
Fans are welcome!


Started by Mega Man Model T 101, August 05, 2011, 11:02:21 AM

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Mega Man Model T 101

Hello fellow Guardian Legend fans! Mega Man Model T 101 here.

Been a fan since I discovered this little gem of a game back when I was subscribed to Game Informer, and saw it in one of the retro articles. They didn't really say anything to good about it, but I figured I'd give it a shot since I liked the gameplay elements they mentioned, and needless to say, I was hooked all the way to the end!

I hope to get along with everyone here and the like.


Hello. I wish to nominate you for the longest nick. Although beats that. It also make the browser give up layout as an added plus. (LOL intended)

What's the deal with Mega Men Model T 101? I have stopped following the Mega Men franchise at 3rd.

Mega Man Model T 101

Well, not sure if you've heard of the ZX series for DS or not, but they involve Bio-Metals that have single letters, and if you've played the Zero series you'll know what they stand for. Like Model X is Mega Man X Model Z is Zero, ect ect.

I sort of made my own model with my Profile name so to speak. If you look for my youtube account(Which has the same name as here, minus the spaces.) you'll be able to see a bit of where I got the name from.


Hey you are welcome! It's great to have fresh memebers here! BTW you can spend few minutes by vote in the Voting section :3

Mega Man Model T 101

Thanks for the welcome guys! Oh, interesting question.

I have an idea for a Guardian Legend fanfic, and I was wondering, if I were to submit it here, I have a question. Would fellow Guardian Legend fans possibly draw illustrations for it? Just wondering. Hope to hear from you soon.

PS! I will not make it into a porno or majorly sexual as some other fans of games and such might do. I hate it when fans go down that route, kinda ruins it for me. >:(


It was very curious to see fanfic on this game, I would, in turn, offered to write (to write or until) the first part of the story and continue the game after the explosion of the planet Naju ....


Hrm. I don't think there is much enthusiasm to draw a pictures. It's oretty hard work you know. If there was some obvious benefit like money or views exposure it would be easer. Since the game is not so popular as many other games it's pretty hard to find any enthusiats. I saw very little fanart for that game :(

Mega Man Model T 101

Not trying to make a flame topic here, but there are problems when you put money in with a fan project. Problem number one, which is the main one. Due to the nature of it being a fan project, it simply means, no money will be made on it. So the fact that you pay someone say a 100 bucks while you won't get a dime on the project itself, makes it rather one sided, and not exactly right.

Not to mention since it also goes against the principle of the copyright. You're making money off of someone's official work. Money may talk, but sometime too much. If it was a project where both would get money, it wouldn't be so bad.

With the fact that somebody would make money off of a non money making project, be it a fanfic, fangame, isn't right. Not where one person does most of the work, programming, writing, ect, while said person shells out millions just to get one or two things for the project, while they won't get a dime for it.

I'm not yelling or complaining, just stating my honest opinion and facts that I find it a bit much when people want money on a non money project. In this case, when I thought of doing the fanfic, I simply wanted to make a good reading experience, and I thought I'd try and make it a little better by having an occasional picture. It just erks me that everyone expects to get money benefits when they honestly shouldn't.

In reality, if I were to honestly charge people to view the story, as in, send me money via paypal or something and I'd email them the file to read it to make up for the money spent for the illustrations, I'd be thrown in jail for making money off of something that officially isn't mine. Sure, the text is mine, but the characters, setting, plot, ect, aren't. It isn't "Original" and because I'm kaing profit off of an obscure game title, the copyrights are probably still floating around, and can thus be applied to the copyright infringement.


Pure passion here seems our money ???. I would have invested if the project is to promote the game needed a written engine or is there more for something specific :-\. But here let's start with the story that we want to tell the "Mega Man Model T 101" I have great respect for such things  :bluelanderbig:...

Mega Man Model T 101

I'm sorry. Money for fan stuff is a very touchy subject for me in this current day and age. Mostly because of how much people want to make off of it.



I for example want to hear your story. And tell her story about the first part of which may seem not very but a creation of my handiwork.

Mega Man Model T 101

Well, here is the basic idea of the story I want plan to write. The first chapter or two will focus upon the group the Guardian is apart of, before Naju was sighted and what her life had been like, and why she is chosen for the mission. The rest will be focused on her journey through Naju, and encountering it's many dangers and mysteries.

After all, Naju might have been a peaceful place at one time. Especially when what inhabitants are left are these guys. :bluelander: :redlander: :bluelanderbig:

By the way, what is the main character's name anyway? Is it Alyssa or Mia? I've seen both, but I want to be certain.


Miriya (Мирия)


1. Beginning
To earth priblezhaetsya unknown object ...
In attempts to establish contact were unsuccessful ...
It was decided to organize ekspiditsiyu ...
Its composition was Miriya ...
When approaching the planet all ekspiditsiya
otakovana was killed and all ...
Miriya sposlas but was very badly damaged ...
Its energy shield was not working at full capacity ...
She had two choices:
1. To die in space
2. Dolete to the planet
She got to fly away from here but it is no longer able to ...