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Concept Game

Started by RandomSpriter, May 14, 2010, 07:02:32 AM

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I really start to like using the word concept as it means it's barely an idea, Not an actual working. :P

I'm just trying to understand how to make the player character feel like TGL...
And I told you, this is merely testing things out on the frame per second, and steps. and movement + Shooting for nonupgraded Variable.
Not to mention only one room.
See it as a playground for the moment. Atleast until the real program + Title screen and room movement etc etc gets into play.
Creating the code from nothing up to workable game is....torture?
Mostly only is one room with a repetative background to nail the FPS/Player Object

Creating Playable Object with same control as Original TGL mode SHMUP part.

To do Prio, TGL mode Coding:
Frames adjustment to movement
Timer Code for certain events(Boss kill etc etc)(WIP)
Timeline Steps for enemies.(WIP)
Enemy Scripts + Sprites + Projectiles. (WIP)
Putting in HP + Score etc etc in the lower part of the View.(Currently testing.)
(4 = Special Wep 1, 6 = Special Wep 2, 8 = Rechargable EE.)

Moving with ASDW, Shooting with 5 Numpad(Up arrow currently.).

Decided to post on the GM forums for the Harder questions to fix.


Ehm ehm... Do you NOT like http://theguardianlegend.com/ ?
What kind of data and hows much?


Mean more of a Data storage where I can upload executables/Zips.


Yes that's what I say. Like a folder for you here on TGL.com u can upload with ftp. Huh?


Think offsite for now is fine. Been playing around with Game Maker to see if I remember how to do SHMUPs. :P

Thanks for the offer though. :)


Id kill for a new game to try... got anything?
~~ Cleaveland


I'm not a programmer, I'm merely doing this out of interest. :P
There's lots to program in Game Maker, adventure and TGL Mode, Set enemies, Scripts etc etc.
Not to mention I haven't touched this in years.
Lots of things to play around with.

Heck, I haven't even gotten the Player Object to move correctly even. >.<

Don't expect a miracle. :P

I'm just trying to understand how to make the player character feel like TGL...
And I told you, this is merely testing things out on the frame per second, and steps. and movement + Shooting for nonupgraded Variable.
See it as a playground for the moment. Atleast until the real program + Title screen and room movement etc etc gets into play.
Creating the code from nothing up to workable game is....torture? :P

To do Prio, TGL mode:
Transition between Background to background
Frames adjustment to movement
Timer Code for certain events(Boss kill etc etc)
Putting in HP + Score etc etc in the lower part of the View.
Moving with ASDW, Shooting with 5 Numpad(4 = Special Wep 1, 6 = Special Wep 2, 8 = Rechargable EE.)


Why you choose GameMaker not MultiMedia Fusion? Because of more tools for free?
BTW why you not want upload files to TGL.com by ftp?

oh BTW I could not download the file lol


Cause I have experience about GAme Maker, since I never tried MMF before.

That's the only reason.

And since it's just me playing around with the code to find out what works for TGL Sequel in my own opinion.
So it's more of a "playground" then actual game. =/
Doesn't feel like it's needed to upload on TGL Since it's just not serious enough.


yeah i couldnt download the file.. just a bunch of different "download" buttons that lead to thousands of ad's.... :-[
~~ Cleaveland


I'll see what I can do to get something of it up, still need to fix alot of things. ><
Atleast shooting is fixed, and player movement. Only TGL mode and not Adventure mode yet.


Well I managed to get it, but i could only move with WASD, and couldnt fire, interested to see your progress as it comes along
~~ Cleaveland


Use http://www.mediafire.com/ to upload files then. It's new and not garbaged like megaupload.

Oh and BTW reeaaalllyy..!!! Make the game with 640x480 dimension. What the point making NES dimensions? So small screen. You can make double sized sprites to 640x480. At least it's casual game resolution.


Ragnarok: Using Numpad 5 to shoot, make sure you have numlock on.

Arseniy: Aye, I noticed that. :P But right now the coding is more important then the sprites.
I can easily fix the tiles and sprites to double their size and increase their quality easily.


well.. I use a laptop... so no numpad! numLock wont work either..
when I emulate I usually use arrows to move and QWAS for YWB&A (SNES)
~~ Cleaveland