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Anyone into cryptocurrencies?

Started by UserK, December 23, 2013, 09:59:04 PM

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Since I have to keep myself focused, I often keep skype closed. Last week however I decided to give it a go. A friend of mine popped in and started telling me his totally awesome idea for making money: bitcoin mining.
I never looked at this thing in detail and I'm still not sure it's worth but it seems to be fairly interesting, if not only from a technical perspective.
Anyway, it turns out he already went ahead and bought 90 EUR of mining hardware... and then found a video of a dude saying he won't break even any time soon. With more powerful hardware, bought at almost half the price!
This mining thing is totally crazy! Not only obsolescence is super-fast, but people is burning a lot of money into this.
Sure bitcoin is good at that: it built quite some industry at least.
As for me, since I have access to cheap electricity, I am considering Litecoin GPGPU mining. If I can manage to pay for half of a vidcard upgrade I would be rather happy with it but it looks like even in my case this is fairly difficult.

Are you aware of what's going on?