be able to do the same with those using the same formula.  Corridor palettes and game music randomized

[edit] Version 1.3 is up.  Music is more reasonably randomized, and an interesting effect happens when you're hit while in a corridor.  It may affect your chances during a race....

[edit] Version 1.4 is up.  Removed corridor slowdown. Made the music even more reasonable.  Reduced the appearance of save rooms.  Removed red block barriers which would completely block you from getting somewhere on the map. Did not address off the map accessable areas, so auto save states are necessary.

Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 04, 2015, 04:08:02 AM
Testing it now....

I encourage you to come check it out man... its.... interstesting :P
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Shredder on April 04, 2015, 05:00:48 AM
Where is corridor №10? Completed №9 and no more appeared.

( (
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 04, 2015, 07:51:45 AM
Should be able to update that soon. Let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary or if you have any other ideas.

Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on April 04, 2015, 08:04:24 AM
I saw the thing that I could go inside a door without key and also there was an empty hole door that wasn't possible to enter.
X 12 Y 8 the right door.
Should be without keys because it's actually the next key. If you take it you can go there.

So it's actually thing that keys not match on one side and another

Attached the file
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 04, 2015, 08:28:52 AM
Okay i did 2 full runs of this new randomizer.

As far as codes are concerned, the generator does not like numbers. nor does it like spaces, it also doesnt seem to like long words, as the longest word i got to work was Ballzanicus. Not sure how it affects map generation other than knowing that the default map if you dont add any words was broken for area 10, as was ballzanicus.

Now for in game issues.

First off... Map Item Boxes: These are not random.... no matter the "code" you put in when you generate your game... they spawn the exact same way...
EE, EE, E Tank, Shield, EE, Red Lander, Blue Lander, Shield, Cutter saber....

The other problem we have with items is.... every time, and i tried 3 different maps, is that in area 4, you ALWAYS have 5 shields because of item box spawns. This is bad, you are essentially invincible at this stage of the game with 5 shield powerups. If you are going to lock the gun/shield upgrades to their respective areas, then randomizing them into other boxes can totally destroy the flow of the game... it sort of needs to be all or nothing after having played through it a few times.
Red Fleepa with a shield barely dented my health, Blue Optomon with 4 shields was a joke, blue clawbot barely touched me even with his claws when i had 5 shields.  Gun powerups were not an issue because they didnt show up in the normal map item boxes at all.

Minibosses... they do not randomize their drops nor do random bosses pop when a miniboss spawns.

Corridors, do not randomize drops...

I can echo the others sentiments in broken area 10.... the game just decides to not draw up the area.

Another concern is whats happened to me a number of times so far in runs.... and ill post a video to show because its a sight to behold.
When it ends, your whole UI is borked... text is all fubar, and everything is fubar.

Other issues, the SSS key portal in certain spots not working as intended, and is traversable without the key. Other portals not working at all.

Lots of portals to Corridor 0 which is in a black part of the map and has a portal up, or the broken message room (video above) which is also in a black space on the map.

Once those issues get ironed out, this will be fun to race for sure!

Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on April 04, 2015, 09:17:45 AM
That glitch with the corrupted graphics happens when you go past the text and load non existent text, or something to that effect.  In the japanese version if you do the hold select press b, you'll go threw all of the text as normal, but instead of looping (or perhaps just before it loops) you'll instead get that same glitch in the same way.  It's the only difference I know between the US and Jap version, beyond the translation.   
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 04, 2015, 11:09:21 AM
 Version 1.1 of TGL Worlds SpeedRacer is now up. Item spawns should be correct now. Area 10 should show up when achieved. All doors should correspond to their correct areas and keys. Did not fix overflow text issue yet, but that shouldnot crash game.  Also, please report if corridor 0 is still accessable through the map (it shouldn't be).  Thanks,2001.msg8049.html#msg8049
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 04, 2015, 11:46:04 AM
Testing as we speak
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 04, 2015, 01:59:28 PM


I had one instance of an out of map zone, but it didnt affect anything it was just a second corridor 2 which was already cleared.
Outside of that everything else worked as intended.... i did NOT find everything because fuck exploring ever single square inch of hte map in all the convoluted backtracking areas that the randomizer generates.

It did make for a lot of fun though, and we most definately can use this to race!

Thanks a ton for making this happen man!  :redlander: It only gets better from here! if anyone is interested in seeing the entire run
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on April 04, 2015, 02:04:28 PM
You did notice that some doors with keys were mislabeled, but it appeared to be that you can only have one type of label in a room, and there was 2 types of key doors in the same room.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 04, 2015, 02:07:37 PM
That is correct, it happened only in two instances, but only actually made a difference in one of them, because the SSS key entrance, was masked by a + key. Other than that, off the top of my head there wasnt anything else i can think of.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 04, 2015, 04:22:47 PM
The new randomizer.... it works on TGL secret.....

Youve been warned  :skull:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on April 04, 2015, 09:58:46 PM
Quote from: Mattrick_ on April 04, 2015, 01:59:28 PM
I had one instance of an out of map zone, but it didnt affect anything it was just a second corridor 2 which was already cleared.

In the current race between zakky and seawolf an out of map zone was found that had no exits back/to anywhere.  Luckily they were both using save states semi frequently to prevent game breakage killing the race.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on April 05, 2015, 01:01:53 AM
But out of map zone have randomized stuff depends on timer. I guess it should not be included.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 05, 2015, 02:49:22 PM
Glad you like it! (glad it works)

Stay tuned, your corridors may start to look a little different. Different in a good, playable way.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 05, 2015, 08:01:07 PM
Version 1.2 is now up. Corridors are now randomized. The randomization is based on the area.  So, for example, corridor 1 may have corridor 11's enemy listing.  I haven't randomized the bosses yet but should be able to do the same with those using the same formula.  Corridor palettes and game music randomized

Get it at:,2001.msg8049.html#msg8049
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on April 06, 2015, 02:31:14 AM
This version seems better so far than TGL Worlds, because the corridors are playable. I played only TGL mode. The levels pallete seems cooler than random one.

But the random music is not so good. I think no need to use boss music for level and no need to use game_over or password screen for level or boss.

Another thing I notice some levels are very short. I guess because they wasn't supposed to be run on high speed?

And another. Can there be another Dragon, like hard one like in hack version instead of one of Clawbot?

This boss had only 3 eyes:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on April 06, 2015, 05:27:54 AM
Glitches I saw in the race between Zakky and Matt.  I haven't played yet, will in the last few days.  Last weekend I was out of town, about to have my next weekend.

There are still doors to out of bounds areas which can break the game.
There was a red lander that re-spawned after being picked up.
For whatever reason, red optomon spawned a green optomon for Zakky (2x times) but not for Matt.
Prior mentioned "some eyes contain eyes" , some don't including in the boss.

Beyond that, some corridors had a total of 3ish enemies before the boss.  Interesting, and playable, but not likely all that exciting. 
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 06, 2015, 11:41:41 AM
Version 1.3 is up.  Music is more reasonably randomized, and an interesting effect happens when you're hit while in a corridor.  It may affect your chances during a race....

Get it at:,2001.msg8049.html#msg8049
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 06, 2015, 12:09:53 PM
Honestly it was kind of fun, because the randomness was all over the place. I thought navigating the map was the worst part, it was more convoluted than a termites nest the way it wound around on itself. Overall still really enjoyable.

Another rhing to note. I have found a few overworld item boxes that endlessly respawn (last night had an endlessly respawning red lander). Dont know if this is fixable, but it was annoying to see.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 06, 2015, 12:13:46 PM
Oh and is there anyway to remove a save room every 6 ish screen tranitions. Death warping is a TIME LOSS in many cases because all the save rooms are every 5-6 screens. Should check out sone of our race footage, some of the clusters of save rooms are 3-4 in a row at times. Pretty ridiculous
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 06, 2015, 12:15:37 PM
Speaking of that, im actually not 100% opposed to nonsave rooms at all. Considering this randomizer was designed with races in mind, it would be more punishing to respawn in the center everytime and make death something to be feared rather than a minor setback
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 06, 2015, 06:54:11 PM
Version 1.3 feedback.

Slowdown when taking a hit.... thats gotta go. Its a good idea on paper, in game, it really screws up the flow of the game. There are just far too many instances where it is impossible to not take a hit.

More music randomization suggestions.
It would be nice if we could keep bosses with just boss music but randomize it, outside of that. No real issues. I have heard some similar suggestions from others.

Now for bugs:

Zakky had a situation, where a corridor spawned in an area that had no map connections. it was 2 blocks all by itself. no way to get to corridor 8 which made the game uncompletable.

Zakky also had a corridor 17, where halfway through the boss fight, the scrolling stopped and made the boss uncompletable.

Somehow, red landers can spawn IN corridors as item boxes... and it messed up the graphics when you collect it.
I presume other items can as well, but so far only red landers have been observed.

Other boxes causing music to change randomly.

Other than that. Its really fantastic. I dont want to sound overly critical because the work you are doing to make this is really appreciated, and were really enjoying it as a whole between those of us who have been racing it. I just wanted to give you some feedback on what we are experiencing.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 06, 2015, 07:12:31 PM
I was going to convert the grenade into a speed booster. what do you think about that
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 06, 2015, 07:46:05 PM
i think thats a poor idea.

similarly to how the slow down on hit in corridors didnt work out so well in game.
I think that varying the corridor speed is fine, but putting said variable speed into the players hands, such as external ways to speed up, or getting hit slowing it down. are not great.

I think V1.2 is the best so far... it was the closest to being exactly what we wanted, while having VERY few real issues, and if we could iron out said issues, that would be the best version for racing.

Now if you wanted to continue to make additional randomizers thats fine, but for the original idea of having raceable randomizers, V1.2 is closest to being near perfect.

A couple of modifications to music selection (i.e. limiting music randomization to areas you would normally hear it), chopping save room down to a minimum rather than every 4-5 spaces, and adding in some of the pallete swaps that were available in v1.3 (the black and yellow & purple and blue ones were incredible looking) we would have a perfect tool available to have great races.

What is your take on that Headfonez?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 06, 2015, 08:02:33 PM
makes sense. version 1.4 will be up tomorrow. please make any other final suggestions you like to make before tomorrow morning.  I'll be wrapping up work on this editor on tomorrow and will save my other wacky ideas for a different platform.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 06, 2015, 08:13:59 PM
Okay, i think basically the things i suggested previously are basically perfect.

The final thing i would like to say. Is thanks a ton for all the work you have put into this.
Its a great product and those of us using it will continue to use it for a long time to come, because its a great addition.

Thanks again man! Looking forward to the final stable awesome version that will be perfect for racing  :bluelanderbig:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 06, 2015, 08:33:30 PM
Thanks! is my pleasure to breathe new life into an already great game! I can convert some of the save rooms into shops or computer rooms but these types of rooms are required for transitioning between area. that's why they're so many of them. but there should be some kind of decrease what I put in a check to see if the initial area and the transition area share the same key. no need for a room then. I'm sure I can cut down on mislabeled room keys, but keep your save states running because I probably won't be able to fix the fact that some roads lead to nowhere.

thanks for testing and it has been a race for me to get this done as quick as possible. so far I'm in the lead!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: kevinbelmont on April 06, 2015, 11:55:55 PM
just found a small bug when i played it offline. since i can't attach a picture I'll describe it. in area 0 coordinates X7 Y15,  the single room with 4 portals. the one on the right shows a square key icon when it should be clear. can anyone else confirm this?
Update: i somehow also managed to find a corridor outside the map when you have the crescent moon key that takes me to the security system. once you beat it your then locked in that room but can do the corridor again and again.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 07, 2015, 08:26:53 AM
Yea that tends to happen every so often.
Best advice i can give in that regard is to make a save state every now and then in a save room, and periodically check the map, if it looks wonky, it normally is.

Anytime theres a room that goes OUTSIDE of the normal maps coordinates, it will be an area 0 corridor, with only a portal to the north. this check was put in to make sure that if someone DID find a way out, that hopefully they could get back in.

If you ever see a corridor with a triple digit number I.E. 116.... if you go in, the game will crash, as the value for corridor entry leads to something that isnt a corridor and the game shuts down as a response.

Headfonez: I agree man, youve been well ahead of the game in getting these to us at such a quick rate. Its been a pleasure testing for you and helping shape this into what it has become! Amazingly, we came up with this idea a couple of weeks ago and now were already at the finish line!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on April 07, 2015, 09:31:29 AM
Version 1.4 is up.  Removed corridor slowdown. Made the music even more reasonable.  Reduced the appearance of save rooms.  Removed red block barriers which would completely block you from getting somewhere on the map. Did not address occasional off the map accessable areas, so auto save states are necessary.

Get it at:,2001.msg8049.html#msg8049
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on April 07, 2015, 09:35:09 AM
Youre the man dude! I will test it out a bit later, and unless i find something so glaring that need immediate attention, i thank you for all of your hard work dude!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on August 27, 2015, 09:39:09 AM
Here's the final version of the streamlined randomizer.  It randomizes colors more effectively
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: mrrichard999 on August 29, 2015, 09:23:57 AM
Hey just saw you posting this in the queue at Romhack. This will be great to get some feedback from and potentially get people more into Guardian Legend hacking as well :D

Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on August 29, 2015, 10:25:58 AM
Quote from: mrrichard999 on August 29, 2015, 09:23:57 AM
Hey just saw you posting this in the queue at Romhack. This will be great to get some feedback from and potentially get people more into Guardian Legend hacking as well :D


Personally I don't like that idea that much. I think recreating the game engine in Unity has so much more potential.
Because I want to fight multiboss(like imagine fight Fleepa and Other boss), becuase I was to see some new enemy and maybe weapons. And new features like some walls could be broken to find secret passages. Etc, etc.
Here you go example I did in original game by RAM trigger:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on August 29, 2015, 10:41:08 AM
Quote from: arseniy on August 29, 2015, 10:25:58 AM
Personally I don't like that idea that much. I think recreating the game engine in Unity has so much more potential.
Because I want to fight multiboss(like imagine fight Fleepa and Other boss), becuase I was to see some new enemy and maybe weapons. And new features like some walls could be broken to find secret passages. Etc, etc.
Here you go example I did in original game by RAM trigger:

I would enjoy a good clone, or inspired game, that said, my current goals tend to favor TGL science, which romhacking furthers.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on August 31, 2015, 11:36:47 AM
Quote from: mrrichard999 on August 29, 2015, 09:23:57 AM
Hey just saw you posting this in the queue at Romhack. This will be great to get some feedback from and potentially get people more into Guardian Legend hacking as well :D


Hey, I sent a reply to your message, let me know if you got it (not sure if it went through).

I'm my next version of TGL Worlds, I'll be randomizing the status of weapons and enemies. I'll be adjusting their attack, hp, speed and other attributes, BUT, they will be balanced.  For example, one world may have all the enemies at a higher attack strength, but the player's weapons may have a much lower chip usage count to compensate.  Stay Tuned.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on August 31, 2015, 12:52:06 PM
Quote from: headfonez on August 31, 2015, 11:36:47 AM
Quote from: mrrichard999 on August 29, 2015, 09:23:57 AM
Hey just saw you posting this in the queue at Romhack. This will be great to get some feedback from and potentially get people more into Guardian Legend hacking as well :D


Hey, I sent a reply to your message, let me know if you got it (not sure if it went through).

I'm my next version of TGL Worlds, I'll be randomizing the status of weapons and enemies. I'll be adjusting their attack, hp, speed and other attributes, BUT, they will be balanced.  For example, one world may have all the enemies at a higher attack strength, but the player's weapons may have a much lower chip usage count to compensate.  Stay Tuned.
Sounds a bit strange but that might be good solution for the balance anyway.
And are you going to rebalance weapons somehow? Like in the original the bullet shield, long lazer and few more are kinda too weak or maybe fireball, lazer saber overpowered. Did you had any ideas about it?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on August 31, 2015, 06:08:22 PM
Well, the weapon strength/hp/chip use will have completely different values, some may be slightly stronger/weaker than others, so the user will have to go through each weapon to see which is the most useful. But their default strengths will be changed definetly. The enemies, however, will still retain their same range of strength, but they will be changed, just not as drastically.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on August 31, 2015, 10:52:42 PM
Here's the beginning of my work on balanced weapon/enemy randomization. Please test different worlds and report findings. Thanks
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on September 01, 2015, 08:20:39 AM
I got reppeler is out of balance. It takes out the chip for every shot and it has no HP so it breaks at every enemy and it makes chips go away immediatelly.

Bombardier has so much HP.

The map generates not bad but everything is so aligned near each other.

The levels. I think they too hard. But I put a health cheat just to run a bit through.

The pallete in some levels is very very acid. Painful to watch.

Funny first room:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 01, 2015, 10:51:49 AM
I've toned down overall enemy difficulty. It is still more likely that the enemies will be more challenging, but not all enemies are guaranteed this upgrade.  I have also fixed the opening starting room.  I have also improved the chances that weapons will have a normal or higher hp when used. I've also done some work to make sure the average room is not visually "acidic"
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 01, 2015, 07:51:13 PM
Fixed a problem with weapons having hp when they shouldn't. And made sure that corridor victory music plays until the room is exited
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Yoyo on September 02, 2015, 12:11:15 AM
Hey, I just came across this on and am just now starting the download. Looks great! I can't wait to try it.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 07, 2015, 07:33:53 AM
Alright, done some pretty extensive testing with the new Worlds randomizer.
3 Major things.

1. Whats with the guarenteed god fleepa in corridor 1? i get making it harder, but EVERYSEED has a god fleepa in c1. Less than fun to fight a 2000 hp fleepa with level 1 gun, a saber, a multibullet, and a rotator.

2. Weapons. Sure they randomize, however it doesnt make weapons any more or less strong. It either makes some weapons GODLY (i.e. level 2 or 3 fireball with NO movement so it becomes a godmode shield EX: or it makes it completely and TOTALLY useless, by reducing its hp to 1. Less than stellar on the randomization. Is it possible to change weapon values? i.e. making a hyper laser into a fireball, or making a multibullet into a rotator? (im mostly just talking damage wise, not graphically) that would be far more interesting.

3. Optomons. These are the only enemy in the game that every seed gets weaker. Less than amazing.

If those issues can be fixed, this randomizer should be even better than the other one!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 07, 2015, 09:04:38 AM
Quote from: Mattrick_ on September 07, 2015, 07:33:53 AM
Alright, done some pretty extensive testing with the new Worlds randomizer.
3 Major things.

1. Whats with the guarenteed god fleepa in corridor 1? i get making it harder, but EVERYSEED has a god fleepa in c1. Less than fun to fight a 2000 hp fleepa with level 1 gun, a saber, a multibullet, and a rotator.

2. Weapons. Sure they randomize, however it doesnt make weapons any more or less strong. It either makes some weapons GODLY (i.e. level 2 or 3 fireball with NO movement so it becomes a godmode shield EX: or it makes it completely and TOTALLY useless, by reducing its hp to 1. Less than stellar on the randomization. Is it possible to change weapon values? i.e. making a hyper laser into a fireball, or making a multibullet into a rotator? (im mostly just talking damage wise, not graphically) that would be far more interesting.

3. Optomons. These are the only enemy in the game that every seed gets weaker. Less than amazing.

If those issues can be fixed, this randomizer should be even better than the other one!

Hey, thanks for the extensive testing.  I've made recent modifications that should actually address these three problems.  If you download the most recent build (a few posts up) those problems will be addressed.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 07, 2015, 09:19:24 AM
hmmm i thought i had the most recent build... going to test right now
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 07, 2015, 09:23:16 AM
Going live right now...
Using the seed to test - Mattricklikes

if youre interested in seeing what this random run does check me out
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 08, 2015, 10:08:51 AM
So i figured i would make a quick checklist of things we talked about during the stream the other day.

1. Randomization of powerup locations.
2. More Randomization of boss health, with a much higher maximum HP range, without touching boss damage (major imbalance potentially)
3. Potential Randomization for ALL bosses, Both in and out of corridors (starting with keeping them randomized within their respective areas)
4. Eventual Randomization of all bosses/mini bosses in and out of corridors within all areas, (red grimgrin in c1 anyone?)
And keep in mind for #4 as we said, if the bosses are required to have special events in order to be able to fire (such as skulls for eyegores and eyes for grimgrins), and they are not in said corridors, it MAY NOT be a bad thing. A red grimgrin in c1 without eyes is still a challenging monster without being WAY over the top.
5. Randomization of corridor entries ( e.g. shop randomly opening c1-10 instead of 4 everytime)
6. Pink, THIS COLOR SUCKS. If possible, ditch that palette. Its ugly, it hurts the eyes, and no one cares for it -_-
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 08, 2015, 10:09:52 AM
Obviously these do not have to all happen at once, they can be rolled out over time. It was just a compiled list of things that were discussed during the stream.

As always, your work on the randomizer is much appreciated, and we will keep testing/running it as we are able.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on September 08, 2015, 01:07:03 PM
Isn't the random boss health also may cause imbalance?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 08, 2015, 01:59:19 PM
It will certainly increase the challenge, but because youre keeping the bosses damage the same, it shouldnt be a problem.

The problem came in when you had the god fleepa in corridor 1 who had like 1000 life and each one of the squids did 3 hearts of damage each.
That isnt fun, nor is it balanced.

But, a fleepa with 1000 health that does completely normal damage is much more challenging and managable. I think the only one that could be a real problem if it had a ton of health would be the blue eyegore, because hes a glass cannon normally, but outside of that the rest are totally manageable easily.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 08, 2015, 05:36:23 PM
I should be able to do all of those things on the list EXCEPT, I can't promise the cooridor lock randomization.  I don't know how optomon did it, and the locking process would have to be worth the randomization. For example, although how you open the corridor may be different, if the overall locking mechanics are the same, all the user has to do is guess which technique opens a particular door, and try each one until they are right.  I'm more in favor of coming up with new ways to lock doors, and I welcome suggestions.

Also there will be quite a few of other things randomized in the next release. These changes will prompt you to pay more attention during the entirety of the game, and some randomizations will be more asthetic....

You'll have to wait until the next build to see what they are (sometime late Nov early Dec)
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 08, 2015, 06:05:02 PM
Interesting... now are you actually decompiling the game using assembly to find the data for your randomizer??
I am curious as to how it works.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 08, 2015, 06:23:28 PM
I'm using FCEUX to observe RAM data, looking for changing values that match what I'm expecting to happen.  For example, I look at any RAM values that may be counting down to zero. WHen it reaches zero, if it triggers the event I'm observing, I then move on to the Debugger.

The Debugger is like a decompiled version of the game's code. It shows the code in assembly. All of this is done within FCEUX while the game is loaded, so I don't have to export or create decompiled files. I'd look to see what assembly instruction is responsible for reading and writing that RAM value. Once I find that instruction, I then go to the ROM file

Once at the ROM file, I just change the target value to something different.  If it changes and takes effect (in this case, if the timer is longer/shorter) then I found the right ROM address. I make a note of it, and will add it to the list of things to randomize. 

Finally, I open up my script, add a random range to that value (new value = origional value + randomNumber), when the user saves it to the rom, the game has a different value for that particular variable.   

For this particular game, this process is not that difficult because how the game data is stored in the rom.  Most of the data, like maps, enemy information, weapon information, scoring, etc is set up in a table format.  This means, all of the information for a particular category is grouped together in one area in the rom.  The only tricky part about this game, as well as other nes games, is the graphic data.  Unless the sprite information has been loaded for a particular object, it won't show up.  This means that only certain enemy types will appear together, because their sprite table is lumped together.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 08, 2015, 06:38:46 PM
Interesting, so then how would you randomize bosses? do you just see what value gets pulled when the boss spawns, and modify that value within a range? and then once that value has been met, it removes it from happening in multiple instances? or is it possible that multiple bosses of the same type will show up when randomized?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 08, 2015, 06:45:40 PM
Yeah, bosses have their own id number like any other enemy. I've found out the id number of each cooridor boss, and I can shuffle them (not randomize them) to make sure that each boss appears only once. The challenge is making sure that the graphical data is also added to the corridor loading process when necessary as well as the graphic data of what the boss shoots out. This info would have to be loaded at the end of each corridor, while keeping the corridor's data intact.  In a rom file, you can't add extra space, so you have to be mindful of what and how you overrite existing data.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 08, 2015, 07:21:44 PM
so stupid question, if you were say, move a grimgrin to a non organic corridor, and also move the eyes, would eyes just then overwrite a different enemy sprite, thereby causing eyes in appear in place of something that would normally show up.

Example, corridor 6 volcanos shooting eyes instead of shooting crystals?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 08, 2015, 07:45:25 PM
That would happen, if I copied the eye sprite information and pasted it over the volcanic crystal information. But that is now how I would reassign sprites anyway. I'll be reassigning the table header (also known as a pointer). This pointer is a number that points to where the sprite data is located. At the beginning of each corridor, there is a pointer that says which spirte information to load. For water worlds, this sprite info is the fish, startfish, seahorses, shrimp, etc.  So I would be changing pointers around in order to pull off changing spirtes around. The actual sprite data is too large and mixed up together in the ROM to move around. Even if I did copy one spirte data over another, the enemies behavior would still be in its origonal form--the volcano crystals would still behave the same, even though they look like eyeballs. Not to mention that the animation sequence and the dimensions would be off, causing it to look glitchy and distorted

Normally, the boss graphical pointers are set at the end of the corridor information. I'd just need to overwrite a command or two and change it to a graphical pointer that corresponds to the enemy projectiles. The command that I will be overwriting will probably be an enemy generation command (so the last bit of enemies may not get generated in some cases)
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 10, 2015, 03:39:45 PM
Just finished the research phase.  So in a couple of months, there will be really diverse worlds to explore. I can guarantee that each world will be completeable, but whether or not you complete it will be up to you. You will have to rely on new strategies every time throughout each session. The cheats and strategies you all are so familiar with will be of no use in this next iteration.  So get your practice in now. Once I'm done scripting this and release the demo (and once the bugs are cleaned out) there will be no turning back.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on September 11, 2015, 08:05:45 AM
Quote from: headfonez on September 10, 2015, 03:39:45 PM
Just finished the research phase.  So in a couple of months, there will be really diverse worlds to explore. I can guarantee that each world will be completeable, but whether or not you complete it will be up to you. You will have to rely on new strategies every time throughout each session. The cheats and strategies you all are so familiar with will be of no use in this next iteration.  So get your practice in now. Once I'm done scripting this and release the demo (and once the bugs are cleaned out) there will be no turning back.

It's like you going to fix those things like slashing the boss inside it?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 11, 2015, 08:19:37 AM
i dont believe that can be changed..... HOWEVER, if he were to randomize the skills so that say, a multibullet were changes to have the effects of the saber, i.e. it does damage per frame, and the saber becomes an on use ability with a short window (totally useless mind you). that would be a way to force the player to relearn the game and how to deal with things.

In fact i would think that would be amazing, but wow would it be a change in gameplay
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 11, 2015, 09:47:25 AM
soemthing just came to mind....

Can you randomize the keys that come from bosses in corridors?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 11, 2015, 10:19:49 AM
without giving too much away, I'll say: yes.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 12, 2015, 10:13:54 PM
Something was brought up during our big 6 man race today.
Is it possible to give each area a unique color on the map?
Not everyone is a speedrunner who can crush a randomizer seed in less than 2 hours, and people are asking if its a possibility to identify each area with a unique color for ease of identification.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on September 12, 2015, 11:25:06 PM
Another option mentioned in the race was if you could somehow make the map identify rooms you have been in vs rooms you haven't... but that'd be an interesting bit of assembly modification. 
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on September 13, 2015, 06:05:17 AM
Quote from: fireball on September 12, 2015, 11:25:06 PM
Another option mentioned in the race was if you could somehow make the map identify rooms you have been in vs rooms you haven't... but that'd be an interesting bit of assembly modification.

Sounds like hard hack and programming. Of course that'd be awesome. Have you seen the LUA script the guy made for the map be shown this way? Link in my sig. Unfortunatelly he stopped to develope it and recent updates are not as good as some build there was before.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 13, 2015, 01:17:17 PM
good suggestion, but yes it would take some time to implement.  The best approach to this would be to modify the existing LUA map script, and unless someone else does it, I would look into that after everything else has been finalized.  Its not that hard to implement on the LUA side, actually, so anyone with an itching for some coding should try their hand at it.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on September 13, 2015, 03:30:46 PM
The lua wouldn't benefit me much sadly, as I play on console.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 14, 2015, 07:11:16 AM
we do have 3 runners in our regular races who use a powerpak and play on console, so the lua unfortunately wouldnt be an option as fireball said
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 14, 2015, 04:04:41 PM
Ok, here's a build that showcases some features. Item drops are randomized, and the randomizer crashes less frequently when entering a seed, because some areas are compressed (you'll see what I mean if you test it).I suggest testing this before using it to race, there may be some problems because  it includes foundation for future changes.  The pink, unfortnately, has not been eliminated yet, and occasionally the off map rooms may appear.  Please report any bugs as you find them.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 15, 2015, 07:33:12 AM
More testing is needed, but i made a seed this morning using the seed name: mysaberislimp and i got an unwinnable seed.... GIANT center area, no corridor (that i could find) and no items anywhere. i didnt explore EVERY tile (because i had to leave for work) but i explored about 80% of it, and there was no corridor 1....

it did have a cool palette to it though
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on September 15, 2015, 09:40:57 AM
So... When your saber is limp, you can't go all the way...
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 15, 2015, 09:56:47 AM
im just trying to figure out why i got a dysfunctional seed....

Oh well i will try again when i get home
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 15, 2015, 10:28:25 AM
I've tried several different seeds, but i've never not got atleast one corridor. I suppose the corridor indicator did not show up in your build.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 15, 2015, 12:29:57 PM
We have had it before where we didnt get corridors. its possible that it just glitched too.
We will be doing testing here on it in the next few days.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 16, 2015, 07:21:11 AM
So i did a test.... using the seed #stuffpjbreaks

This time i got a seed that had a corridor 1. I'm going to go fairly in depth here to try and illustrate a few points.

First off, seed was BASICALLY unwinnable.... i had 400 chips going into corridor 21... game was stingy as fuck with red landers, and i was doing corridors 6-10 with 150-200 chips.... MOST of the game i sat at 50 chips, then got the 100 and 150 landers close together.

Defense shields.... i had 5 shields (fast movement speed) after corridor 11 -_- sort of trivializes everything up to basically... corridor 6.
The one thing i CAN say about this particular seed was that the bosses themselves still hurt. I had a nasty headache and so i was using rewind and savestates just to get through the game faster and i was STILL getting wrecked even with 5 and 6 shields against bosses that should have done almost nothing damage wise. Good job! (More on that to come)

Gun powerups.... i found SEVEN of them throughout the whole game, and i had 3 gun power going into corridor 3. Im all for randomizing the locations of the items, but it would be nice if there were some kind of check in place to ensure that we didnt get 7 gun powerups and only 4 red landers.

Keys.... i dont know how you did it, but youve done it! You have figured out how to not only randomly remove some keys, but to force corridors that would not normally generate a key to give them to the player... Hats off to you sir! that was quite interesting. My seed did not have a ? key at all, and the + key came from corridor 5, which opened up SIX corridors when i grabbed it. Thats quite fun.

THE MAP! I had a seriously odd glitch which made map navigation a bitch. I had NO MAP INDICATOR for my location. Corridors flashed like normal, but the game was like "Your location? pfft who needs that?"  (unknown if programmed in or just a weird quirk of the seed i got)
The map also generates areas that appear to be completely unconnected to other areas (these eventually get connected to other areas once you receive keys,) which is interesting except that its VERY possible in area 0 to get..... NOTHING... going into corridor 1 if the items/minibosses spawn in the areas that are keyed off (for lack of a better way to describe)

Colors... I actually liked the color palette, i didnt get the butt ugly pink, but i did get a really interesting red which made blue landers and blue chips into red landers (without mouths) and red chips.... Trying to figure out where you were in the item drop table when all chips were red was quite "fun". The game also randomized the colors of the upgrades. Level 1 was red, level 2 was green and blue (with some being purple), and level 3 was a purple base with blue/green on top. A nice change honestly.

Last but certainly not least. Monsters / Bosses...
Whoevers bright idea it was to give rocks in the final corridor 15 hp.. JUST NO... not to mention they were doing AT LEAST 2 full hearts of damage with 7 shields. This was one of the primary reasons that the game was unwinnable. I could have easily handled the bosses with little to no chips, but the rocks were ABSURDLY strong. Even with 5 gun power and the triple shot, i could not kill them before they crushed me. I would like to point out, were there a NORMAL amount of red landers, or at least a semi normal amount of red landers, this wouldnt have been an issue.
Pellets had their speed greatly increased. Imagine my horror as im fighting a blue spider like normal and trying to kite it around and the PELLETS were faster than i was. Nice touch. It also made the optomons much more dangerous. I liked this change, it added a totally different dimension to things. Along the same lines were the Grimgrins. Faster Pellets made them much more challenging, not to mention having to fight ALL 3 GRIMGRINS, with just a pea shooter with 150 max chips and some EEs.
Most of the rest of the bosses were no issues at all. mostly because i was FAR superior to them in damage and shields.

All in all, its on the right track, but it needs to have some checks and balances put in. I like the direction that the randomizer is headed, it just needs a fair amount of refinement.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 16, 2015, 04:31:07 PM
Thank you Mattrick for this review:

Items: You we're right about this, good call! I was randomizing them instead of shuffling them.  That fix will be in the next build

Corridor Keys and areas: Thanks for the props! it doesn't work exactly like I intended it, but it still randomizes it enough for fun!

Map: Sorry to hear about the glitch. Maybe the indicator palette was the same as the map's pallete, causing it to blend in. The disconnected areas that you mentioned is a reasonable concern: they would have the potentinal to harbor all of the items. However, I put in a check to stop that from happening. If you do find some items, a boss, or a shop in these areas, thats not good (and let me know)!

Colors: I'm liking these colors too! I have some maps saved just because i like the palette and may use them in a demonstration sometime. Since everything is written in code, its not clear which colors are the 'ugly colors' and i'll have to find out the ones that are when I have some downtime to tinker around with that

Bosses: With item drops being more balanced, bosses shouldn't be a serious problem.  I will be upgrading bosses in future builds--I already have simple straightforward plans to make every boss more randomized and challenging.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 16, 2015, 05:10:21 PM
So, here's a new build.  This build has all of the features that I originally intended for this randomizer. Alot of things are different in this one.  Enjoy! 
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 16, 2015, 08:48:02 PM
Okay this has some FANTASTIC things to it
the randomized corridors, the shuffled items, the randomized bosses........... THIS ONE IS AWESOME...


It creates a LOT of unwinnable seeds
multiple seeds where you get stuck at corridor 4 because no shops spawn at all
or seeds that create no corridors at all.....

its got so many good ideas in it... but its HIGHLY broken right now
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 16, 2015, 09:21:37 PM
5 seeds tested.... all the same thing.... 3 tested by me, 2 by zakky

no shops.... no way to open corridor 4.... and corridor 4 has the key needed to progress.... sucks
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 17, 2015, 04:52:58 AM
So the two issues that exist are.. No corridor one and no shops? Any other issues found with the labyrinth?

You can also test using the tgl password mode just to see if the flight sequences are still good.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 17, 2015, 05:05:40 AM
Also if you still remember the seed names can you post them hete so i can look into them
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: ZakkyTheGoatragon on September 17, 2015, 06:28:44 AM
I believe the main one I played through was "Rambo".  Aside from the no shops and improper key issues, it was fine.  I used a password generator to progress and as far as I could tell, the labyrinths and flight sequences were fine.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 17, 2015, 06:34:46 AM
Quote from: ZakkyTheGoatragon on September 17, 2015, 06:28:44 AM
I believe the main one I played through was "Rambo".  Aside from the no shops and improper key issues, it was fine.  I used a password generator to progress and as far as I could tell, the labyrinths and flight sequences were fine.

So no shops, and maybe no corridor 1 I understand.  But what do you mean when you say "improper key issues"? Were certain areas not showing up when you got its associated key?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: ZakkyTheGoatragon on September 17, 2015, 06:46:39 AM
I mean just not having a key to get into whatever the next area is.  It's possible Corridor 4 had the key I needed.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 17, 2015, 07:01:32 AM
Seed names that were tested last night

and then i tested out
and i forget the name of the last seed i tried
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 17, 2015, 09:22:29 AM
Ok. I've confirmed those issues. I've reopened the shops and fixed a bug related to the key to open the shops.  The chances that some maps don't generate, or that they don't generate corridor 1 should be down to minimal.  The build is attached.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 17, 2015, 09:39:34 AM
Ive passed the word along.
I'm at work right now so im unable to test it. But we will get working on it and get you some feedback
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 17, 2015, 09:42:12 AM
Oh by the way, before i spend hours searching for the perfect seed.
Is it possible to get grimgrins in c1? im dieing to find a seed that does that so i can unleash it on the racers Kappa
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on September 17, 2015, 10:25:05 AM
Zakky ran into a corridor that glitched terribly before the boss, and the middle of the screen turned into glitch tiles that fired invisible shots that did really high damage.  His boss of choice was crawdaddy and therefore the room was pretty much unbeatable.   Didn't see that issue mentioned before, I don't have time now, but later I can try to find it in the vod, or perhaps Matt will find it before I'm back home from work late tonight.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 17, 2015, 10:28:06 AM
Fireball, more than likely that was due to the old / bad mapper found in the powerpak, because i played the same one on Bizhawk and had no issues
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Blob2779 on September 17, 2015, 10:34:00 AM
Quote from: Mattrick_ on September 17, 2015, 10:28:06 AM
Fireball, more than likely that was due to the old / bad mapper found in the powerpak, because i played the same one on Bizhawk and had no issues

Ahh, I've not had a lot of the issues he's had on my everdrive n8 either.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 17, 2015, 10:49:12 AM
everdrive n8.... we have to talk about this later
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 17, 2015, 10:53:16 AM
Some things to note.
The terrible glitch on the crystal corridor before the boss occurs because of the randomization. I would say stay as far as you can from that glitched area during that section.  I haven't found the cause of that yet. If it is still unbeatable..i can replace it with a copy of an existing corridor. This glitch happens mildly on a few others but this one is the most severe.

Grimgrim in a different corridor...that doesnt happen yet. Only water, crystal, and forest corridors are randomized.  This is because the later areas are more dependent on their level layout for their boss fights. Once this build is ironed out, ill mix up the other two areas
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: ZakkyTheGoatragon on September 18, 2015, 09:36:38 AM
Tested this out yesterday.  Didn't have any issues and was able to complete the game without any problems.

As for the glitched spots in the randomized crystal corridors, they really shouldn't be too much of a problem.  I've only had issues when it has been the first corridor and Crawdaddy is the boss.  But even then I've almost always been able to work around it.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 20, 2015, 07:00:42 AM
Yea it looks pretty solid.

Looking forward to getting a race going with this
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on March 09, 2016, 07:26:14 AM
Hey guys!
Its been a long time since there has been any discussion on the randomizer and i thought about checking back and seeing if there was anything you were planning to do further to the randomizer, or if you are considering it to be the final version?

I know there was some things we had discussed prior to v 1.4 but i believe you were planning to move on to different projects.

Were planning a randomizer race soon on twitch if anyone is interested in joining for the fun, dont know when / where but were going to do it here in the next couple weeks sometime!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 14, 2016, 11:02:01 AM
Hey Mattrick.  I welcome all ideas, no matter how far fetched they seem.  Concepts that will make a TGL world feel like a unique place.  Maybe, for example, a random world only shows one type of enemy all throughout. Or maybe a world offers unlimited chips but no hearts.  With the right balance, the worlds can feel unique and the user will never be able to predict what type of experience they'll get.  Lets start coming up with unique world possibilities
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on March 21, 2016, 12:12:19 PM
Any chance we could get something to where we could SELECT what we wanted randomized? as opposed to just guessing at what were going to get?
that way, we could REALLY create the kind of world we want
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 22, 2016, 05:51:52 AM
Yes I can put that in the next release. 
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: DavidB1111 on August 01, 2016, 09:19:46 AM
Hi! I am a huge fan of the Guardian Legend, and I recently learned about this program. I would love to play The Guardian Legend randomized like this, but the attachments don't work.

Can someone reupload it? So I can play it? It looks amazing.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on August 01, 2016, 09:36:39 AM
Quote from: DavidB1111 on August 01, 2016, 09:19:46 AM
Hi! I am a huge fan of the Guardian Legend, and I recently learned about this program. I would love to play The Guardian Legend randomized like this, but the attachments don't work.

Can someone reupload it? So I can play it? It looks amazing.

Please try now. Attachements got away after I moved the site to other host. I reuploaded them now.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: DavidB1111 on August 01, 2016, 12:16:59 PM
Thank you! I will enjoy this so much.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: DavidB1111 on August 01, 2016, 12:47:36 PM
Okay, there is something seriously wrong with this randomizer.  This is all with TGL-Worlds17 from the main attachment section.
Maybe it got corrupted?

Edit: Oh, sorry, I meant to edit my last post. Sorry for the double post.
I'm just so confused why this is bugged out so much. :(

Please, someone, tell me what options I need in order to play this.

This is so disappointing. I really wanted to play this, but it's broken, the layout completely is distorted, broken map, the corridors seem to be all next to each other.  Or almost all next to each other. Everything is completely and totally broken. Why is this happening? :(
It just completely freaks out on the map, everything flickers, like there's 30 corridors or something, or 40.

I really hope this forum is not completely dead. I need help figuring out why it's unplayable. :( It's almost like it's stuck in speed race mode, but in a completely broken manner, and only if I try to randomize the labyrinth.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on August 01, 2016, 09:01:43 PM
You downloaded from page one? Try from page 12
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on August 01, 2016, 09:07:20 PM
And I don't think it's currupted it's just the first versions where he tried to randomize pretty much everything. And it had some serius issues, like it's mostly like impossible to beat. Some corridors can be fun, some can be super boring. I've got things like that from there:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: DavidB1111 on August 02, 2016, 01:09:07 AM
I'm using version 1.7.
But every single time I've generated a game and tried to run it, it's given me that broken layout. Every single time.
Okay, though, I thought the version 1.7 was the one I was supposed to use, not the one on Page 12, which seemed to give less control.

My apologies for misunderstanding.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on August 02, 2016, 02:12:15 AM
Quote from: DavidB1111 on August 02, 2016, 01:09:07 AM
I'm using version 1.7.
But every single time I've generated a game and tried to run it, it's given me that broken layout. Every single time.
Okay, though, I thought the version 1.7 was the one I was supposed to use, not the one on Page 12, which seemed to give less control.

My apologies for misunderstanding.

The "broken" layout is from earlier versions. Tho it's very fun but hardly playable. I wonder is author will try to get back to the randomizer and improve it.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: DavidB1111 on August 02, 2016, 07:04:37 AM
Ah. Okay. Now I understand. The one on page 12 is much better that's for sure.
I like it.
So far, I got 4 attack upgrades before corridor 2. :P
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on August 04, 2016, 05:56:32 AM
Hey TGL fans, Keep writing suggestions, and when there are alot of them, I'll start working on a new version. Thanks.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on August 04, 2016, 09:39:00 AM
Make multiple bosses, I guess I told that already  ;D . But never make double blue optomon. Some good player tried that and he was beating him 6 hours  :skull:

The other suggestion could be - balance the special weapons. Like make crappy lazer slower probably. More damage to some other weapons. I guess runners could suggest something about it.

Make the crappy boss harder: (

Maybe make some bosses shoot other stuff. Like crab could shoot homing balls.

Maybe that miniboss can appear in the corridor and corridor boss on the land.

BTW some guy modified the hack and corrected the bonus production by EE and  walking through the red piramids:,2022.0.html (,2022.0.html)
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Charly on September 07, 2016, 07:07:32 AM
Random code.
When I type "true color" it doesn't work. Please help
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on September 11, 2016, 03:28:11 PM
Quote from: Charly on September 07, 2016, 07:07:32 AM
Random code.
When I type "true color" it doesn't work. Please help

Not all codes work.

I'm back to actively making changes again, stay tuned!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Goldug on September 05, 2018, 04:23:38 AM
So yeah, I'm new and reviving this old thread, but I just have to know... how can I enter Corridor 4? The blue guy that opens it is nowhere to be found, since he's a shopkeeper and there doesn't seem to be any shopkeepers at all, at least in my random seed.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on September 05, 2018, 08:01:30 AM
Quote from: Goldug on September 05, 2018, 04:23:38 AM
So yeah, I'm new and reviving this old thread, but I just have to know... how can I enter Corridor 4? The blue guy that opens it is nowhere to be found, since he's a shopkeeper and there doesn't seem to be any shopkeepers at all, at least in my random seed.

Haha, what a trolling situation!
I guess there is nothing can be done untill author would fix that problem and check that there always would be a shop before 4th corridor.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Grimgrin on September 11, 2018, 06:27:31 PM
On my MMC5 hack, you can now use new free ram for anything with this program. I posted a bugfix of my MMC5 hack a while back.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Charly on January 14, 2020, 07:47:54 PM
Can you update the randomizer so that after the 1st base, the game will spawn Miria at the shop and immediately unlock corridor 4, just like what you did in TGL Worlds - Speedracer?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 03, 2020, 07:57:32 AM
Quote from: Charly on January 14, 2020, 07:47:54 PM
Can you update the randomizer so that after the 1st base, the game will spawn Miria at the shop and immediately unlock corridor 4, just like what you did in TGL Worlds - Speedracer?

I lost the source for this program.  It's going to take atleast a month for me to set everything back up to make this change.  I do plan on getting back to making the next version of this app in the near future, so I'll keep you posted on any new developments. Hopefully, someone else can make an add on that can take care of this problem in the meantime.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 03, 2020, 10:46:13 AM
Anybody want to hook me up with a full version of SWF Decompiler, this effort will go alot faster.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on March 03, 2020, 12:30:36 PM
Great to see you back!  :redlander:
Not sure it's good idea to post email right here. Bots can pick it up and use for spam. If you OK with sharing email, I can just give it to people who are asking about your TGL projects.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Tishero on March 03, 2020, 02:49:41 PM
This is great news! My wife and I have been hosting TGL Worlds Rando Races, but it has been hard finding seeds that are not too broken/that are beatable. This has caused us to put the races on hold. We are both very happy to see that you plan on returning to this project!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 04, 2020, 08:09:04 AM
Yeah, I may take a break from TGL but I never truly leave it for good. :bluelanderbig:

In the meantime, visit my new Dream Music channel and support it. That way, I can focus most of my free time on the generator.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 04, 2020, 10:24:41 AM
Update: I was able to view a released version of the source code.  The route for now is for me to release a "patch app" which will automatically make the first room a shop. Any other major improvements will occur much later, as the source I have is still complicated to work with, but it does tell me how to patch the problem.   Should have it released within 2 weeks.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on March 16, 2020, 08:46:41 AM
Added the shop back into the random generation.

Found here,2092.0.html
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: MeowingKitty on March 16, 2020, 04:31:53 PM
Awesome! I will pass the word on to Tishero.. unfortunately his computer went and due to the current pandemic we won't be able to get a replacement part in until Saturday. However, we will be sure to get back to you as soon as we are able to test this further. Thank you so much for all your hard work! It is very much appreciated! :heart:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on August 19, 2020, 02:35:49 PM
We used to run this all the time, the problem is, like tishero mentioned, that its so broken most seeds are often times incompletable.
Or you find yourself softlocked because the map generator failed and put you off the map.

If those problems can get cleaned up, and some work can go into doing to the later corridors like what was done with the earlier ones (i actually understand the challenges of altering pattern tables to function in other areas, i am on the Crystalis Randomizer development team), then this can become a lot of fun again.

I can easily see the old gang picking it back up for a random race here and there :D
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on August 19, 2020, 02:37:44 PM
Are you planning on keeping this in Flash?
Or are you going to open the source on this one?

I am going to look into disassembling the entire rom here in near future, and see what it would take using our main programmers disassember.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on August 21, 2020, 06:31:50 AM
Okay i now have our main programmers disassembler, and this weekend will be logging a true 100% playthrough of the game. This means every screen, every text box, every shop, every encounter, every corridor, every everything.
This should give me a full log of every single function in the game.

If this is something that you can benefit from Quiose, let me know and i can send you the disassembly log when its done.
Ideally here, with the entire game logged and routed, anything that you are missing should be able to be located, and then adjusted as needed.

The one thing the disassembler does not do currently, is graphics. Eventually, he is going to rewrite the disassembler to include graphics, but thats not a thing.

Anyway, this is happening, so let me know if its something that  you can make use of.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on August 21, 2020, 07:16:29 AM
sounds crazy tho. I mean that is quite big amount of work. what is the reason to do this deep research?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on August 21, 2020, 11:26:54 AM
Well heres the thing, the more info that developers have, the more they can get done in a shorter period of time.
If i can provide him with anything he doesnt already have, then that only helps to further improve on the program.
Thats what this kinda research is all about.

I can almost guarantee you that at one time, Optomon had everything when he made TGL secret.... he just lost all his documentation =/
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: MeowingKitty on August 31, 2020, 10:01:21 AM
Mattrick_ thank you for your hard work. If there's anything Tishero or I can do as players to help please let us know! Hopefully our gang and your gang can get together for some really awesome races some day. We even had an item tracker made for when we did races. Tishero also started a dedicated Twitch race channel. Just wanted to make a post so you know that we see you! And we greatly appreciate any and all efforts to make this happen!
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on August 31, 2020, 10:39:51 AM
I need to get in touch with vaxherd as well, because afaik he has a disassembly already that is notated for things that were useful in the any% run... this could save hours of work
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Mattrick_ on September 01, 2020, 10:51:00 AM
As it turns out... Vaxherd DID indeed have a full disassembly of the game. It is however, only partly notated.

I can easily upload it here, or provide a copy of it to Quoise if it will help with any development of the randomizer.
Just let me know!

Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on December 07, 2020, 08:41:17 AM
Yes you can post the details here.
I'm working on a new randomizer from scratch (not a rom hack). In the very early stages of it but I'll keep you all posted.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on December 08, 2020, 12:23:39 AM
Wow. From scratch again? Hope it's worthy.

Would it be beatable every time?
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on December 18, 2020, 08:10:34 AM
Quote from: arseniy on December 08, 2020, 12:23:39 AM
Wow. From scratch again? Hope it's worthy.

Would it be beatable every time?
yes, since I'm making it instead of modifying
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on December 19, 2020, 04:32:15 AM
In secret edition few bosses had altered projectiles. I wonder if this is possible to have randonmize of bosses projectiles. Also could be good to make 2 bosses which in original go by only 1 time(Terramute, Zib Zub, Craw Daddy). Instead of too much of others. Same with minibosses. There are too much easy diggers who spreads polypuses(crawling star fishes) on the ground.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Quoise Games on December 21, 2020, 11:48:25 AM
Quote from: arseniy on December 19, 2020, 04:32:15 AM
In secret edition few bosses had altered projectiles. I wonder if this is possible to have randonmize of bosses projectiles. Also could be good to make 2 bosses which in original go by only 1 time(Terramute, Zib Zub, Craw Daddy). Instead of too much of others. Same with minibosses. There are too much easy diggers who spreads polypuses(crawling star fishes) on the ground.

I don't want to give too much of the game away, but basically a lot more stuff will be randomized now that I have direct control of it.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on December 22, 2020, 11:25:54 AM
On the other side. Often people don't estimate their energy and put in too much ideas. And then have not enough of energy charge and give up  :skull: :skull: :skull: . So maybe I should not overwhelm with the features  ;D . It's better to pick just some best ones at first, and keep other stuff for possible updates.
Anyway it's great to see you are back with this  :heart:
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: Ratix on January 27, 2023, 07:55:41 AM
hey uh, how is the new randomizer going? i was playing a random seed i generated on 2.0 and my game ended early due to entering corridor 0 in "jerks" world that i generated.
Title: Re: The Guardian Legend: WORLDS
Post by: arseniy on February 05, 2023, 04:57:26 AM
Fireball doing some randomizer. Can you ask him on Discord?