Formula 1 Pac-Man helmet

Valtteri Bottas got helmet designed by his friend Tiffany Cromwell. It’s called Bot-Man and obviously inspired by Pac-Man game. You can see a video in his twitter if you want:

Twitter post

When we see The Guardian Legend helmet? 😂(spoiler – never)

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A Megaman kind of game with Cave Story atmosphere. It’s done quite well. Solid indie game quality and it’s somehow free? There much worse platformers selling on Steam.

You can play it in browser or download here:

Walkthrough video:

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35 years anniversary!

The Guardian Legend celebrating 35 years today. Great multi-genre NES/Famicom game. Explore the overworld in Legend of Zelda like style and then transform into fighter jet and blast through corridors in style of Zanac.

Was crazy fun back then. Finding new weapon and trying and then upgrading and trying again was so interesting!

Unfortunately the game did not had success it deserved. Probably due to bad marketing. So there was no sequel developed by Compile. There is a fan made sequel for windows only – Shadow of Naju. Worth to try.

If you want to talk about game with other fans – join The Guardian Legend Discord chat:

Underneath the map

Long ago I did show little bit of the area underneath the map. That area is not random unlike all the other directions out of the map.

Here is some footage of that. I recommend watch it on youtube and click timecodes, where I picked some highlights. Mostly nothing interesting happens there 🙂

The switch of the area types happens only when you go in and out of portal doors. That would require too much time to try test every cell to figure out if the area types match the main map. That also means, if you walk into other area without entering a door then it will not change and stay the same.

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