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Topics - Jigglysaint

See what I did there?  Anyway, since somebody has figured out pretty much all the corridor information, I figured that I should get to work in describing the Labyrinth mode data because somebody beats me to it.

So to start off with, at $14A7E is the start of the game's map data.  The structure is variable length, with the first byte being the control code.  The first nybble of the first byte controls what type of room it is.  Here a list of what each bit does:

00 - empty room(except for possible enemies)
10 - adds pointer, which is read after enemy index or item index, if present, is defined
20 - adds item index after enemy index(if present)
40 - miniboss room, adds item index which becomes miniboss index
70 - used when you want to have a room with chips.  Prevents them from comming back unless you refresh the area
80 - indicates a room or corridor

The second nybble is the length of the room.  The greater the length, the more the room contains:

02 - contains only the basic map definitions such as exit directions/key usage, and area index
03 - like 02 but with enemies, or miniboss room with item/boss index
04 - room contains pointeres to level data
05 - room contains pointers to level data + enemies
06 - room contains item index + enemies + level data

For interior rooms, 82 is used for corridors and password rooms.  A3 is used for shops and info rooms.  In either case, adding 80 to the room type will transform it into a corridor from 00 to 127.

More to come...
Plot / My idea for the plot
March 24, 2010, 01:25:45 PM
Naju has been destroyed.  The Earth is saved from Naju coliding into it, but the battle is far from over.

Apparently Naju was just one of 10 intergalatic defense stars that were designed to act as strategic attack platforms against hostile planets.  The alien life forms have only begun to wrech havoc against the universe, and their plans are to infest the remaining 9 planets and use them to utterly destroy all human life accross the cosmos.

The planet that was first comendeered to smash into earth was Naju 1.  It was send into orbit many years ago, and since then the pilots of the star had created a world for themselves, with a diverse ecosystem.  When the aliens landed, they transformed the landscape in their conquest.  The residents tried in vain to stop them, but before the final decendant of the original crew made an attempt to set the self-destruct sequence, he radioed Earth for assistance.

Now there are 9 more stars out there, and all of them are in danger of having their weapons system activated.  You must go to each planet and prevent the aliens from conquring the universe!

The plan would be to have 9 worlds to explore, each with their own unique maps, environments, keys, weapons, and seal puzzles.  It would be designed for the worlds to be played in any order, however contained within the worlds would be clues that would ultimately reveal who the aliens are, their reasons for targeting the worlds, and how to stop them.  A big factor would be that you can choose to destroy the world or save it.  When you start each world, the game would be on an invisible timer, and the aliens will invade more and more as you progress.  The machine that controls the orbit of each world needs to be protected against the aliens.  If you can protect it, the world is safe.  If not, then you must then activate the self-destruct mechanism.  Saving each world means you can then use their technology on other worlds, but destroying them will ensure that the planet will never fall into the wrong hands again.
Introduction Area / Long time TGL fan here
March 22, 2010, 02:54:21 PM
Yeah it's me Jigglysaint.  It's good to see so much interest in this game.  I've done a fair bit of work with hacking the game, and it's really good there's a place where I can share my knowlege.  I also look forward to this sequal that I've been reading about.