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Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)

Started by Donloteion, December 29, 2012, 07:39:10 AM

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Alright, so I am planning the next post involving Akrn (without the 'e', think of it like the real word "acre" :bluelander:) and Callisto.

One side of my habit is to have Callisto to -partially- reveal why he wants to turn on other Guardians and  reveal about Tetharil's "treachery" in that fateful day. But on the other hand I don't think we're ready for such a high climax in the  RP just yet (we're only Episode 2 and 60 posts in, after all...) and if he feel that his destiny is to destroy Tetharil and the other Guardians why would he be telling Akrn everything? XD

Or maybe it can just be a short fight where, like Sebariel with Erajiv, Callisto gets paralysed for a short while and Akrn and Co can make their getaway until the next time they meet in later  episodes.

Just gathering up ideas and stuff...

(Although I am kind of waiting for my GF to come online sometime too (the same gal that does Rico's italian lines) since she loooooooves evil characters so maybe she can supply some handy ideas and scripts to go with it too. -- but she's doing exams these few weeks so i don't know when she'll be on...)
My YouTube channel for gameplay videos [includes TGL: Secret gameplays!]

Are you a Text Role-player? We have a TGL-themed RP going on, feel free to join!


While we're at it... are we sure we want to go ahead this way?
I found myself very uncomfortable writing something else. After a couple of days of thinking I think I have understood my problem.
I think recent posts are very dangerous to my perception.
For first, we haven't worked on the issues which plagued the first episode. Not only there are now more characters, but characters which were primary in Ep 1 are now barely mentioned.

I would like everyone to reconsider character stats as well. I know they are for relative comparisons only but...

whochip counthp
Miria, begin508?
Miria, end4000?25?

I mean, I feel the essence of Naju is extremely diluted right now. For first, what made the first TGL possible has been replicated multiple times. We have at least 5 apparently powerful replicas. Half of the planet is tamed and apparently has been for a while, with colonies and such...
In P57, the existance of other extremely powerful organizations are confirmed. Come on, a intergalactic war... with no one knowing? It feels like Naju was too irrelevant to be considered. Please reconsider the importance of UNSC.

Keep in mind we're working on restoring a "Fringe" division.
What I propose (and I have a post going in that direction) is to review at least P57 so the suspension of disbelief is preserved. I can elaborate on those concept as much as you need. I hope nobody finds that problematic, but I really think we should keep them on different universes because I don't really believe anyone working on Naju might not know about UNSC... or Covenants for that matter.

P56.2 also caused me some discomfort. Well, not really, what happened after that. From those posts, I get the idea that Rico is not a hybrid cyborg but basically a complete machine. I see no reason for which he/it should not be out of the game for longer. Personally I don't think Erajiv would have spared its life and if it's a complete construct. Consider the possibility. This would produce a much more convincing threat and I think we need this.

P56.1 also has some issues and should be rectified at least partially, the travel would have take much, much longer if Amet mobility is so limited.

I would like to remind that I have in the past posted an in-rpg explanation of what happened to Amet. For some reason the post was expunged from timeline. As I said however, someone knows what happened.



There was a big post here, but after thinking it a couple times i've decided to just screw it and removed it.
My YouTube channel for gameplay videos [includes TGL: Secret gameplays!]

Are you a Text Role-player? We have a TGL-themed RP going on, feel free to join!


I understand the concern with the UNSC, and I pretty much agree. I guess I exagerated the security of secrecy for the UNSC, and I'm sorry for the mess up. I'm willing to review/edit post 57, just let me know what you have in mind for the suspension of disbelief factor :bluelander:.

Also, I'd like to make clear that I have no intentions of the Halo universe becoming any more involved, I.E. covenant attack Naju or UNSC show up. I solely meant to use it to make familiarity for my character (fan made), and to try to connect the somewhat limited TGL universe to a well established one. I didn't mean for it to detract from the main story like it did :-[.

Any stat adjustments neccessary I will make. Callisto could be more like 12-15 health 2 Def and 1200 chips etc, Erajiv closer to 20 Hp, and Malcolm about 8 Hp 10 shield .

A thought for Erajiv's sparing Rico, prehaps he thought that Rico was already dead since he's not too familiar with machines and didn't see Rioc breathing? Or he's so confident in his abilities he thought one hit was enough.

I hope that my posts havn't been dentrimental to the RP, and if any of my tendencies bother anyone, lemme know.

Evil must be exterminated, but first it must be found.


-Edited post 58. Hope that helps.-
--I think that Callisto should reveal his spite in parts, more like in the first encounter he says he's trying to kill Tetharil, and more bits of the story popping up as more encounters come.--
Alright, I hope we can get through the confusions here. I'll try to do my part:
Rico being alive: I seem to have a looser grasp on the bio-mechanical nature of the GF's than I thought. Sorry about that. Just how much of the Guardians is machinery? By constructed, I kinda imagined them to be almost entirely machines. I just didn't want to kill off Rico yet, as he is one of my favorite characters. I was thinking that Erajiv had KOed him, thought him dead, and tossed him aside, hearing Seb coming up. Seems a little to soon to start killing main (I think them to be) characters.

The fight:: I thought from the start that Erajiv was far beyond Seb in power. I just wanted it to be a little reserved in intensity/stakes, since it was the first encounter.

Erajiv being a threat: I was thinking for Erajiv to really get to deadly work, attacking the area 3 facility (due to it being near a corridor) and basically decimating the place. I know that we need a crazy dangerous enemy, but given this being the first post with him in action, I didn't want to overdo it. There is still alot of room for him to prove dangerous. Besides, Callisto is also hopefully to be quite a problem.

Episode 1 characters being gone: We can either explain that Einhander's crew has left, has disappeared, or try to assimilate them into the plot again. I personally hope to get the other peoples that haven't shown up yet into the thick of it.

Naju Essence being diluted: I think we should introduce some Najuan ruins, or maybe the Blue Landers to bring the story back home. It could be cool if we had Erajiv be a Naju native, maybe one who betrayed the race when it was first attacked. Maybe we just need to brainstorm some real TGL type events to base the RP.

SAFE: I don't want this group to make things worse, so I'll keep it at that SAFE is a private company that has hired out Sebariel, Halex, and probably some NPC class peoples for Naju safety. I never really meant for Seb to always be the leader, unless everyone else thinks it is working.

Outside influences: I agree that UNSC shouldn't be heavy in this. I think that we should keep it at that Naju knows about the UNSC and that UNSC possibly is investing in Naju. Malcolm should keep the fall of Reach secret, so we avoid any need to mention or dwell on it.

Stats: I agree that could be for faithful to the original, but their just for relativity.
For being just a theory, gravity sure brings me down.


Here's an idea for discussion: how about in Episode 3 the team finds the Ruins of the Lander (destroyed by Erajiv?) in Area 3?

Originally, I was going to allow Landers to make full apperances in the RP (as powerups like in the TGL game), but since UserK want them to appear much earlier and of higher significance in the RP, I am going to adopt Souperion's idea of some sort of Shrines built for Landers or something

Quote from: SouperionJust how much of the Guardians is machinery?
Originally, as bio-mechanical as Miria, but since UserK is against the notion of TGL-replicas, I'm now going to say they're 100% mechanical (Megaman-like Reploids, if you like)

Quote from: SouperionIt could be cool if we had Erajiv be a Naju native, maybe one who betrayed the race when it was first attacked.

I already have a plan regarding Erajiv and the native monsters on Naju and  why he is hellbent on destroy the colonies, but that's spoilers stuff

These were originally part of my earlier post that I removed, but here they are again since UserK will need them:

Quote from: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AMCharacters which were primary in Ep 1 are now barely mentioned.

EinhanderZwei left the RP, so his characters will no longer take part (I was going to bring that up after the group all united in Naju Central at the end of Episode 2, but since you asked now...), also, Tetharil is most likely going to leave with them as well, so he will also play no further role in the RP until UserK feels time is right to summon him again - which in essence leaves Callisto chasing Akrn and the other Guardian Fighters.

Most of Episode 2 plot revolved in Area 9 only anyway.

Quote from: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
I would like everyone to reconsider character stats as well. I know they are for relative comparisons only but...

Akrn Salthic - Chip: 1200, HP: 18, Def: 7
Amet Velpiks -  Chip: 2000, HP: 14, Def: 2
Killian Rhodallister - Chip: 1600, HP: 21, Def: 7
Samuel Laszlith - Chip: 6000, HP: 13, Def: 4
Letearia Mechiko - Chip: 3000, HP: 9, Def: 5
Maiorico dei Guardiani - Chip: 2000, HP: 15, Def: 4

Quote from: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
P56.1 also has some issues and should be rectified at least partially, the travel would have take much, much longer if Amet mobility is so limited.

Hence why i written at the end of the post that "The duration of Amet's trip back to the camp is open for interpretation." It would've taken Amet 5 hours for all we know to get back to Rey's camp, I left it especially for you to decide on that

Quote from: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
Keep in mind we're working on restoring a "Fringe" division.

It's still in the plot plan, but that's Episode 4 material.


After spending the last sleepless night thinking about the points UserK brought up, I am now going to let UserK construct the post involving the encounter between Callisto and Akrn. Because, really, I no longer feel comfortable making posts like this if they're going to get questioned later, and I need first hand understanding of how UserK prefers fight scenes to unfold.
My YouTube channel for gameplay videos [includes TGL: Secret gameplays!]

Are you a Text Role-player? We have a TGL-themed RP going on, feel free to join!


QuoteI understand the concern with the UNSC, and I pretty much agree. I guess I exagerated the security of secrecy for the UNSC, and I'm sorry for the mess up. I'm willing to review/edit post 57, just let me know what you have in mind for the suspension of disbelief factor
No need to apologize! I think we can work on it and let it blend. My current idea is as follows.
Suppose everything really happened. There's a universe in which the Halo wars are really taking place, Spartans are there and characters from this universe will be coherent with those happenings. However, those universes now crossed. They are somehow different versions of the same time but in this "dominant" universe, UNSC and the covenant wars didn't happen: instead, humanity had to face the Naju threat.
It would just take to add a few lines to P57 so the command recognizes the data as somehow screwed up. In this dominant timeline UNSC could be pretty much anything, but it appears to me it could be the organization which later became the United Space Federation. Or perhaps it could be a branch of USF which - in this universe - didn't develop in the same way.
There's a problem though. SAFE. I think this is very good idea by itself (it is likely security firms will have a major role in the future) but those characters had several interactions with the "dominant universe" characters. I don't think SAFE needs to be downtuned at all but we sure would have to find a way to connect those universes. Sure SAFE hasn't popped out of nowhere but I'm not sure where to place it either. SAFE cannot be from another universe... but it has to be to recruit Sebariel... or Halex. Which are connected to Malcom.

I don't think there's the need to adapt anything besides that... but we have to make sure the various universes start to blend more coherently.

QuoteI seem to have a looser grasp on the bio-mechanical nature of the GF's than I thought.
Yes, I guess we can no more avoid to discuss this. Personally I managed Amet as a heavily augmented human rather than a complete borg. This appeared to be the case to me considering they need to eat. Apparently, Rico needs to eat a lot and this suggests me their biology is not completely altered. No idea on how much machinery they have but I think they should have at least a human brain, perhaps with augmentation.
My understanding of Amet is that he has some kind of augmentations similar to... perhaps Deus Ex 2? Borgs do eat in DE2, yet their features are much less prominent.

QuoteI was thinking for Erajiv to really get to deadly work, attacking the area 3 facility
Excellent! I think he's now really pissed off and this fits him perfectly! But I think HQ will have to become serious at civilian evac if this happens. Which could be actually a good thing!

I have a plan to justify why John Targa & Co disappeared, which fits with Ep1 "megacorp" vibe. The problem was really Terry and Akrn (at least Akrn came out in the end at Ep2).

QuoteOriginally, I was going to allow Landers to make full apperances in the RP (as powerups like in the TGL game), but since UserK want them to appear
Me? Not really. I think we should first find what matters in what we have already. Adding stuff is exactly what happened so far. Whatever it worked can be discussed, sure we can only keep adding new flavours up to a certain point.
QuoteOriginally, as bio-mechanical as Miria, but since UserK is against the notion of TGL-replicas
I must have wrote something wrong. I'm not against hybrids and I'm not against Miria replicas either. But consider the first guardian is Legend. We cannot have 5 legends going around, each one being more powerful than the original. Nothing really prevents us from doing so. But I think it's not paying proper homage to the Legend.
QuoteHence why i written at the end of the post that "The duration of Amet's trip back to the camp is open for interpretation." It would've taken Amet 5 hours for all we know to get back to Rey's camp, I left it especially for you to decide on that
Perfect, just make all those overheating issues disappear. Keep in mind that Rey isn't really going to have any issues with him since they are already at talking distance. If there was chance for trouble, it sure was going to happen before they could talk. Keep in mind that Rey is shellshocked. Odds are he might not even notice it. His world is pretty... limited, in perception.
QuoteIt's still in the plot plan, but that's Episode 4 material.
And it can still be! But I think we cannot no longer avoid playing the "universes have collided" card.

I'm also sorry you give up your role. I'm not used to cooperative writing but I always believed everyone had the same importance although who invented a character somehow seems to keep a stronger grasp on him. I think we can just write about this. Cooperative efforts have to be planned.
Since you mention about Ep 4, I guess it could be a good chance for all of us to write a few lines on what they plan to do in ep2, ep3, ep4. I guess we have to head in a common direction.

My targets are
ep2: Rey and Amet establish contact to base.
ep3: they get back to base
ep4: Amet will be back to your control. Rey will likely lurk around the military facilities.

In the meanwhile, here's my timeline, it's a bit different.
(sorry but I couldn't make it less than 150KiB)


So we're on the same page, the Halo universe is altered for the RP to exclude the Covenant war. That's possible, as Spartans were produced before it. Only Malcolm's origin of arriving at Naju would be changed. I suppose he could have made a miscalculation of warp jumping his ship and ended up in the wrong place. But his gravity hammer will stay, just for the variety ::).
I suggest that the UNSC is the Earthern part of the USF, the branch dedicated to Earth's operations and political interests, y'know for the realistic part. It's probably the Gaurdians who know the least about the UNSC, and the files were pulled up to find who he was and who he belonged to.
That being said, this could also be in the years before the Covenant formed. I think I'll dedicate a post to re-explain Malcolm's circumstance of arriving at Naju.

I think it's wise to do some thinking on the general direction. I imagined that the shuttle crew would arrive at naju central and then the team end up being sent to the military outpost in area 3, which comes under attack by Erajiv and the invaders. I thought that the conclusion of Akern Vs. Callisto could be that Erajiv calls for Callisto, who finally obeys. Or Killian arrives and helps Akern fight him off. I did mention the Fringe in post 57, and I can forsee bringing that back later too. I'll be editing post 57 soon when I get the time.
Evil must be exterminated, but first it must be found.



After all that discussion, it appears that we all prefer some sort of set plot guidelines for the next few posts/episodes and make posts in accordance to that plan than using impulse and creativity-on-the-spot method (which is what EinhanderZwei originally preferred and the system we used up until now)

Ok, at least we got THAT cleared up now, good, that means we can finally lay out all the plot plans, devices and "to come" things now so we know where we'll be heading to :bluelander:

<< All the plot plans as I have imagined the RP to use will be included/added later >>

Corridors - Corridors 11~20 will be accessible on the Areas on Naju-Surface, which leads to the Below-surface worlds, Corridors 01~10 will be located inside the Below-Surface Worlds which will contain a deep-underground computer room/lab that have control over the area and how it's run (again, reference to Seed/Nurvus of Phantasy Star IV), the team will have to decide on whether to destroy, disable, or alter its systems to halt the population explosion of the native monsters

Landers - Landers will serve the same function as they did in the actual TGL - power and chip upgrades. Although none of them have been met yet in the RP. Shrines to Landers will also be found throughout Naju Surface as the Landers also helped the original TGL in taming Naju so the future colonists made shrines for them.

Quote from: UserK
No idea on how much machinery they have but I think they should have at least a human brain, perhaps with augmentation.

Amet could be a Cyborg as he is constructed differently to the other GFs in that he is a beta (so to speak) bio-Cyborg for testing the Stealth features. As for the rest, it really depends on how you (plural) visioned the original TGL-Miria to be, which for me would be 100% Robotic.

You can think of the eating real food in posts 32, 35 and 56 as being needed to recharge their battery and/or have some sort of processable fuel so their internal systems can continue to function. (So in a way, when they're hungry it's more a warning that their battery's running low)

Quote from: UserK
The problem was really Terry and Akrn

Tetharil will leave with the Crew of the ThunderSpectrum as well (originally planned with EinhanderZwei before he left the RP), and probably not return until Episode 4 or later. This gives more "space" for Callisto to reveal in greater detail about his Desertion/treachery and will allow it boil down to Akrn confronting Terry when he return (oshi)

Quote from: UserK
ep2: Rey and Amet establish contact to base.
ep3: they get back to base
ep4: Amet will be back to your control. Rey will likely lurk around the military facilities.

Mine is more like this:

Ep2: Group heads to Area 9 again (done), Antagonists make intro (done), Amet and Rey reestablish contact and gets transported back to Naju Central, and everything will be asked of about Rey here

Ep3, this will take place in Day 4: The team hears about the problems with Area 3 / Lander shrines and dispatched there, meets Terramute(?) that Erajiv released from Corridor 13, first official upgrade for the GFs with with the Landers (Letty obtains her Option?)

Backside: Amet/Akrn returns to the Back side (this time with constant communication/escort) to find more about their geography, they come across a ruined laboratory (Area 6?) which would be the Fringe Division Lab, plans are drawn to find out farther about it and maybe bring it back online.

Front side: The group, pressed on by Naju Central, actually heads into the Below-Surface Worlds of Area 3, may actually also see the seal for Corridor 03, but cannot open it.

Now, timeline problems:

Post 45: Killian said  he will be heading to the Communication Centre to try get aid on locating Amet (this is also where the Expunged Post 43 would come in) and will not return until Post 52.2

Post 56.1: the "40 minutes" is in reference to the duration of the time Amet took in gathering up the "food", the time taken on the way back is another thing altogether
My YouTube channel for gameplay videos [includes TGL: Secret gameplays!]

Are you a Text Role-player? We have a TGL-themed RP going on, feel free to join!


Quote from: Spudacus on May 20, 2013, 09:57:55 PM
So we're on the same page, the Halo universe is altered for the RP to exclude the Covenant war. That's possible
There are already some references to happenings triggered by the war. No need to be so radical.
Point is there are really different time streams here.
In the Halo time stream, everything happened as you described. There's an entity called UNSC which works exactly as you described.
In the Naju Nexus timeline, there's another entity, which happens to be called UNSC as well but does... similar things? Different things? Your choice really.
Characters coming from Halo timeline will use term "UNSC" to mean a thing they know.
Characters from the Naju Nexus timeline will use the term "UNSC" to mean another thing. When questioned about the covenant war they would not know anything about that as it never happened in this timeline.
This does not imply it never happened in the Halo universe. It didn't happen in the Naju universe. Unless we find a way to make this happen coherently with other events. So when characters talk to each other about the past... and the past does not match, they'll have to conclude there have been some sort of trans-dimensional mish-mash.
Maybe you're referring to the problem of making SAFE coherent as well? Yes, I can see this will require bold adjustments. I have myself no idea on how to fix that. In that perspective, I guess your ideas are likely the best option.

I fully support your idea of UNSC being the earth-centric part of USF.
Yes, your idea of making the Covenants war happen in the future appears viable as well. Do as you see better fit.

QuoteTetharil will leave with the Crew of the ThunderSpectrum as well (originally planned with EinhanderZwei before he left the RP), and probably not return until Episode 4 or later. This gives more "space" for Callisto to reveal in greater detail about his Desertion/treachery and will allow it boil down to Akrn confronting Terry when he return (oshi)
Are they still here? I missed that entirely!
QuotePost 56.1: the "40 minutes" is in reference to the duration of the time Amet took in gathering up the "food", the time taken on the way back is another thing altogether
I admit I have no clear understanding about when to start counting those 40 minutes.
QuoteAs for the rest, it really depends on how you (plural) visioned the original TGL-Miria to be, which for me would be 100% Robotic.
It is a hybrid in my opinion. In "Miria Mystery Nature" it seems most people agreed she was far more than a cyborg. Of course rookie guardians could still be 100% more robotic. It makes little sense to make them able to digest something other than water or pure sugar (or garbage like Mr. Fusion) but we can go over that.


Quote from: UserkAre they still here? I missed that entirely!

Strictly speaking, they left after the events of Post 35, but the GFs don't know about it - So the news will be broken about Tetharil being no longer at the base when the GFs (Letty and Maiorico) return to the Naju Central Base - and assuming a trouble-free journey back from Area 9/0W to Area 0, would be around post 63 or 64.

My YouTube channel for gameplay videos [includes TGL: Secret gameplays!]

Are you a Text Role-player? We have a TGL-themed RP going on, feel free to join!


I personally think the Gaurdians should be cyborgic. They are too human to be fully machines :redlander:. I also think we could let the Landers have speaking parts, seeing as they were fairly intelligent ::) in the game.
I'll admit I don't fully understand what UserK wants me to do with SAFE, but I'll try to establish it here.

SAFE is a private corporation, earthern based and operated. I was pretty much trying to make it my contribution to Naju's personal universe. It was an early contracted group for Naju's security to complement the local security force. Thusly it works with NSF (Naju security force) with general harmony. SAFE units have more free volition concerning deployment and missions, but follow orders of importance or ones that come from high up. Let it be noted that the actual SAFE staff is fairly small, so that NSF still bears most of the responsibility. Sebariel and Halex have been here long enough to know all the basics of Naju and such, but don't know everything.
For being just a theory, gravity sure brings me down.


While I'm thinking about, what do we need to know about Horaculous? I want to be able to include him when we can and need to.
For being just a theory, gravity sure brings me down.


Quote from: Souperion on May 21, 2013, 05:18:08 PM
While I'm thinking about, what do we need to know about Horaculous?

Horaculous is just your typical qualified Pilot who can fly just about every plane imaginable, from a Cessna, a Boeing, a F-22 Raptor to Sky Grasper (Gundam) and Vic Viper (Gradius) - he is also the only pilot left that can fly space-worthy fighter/supply planes, namely the aformentioned Sky Grasper.

Well, ok, he may not be qualified to pilot robots (eg Macross), and takes time to adapt to helicopters.

Unlike most other characters in the RP, he has been born and raised on Naju's Colony so he is not a contracted employee of Naju Military.

He generally appears only when a transport pilot is needed (like when Sigurbelle needed to get on USF Compile in Post 19, and when the shuttle was needed to bring the survivors of Luir in Post 59), he is very confident of his piloting skills even if it involves some bizarre stunts (required when flying through a debris field or through airborne enemies)

I was going to write up about his history and why he is the only pilot left that is qualified to fly space-worthy planes, but after seeing the debate surrounding USF/UNSC and SAFE i decided not (or rather, unable) to include it.

Quote from: Souperion on May 21, 2013, 04:37:28 PM
I personally think the Gaurdians should be cyborgic. They are too human to be fully machines :redlander:. I also think we could let the Landers have speaking parts, seeing as they were fairly intelligent  in the game.

Cyborgs, ok then :bluelander:
My YouTube channel for gameplay videos [includes TGL: Secret gameplays!]

Are you a Text Role-player? We have a TGL-themed RP going on, feel free to join!


While I am also at it, Sigurbelle is a prodigy engineer who was involved in the making of Akrn Salthic (hence she is a TriOptimum* employee, see Post 32), after the delivery of Akrn to Naju's Guardians department they found out that he was more than what Naju's current technologies are capable of in terms of repairs and maintenance, so Sigurbelle  was summoned to become Akrn's personal engineer (post 04).

Although she is capable in repairing the Rookie GFs, too. (Post 15)

In essence, she is only a civilian, but because of her relation with Akrn she has unusually free access to just about every military installations that Akrn has access to, too.

* - I might change the company name for sake of originality
My YouTube channel for gameplay videos [includes TGL: Secret gameplays!]

Are you a Text Role-player? We have a TGL-themed RP going on, feel free to join!