The Guardian Legend

Original Game => Rom Hacks, MODs, Plugins => Topic started by: optomon on March 11, 2010, 06:55:09 PM

Title: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 11, 2010, 06:55:09 PM
A little bit of talk has gone around about the reverse engineering of Guardian Legend. In light of it, I'll introduce this.  It is a hacked version of the game. This is pretty much the embodiment of what I've modified in the game. Every now and then, I change some things around in it. The map is different, the corridors are mostly similar with some different bosses, and maybe a couple of other minor things. You should play it if interested in a somewhat different TGL.

TGL-Secret.nes (

Version 3.2
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 11, 2010, 08:50:24 PM
I never happen upon on to the RAM modifications of TGL forum topics. Where all of that disscuses?
Is there any more modified TGLs?
If there was over 4 of them could be made some stikcy topic or maybe a section?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: tummai on March 11, 2010, 11:06:50 PM
Quote from: optomon on March 11, 2010, 06:55:09 PM
A little bit of talk has gone around about the reverse engineering of Guardian Legend. In light of it, I'll introduce this.  It is a hacked version of the game. This is pretty much the embodiment of what I've modified in the game. Every now and then, I change some things around in it. The map is different, the corridors are mostly similar with some different bosses, and maybe a couple of other minor things. You should play it if interested in a somewhat different TGL.

TGL-Secret.nes (

Awesome!  Will try this out tonight!  Was it pretty straightforward to switch out the bosses?  That's on my list of things to figure out how to do.  We should do some information exchange.  I bet if we combined our notes we'd know this game backwards and forwards.

Quote from: arseniy
Is there any more modified TGLs?
If there was over 4 of them could be made some stikcy topic or maybe a section?

You should add a "Rom Hacking" section to the forum for discussing this kind of thing.  I released a little patch yesterday that let's you choose your hero color.  Actually, working on that patch is what inspired me to sign up for this forum.  You can find the topic here:,10474.0.html (,10474.0.html)

Looks like optomon already found it.  Anyway, don't want to threadjack, so I'll be back with comments on optomon's hack later.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: tummai on March 12, 2010, 07:12:47 AM
Quote from: optomon on March 11, 2010, 06:55:09 PM
A little bit of talk has gone around about the reverse engineering of Guardian Legend. In light of it, I'll introduce this.  It is a hacked version of the game. This is pretty much the embodiment of what I've modified in the game. Every now and then, I change some things around in it. The map is different, the corridors are mostly similar with some different bosses, and maybe a couple of other minor things. You should play it if interested in a somewhat different TGL.

This hack is really cool.  It's much more challenging than the original game, which is good.  I freaked out when I saw those laser ships on the first level :).  Right now I'm stuck on the last corridor in the Moon Key area.  The Squid boss is really tough at this point in the game.  Especially since I have to walk so far from the save point.  I'm going to go try again right now.  Really fun to play!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 12, 2010, 08:20:35 AM
Don't you use save states all the time?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 12, 2010, 03:42:55 PM
Quote from: tummai on March 11, 2010, 11:06:50 PM,10474.0.html (,10474.0.html)

Looks like optomon already found it.  Anyway, don't want to threadjack, so I'll be back with comments on optomon's hack later.

LOL yes I did. My commentary was in response to the fact that I had showed this hack here moments before discovering your hack on RHDN, and I didn't realise that you frequented the site.

Yeah the game is significantly more challenging than the original, perhaps even too cruel for some. I was hoping the more hardcore players would enjoy it.

Quote from: tummai on March 11, 2010, 11:06:50 PM
Was it pretty straightforward to switch out the bosses?  That's on my list of things to figure out how to do.  We should do some information exchange.  I bet if we combined our notes we'd know this game backwards and forwards.

Switching the bosses took a while to figure out and is not very straightfoward. I discovered how to do it over 5 years ago and it was one of the first things I tried to do in the game. It requires editing a single attribute from a table and changing a pointer that is embedded in the corridor level data. It's complicated so I'll have to talk about it elsewhere.

If you want to have information exchanges, we should just document it in threads in this part of the forum.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 12, 2010, 05:44:33 PM
nice nice nice!!   going to try this out right now! :bluelander: :redlander: :skull:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 12, 2010, 06:23:09 PM
wow... lol.. its maddening almost! i want to stick to my normal routine... since i have played tis game like 10,000+ times!! i feel like im missng stuff and it awesome to explore again.. VERY refreshing, so far i have just beaten the first two corridors.. but ill be hitting up more of it tonight..  very cool though, good work!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: tummai on March 13, 2010, 07:32:17 AM
I agree.  Very fresh to play a new version of the game that I haven't memorized.  I finally beat the squid boss and made it to the Forest Area.  But the corridors are killing me without any shields.  I made it to the Clawbot once but didn't last.  Will try to take him down again tomorrow.  This hack is a lot of fun!

Oh, and no save states of course :).  At least not to redo anything.  I do use a save state at the end of the day so I don't have to write a password down.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 13, 2010, 07:37:10 AM
Quote from: tummai on March 13, 2010, 07:32:17 AM
I agree.  Very fresh to play a new version of the game that I haven't memorized.  I finally beat the squid boss and made it to the Forest Area.  But the corridors are killing me without any shields.  I made it to the Clawbot once but didn't last.  Will try to take him down again tomorrow.  This hack is a lot of fun!

Oh, and no save states of course :).  At least not to redo anything.  I do use a save state at the end of the day so I don't have to write a password down.
That's hardcore!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 13, 2010, 10:35:05 AM
i do the same thing kind of, i will only save state after beating a corridor, i hate the abusing save state tech..
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 13, 2010, 08:35:50 PM
I save state like every 5 second ;)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 13, 2010, 08:54:40 PM
lol...  :skull:! :skull:
doesnt that make it a little too easy?
i love knowing the fact that i can die.. just like real life, gotta keep things edgy!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 13, 2010, 09:04:55 PM
not all the games. Some games I play with no save state. For example I tried to play Recca(NES SHMUP) with no save states after I finished it with save states.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 13, 2010, 09:06:03 PM
Recca? never heard of it... im playing the TGL hack as we speak will have to check that out
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 13, 2010, 09:31:58 PM
Nice! a sequel sounds awesome.. but i love the original gameplay and this game too much.. having anew map with new challenges is awesome! do i ever get a gun poweup lol? and i love the screens with like 12 enemies storming at once! im lovin this!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 14, 2010, 12:06:21 AM
Check out Recca. It's very hardcore NES SHMUP with unique music.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 15, 2010, 05:15:10 PM
Damn.. Iwas at the end of the organic area and my save state vanished... oh well, i should have bought that redlander anyways!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 15, 2010, 09:16:27 PM
Is this VirtuaNes or Area x1 y19 looks like buggy like when you out of map? :skull:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 16, 2010, 10:34:31 AM
Just beat the game.. got 2,700,390 for score... awesome game.. lots of the corridors were really challenging, I trruly enjoyed this.. got anymore optomon?

Quote from: arseniy on March 15, 2010, 09:16:27 PM
Is this VirtuaNes or Area x1 y19 looks like buggy like when you out of map? :skull:

Its not the emulator :redlander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 16, 2010, 10:37:32 AM
Quote from: RagnarokNAJU on March 16, 2010, 10:34:31 AM
Just beat the game.. got 2,700,390 for score... awesome game.. lots of the corridors were really challenging, I trruly enjoyed this.. got anymore optomon?

Quote from: arseniy on March 15, 2010, 09:16:27 PM
Is this VirtuaNes or Area x1 y19 looks like buggy like when you out of map? :skull:

Its not the emulator
Well does there somewhere buggy places was fo you?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 16, 2010, 10:40:06 AM
No, I didn't encounter any other graphical bugs or anything.. That one room did look funny in the jungle that you mentioned..
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 17, 2010, 01:31:50 AM
Quote from: RagnarokNAJU on March 16, 2010, 10:34:31 AM
Just beat the game.. got 2,700,390 for score... awesome game.. lots of the corridors were really challenging, I trruly enjoyed this.. got anymore optomon?

Quote from: arseniy on March 15, 2010, 09:16:27 PM
Is this VirtuaNes or Area x1 y19 looks like buggy like when you out of map? :skull:

Its not the emulator :redlander:

Congrats on the completion, but that is all I have pretty much. I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I wanted this game for those who had mastered the original game. Some of the corridors can be really harsh, especially the bosses (the one in corridor 10 might be the one that is truly pushing the limits, you kind of have to "outcheap" him I'll admit). The only other changes I had planned for this game were to make full edits of the corridors (as you know, a couple of them like corridor 3 are significantly altered though most are either the same or are switched).

I'll have to check out that one area, X1, Y19. Sometimes I don't visit areas for years during the course of testing this game.

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 19, 2010, 02:47:25 AM
Congrats on the boss at area 6(
Seems finally fixed his homing rockets so they fly very fast and stonger so seems not possible to stupidly push the laser into the boss and destroy all of them.
Really like that this boss was fixed to the challenging.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 19, 2010, 09:30:02 AM
and how about blue optomon as a mini boss? tre' chic
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 19, 2010, 10:16:29 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 19, 2010, 02:47:25 AM
Congrats on the boss at area 6(
Seems finally fixed his homing rockets so they fly very fast and stonger so seems not possible to stupidly push the laser into the boss and destroy all of them.
Really like that this boss was fixed to the challenging.

This is in fact correct, The red bombarder's missiles were strangely weak when I first checked the data in game, certainly weaker than those of its blue counterpart. It was almost certainly a typo made by one of the game's creators.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 24, 2010, 09:28:36 AM
Why the title on looks with red planet???
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on March 24, 2010, 09:49:03 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 24, 2010, 09:28:36 AM
Why the title on looks with red planet???

looks pretty cool though.. more dangerous feeling..
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 24, 2010, 09:48:33 PM
Ehh... I just did that so it could be distinguished from the normal guardian legend game.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 24, 2010, 10:33:21 PM
Quote from: optomon on March 24, 2010, 09:48:33 PM
Ehh... I just did that so it could be distinguished from the normal guardian legend game.
Well I can try make alternative pallete like that.
Pallete making is cool thing. I tuned the game TMNT TF and it looks so much pleasant than original colors.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Grimgrin on March 28, 2010, 12:59:29 PM
Nice hack! I had a fun time playing this hack. It's really challenging. One of the bosses are very hard and I like some new changes too. The only area in the game that doesn't have it's own music is area 7 & 8. I use a save state when the game is over and quit for a while.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: teremochek on March 30, 2010, 01:53:22 AM
Thanks. Good job.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Grimgrin on April 02, 2010, 03:01:59 PM
Quote from: teremochek on March 30, 2010, 01:53:22 AM
Thanks. Good job.

You're welcome! I'm trying it again and I got the right items this time.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on May 03, 2010, 04:55:58 PM
i need another new TGL!!!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Megadeth502 on May 03, 2010, 08:36:50 PM
cool remake! i actually got lost for a change. hahaha  :bluelander:  :)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on May 03, 2010, 08:38:45 PM
Quote from: Megadeth502 on May 03, 2010, 08:36:50 PM
cool remake! i actually got lost for a change. hahaha  :bluelander:  :)
i know isnt it great?

ive started making a map for this version... i feel like immissing something..
played through it again and dedicated myself to clearing everyscreen and ended u with 4 and a half million points..
:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on May 03, 2010, 09:51:41 PM
Optomon are you going to team up with tummai and other guys to create more hacked version of TGL in future?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Megadeth502 on May 04, 2010, 05:36:52 AM
i sure hope so
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Jigglysaint on May 04, 2010, 07:20:21 PM
It would be interesting to see a group hack effort.  More importantly, if we could just expand the rom, I bet there could be alot more possiblities.  More complex rooms, better level design, more puzzles and ways to open corridors, stuff like that.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on May 04, 2010, 07:31:19 PM
Yeah but is it possible to expand the rom?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: tummai on May 11, 2010, 04:14:13 AM
Quote from: arseniy on May 04, 2010, 07:31:19 PM
Yeah but is it possible to expand the rom?

Should be possible, but probably not easy.  It's not much work to turn UNROM (128k) into UOROM (256k).  The problem is that the fixed bank is packed full so there's not much room to expand the existing fixed bank subroutines to support 16 banks instead of 8.  But if we could pull it off the hack possibilities are endless.  We'd have an extra 128k of space to do whatever we wanted to.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on May 11, 2010, 05:57:57 AM
Would it be possible to turn it to 512k or what the max possibility would be?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: tummai on May 11, 2010, 06:12:45 AM
I think UOROM is the highest in the UxROM series, so 256k.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on May 11, 2010, 09:13:57 AM
Quote from: tummai on May 11, 2010, 06:12:45 AM
I think UOROM is the highest in the UxROM series, so 256k.
Hm no way to switch it to SNES for example? Or only NES possible with Max of 256k?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Grimgrin on May 11, 2010, 04:23:35 PM
There's is a utilitie at that allow you to expand nes roms by using this: .
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Jigglysaint on May 11, 2010, 07:43:44 PM
Quote from: tummai on May 11, 2010, 04:14:13 AM
Quote from: arseniy on May 04, 2010, 07:31:19 PM
Yeah but is it possible to expand the rom?

Should be possible, but probably not easy.  It's not much work to turn UNROM (128k) into UOROM (256k).  The problem is that the fixed bank is packed full so there's not much room to expand the existing fixed bank subroutines to support 16 banks instead of 8.  But if we could pull it off the hack possibilities are endless.  We'd have an extra 128k of space to do whatever we wanted to.

If I recall correctly, there would still need to be alot of recoding involved in order to make room for new code.  If $C000 to $DFFF could be swapped out, more room could be added.  You only need to have the main PRG bank running for things that must always be active.  There could also be the possibility to use the save ram area to hold extra data.  Games like Kid Icarus and The Legend of Zelda use the Save Ram area to temporarily place data, and it could even be technically possible to alter existing data on the fly in that area.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: tummai on May 13, 2010, 06:50:14 AM
Quote from: arseniy on May 11, 2010, 09:13:57 AM
Quote from: tummai on May 11, 2010, 06:12:45 AM
I think UOROM is the highest in the UxROM series, so 256k.
Hm no way to switch it to SNES for example? Or only NES possible with Max of 256k?

Not possible to switch it to SNES.  NES is capable of more than 256k, but you kinda have to stay in the same mapper family when expanding ROMs.  The Guardian Legend uses the UNROM mapper, so the only choice for expansion is UOROM.  256k is plenty though.  TGL fits in 128k and that includes all the graphics and music and game engine.  By expanding to UOROM you'd double your space.

Quote from: JigglySaint
If I recall correctly, there would still need to be alot of recoding involved in order to make room for new code.  If $C000 to $DFFF could be swapped out, more room could be added.  You only need to have the main PRG bank running for things that must always be active.  There could also be the possibility to use the save ram area to hold extra data.  Games like Kid Icarus and The Legend of Zelda use the Save Ram area to temporarily place data, and it could even be technically possible to alter existing data on the fly in that area.

The problem is still the mapper.  TGL uses UNROM, which swaps 16k banks in the $8000-$BFFF space and has $C000-$FFFF fixed.  8k swaps not possible.  Even if they were, all of the code in $C000-$DFFF needs to be there.  All of the enemy/object code and NMI/PPU toggling is there.  The bankswitching routines are there too ($D705 onwards).  IIRC, UNROM doesn't allow WRAM either  :bluelander:

There are about 50 bytes of free space at the end of the fixed bank, and a patch of ~40 bytes that can be cleared out of the RESET routine.  I don't know if that's enough.

I have one idea that might work.   $C000-$C173 in the fixed bank is a big table of JMPs to fixed bank subroutines.  It acts like a table of contents.  When code in one of the swappable banks calls a subroutine in the fixed bank, it always uses these JMPs as a middleman.  For example, if there is code in a swappable bank that needs to read the controller, they will do a "JSR $C01E".  $C01E is just a JMP instruction to the real controller reading routine (located at $D64C).  I don't know why the programmers set it up like this.  Maybe it was a primitive way to keep a bank's subroutines private? 

Anyway, I think we could gut it.  For example, if we could find every single instance of "JSR $C01E" and change them to "JSR $D64C", we could skip the middle-man and free up the 3 bytes that make up the JMP instruction.  If we did the same thing for ALL of the JMPs we could free up about 370 bytes at the beginning of the fixed bank, which would be plenty to hook up support for 8 new banks that UOROM would give us.  Sounds like a pain in the ass to do though   :redlander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on May 13, 2010, 06:59:49 AM
yay, pain in ass! Sounds like professional programming :3
Lets imagine there was some budget. How much would it need and what goal to set if was possible to expand rom?
Like adding another stage few bosses and several enemies? And add more places for plot(RPG text)?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Jigglysaint on May 13, 2010, 09:25:43 AM
I've seen other games use the jmp tables as well, mainly Blaster Master.  From what I understand, it's a kernal table that makes the program easier to keep track of while coding.  Imagine if that they needed to go and tweak one of the subroutines, they could leave the JSR to one of those jmps alone, and just alter the jmp itself.  That way you are only making one edit, rather than several edits.  I don't think it would be wise to mess with that table, though doing so might free up alot of space.

I thought it was possible to change mappers.  I recall that DharkDaiz managed to change the mapper for SMB1 in order to implement his season changing effects.

Edit:  Unfortunatly rom hacking is not a thing that you can just pay people to do for you.  For one thing, this is a hobby, not a job, and second, people with the skills prefer to focus on work that interests them.  The only way that a really awesome TGL hack would come to fruition is if one among us is talented enough to make that happen, and is willing to devote alot of time, for free, to making such a game.  Sad to say that many classic NES games do not recieve the love and care that they deserve because not enough people with the skills know about or desire to hack the game.

Unfortunatly I don't posess the skills to make a really great hack of this game, but I am talent at data finding.  In fact I believe I was the first one to start hacking TGL, though others may have been first in writing notes or producing hacks and utilities.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on August 20, 2010, 07:38:05 AM
i keep playing this rom hack... maybe ill get a faq written out.. we need to spread the word and get more people to try this hack
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on August 20, 2010, 06:38:56 PM
Quote from: RagnarokNAJU on August 20, 2010, 07:38:05 AM
i keep playing this rom hack... maybe ill get a faq written out.. we need to spread the word and get more people to try this hack
Well I not sure about it. Optomon probably will do another attempt or improve the existing hack.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: BmpCorp on August 21, 2010, 09:37:47 AM
Really good hack. Especially a fight with an Optomon in the labyrinth trap :optomon: That was good idea.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: CODE RGB on August 22, 2010, 10:33:42 PM
Quote from: RagnarokNAJU on August 20, 2010, 07:38:05 AM
i keep playing this rom hack... maybe ill get a faq written out.. we need to spread the word and get more people to try this hack
you really should get a FAQ written out cause right now i feel like i need one lol. I'm pretty much stuck at corridor 5, i know it says to keep fireing to open the gate but i have been doing that and for the life of me i can't get the damn thing open. any suggestions?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on August 23, 2010, 03:44:37 AM
LOL! Did u tried to read through all messages using glitch?
Hold select and it will keep list through all messages
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: CODE RGB on August 23, 2010, 01:21:00 PM
i don't get it, i have been firing all day inside corridor 5 just like it said and the gate is not opening. has anyone els had this problem? I'm beginning to think it's my emulator or something. should i just move on to the next area and then come back to it later?  ???
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: BmpCorp on August 23, 2010, 11:00:01 PM
Maybe you should fire at some specific place in the room. Try to search for it, you'll hear different hit sound when you find it.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on August 24, 2010, 12:51:52 AM
I think only Optomon can answer you! I didn't made it too far so I just don't know!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: CODE RGB on August 25, 2010, 06:54:29 PM
screw it. I've tried everything lol. i have beaten thru the entire game except for corridor 5 and i still can't figure out how to open it. i guess if anyone els gets corridor 5 opened then let me know how you did it cause i can't finish the game with out beating corridor 5. Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on August 26, 2010, 12:43:37 AM
shoot the word corridor for like a full min
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on September 02, 2010, 09:18:40 AM
I think the hint goes something like "If you keep firing, the corridor will open"

Just keep shooting, like corridor 10 in the original game. Or it should open anyway. Not sure why that could have happened.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on September 02, 2010, 09:13:37 PM
maybe you use turbo button? Maybe you have to press not turbo button?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: CODE RGB on September 02, 2010, 10:37:54 PM
I'm pretty positive it has something to do with the JNES emulator that i use, i have tried everything that everyone suggested and still nothing. i did how ever play thru TGL mode and felt very satisfied completing that!  :)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on September 03, 2010, 03:08:22 AM
What is coordinates of corridor 5? I m not sure if I beat it or not. I not played it all through bcuz it's just too hard for me. I tried to continue playing today there was corridor 7 and 8

The only part of map not opened is bottom right.

So what coordiante of corridor 5 u saying?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: CODE RGB on September 03, 2010, 04:43:55 PM
i have no idea about the coordinates of corridor 5, all i remember is that inside corridor 5 there is a orange  :grimgrin: to fight.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on September 03, 2010, 09:32:29 PM
So you got inside it?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: CODE RGB on September 03, 2010, 11:06:27 PM
lol no, i replayed the hack on TGL mode.  :P
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: UserK on October 29, 2010, 10:54:21 AM
You guys are wizards of some kind! Quite involved hobby indeed!
I am not going to play it right away as I'm not supposed to have any time to play in those weeks... I must keep me as focused as I can.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: UserK on December 18, 2010, 09:34:08 AM
Thank you optomon for this! It gives me more than enough of what the original TGL excitement was.
I just beat :optomon: with two chips and ZERO life! That was a fight! Totally awesome!!!

And you reward me with an... energy tank? :P
Well, I suppose beating the game itself is more than enough! Very good work! I'm going to play it some more as soon as I can.

I must say that the drop rates for the EU version were quite different. Have those been tweaked? Maybe they are original JAP?
Title: Re: more feedback, this time not so great.
Post by: UserK on January 05, 2011, 09:46:58 AM
Uhm, I noticed there's no "happy new year" thread in this forum. So I will just write it here.
Best wishes everyone for the new year!

Now back to the impressions :P
In line of concept I should be working hard right now but I cannot concentrate so I gave another shot at this. I am now playing area 5 and 6. The difficulty has ramped up and I like it. It seems area 6 to slightly easier than 5... or maybe that's just me?

After the previous "reward" for winning a corridor of an energy tank I have to say that finding shields around is a bit odd.

A thing which really put me off are red bombardier's blue missiles.
Given the number of missiles, their speed and turn rate, you can just stand near bombardier and take a few hits. Given the drop rate, I easily won the battle counting only on patience. I haven't tried the other boss in area 6 yet but I've tried both corridors in area 5 with no luck. Red bombardier is a joke. Was it intended to be?  ???
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on January 06, 2011, 08:36:44 AM
Hey. I not sent New Year news letter because I did not felt to. I hope no one dissapointed :3
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: UserK on January 09, 2011, 10:14:35 AM
Nah, don't worry.
I still think that area 6 is easier than 5  ???
Still stuck on those two however, this part is hard!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RagnarokNAJU on February 11, 2011, 07:43:04 AM
yay! love this game
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on February 16, 2011, 03:13:24 PM
I might make some more simpler modifications to the this game, especially the corridor enemies. I've noticed one of the items seems to be not possible to fully upgrade, the laser beam. I think one of the minibosses was supposed to give you it, but instead gives a grenade or something.

Out of the 22 shooter stages from the original game, only 7 of them are modified (excluding bosses), and only 4 are significantly modified. This fact really bugs me. It's very cumbersome to edit the floor of the corridors, but not so much the enemies that inhabit them, so I might just do that, as I'm caught up in other significant projects as well right now.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on February 16, 2011, 07:54:07 PM
so it is too hard to do that stuff? Can you allow to do this work to someone else?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on February 23, 2011, 03:09:38 PM
Nah, I actually started rearranging the corridors around a little, doing mostly the fish levels and the crystal levels.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 03, 2011, 02:46:40 PM
Guardian Legend: Secret Edition (

I made a video of part of it. The corridor #7 is an example of one of the new levels.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 03, 2011, 11:46:45 PM
Gah,,, It's cool but I don't like the idea of putting the ending music into area!
Could you add more eye bases to the level tho? It was pretty cool. I think could be 3 simple bases and 1 bigger base.
Also you could make harder dragon boss. I think you met him only one time in game.

Another things:
Can you add a corridor enemies into the areas?

this one made a nice floors for the areas.

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: UserK on March 06, 2011, 03:21:03 AM
Quote from: arseniy on March 03, 2011, 11:46:45 PM
Gah,,, It's cool but I don't like the idea of putting the ending music into area!
I agree. It was set up that way even in the previous version, the one I am playing.

Orange optomon takes a boatload of damage but it seems to be easier than the blue one... I'll have to think at this.
Quote from: arseniy on March 03, 2011, 11:46:45 PMAlso you could make harder dragon boss. I think you met him only one time in game.
I still haven't found it! Or perhaps I just have not seen it?  ???
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 06, 2011, 06:13:27 AM
I told about original game. It has only 1 dragon boss I think. So there could be 2 :redlander:!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 10, 2011, 07:09:02 AM
Download the newer version with edits to the corridors here:

TGL-Secert.nes (

-Corridor 0 and 13 unedited for the most part
-All other corridors are changed around in some way, some are completely different
-Entirely new corridor 21
-Slight changes to the map

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: UserK on March 10, 2011, 09:37:23 AM
I will keep playing the version I currently have. Perhaps you should add a version signature?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 10, 2011, 11:00:31 PM
Yes good idea about version signatures. Optomon? :optomon:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 12, 2011, 01:21:34 PM
Yeah this is a version 2.0, but I kind of wanted this to be the official version.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on April 18, 2011, 01:01:15 PM
i love this man keep it up. its new life an an old game :heart0:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on April 25, 2011, 08:06:14 AM
double posting because i want this bumped for a issue with the game.
im having various issues in area 3 coordinates X1,Y19.
i have graphical Garbage on the screen in certain spots and it seems like its randomly generated every time i load the rom image up. While i am playing this on the real hardware i think the same applies to the emulators as well. im testing it on my psp to see if the issue is present there as well.
why its a problem is because for some reason the game crashes and other times it looks like i used game genie codes to make it crash. this is randomly generated i believe everytime. if you want to get there quick just fill the password system with all J's you only start with 2 life but have the keys necessary to get to the coordinates.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on April 25, 2011, 12:33:06 PM
I have never once seen this room crash though I am aware of it, but I think I just spotted the reason why this room glitches. I just looked at the 4 bytes that define this room in the rom, and sure enough, the first and third bytes are entered incorrectly as "13", should be "03".

Try downloading the TGL-secret rom file now. I might have fixed it.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on April 25, 2011, 07:34:42 PM
ok, but this report is using the latest version of the game you put out. also i did more testing using an emulator and i get screen jitters but no crash, BUT i get screen jitters along that X1 coordinate in area 3. i can most likely make vid of it to mainly because its the craziest thing i've seen in this game that might be somewhat hilarious to some.
also more to report...
it seems that my coordinates get thrown off too. when i access the subscreen my location is in the middle of nowhere. life bar seems to be affected to since i died in one hit but my life bar was still blue but missing a chunck from the beginning. quite strange. but im more then likely going to press on with the game and just PRAY that it doesn't happen in flight mode.
oh btw i just wanna say that the stages are brutal with everything you've thrown and it hold up fairly well on the actual system. yes there is slight flicker but no major slow downs!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on April 28, 2011, 05:09:33 PM
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on April 29, 2011, 07:09:05 AM
Man if u use emulator you no need to waste so much time to reach coordinates. You can use save state before room.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on April 29, 2011, 09:33:17 AM
its recorded off the actual system. apparently it doesn't happen in the emulator. everytime i power down and reload the game the room is different.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on April 29, 2011, 11:21:15 AM
It's because the randomness in TGL depend on timer. I saw something similar walking outside of map tho there is a lot of unique bug. Those bugs even give some ideas for game creation. Unfortunatelly they not lead to anything and not so great most of times XD.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on April 29, 2011, 11:52:05 AM
I'm pretty sure I changed the maps of some of the areas shown in that video in the newest version possible... I suppose it's possible you could have downloaded it before I changed those.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on April 29, 2011, 02:55:11 PM
it could be possible but i have two versions. the 1st version doesn't have the altered title screen colors and the newest one is the one where the titlescreen is changed around a bit.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on April 29, 2011, 03:36:40 PM
The current version has all of the corridors altered as well as the map. It can be downloaded through the link in this topic.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on April 29, 2011, 03:49:33 PM
i'll redownload and try again.
and yeah all the corridors are altered quite a bit in the version i had posted too.
so i redownloaded it and tried it. works great. sorry bout the arguing optomon. but i swear i had it downloaded from the same source. its quite possible like you said i downloaded it right before you fixed it up. im not mad or anything like that i hope you are not mad either about it.
i guess i was using 1.0 now that it works on the console. the deal was i had the earliest form of the game, without the titlescreen altered, and the newest one ,the one with the titlescreen colors all red and whatnot. i think thats where my problem came from. so essentially i had the initial version, then 1.0. and never had 2.0 because i thought it was 2.0.
i also attached my password progress so far in the game because i can!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on April 29, 2011, 07:44:17 PM
Nah, I'm not mad at all. Just trying to figure out what had happened. But you brought it to my attention and I got it fixed. How are you playing this on actual hardware by the way, I know of a couple ways, but which one did you use?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on April 29, 2011, 11:16:38 PM
Ratix - that would be intresting to hear your answer for Optomon's question. We all use software. How u use hardware?

Optomon - now you see there is a point to use version prefix to avoid possible confusions like this.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on April 30, 2011, 03:10:51 AM
i recently got this little device.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on April 30, 2011, 09:18:44 AM
DUDE!!! That's awesome!!! I need to get that and play my roms on the NES!!! The only thing is that I'm saving up for the 3DS, so I can't get it :(...
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on May 06, 2011, 08:33:57 PM
end game :bluelanderbig:
all i can say is i died up to 4 times against those unique bosses you made. took a while to figure out a strat on them.
loved the new ways that were thought up to open certain corridors. although i didn't find all the weapons available to me i think i was missing a few upgrades. you can see what im missing with that latest password i gave. at least i think its the latest password. loved the designs on naju after words very great hack man.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on May 09, 2011, 03:41:35 PM
It is possible to fully upgrade all weapons. All but one of the upgrades were passed on early in the game, and the one that wasn't I think needed to be purchased in a shop against two other items. Good job beating the game.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on May 09, 2011, 04:08:09 PM
i dare say shooter mode only might be unplayable... unless the weapon upgrades in that mode are the same. and yes thank you so much for making this game awesome.
i think a corridor is missing in tgl mode
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: zeldatimelinefreak on May 10, 2011, 08:00:40 AM
I loaded your password and you also missed a speed upgrade in the main area! I picked it up and went straight to corridor 21. On ground I felt like I was going super speed (blazing through rooms in mere fractions of seconds), but in SHMUP I felt like I was in more control than ever.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on August 10, 2011, 07:48:28 PM
The 2.0 version is now downloadable on RHDN (

At least I think it's the correct version  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on August 11, 2011, 05:12:19 AM
Quote from: optomon on August 10, 2011, 07:48:28 PM
The 2.0 version is now downloadable on RHDN (

At least I think it's the correct version  :bluelander:
Have you made any changes since you posted a news about 2.0 here on forum???

Anyway if you not know, you need a patch program to update the rom. Don't forget to create backup before you do. - I used Lunar IPS
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on August 12, 2011, 09:42:25 PM
I haven't made any new changes to it.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Quoise Games on August 19, 2012, 07:00:00 AM
Optomon, I've just played your TGL Secret game, it is a wonderful challenge!!!! Thanks for modding the TGL game. You did an awesome job and you definitely have skill in the field of game design. 

Great job!

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on August 21, 2012, 07:23:35 AM
Hey, Thanks. I tried to make it as if you 'd play a second quest of the Guardian Legend, and have it still be a lot like the original, but with more difficulty.

Some other bosses I wanted to make but didn't pull off:

Blue Crawdaddy (organic area)
Gold Fleepa (water area)
Gold Bombarder (teleport MUCH quicker, desert area)
Blue Teramute (crystal area)

And possibly a different version of the final boss, which I still could have pulled off.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on August 21, 2012, 11:33:18 AM
Different final boss? Hehe that would be pretty much a blast :redlander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Golbez on August 21, 2012, 05:38:21 PM
Wow, so I'm finding this for the first time as well. Absolutely love it! I've died on every boss except 2 so far - both in the third area. The first one, I played the more difficult corridor first - corridor 3, where the boss is the same as 13 but blue instead of orange. So when I played the orange one, much easier plus I got a shield. And then the next green area where the boss hides and reappears and fires a round of missiles at you. I see his health was extended, but he's such a powerless wuss. I got health bonuses at ever missile launch, and never dropped more than 1 unit of health from full.

But I have a question: "I will sell only one of these to you." Are any of these items duplicated throughout the game? Or is this the only spot I might be able to get an item to level 3? I don't want to waste my opportunity here :)

Edit - Yeah, having that corridor 5 problem also. Fired my gun continually for over 2 minutes. If you need more than 30 seconds of gunfire, something is wrong. 120 should be well more than enough. Moving on! Oh yeah, NESten emulator 0.61.  Win7 64 bit.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on August 26, 2012, 09:07:43 AM
I was hoping that I could get that corridor 5 fixed. It is possible to have all items on level 3, but I can't remember if you have to collect items a certain way in the shops to accomplish this.

I am giving in to the temptation of Satan lately, and starting to do a couple of boss related things, mainly, an alternative final boss, with the original final boss being just like a normal boss in one of the corridors. The idea is kind of cheesy, but I can't pull off too much with the tight space TGL has.

I'm also planning on making a couple of new versions of other bosses, and switching a couple of them around.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on August 26, 2012, 09:46:39 AM
Would you try to do multiple bosses? For example crabs are pretty better when there are many of them:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on August 26, 2012, 10:06:46 AM
Yeah that's a fun idea. I haven't experimented with it too much yet, except with the final boss.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on August 26, 2012, 11:52:34 AM
Quote from: optomon on August 26, 2012, 10:06:46 AM
Yeah that's a fun idea. I haven't experimented with it too much yet, except with the final boss.
I'd say double final boss is double boring  ::)
He just takes so loooooong XD
Also it's cool to fight with 3 red optomons in the final area where you meet boss after boss. I just not know how would it be possible to launch them one after one, because if you launch them simultaniously then they will be just one over another.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: teremochek on August 27, 2012, 11:01:22 PM
Would be nice to do something to the bosses did not disappear when they are on top of each other. Unfortunately I do not know this limit game, or this restriction emulator.  :skull: :redlander: :skull:

I also found a fast emulator. He can do a lot of bosses, without sacrificing performance.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on August 28, 2012, 01:42:22 AM
Quote from: teremochek on August 27, 2012, 11:01:22 PM
Would be nice to do something to the bosses did not disappear when they are on top of each other. Unfortunately I do not know this limit game, or this restriction emulator.  :skull: :redlander: :skull:

I also found a fast emulator. He can do a lot of bosses, without sacrificing performance.

And what the emulator is?
The limitation of sprites blinking is NES itself as I know.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: teremochek on August 30, 2012, 07:24:51 AM
Quote from: arseniy on August 28, 2012, 01:42:22 AM
And what the emulator is?

Emulator NNNesterJTurbo.

Quote from: arseniy on August 28, 2012, 01:42:22 AM
The limitation of sprites blinking is NES itself as I know.

Well maybe someday hack emulator with support for many sprites do not blink.
Although, two bosses look good. But three is bad.
Double bosses would be great!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on August 31, 2012, 06:29:56 PM
Officially working on a third version, mainly doing a little boss tweaking, but not much else. Maybe a version 2.5
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 07, 2012, 11:41:47 PM
TGL-Secret.nes (

Official 3.0 version.

- Some more new bosses
- New corridor puzzles
- More corridor bosses as minibosses in walking areas
- New final boss (hopefully not too lame/boring).
- Higher difficultly
- Other general rehashing

There seem to be some minor issues, with enemies.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 08, 2012, 01:53:53 AM
Could be posted in first post maybe. Sounds like cool stuff but higher difficulty? OMG!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 08, 2012, 02:24:06 AM
Hai guys what did I miss? *slurps some slurpees*

[Could give this one a go sometime - I am replaying the original TGL (with recording for Youtube, lol) to refamiliarise myself with the game, ha]

More update: Got up to Corridor 1 complete, video link in the video share forum  :redlander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 08, 2012, 05:50:32 AM
i logged in just to say fuck yeah optomon you rock. i am going to update this as soon as i have time and play through it again
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Quoise Games on October 08, 2012, 06:13:10 AM
Thanks Opto.  I'm definitely going to check this out!!!!

I've been thinking of making a full blown TGL editor.  Once I get done with my other projects, I think I'll take a crack at it.  Unless someone else beats me to it (hint hint)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 08, 2012, 08:47:00 AM
Guardian Legend is tough to hack without an editor; it is just about impossible to add something to game without taking something away. This is the only hack I've done without an editor of any kind, and an editor, especially for GRAPHICS, would be very useful. I think someone actually found out TGL's graphics compression scheme. (Tummai?)

On a side note, the game is very compact, and yet, it runs at high speeds and tons of sprites with almost no slowdown. This game was quite a technical feat for its time.

Anyway, let me know if there are any issues with this version. I might have left a miniboss out. This game's final boss has a glitch from time to time where you can shoot him when you're not supposed to, making him really easy to kill. I might have to dither with it a little more before I submit to RHDN.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 08, 2012, 11:12:09 AM
I was  bored earlier and tried messing with the passwords and realised that the passwords that work in the original TGL works in the Mod as well  :bluelander:

But with a special twist that it makes some previously impossible passwords theoretically playable again

Example: this is how the infamous JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ password look like under TGL Secret

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 08, 2012, 11:35:30 AM
Hrm, what is that dot in the middle of the map? Tho I think later the path will be opened later with other key.
Also does the JJJJ in the original makes map open around?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 08, 2012, 11:42:38 AM
Which dot? If you're referring to the missing square above the red dot for Corridor 19, then i guess it's the same "blank" as it appears in the original's 1, 1

And in the original, the JJJJ password throws you into the same place, but it's Area 8 and you cannot exit the area because you don't have the needed key.  (The same keys are available, but since in this remake the areas have been shuffled around)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 08, 2012, 12:32:23 PM
The dot is a room where the triangle key is needed, but you don't have the other keys for the surrounding area.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: phubans on October 08, 2012, 08:44:50 PM
This is really great! Unfortunately I took a break and now I seem to be stuck on not knowing how to open corridor 6 ??? The computer in the area just says that it's unwilling to help me and I should go away. I tried leaving and re-entering, attacking the display, and I've cleared out everything else in the area... So I'm not sure what I'm missing. I would like to proceed though this hack, though!

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the hint that "he doesn't like light" and figured it out :P That was pretty obscure. Just beat the gold optomon... I thought that fight would never end! :o Now the only thing left to do is beat that damn red grim grin so I can get into corridor 8... Ugh... This is so hard! But good... It's like the TGL version of Super Mario Bros: Lost Levels!

I used to hack roms, too, back in 1999-2000. These days I develop my own games; if you check my posting history here you will see a TGL-inspired fan game I made. I've done lots of pixel art, even in a professional capacity on a commercial release that was NES-spec. The game is called Dark Void Zero on the DSi. If you need a spriter/tiler for anything TGL-hack related, let me know. I'm pretty busy but I'd be happy to make some time for making sprites for your hack.

EDIT 2: I beat it. Holy CRAP that was HARD!! I started out playing it normally, but towards the end I would always save state before a corridor or a boss. It still took me multiple tries, but saved me the time of backtracking, which allowed me to play through the entire game in one day. For that nasty red grim grin that was "contained" I basically did this super cheap move of putting myself into the wall, shooting out at him, and only coming out to refill my health. I pretty much used every exploit in the book to beat this hack; the adjacent chip refill, the no-clip through red pyramids, etc. I found myself grinding a LOT in this game to farm EEs, which came in handy for a lot of late-game stuff. Fighting the ultra-high HP bosses actually forced me into using new strategies. It wasn't just about spraying them with shots + fireballs while dodging their attacks anymore; that was still an element, but now I found myself switching to EEs and dodging their attacks while killing their shots and hoping for health drops... Crazy meta-strategies were all over the place in your hack that didn't really exist in the original game, which is AWESOME! I hope you don't feel disrespected that I resorted to cheesing a lot of the bosses, but I really did give it my best shot several times before resorting to any sort of trickery. For the last boss I was so low on health and chips from running the gauntlet that I actually had to employ the cheapest trick of all; I slowed down the emulation speed just so I could survive :S Regardless of this, the action and stimulation in this hack was OVER THE TOP!! Totally white-knuckle, pulse racing action. In the end I was surprised at my stats. They went beyond anything I've ever achieved before in TGL: 27 HP, 6000 chips, and a final score of 4,781,640. You level up and gain +1 HP per 1 million points after you hit your first million, so I actually wasn't too far away from 28 if I would have grinded more (or not used save states and had to go back and forth). Another interesting thing I noticed with the HP is that the bar stops going up after 24, and you visually cap there but your HP total can actually go beyond this value, which I found interesting. Was that something you patched in or is that part of the original game? Anyways, fantastic hack. Probably the best rom hack I've ever played. Thank you :)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 09, 2012, 04:23:00 AM
Sounds like i'll never get this recorded in full, then XD [which means i can't use save states unless i "pause" the game when viewing  the map, but i doubted anyone would've wanted to watch me going into map mode every 3 rooms just so i can pause the recording, save state, and come back on it :P not to mention all the grinding... but i guess i can just cut that eventhough it means the score will "jump"]

I'm still working my way through Area 2, that's how SLOW i am ><

Any useful tips, though? just incase
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 09, 2012, 08:31:20 AM
Nice to see someone has played through it. I'll admit, especially later in the game, a pretty tough, but tough enough where it was nearly impossible, and that someone was able to beat it. And figure out the Corridor 6 puzzle. The corridor 7 & 8 bosses I thought would give more difficulty than the dungeon Red Grimgrin.

I'll have to check out that TGL  spiritual sequel game later.  :redlander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 09, 2012, 08:38:47 AM
Phubans - it's in the original game. Health bar has limit but you can get more HP points. I remember playing the game in childhood I got 33 HP when I first beat the game. Later times I wasn't need that much to beat the game ^_^.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 10, 2012, 11:22:50 AM
Anegoramy made his map plugin work with the game ROM itself!
Guys you should use it to play this ROM modification! I so recommend this!,1815.0.html

Optomon, maybe you put the link to this FCEUX plugin in your head post in this topic?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 10, 2012, 11:43:34 AM
Is this the boss supposed to be here really?
In this sector he puts 2 starfished. That's soooo easy.
BTW look on the right - this is the MaPs plugin I using to play this MODed version. It draws the map now based on RAM!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 10, 2012, 12:43:58 PM
Meh, that guy is always a pushover. He kind of just gets put where I dont have any other bosses to put there. I think theres one in the final area that makes like only 6 or something sad, I might make an update on that. Each miniboss is fight in 3.0 is different, btw.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 10, 2012, 01:14:10 PM
Umm... a glitch?

[located in the room accessible just a couple blocks left of Corridor 14]
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 10, 2012, 05:10:22 PM
I changed a couple rooms in that area. Should be a save point, misentry for sure.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 10, 2012, 10:23:02 PM
Quote from: RC42 on October 10, 2012, 01:14:10 PM
Umm... a glitch?

[located in the room accessible just a couple blocks left of Corridor 14]

I have this all the time when play with glitch weapons.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 11, 2012, 12:43:28 AM
Quote from: arseniy on October 10, 2012, 10:23:02 PM

I have this all the time when play with glitch weapons.

Nah, this one was total legit play - haven#t really messed about with this mod's Wonderworld just yet.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 11, 2012, 01:02:47 AM
Quote from: RC42 on October 11, 2012, 12:43:28 AM
Quote from: arseniy on October 10, 2012, 10:23:02 PM

I have this all the time when play with glitch weapons.

Nah, this one was total legit play - haven#t really messed about with this mod's Wonderworld just yet.

I call wonderland only the glitch plays and plays outside of map. So it's like cheating/hacking.
But using Anegorami's plugin for map and save profile is not hack. It's 100% fair play of the exact game.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 11, 2012, 01:55:16 AM
Played the game now. Got up to 3rd key - (
Beat the medusa miniboss ( Opened 4th door - nice puzzle!
And I m so happy the blue Optomon wasn't harder than original(tho you can get more shields there) so I beat him from the first try using my usual tactic with repeller (

Not know what the boss in the corridor 4. And also there is the yellow Zib Zub ( in that overworld. Wonder if same tactic will work on him. I just move a bit to the side and then Zib Zub keeps jumping around me and I shoot at him with whatever  :redlander:
The difficulty now is really higher than the original. Clawbot ( in previous area did much higher damage. Still was able to beat him with double sabers stating at the top.

I m playing without save states. I use MaPs plugin for watch map progress and save progress in the blue landers rooms.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 11, 2012, 10:13:56 AM
I actually cannot decide on which one i want  :'(
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 11, 2012, 11:02:24 AM
I just got there too ^_^
Picked the saber because I don't use Bullet Shield.
Also I was able to beat overwolrd Zib Zub same way. Maybe with fireball would be even easier.

this is the end of fight he took more than you see in the video. Maybe 2-3 times more  :redlander:

Of course it's easy when you find out some best tactic. I bet it would be hard for player who beat original TGL only once.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 11, 2012, 11:10:03 AM
Quote from: arseniy on October 11, 2012, 11:02:24 AM
Picked the saber because I don't use Bullet Shield.

Also I was able to beat overwolrd Zib Zub same way. Maybe with fireball would be even easier.

lol, my only worry is ending up with a upgrade to an already level-3 weapon when the other one is stuck at level-2, THAT is usually my trouble

And i am more a defensive player, so i don't mind taking my sweet time with bosses with low-hitting weapons so long that I keep my chips and HP in check throughout [certainly true when I fought the boss at end  of Corridor 4] although i have to see if i can use this tactic in later areas...

and i just did the unspeakable... i accidentally forgot to record me fighting the boss of Corridor 5 and saved my state as i headed to area 6 >< - oh well, i guess viewers will have to deal without the not-so-epic fight that made me lose 60 EEs because i ran out of chips
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 12, 2012, 07:14:49 AM
has anyone gone through flight mode yet?
vertical shooters always have the best advantage on the nes in my opinion. the nes slows down if more objects are on a horizontal line then vertical.
it could be Hblanking stuff or whatever.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 12, 2012, 08:41:39 AM
Quote from: Ratix on October 12, 2012, 07:14:49 AM
has anyone gone through flight mode yet?
vertical shooters always have the best advantage on the nes in my opinion. the nes slows down if more objects are on a horizontal line then vertical.
it could be Hblanking stuff or whatever.

the "TGL" mode? I plan to do that once i pass the game
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 12, 2012, 06:22:39 PM
optomon so far its been curve balls for me. the bosses are a lot of fun. i haven't come across the really insane bosses yet where even with full sheilds they take a ton of health away like the red dragon. are the bosses even tougher then that guy?

cool guy edit

i love it so much man its even better then i remembered it. at 1st i was thinking did i not explore enough? i never came across a chip expansion till i got through 3 corridors then i found 2 and went down to the store and got the two powerups that were for sale. the blue lander and i think the circle shot. (held the start button)
then i got to area 3 and took down the password. i wish i had more time for the game its such an experience. and of course who can forget this version of the game.
i still have the rom image.
each version you pump out seems to be different. do you know off hand if the game is the same size as the original? or was the game expanded from the current rom.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 12, 2012, 08:22:18 PM
On that last question, the game is the same size in terms of memory. But in order to accommodate some new features, some stuff had to be cut out, mainly some of the text. I scrapped one of the enemies, which was the small circle that spits out tons of bullets. It only had two subtle appearances in the game I think, and the extra space in the rom it vacated was immensely helpful for created some of the new bosses.

The red dragon is still in Corridor 10, so it's hard to say if he is out-toughed, unless you know how to kill him effectively. There's a couple more late in the game that do relatively heavy damage than in the normal game, and I had some hard time balancing their fairness (not sure if too easy/too hard)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 12, 2012, 11:36:17 PM
Anegorami needs your help to know something about RAM! But he hesistate to ask I think. Mayb you not know but he made that his plugin now reads the type of rooms from game memory. So now his FCEUX plugin draws the map even at your modified version! However he don't know the right adresses to read the features from the rooms. He need that to draw markers on the room - bosses, corridors, landers and maybe the rooms with messages. Could you help him with that?,1815.0.html
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 13, 2012, 05:20:00 AM
hey guess what remember how i had that issue with that one room? its back in version 3.0 this time though im capturing a unique thing that happened. a bit late on it but its so crazy i had to youtube it.
edit in the vid in shortly
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 13, 2012, 01:01:29 PM
Arseniy: does his map read rom or ram? corridors, landers, and message rooms are based on address $51 in the overworld I think. Minibosses I think is $72, but not sure if this is what he's looking for.

And how did that glitch sneak back in, it's an easy fix fortunately... going back and updating stuff a little right now.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 13, 2012, 02:07:45 PM
I think from RAM. I told him to contact right away but he is a shy guy!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Quoise Games on October 13, 2012, 03:29:44 PM
Hi Optomon.  I just basically finished your updated game using TGL flying mode

I actually found it easier to play through this time around. I don't know why but it was a breeze.

But it was fun none the less, thank you again for rejuvinating my most favorite childhood games. 

I have some experience with adding nintendo music to a rom.  If you are interested in making another version, please let me know, I'd like to possibly add some custom tracks

Also I'm interested in hacking the abilities of the weapons (the speed, hp, motion), adding a different set of abilities to the game and possibly editing the speed of some of the flying enemies.  It looks like you got the level design down, and I'd like to assist in these additional areas whenever you are ready to make a new iteration of the game.  Let me know, thanks

Keep up the good work
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 13, 2012, 05:47:36 PM
It's possibly easier in TGL mode, I don't think I changed the power up awarding system for that mode, which is likely much more generous.

Not sure when I might make another iteration, or if I even will. I also have an inanley large amount of experience adding music to a rom, but haven't done it with TGL, it could be fun. Haven't though about the weapons too much, strangely, but some new ones could really add more strategy/dimension to the game.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 13, 2012, 11:54:20 PM
few weapons could be changed for sure:
( (
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 14, 2012, 09:13:54 AM
I m lost. How to open corridor 6? It's where the room says - I don't want to help anyone. PM me.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 14, 2012, 09:24:07 AM
it's mentioned somewhere in the 9th page.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 14, 2012, 10:20:12 AM
Oh it's a bit copnfusing what he said on page 9. He did not want to reveal the solution. Found it. Thought it something about gold optomon but it's not connected. The solution for 6 is really confusing.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 14, 2012, 11:01:59 AM
OMg... Just beat the gold optomon and look what heppened. I m stuck in here! It's no way out  :skull:
And I did not saved at the blue lander point  :(

Damn. Will have to beat him again....
He is not too hard for me. I just shoot lvl 2 fireball all the way and get lifes with constantly use of EE. If you use EE on explosions it also hit them so you can multiple hit the explosions until you geat health.
Beat him from the 2nd try.

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 15, 2012, 07:43:55 AM
in the forest area again.... coordinates x4 y21 the blue lander already tells me "Any luck?" and i never bought anything from him and its my first time in that area. is that supposed to happen?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 15, 2012, 07:56:24 AM
Quote from: Ratix on October 15, 2012, 07:43:55 AM
in the forest area again.... coordinates x4 y21 the blue lander already tells me "Any luck?" and i never bought anything from him and its my first time in that area. is that supposed to happen?

related to my post at the top of page 10? [although mine was a glitch shop]
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 15, 2012, 08:08:38 AM
another thought crossed my mind but it could also generate its own thread...

what is wonderland?

i believed wonderland to be the part of the game outside of the gaming area. i glitched into an area i did not have the key too. does that consider it wonderland then? if i was to teleport into a area where i did not have the key yet to would it be wonderland? i had always thought of wonderland as a area where its outside of the bounderies of the area of the game not how its plotted on the map.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 15, 2012, 08:34:25 AM
I added a slightly modified without the glitches (hopefully) to (

Anything outside of the normal game on the map I'd consider wonderland, which could be slightly different in this version possibly, but I won't look into it.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 15, 2012, 08:46:54 AM
Quote from: Ratix on October 15, 2012, 08:08:38 AM
another thought crossed my mind but it could also generate its own thread...

what is wonderland?

i believed wonderland to be the part of the game outside of the gaming area. i glitched into an area i did not have the key too. does that consider it wonderland then? if i was to teleport into a area where i did not have the key yet to would it be wonderland? i had always thought of wonderland as a area where its outside of the bounderies of the area of the game not how its plotted on the map.

Yes exactly. I saw that is possible to go outside of the map in some walktrhough called Last Frontier. That's how he named that. But it's a totally random. When you outside of the map everything starts to slowly randomize slowly becoming more and more glitchy. It's not possible to walk outside without contstant save state or using RAM inputs to make Miria walk. Because it is often you are inside of the totally closed and you can't go to other rooms anymore.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 15, 2012, 08:47:47 AM
Did you also updated the ROM linked in the main thread post?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 15, 2012, 09:12:39 AM
It should be, I last updated it on Saturday, which is when I submitted the update.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 15, 2012, 09:29:13 AM
Maybe update it once again for a case? Because people will download the ROM from the first post.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 15, 2012, 10:23:16 AM
Yeah, I could do a security upload tonight (my time).
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: DFStormbringer on October 15, 2012, 07:55:35 PM
i like to consider myself a tiny bit of an expert at this game.. sadly im finding this version to be a tad bit unplayable.

increased difficulty is one thing.. but reducing your main gun to only 3 shots when your secondary weapon is equiped is a bit much.. some even reduce it to only 2 shots of the main weapon allowed on screen at a time.

punnishing me for having a secondary equipped is just stupid..  especially being the main gun is your primary way of doing damage to enemies.

youve already reduced the ammount of damage upgrades and max power we get.. and boosted the enemies health.. but LITERALLY taking what damage we can do.. and further half it.  no its just stupid.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 15, 2012, 09:56:31 PM
I have no memory of reducing shot levels while having a secondary weapon equipped. Are you depleting your chip levels cause that's what happens in the original game too.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 16, 2012, 12:07:37 AM
Quote from: DFStormbringer on October 15, 2012, 07:55:35 PM
i like to consider myself a tiny bit of an expert at this game.. sadly im finding this version to be a tad bit unplayable.

increased difficulty is one thing.. but reducing your main gun to only 3 shots when your secondary weapon is equiped is a bit much.. some even reduce it to only 2 shots of the main weapon allowed on screen at a time.

punnishing me for having a secondary equipped is just stupid..  especially being the main gun is your primary way of doing damage to enemies.

youve already reduced the ammount of damage upgrades and max power we get.. and boosted the enemies health.. but LITERALLY taking what damage we can do.. and further half it.  no its just stupid.
you probably didn't notice it before but its very present in the original game. uh wait what?
Quote from: optomon on October 15, 2012, 09:56:31 PM
I have no memory of reducing shot levels while having a secondary weapon equipped. Are you depleting your chip levels cause that's what happens in the original game too.
i think he is referring to the fact that when you are set to NO USE and hold down the B button you fire 4 shots of the main weapon. when you equip a secondary its reduced to 3 main shots at a time. like 2 secondary weapons actually take up a total of 2 shots of the main firepower at a time. the orbs that travel around the screen do that.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 16, 2012, 12:48:21 AM
In the original game it is same - no USE = 4 blaster bullets on screen - equiped secondary = 3 bullets.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 16, 2012, 12:57:29 AM
Quote from: DFStormbringer on October 15, 2012, 07:55:35 PM
i like to consider myself a tiny bit of an expert at this game..

but reducing your main gun to only 3 shots when your secondary weapon is equiped is a bit much.. some even reduce it to only 2 shots of the main weapon allowed on screen at a time.

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 16, 2012, 05:58:18 AM
Ah, so it does only shoot less at a time with an extra weapon equipped... but yeah, in all versions of this game it looks like for sure. Would have been a heck of a reprogramming job though to prevent that.  :P

How subtle! I like to consider myself an expert at this game and I didn't even notice that. The creators of the game needed to compensate for extra sprites being on the screen at once.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 16, 2012, 06:48:30 AM
Quote from: RC42 on October 16, 2012, 12:57:29 AM
Quote from: DFStormbringer on October 15, 2012, 07:55:35 PM
i like to consider myself a tiny bit of an expert at this game..

but reducing your main gun to only 3 shots when your secondary weapon is equiped is a bit much.. some even reduce it to only 2 shots of the main weapon allowed on screen at a time.

i can't stop smiling man. you have brightened my day
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 16, 2012, 07:12:09 AM
Yeah this thing with bullets is in original TGL. I slightly remember that I noticed that playing on console.
Don't remember that about using homing circles but I checked now. Same in the original TGL. When you equiped with ( you shoot only 2 bullet at once.
This is made to keep same difficulty of the game. Because there is limit for enemies and bullets on the screen and your bullets are considered as one.

And about the mod 3.0.
I really like it and like that it's harder. Also I like very much the new puzzles. Tho the puzzle for 6th door made me crazy! Looked for solution for like 30 minutes!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: DFStormbringer on October 16, 2012, 08:30:48 PM
wow.. trolled by 2 people when even opto said the exact same thing i said.  way to go community.

never used the double sphere in the main game save the final boss fight..never needed them.  fireballs.. lasers and main guns were always fine.

but yeah.. if its core game.. its a bit lame.  just never really noticed till the mod here where keeping a secondary out was REQUIRED for survival :P
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 16, 2012, 11:44:31 PM
Because I was genuine in awe at how some people who claim to be "experts" at the game  miss such a basic configuration in the game. I noticed the reduction in the fire power with secondary weapon equipped on my first try.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 17, 2012, 01:20:43 AM
Quote from: RC42 on October 16, 2012, 11:44:31 PM
Because I was genuine in awe at how some people who claim to be "experts" at the game  miss such a basic configuration in the game. I noticed the reduction in the fire power with secondary weapon equipped on my first try.

Well can't say that about myself but I also slightly remember I did noticed that. Was many years ago in 199x so I can't say for sure did I noticed back then or later in 2002-2003 when I played NES games again on emulator. Probably on nintendo tho because I played game multiple times.

Quote from: DFStormbringer on October 16, 2012, 08:30:48 PM
wow.. trolled by 2 people when even opto said the exact same thing i said.  way to go community.

I think RC42 told the reason of the troll but I think it was pretty friendly one. I hope you feel ok about it.
Isn't it funny confusion tho? You point on firepower issue ruins optomon's mod of the game and it appeared it's the original issue  ;D
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on October 17, 2012, 01:46:05 AM
True, maybe I just had too high an expectation about "other people should also know what I know" about the game.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 17, 2012, 07:54:53 AM
Frankly anyone quick to dole out destructive criticism is asking for it.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 17, 2012, 09:35:19 AM
Anyway it's really harder but it's not make not want to play like previous build did. This build is really cool so far. I reach the 7th,8th area. As I said beat Gold Optomon and got stuck inside the red piramids. Now have to replay Gold Opto again.
New riddles made me feel completely awesome and increased hardness is good for me because I played original one multiple times.
Or maybe the reason is because I play with the feature with map that Anegorami made. The map feels so great with the game and I m not confused because I see which rooms I visited and which not.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 18, 2012, 05:12:50 AM
DFStormbringer, i will say in the original game its hard to notice that your shots are reduced to 3 or 2 depending on the weapon in use because by the time you get a weapon to use you already had the 3 shot before the wide 3 shot, but by that time you are not really using a secondary so much but the regular shot also gives the illusion that you are shooting more. i never noticed it till i had 90 chip power left later on in the game.
i'm sorry i put it the way i did :-X
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 18, 2012, 03:46:43 PM
DL'd it... I am very interested in playing it! May make it my whole night  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 18, 2012, 07:40:54 PM
Epic! I just got through the first part of it, and to the computer room... I will see if I can beat it.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 19, 2012, 05:27:19 PM
its the best man. :heart0:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 19, 2012, 08:18:57 PM
Optomon... I love it and I hate it. I love the challenge, but hate all the cursing it provokes me to do. Corridor 1? As soon as the boss appeared, I went from 9 to 0 health. I defeated him with 0 health, but did NOT see that coming. That boss I admit is so much easier in your ship, than on foot like in the original. Out of all the ground bosses, that one is by far my least favorite to fight. Anyways, expect many messages as I progress tbrough your devil child of a game :-p
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 20, 2012, 05:35:31 PM
my screen still jumps around a little bit when i am playing the game. i didn't go back to check to see if the coordinates will take me to random areas yet but the screen jumping was not present in 2.0 after you had fixed it and i am playing the latest build since i had just patched the game today. i made it past that area too so i never really went back to check it. its still very playable for me but i don't know if there was any other room in the game that will yield the same results as the videos i made that show it. if i do i'll be sure to post them. i've told some people about this game and they are very interested in putting it on actual cart. i simply told them to hold the phone before jumping on that.
its a rare occurance and its very tough to recreate because it happens so randomly. it seemed to start to happen around the flesh area when i first entered it. the status bar jumped to the middle of the screen for like 1 second and went back to the bottom.
btw eyegore was a beast but that red optomon gave me so much trouble
tee hee
attached is the lastest password for me
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 22, 2012, 12:14:16 PM
Thanks for the report; Hopefully there is something that can be done about. Are you on actual hardware? I might have to make you do additional testing. ;)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 22, 2012, 09:03:02 PM
Eyegor is where I am getting my ass kicked currently. I will get him eventually.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 23, 2012, 07:58:09 AM
Quote from: optomon on October 22, 2012, 12:14:16 PM
Thanks for the report; Hopefully there is something that can be done about. Are you on actual hardware? I might have to make you do additional testing. ;)
yes im still using the powerpak to play the game on the actual system.
currently i am using the official mappers from i tried to use the save state mappers but i've had various issues with them.
as of right now the current mappers from retrousb and loopy's mappers work with all the games i throw at it.

the thought had crossed my mind that maybe the mapper for this game isn't implemented right but brushed it off as i can beat the game in both modes including your mod. i still have all the builds you have released titled respectively with the exception of version 2.0 being missing or not being the right one.

Another thought that had crossed my mind was how the original game's map was plotted. maybe some rooms were sealed BECAUSE of bugs that they didn't iron out.
BTW the final boss of the game is tough, but the orange enemy bosses were by far the hardest enemies i've faced in the game. The amount of flicker in the game is quite gruesome at some parts but the old system never skipped a beat.
testing for you will not be a problem. :redlander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 24, 2012, 10:05:40 AM
I agree that the orange bosses are down right nasty. I am in corridor 2, and not looking forward to the boss before the final one, not to mention the final boss himself. Orange IT maybe?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 24, 2012, 11:55:12 AM
Ooops! Corridor 10, sorry... I haven't made it to the boss yet.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 24, 2012, 05:40:46 PM
Quote from: AlastorSX on October 24, 2012, 10:05:40 AM
I agree that the orange bosses are down right nasty. I am in corridor 2, and not looking forward to the boss before the final one, not to mention the final boss himself. Orange IT maybe?
its difficult. thats all i will say
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 24, 2012, 07:31:33 PM
I am on the final area. I won't spoil, but have to know... How many boss fights are there? If only one, not the final boss I expected by far, but effective.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 24, 2012, 08:00:05 PM
Okay, difficult is an understatement. F**k that boss! Lol. Unless you find a solid strategy, no matter how much you've played TGL will go out the window. If there were meteors to help better supply items like corridor 21, it may be a bit easier, but you may as well get used to epic dodging if you didn't save a ton of EE's. Epic hack though. I hope I can beat it and join the club. :-p just have to find a good strategy is all.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 25, 2012, 09:59:10 AM
for what boss? the orange clawbot? i found it to be much easier if you goto the corner and time it just right with the fireballs. the missles should go off screen and disappear.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 25, 2012, 10:33:27 AM
Recorded the battle with Golden Optomon, it's processing on youtube now.
Then went to 8th area and found completely awesome tactic against the Red Grim Grin :grimgrin: in the room.
Haha! I m so lazy fighter and always looking for a most cheating tactic XD
Will upload it sometime soon too!
Not a single EE was used and fight was pretty easy :redlander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on October 25, 2012, 01:26:23 PM
I used the duel sabres on the orange clawbot. He couldn't touch me and was dead in seconds :-) I am past corridor 21 and Naju is gone. It's the final area that is killing me.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 26, 2012, 05:38:22 AM
Quote from: arseniy on October 25, 2012, 10:33:27 AM
looks like you did exactly what i posted on page 13 lol.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 26, 2012, 06:07:22 AM
Hahaha maybe I should have programmed the level 2 fireball to be slightly faster than the player at 5 shield speed.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: teremochek on October 26, 2012, 11:53:42 PM
You're an angel.
3.0 hack very impressed. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 28, 2012, 02:20:42 AM
I finished the 3.0.
Here is some thoughts. First good.
Most awesome things in the game are:
Fleepa in overworld
New puzzles
Red dragon. Now that's not a boring boss. Also grenades are most useful against him.
Final stage with changed pallete. Just made me feel happy.

Now the downsides.
I left questioned - what is the tactic supposed to be against the orange ClawBot? I have no idea. Did not wanted to figure out and just stand in the corner with double saber. I have no idea if possible to beat him without that hack tactic?

There was only one eye base boss right? Could be 2 of them.

Polypus boss. It's so easy everywhere. Just boring boss that you shoot with sabers or fireball for the final one. Would be cool if there was an eye base boss instead of that boring polypus or at least a crab(there was only one crab boss right?)

Confusion with the hint "he doesn't like of light" If it was somewhere in the same area. But it was in other area. So confusing. Took me 30 minutes to figure out that puzzle...

Chips/Shields upggrade. I m not sure about it but I got 8 shileds in the game but it displays only 7. Does it mean I made stupid choice by took 8th shield instead of chips upgrade? Would be better to not give the option to choose upgrade in this case.

The room of other key in other area. I used a map plugin so I could see that I have a passage not visited. But how would other player play without map. Not sure if it was a good idea to have a room like that.

There was not crystal boss.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 29, 2012, 06:14:57 AM
I'll admit, the orange clawbot is probably the only boss in the game that can't be defeated without being cheap, and had difficulty balancing it. The idea was to get in a sweet spot next to its claws while a missile is fired, but the missiles are still quick and powerful without using EE. His HP might be a little high.

One eye bass boss. Hard to make this boss challenging really. Only room for one, unless I decided to shaft one of the bosses into the overworld. Though it does make me wonder if the same type of boss could appear in another area, like fighting a bunch of volcanoes at the end of a crystal corridor.

I initially programmed the hint to appear a second time in Area 6 from the round creature, think I  should have probably left it that way?

The only thing I can think of on the polypus might be to up the hatchling count, or who knows, haven't really looked at its code.

The shield, the reasononing behind that was in case the player showed up with fewer shields than normal and bypassed upgrades earlier in the game. There are eight in the game, but two in shops (and if you buy the first shop one early on, you will not have the money to buy the second one in the shop). I also kind of assumed that the player would have had the 7-shield cap in mind. Maybe the lure of the shield is too deceiving?

The other keys in other areas I thought were fine, just the player would remember to come across it again when they had the key. They are almost always shops.

And which crystal boss? I thought he was in area 5. He gives you a shield upgrade, so I know you killed him, unless it's something else.

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 29, 2012, 08:29:33 AM
This miniboss was there? I can't even remember. Maybe he was so easy that I did not noticed it exist there as miniboss.

Also about the final boss. The red one is always vulnerable and also when I killed him I won. So I beat only the red one.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 29, 2012, 08:46:27 AM
Now THAT is a glitch, and was wondering if someone would come across it. It's a priority 1 fix.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 29, 2012, 09:00:32 AM
Oh. I thought because you made them just like clone bosses I make with RAM.
When I make clone bosses then I win when I beat the original one and stage is completed just like I had in this.
Lol I was lucky then. Or maybe it's the emulator? fceux-2.1.5-win32
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 29, 2012, 11:50:28 AM
The red one I'd technically the boss, but should not be hittable until the other two are killed first. A glitch allows him to be hit even while not attacking, which he doesn't until he's the only one left.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Golbez on October 29, 2012, 12:40:06 PM
I finally beat it. I hadn't been reading this thread much because I saw there were some hints and clues given away (like Corridor 6) and I didn't want to read any spoilers. Fantastic remake. My sense is that no one only one person ever will play this on a cartridge, so in addition to getting rid of polypus, you could get rid of the Save area and any associated info with that, to make more room for the game.

When I had got up to the last boss, I only had the second level of four items: the fireball, dual sabers, and whatever the two things on the right are (one is the circular ball shield that is displayed as 5 little balls in a circle, and the other is the two parallel beams you fire). I haven't quite looked into the map addon yet, so I guess it's possible I overlooked a room. I suspect all of these were offered in Chip sales. I know one time I bought the speed fire, thinking that might make a difference. Then I found out I could use the emulator to adjust the "turbo" setting and rendered this useless. Also, I did go for the first shield, because I thought there might not be more shields available than you can utilize, and I didn't want to be handicapped. So yes, the extra shield is very alluring. And 8 shields are apparently no better than 7. Good to know!

Oh, and I think I bought a 2nd speed up (I remember these had a dramatic effect in the original game) just to see how different it may have been later in the game. And the answer was no different. Another totally useless purchase. It didn't upgrade the fire rate in the least.

Maybe it's because I read a little about Corridor 6, but I figured it out before I even left the area. And I never saw the other clue about it. I just tried a few of the tactics that had usually disarmed some of the locks, and eventually I was right :) Took me about a minute of persistence. I loved it though. A stubborn room: Go away!

The boss fights were awesomely ridiculous. The trapped eyegore was spectacular. And a beast to kill. Until I found out I could hide in the cracks of the walls, protruding just enough to fire my blaster and lob grenades at him. Then I was set. =P I also hugged one side of the screen and lobbed grenades at Gold Optomon's mouth (because my fireball was still lvl 1 at him), which destroyed his mouth sticks on that side and the bullets he fired. So I was mostly protected, unless I screwed up the timing/location of the grenade.

Fighting the dragon on foot was sooooo easy. That you can turn sideways and shoot his mouth with fire/blasters, he didn't stand a chance. I think maybe I had my 2nd fireball upgrade for him then? I don't quite remember. But it took out all his circle spray fire.

And the final boss had destroyed me for a long while, until I wised up and started paying attention to his pattern. Then I focused on the one target first, and they then fell like dominoes. Although it's quite a dirty trick that he can go through the screen ;) Awesome movement programming though.

So really, my only complaint is that I didn't know which items would end up being extra and unnecessary, so I could avoid them. Sometimes when I'd see a weapon for sale, I'd expect that it's one that I could pick up later. So maybe another run-through is in order. Excellent work. Thanks for all your efforts!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on October 29, 2012, 05:29:38 PM
The final boss has very volatile data programmed to it. The way you fought him is the intended version. I'll need to RE him for sure.

I plan on having this game on cart, and hope others do as well. I thus intend to keep the password system.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on October 31, 2012, 08:30:19 AM
i haven't beat the game yet but i have faced the final boss. i don't remember any of my hits registering on any of the enemies. they kept flying off the screen and other things. i thought i had to relearn a patter and time everything right because that boss type doesn't receive damage till he stops to shoot the missles.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: AlastorSX on November 01, 2012, 10:19:40 AM
I noticed only the Blue and Orange ones attack in the beginning. I haven't played in a while, but I need to.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on November 02, 2012, 06:23:56 AM
i need to FINISH the game but i am simply just to tired when i get home from work. its been a while so the gauntlet will be interesting to see again.
i was able to beat the game but the last boss fell like nothing when i switched weapons and was hitting the red boss. i thought i was getting the orange and blue ones 1st this time since i got the pattern down. guess i was wrong.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Grimgrin on November 16, 2012, 12:44:34 AM
Wow! TGLSecret 3.0 is another interesting hack ever. The bosses have changed, new puzzles and one of them was very tricky.

The Hardest Bosses for me was:
Orange ClawBot
Orange Bombarder
Red dragon
Blue Optomon

I also like the final boss. Great work!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on November 16, 2012, 10:16:11 AM
Hey Grim! I wonder how you beat Orange ClawBot?
I have no idea so I used cheap shot tactic with stay in the top corner with double sabers.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Grimgrin on November 16, 2012, 10:21:18 AM
I use the Double Sabers to defeat it and make sure I have enough EE's.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on December 19, 2012, 11:07:10 PM
So what's the consensus on this? I don't know how I'm going to be able to fix the final boss issue where every now and then he decides to be vulnerable while flying around. What were the other issues again, some kind of fuzzy noise during gameplay? I really would like this game on a cart, so I'm trying to wonder if I can get away with it.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on December 21, 2012, 08:57:00 AM
OK, I found out what's wrong with the final boss.

Parameters leftover from the previous boss at the end of Corrdor 21 are getting loaded into the final boss. So simply, write those parameters to 0 before the boss fight at some point and that should do it. I consider this the only launch blocking defect, so once I find a way to slip that in, should be good to go for playing on NES.

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on December 21, 2012, 10:32:00 PM
Most of people have no idea how to write parametrs and which ones.
I consider that as unintentional joke from your side.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RedEyeGore on January 02, 2013, 07:00:31 PM
Hi. I can not open corridor 2...I had everything memorized from the original TGL. First time I played it I was 13 (1993) . Now after so many years I came to find this awesome forum and yet...cant get past corridor 2 :( I mean I can not open please...
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on January 02, 2013, 10:20:34 PM
You are playing MOD version 3 right? It has different tasks for the corridors to open.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RedEyeGore on January 03, 2013, 09:39:02 AM
Can I have the link for the last mod version please? :)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on January 03, 2013, 10:31:34 AM
I hope you can use patch -
Click 3.0
Also I honestly suggest to play it on FCEUX with this plugin:,1815.0.html
It's a script that creates a dynamic map so you see your progress on revealing the map. Also it saves your password progress with one click. And loads too. So it's like you play without cheats but with handy support.
It looks something like this:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RedEyeGore on January 03, 2013, 02:43:31 PM
Ok. I haven't been able to play the game after i downloaded the rom u told me too :( I used jnes and it was fceu requires things I don't understand...i tried playing with jnes and nothing is not working anymor :( help!
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on January 04, 2013, 06:10:46 PM should house the latest version its also on page one
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on January 04, 2013, 07:49:48 PM
The final 3.2 version of this is now up. The main fix is the final boss, and I had to change one of the enemies to accommodate this (The small flying pterodactyl looking thing). A small glitch might still exist, where the yellow version of the final boss will move intolerably fast, but it is very, very rare and haven't been able to duplicate it lately. Won't fix.

Hopefully now, this means it can go on a cart. I will get this on cart soon.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on January 05, 2013, 05:30:07 AM
i'll test it out after i get up today!

Works great! absolutely no screen jitters or anything for that matter. final boss problems are gone. you can't hit the red guy till the other two fall. checked the room that usually sends me to unknown places and its clear. i'll have to replay through the entire game again to see if anything comes up. seems like its a green light to me. the game restarted on me but its probably nothing to worry about. i left it paused to post and took a long time to resume play i was brought back to the title screen without having to hit reset
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on January 05, 2013, 10:17:06 PM
I've never had the game do that. Hmmm... Oh well, I'm happy you tested it. Thanks! Glad its working functionally. I think I'm going to order a cart.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on January 06, 2013, 05:01:22 AM
awesome also the resetting thing don't worry about it. i think it was user fault anyway
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on January 06, 2013, 07:51:20 PM
I put in a petition at Lost Classics, and he says it should be available to order by February.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on January 06, 2013, 11:54:22 PM
Will you be changing  the title screen as well? (to refer that the game is a fan-made) or will it stick with the original texts?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on January 07, 2013, 04:42:31 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 06, 2013, 11:54:22 PM
Will you be changing  the title screen as well? (to refer that the game is a fan-made) or will it stick with the original texts?
I m so agree. Also mention version number would be really useful.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on January 07, 2013, 06:16:04 AM
Like this?


I don't think Broderbund would mind.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on January 07, 2013, 06:46:34 AM
Quote from: optomon on January 07, 2013, 06:16:04 AM
Like this?


I don't think Broderbund would mind.

More like:

"Secret Edition 3.2

2013 - Made by Optomon
From Orig (C)1988 IREM/Compile"
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on February 12, 2013, 12:55:05 AM
Wow that looks cool with version number.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on April 06, 2013, 06:05:18 AM

this is in reference to this post:,1840.msg6581.html#msg6581
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on July 13, 2013, 11:59:55 PM
Alright, since there has been many changes to the TGL:SE game after v3.0, I thought that there is no point in continuing on the  gameplay of version 3.0.

which means, I will be restarting the gameplay again from the start, but using  the v3.3 that includes the changes.

Though a quick question, the file i have is dated 24 February 2013, should I be made aware of whether there had been any further changes on the romfile since  then?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on July 14, 2013, 12:09:47 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on July 13, 2013, 11:59:55 PM
Though a quick question, the file i have is dated 24 February 2013, should I be made aware of whether there had been any further changes on the romfile since  then?

I hope Optomon will answer.
I asked him a difference between 3.2 and 3.3, he said it's only that the hint about open some corridor was showed in more rooms.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on July 15, 2013, 06:07:56 AM
February 24th sounds correct for 3.3 I believe. I had 3.2 released prior to February and 3.3 during February.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ratix on July 18, 2013, 02:01:02 PM
how can i find out if i have the most up to date patch on my game. i think its patched the the latest from your site optomon.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on July 25, 2013, 08:03:42 AM
All I know of the difference between v3.2 and v3.3 is that the lander at (7,5) was supposed to give you a hint on how to open corridor 06, v3.2 didn't have that
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Shredder on January 21, 2014, 10:43:59 AM

Thanks for great hack! )
Are you planning to develop it further or 3.3 is the final version?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on January 26, 2014, 08:44:56 AM
This would be the final version. I don't have any intention of updating it further. If I did have a next project, it would probably be an improvement on the dungeon randomizer.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Ulis_Mutter on February 27, 2014, 10:43:23 AM
Alright, I will start playing TGL-SE 3.3 soon. Being a noob it took me two hours to find and patch the latest version. :-)
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Quoise Games on April 10, 2014, 12:55:39 PM
Quote from: optomon on January 26, 2014, 08:44:56 AM
This would be the final version. I don't have any intention of updating it further. If I did have a next project, it would probably be an improvement on the dungeon randomizer.
I made that randomizer,  so, if necessary, feel free to ask me any questions about it.

I'm officialy inspired to work on a new project for the game. stay tuned
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Faust on April 23, 2014, 05:13:11 AM
v3.3 need fix choosing.
At x7y12 (Bullet Shield, Blue Lander, Saber) if you choose saber weapon, not a Bullet Shield. At the end of the game you have 4 sabers and 2 Bullet Shields.
And x7y5 (Red Lander, Front Wave, Defense Up) if you don't buy Red Lander here, at the end of the game you have just 2400 chips, four front waves or 8 defens up. And you can't buy at x23y21, because prices there is 3000.

Changing it like this:
- x7y12 (Bullet Shield, Blue Lander, Rapid Fire or Energy Tank)
- x7y5 (Red Lander, Rapid Fire or Energy Tank, Blue Lander)

and x20y17 have strange choose (Blue Lander, Rapid Fire, Repeller), if buy repeller, at the end you have four of them.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: RubyC42 on April 23, 2014, 10:56:41 PM
Quote from: Faust on April 23, 2014, 05:13:11 AM
v3.3 need fix choosing.
At x7y12 (Bullet Shield, Blue Lander, Saber) if you choose saber weapon, not a Bullet Shield. At the end of the game you have 4 sabers and 2 Bullet Shields.
And x7y5 (Red Lander, Front Wave, Defense Up) if you don't buy Red Lander here, at the end of the game you have just 2400 chips, four front waves or 8 defens up. And you can't buy at x23y21, because prices there is 3000.

Changing it like this:
- x7y12 (Bullet Shield, Blue Lander, Rapid Fire or Energy Tank)
- x7y5 (Red Lander, Rapid Fire or Energy Tank, Blue Lander)

and x20y17 have strange choose (Blue Lander, Rapid Fire, Repeller), if buy repeller, at the end you have four of them.

At least I now know what to avoid when I replay the game XD (I usually always get the red lander whenever available)

welcome to the forums btw  :redlander:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Shredder on July 02, 2014, 02:39:36 PM
I've found some bugs with last boss. If you press "select" when blue boss just appeared on screen, but yellow not yet, the yellow becomes red, thus you have TWO red "waiting" bosses and game becomes impassable because you need to beat yellow to disclose red.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on October 24, 2014, 07:38:31 AM
Some guy asked me where to get hack version 1 and 2?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on November 22, 2014, 10:20:49 AM
I believe Zohar has version 1. Version 2 probably a backup on some computer I have.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: andreasaspenberg on January 05, 2015, 06:17:04 AM
i do not enjoy a challenge and the original game is a bit too challenging already so, could you create an easy version of the game?
Title: TGL Secret edition Corridor 9 help!
Post by: KnightimeX on February 08, 2015, 10:11:40 AM
Love this rom hack.

I'm having an issue with accessing corridor 9.
It says you have to burn your way out.

Where do I do this, with what weapon?

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on February 08, 2015, 10:33:59 AM
It probably talks about fireball weapon.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on February 21, 2015, 01:22:29 PM
I had some play around with that random game generator. And what I saw is that it's not only possible to modify weapons damage but also their speeds.
Also that super easy polipus boss, if you'd made it so the player reach it and it send out floor polips with many HP it become not so easy to beat.

Another fun thing was with big HP sea horses. In original game they are also super easy but with big HP it become different to beat them.

Also in that random stuff there are some places when it throws lots of enemies that you'll never see a swarm in original which also intresting thing.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Blob2779 on March 02, 2015, 04:16:24 PM
There was a big blind race of this about a week ago.  5 people raced it blind, mostly TGL runners.

ShinerCCC was the only person to finish it (due to length mostly, 4+ hour races tend to die), so I'll only link to his VOD, but it also featured both the WR holder for 100 and any%.  Sadly I couldn't compete in it as I was working, and also sadly no one had posted here before the race, as it was fun times (for what I could watch), ah well.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 03, 2015, 10:03:09 AM
I love his bright pallete!
His video stuck for a while all the time. We had a blind run by some guy here in Russia also. He could not make it in 4 hours.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Blob2779 on March 03, 2015, 12:59:16 PM
This was just over 5, didn't realize he was dropping frames early on as I wasn't there.  I will probably try a blind-ish attempt at it sometime soon.  Blind-ish because I've seen a fair bit of video of it.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Shredder on March 05, 2015, 05:00:05 PM
I have completed this game for 3 hours 40 minutes on February 16, but video turned out with same "dropped frames" and because of this I decided not to post it.

Afterwards I recorded only last boss without the bugs:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: optomon on March 13, 2015, 03:22:01 PM
Quote from: fireball on March 02, 2015, 04:16:24 PM
There was a big blind race of this about a week ago.  5 people raced it blind, mostly TGL runners.

ShinerCCC was the only person to finish it (due to length mostly, 4+ hour races tend to die), so I'll only link to his VOD, but it also featured both the WR holder for 100 and any%.  Sadly I couldn't compete in it as I was working, and also sadly no one had posted here before the race, as it was fun times (for what I could watch), ah well.

I just watched that whole thing. Took a long time to download, but was worth it. Closest thing I've seen to a Guardian Legend gaming party. I liked how they knew everything about the original game and it's quirks and nuances. The reactions from Shiner are priceless. He used a lot of tactics involving the double saber and the backshot weapon.

Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Blob2779 on March 14, 2015, 10:29:36 AM
Quote from: optomon on March 13, 2015, 03:22:01 PM
I just watched that whole thing. Took a long time to download, but was worth it. Closest thing I've seen to a Guardian Legend gaming party. I liked how they knew everything about the original game and it's quirks and nuances. The reactions from Shiner are priceless. He used a lot of tactics involving the double saber and the backshot weapon.

Glad you enjoyed it.  I really wish I had posted something here earlier.  We TRY to know anything there is to know (especially what can save us time), and we've even found out a few quirks for ourselves.   There were a few times when I had pondered trying to ask you about some oddity we were trying to figure out, like how boss spawn RNG works, or various nonsense like that, as you you'd be more likely to know then anyone else (or more accurately, have a better idea of where to start to look), but decided not to waste your time.  If you did find oddities about the game when you were playing with it, I'd love to know any of them.  Partially for fun, partially for science. 
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 14, 2015, 11:11:44 AM
Russian guy who's also TGL runner said that the max damage you can do to the boss per hit is 5 HP no matter of the strength of the bullet/subweapon.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Blob2779 on March 14, 2015, 12:17:39 PM
Quote from: arseniy on March 14, 2015, 11:11:44 AM
Russian guy who's also TGL runner said that the max damage you can do to the boss per hit is 5 HP no matter of the strength of the bullet/subweapon.
Yep, It's why we use fireball and the saber lasers throughout the game.  Fireball first because it always does max damage, then move to saber laser for the most part as it applies the damage more consistently.  It seems as if bullets and special weapons are counted under a separate cap as well due to certain quirks with bosses (taking bullets to the face seems to increase damage on bombardiers, but major bosses don't take collision damage, and your saber would kill them anyway, this implies that your bullets are not hitting them, or that bullets hitting you above a boss hitbox causes damage), but I haven't set up a test to verify that myself. 

--edit-- If bullets do damage, it goes against something here, which is amazingly detailed and accurate.  So I really don't know what makes it so you can do certain bombardiers a phase faster by eating bullets.

Oh right, we also use sabers because for whatever reason hitting a boss with it deactivates their body hitbox for hitting you, so you can sit inside of them.

--edit-- also does the Russian runner have any method that I can follow him, even if it's in Russian I'd have fun seeing what I can gather from his runs.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 15, 2015, 02:20:00 AM
Awesome info. I think he talk about all the things mentioned there.
His run without subweapons:
And previous stream(unfortunatelly not on youtube and broken to 4 parts).





I don't think you will find anything new tho as things are told in russian. One thing I heard now watching begining it is that if you keep have "fun with "select""(I dunno what exactly it means) in the flying stages the hit box of enemies is moved.
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on March 15, 2015, 02:06:15 PM
I asked him, he said actually he picked the info exactly from that link you provided  ;D
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Shredder on July 31, 2016, 06:09:54 AM
I did some work on the game.

List of Changes:

1. Expanded ROM to 256 KB (128 KB of free space)

2. Rewritten bank switching program, as a result, it has been freed 66 bytes in the fixed bank (3D734 - 3D775 in ROM, D724 - D765 in RAM). These bytes also can be used for romhacker's needs

3. Fixed bug with "unbeatable last boss after pressing select":
Quote from: Shredder on July 02, 2014, 02:39:36 PM
I've found some bugs with last boss. If you press "select" when blue boss just appeared on screen, but yellow not yet, the yellow becomes red, thus you have TWO red "waiting" bosses and game becomes impassable because you need to beat yellow to disclose red.

4. Fixed bugs with "knocking out an infinite number of power ups by EE" and "walk through vertical wall by pressing diagonal if you have 5 or more shields". These are original game bugs.
Bank switching program in TGL located at D705 - D7A9 (RAM), for example D705 - D723 switches banks #00, #03, #04, #05 and #06. New banks can be switched by writing 87-8E into D76D-D774 respectively. Following code, for example, switches bank №08 for using:

LDA #$08
BNE $D707

Good luck in the hacking! :bluelanderbig:
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: arseniy on July 31, 2016, 07:07:28 AM
Quote from: Shredder on July 31, 2016, 06:09:54 AM
I did some work on the game.

List of Changes:

1. Expanded ROM to 256 KB (128 KB of free space)

2. Rewritten bank switching program, as a result, it has been freed 70 bytes in the fixed bank (3D738 - 3D77E in ROM, D728 - D76E in RAM). These bytes also can be used for romhacker's needs

3. Fixed bug with "unbeatable last boss after pressing select":
Quote from: Shredder on July 02, 2014, 02:39:36 PM
I've found some bugs with last boss. If you press "select" when blue boss just appeared on screen, but yellow not yet, the yellow becomes red, thus you have TWO red "waiting" bosses and game becomes impassable because you need to beat yellow to disclose red.

4. Fixed bugs with "knocking out an infinite number of power ups by EE" and "walk through vertical wall by pressing diagonal if you have 5 or more shields". These are original game bugs.
Bank switching progam in TGL located at D705 - D7A9 (RAM), for example D705 - D726 switches banks 00, 03, 04, 05, 06. New banks can be switched by writing 87-8E into FFF2. Following code, for example, switches bank №08 for using:

LDA #$08
BEQ $D706

Good luck in the hacking! :bluelanderbig:

This can be posted as a separate topic as well. I wonder if anyone try to improve this hack.

"Fixed the diagonal walk" - OMG, I hope there wont be annoying red walls patterns then XD
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Shredder on July 31, 2016, 08:28:56 AM
Quote from: arseniy on July 31, 2016, 07:07:28 AM"Fixed the diagonal walk" - OMG, I hope there wont be annoying red walls patterns then XD

You can set two bytes 18412-18413 (in the ROM) to D0 11 if you wish to return this "ability" :D
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Quoise Games on August 04, 2016, 11:25:28 AM
Quote from: Shredder on July 31, 2016, 06:09:54 AM
I did some work on the game.

List of Changes:

1. Expanded ROM to 256 KB (128 KB of free space)

2. Rewritten bank switching program, as a result, it has been freed 64 bytes in the fixed bank (3D736 - 3D775 in ROM, D726 - D765 in RAM). These bytes also can be used for romhacker's needs

3. Fixed bug with "unbeatable last boss after pressing select":
Quote from: Shredder on July 02, 2014, 02:39:36 PM
I've found some bugs with last boss. If you press "select" when blue boss just appeared on screen, but yellow not yet, the yellow becomes red, thus you have TWO red "waiting" bosses and game becomes impassable because you need to beat yellow to disclose red.

4. Fixed bugs with "knocking out an infinite number of power ups by EE" and "walk through vertical wall by pressing diagonal if you have 5 or more shields". These are original game bugs.
Bank switching progam in TGL located at D705 - D7A9 (RAM), for example D705 - D725 switches banks 00, 03, 04, 05, 06. New banks can be switched by writing 87-8E into D76D-D774 respectively. Following code, for example, switches bank №08 for using:

LDA #$08
BNE $D705

Good luck in the hacking! :bluelanderbig:

Thanks for this! Can you apply these changes to the standard TGL rom as well?
Title: Re: Play this substantially Modified NES Guardian LEgend
Post by: Shredder on August 04, 2016, 04:10:04 PM
I've updated game and instructions now. Some code were optimized.  8)

Quote from: headfonez on August 04, 2016, 11:25:28 AM
Thanks for this! Can you apply these changes to the standard TGL rom as well?

Yes, of course. See next topic:,2022.0.html