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Messages - Manna

I started writing a retrospective for my site without even realizing it was an anniversary. It's kind of mushy, I can share it when it's done.
It'd work alright in a big open 'sandbox' kind of format, but I agree; flying just any time would kind of take the novelty out of the corridor sequences. If you wanted to keep the idea there, in a 'traditional' play style, maybe transforming would be your 'fast travel' from save point to save point.
The Guardian Legend / Re: LordKat's UWW
February 20, 2011, 02:39:13 PM
His last few UWW's have all kind of had that feel to them, to be honest. I think he mentioned feeling burnt-out on it once he had to meet deadlines as a TGWTG contributor (then he found out he could record random Skype chats and post them as a 'show' too and UWW's starting becoming maybe monthly.)

Kind of weird that he didn't cover any of the gate puzzles though. I've known more than a few people who got stumped on one and quit. That and he said once in a video's comment thread it was his favorite NES game.
Yeah, that'd be the PC friendly version.
Introduction Area / Re: Late to the Party, Hey Guys
February 20, 2011, 07:17:50 AM
There's a bomb for you too, of course. There are always bombs.  :heart:
Plot / Just a thought
February 20, 2011, 07:16:36 AM
Seeing as how fan work occupies kind of a vague legal slot and all, why not kick around an 'original' but 'highly inspired' game that just happens to play similarly? Kind of like how Journey to Silius was intended as a Terminator tie-in game, til Sunsoft lost/failed to acquire the license?   ;)

I like the idea from one of the other threads about exploring the 'corruption' of Naju, on that note. Maybe you could play as the guy leaving all of the clues behind, and rather than escaping an exploding planet at the end, the precursor succumbs to his wounds with the last boss after placing a seal over it in the planet's core.
Basic ideas for the sequel / Re: Inventary
February 20, 2011, 07:09:58 AM
Anybody here play Sigma Star Saga (GBA)? They had a pretty interesting system for customizing your weapons. It was kind of an RPG/shooter hybrid where you would roam a planet's surface and all the random encounter battles would zap you into a side scrolling shooter until you killed x amount of a particular enemy type.

(As it sounds, it wasn't... quite as good as I hoped of a psuedo followup)

But their system of Gun Data would let you swap and combine bullet 'behaviors', shot type, and after-effect. So you could make an 8-way laser gun that makes enemies drop XP boost items on every 10th hit or so.
In Smash TV, you had the option of using controller 2 as a second joypad so you could shoot in any direction while having full motion on the other d-pad. Kind of the precursor to dual-analog controls. The whole game was like a series of rooms where enemies would flood in from all sides, so it was a big help.

I think the thing I'd like to see most in the Labyrinth would probably be things along the line of more involving puzzles to open up the Corridors. Some of them were pretty clever to start with (especially in those pre-internet, what the hell does "Wait, wait, wait forever..." mean days.) Maybe the walking sections should be more about brain teasers than Super Crazy Boss Time.
Basic ideas for the sequel / Thoughts on the Labyrinth
February 19, 2011, 07:48:22 PM
So, as I said in my intro thread, I've been kicking around what I'd want to see in a TGL sequel both on my own and with friends over time, and as easily sidetracked as I get with it, I do always kind of come back to it as a 'main' dream project.

One thing I always sort of felt kind of lacked in the original was the overworld/exploration segment. I know it was partly there to let you wind down and recharge/power up in between shooter segments, but it kind of felt like it was lacking in 'big moments.'

Okay, yeah, it was an NES game.

I kind of see any attempt at a new game needing to put some extra emphasis on the walking mode. Maybe make some of the mini-bosses more 'thoughtful,' like puzzle battles or something. Hell, you could even have some of the 'real' bosses appear in this mode- perhaps a 'larval' Fleepa run-in before fighting him for real in a Corridor. I'd love to see the battle system turned into something akin to Secret of Mana- with Guns! The existing 'basic weapon on one button, special weapon on the other' setup is already great. Can you imagine the game with Smash TV style dual move/aiming controls to make for some more intense segments?

Another thing I kind of thought would be nice, if the Areas get tougher, the 'hub' zone might be more hospitable... maybe a 'town' or base camp of sorts for you to re-energize, upgrade, maybe even... craft items? I personally think it would be awesome if there was a way for players to make their own Guardian 'build,' if someone decided they really favored the Saber Laser or a spread gun type attack and would rather focus on that.
Introduction Area / Re: Late to the Party, Hey Guys
February 19, 2011, 07:30:37 PM
Human being here. Just kind of a lazy one when it comes to forums.
Introduction Area / Late to the Party, Hey Guys
February 14, 2011, 10:50:09 AM
Followed a link off of DeviantArt to here, I'm a long time fan of TGL. Lots of fond memories of killing weekend afternoons seeing how far I could get. As prone as the industry is to ripping itself off, it's really amazing that in so many years, nothing's really made much of an attempt to copy the shooter/action-RPG template. Well, at least as well as TGL did.

As for me, I dabble in gaming and art, and have been kicking around ideas for a TGL-inspired fan game. But that probably describes half of the people here, I bet.  XD