Big database of pirate consoles/clones launched. Someone is trying to organize the info that hangs around the web. In some countries only the pirate consoles were available. The number of those clones are huge.
If you looking for some clone, now the info might be found there.
Clones were quite different, some were as good quality as originals, some had issues.
The shapes of Famiclones(NES-clones) were in all of the kinds. Many mimic higher generations. You can find a famiclone as Sega, SNES, Playstation, Wii and so on.
Below some examples of famiclones:
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Tyrian 2000 is amazing SHMUP back from the 90’s. It is update of the original Tyrian game. And it’s probably better. As it has extra episode, new ships, and new weapons. And some bugs fixes. So it’s seems better over the original. There also 2 new super arcade modes which I never tried and have no idea what are they for. But it’s probably for those who play for hi-score.
The game is free of 1 hit death. Which is great for Guardian Legend fans. There is rechargeable shield. And armor. Once the shield gets empty the armor starts to reduce. Using weapons and shield depends on generator. So sometimes you need to stop shooting to let shield recharge faster. In order to use more heavy weapons and better shield you need to buy better generators.
There are tons of weapons and different ships. And all stuff can be upgraded! For this you need to collect currency that falls out of enemies.
There is story to read and additional info can be found in data cubes. I did not care much to read all that. But there are people who like this and it’s a great bonus for them.
There are a lot of types of enemies and obstacles. There are bosses as well.
Back then the game was not too hard to play on Hard difficulty. But I had good skill from beating many NES games. I don’t remember could I grind the cash to buy upgrades? But when I played the game back in 00’s it was not too hard. It had enough challenge however. And it’s quite fun Shoot ‘Em Up.
The graphics in the game looks beautiful even today. The game is way too good for a free one. It’s highly recommended.
You can get the game from many retro sites. For example from I think it is DOSbox assembly – The game was made for DOS. So you need something like DOSbox or D-Fend Reloaded(which is a handy user interface and features for DOSbox) to play them.
Here some random video walkthrough on the normal difficulty. And below some screenshots from the game:
Lovely music cover for NES game Rygar. It sounds more like title screen music maybe. Not sure how it would be in the game. But I love the vibe in this one. Very adventurous!
Rygar on NES was one of those games that felt like entire another world. It felt really big at that time. Great mysterious atmosphere and exploration feeling. Ed Findlay trying to create some kind of Rygar remake or sequel. He called it Rygar Vengeance and it can be found on his site . In case site not works he also has his youtube channel.
At the time I write this the game is beta version 1.4. Below I post some screenshots. And the only short gameplay I found is in the Ed’s youtube teaser video 3 years ago. I’ll post it below screenshots.