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The Guardian Legend: WORLDS

Started by Quoise Games, February 19, 2015, 04:11:52 PM

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Quote from: headfonez on August 31, 2015, 11:36:47 AM
Quote from: mrrichard999 on August 29, 2015, 09:23:57 AM
Hey just saw you posting this in the queue at Romhack. This will be great to get some feedback from and potentially get people more into Guardian Legend hacking as well :D


Hey, I sent a reply to your message, let me know if you got it (not sure if it went through).

I'm my next version of TGL Worlds, I'll be randomizing the status of weapons and enemies. I'll be adjusting their attack, hp, speed and other attributes, BUT, they will be balanced.  For example, one world may have all the enemies at a higher attack strength, but the player's weapons may have a much lower chip usage count to compensate.  Stay Tuned.
Sounds a bit strange but that might be good solution for the balance anyway.
And are you going to rebalance weapons somehow? Like in the original the bullet shield, long lazer and few more are kinda too weak or maybe fireball, lazer saber overpowered. Did you had any ideas about it?

Quoise Games

Well, the weapon strength/hp/chip use will have completely different values, some may be slightly stronger/weaker than others, so the user will have to go through each weapon to see which is the most useful. But their default strengths will be changed definetly. The enemies, however, will still retain their same range of strength, but they will be changed, just not as drastically.

Quoise Games

Here's the beginning of my work on balanced weapon/enemy randomization. Please test different worlds and report findings. Thanks


I got reppeler is out of balance. It takes out the chip for every shot and it has no HP so it breaks at every enemy and it makes chips go away immediatelly.

Bombardier has so much HP.

The map generates not bad but everything is so aligned near each other.

The levels. I think they too hard. But I put a health cheat just to run a bit through.

The pallete in some levels is very very acid. Painful to watch.

Funny first room:

Quoise Games

I've toned down overall enemy difficulty. It is still more likely that the enemies will be more challenging, but not all enemies are guaranteed this upgrade.  I have also fixed the opening starting room.  I have also improved the chances that weapons will have a normal or higher hp when used. I've also done some work to make sure the average room is not visually "acidic"

Quoise Games

Fixed a problem with weapons having hp when they shouldn't. And made sure that corridor victory music plays until the room is exited


Hey, I just came across this on romhacking.net and am just now starting the download. Looks great! I can't wait to try it.
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.


Alright, done some pretty extensive testing with the new Worlds randomizer.
3 Major things.

1. Whats with the guarenteed god fleepa in corridor 1? i get making it harder, but EVERYSEED has a god fleepa in c1. Less than fun to fight a 2000 hp fleepa with level 1 gun, a saber, a multibullet, and a rotator.

2. Weapons. Sure they randomize, however it doesnt make weapons any more or less strong. It either makes some weapons GODLY (i.e. level 2 or 3 fireball with NO movement so it becomes a godmode shield EX: http://www.twitch.tv/mattrick_/v/14465686) or it makes it completely and TOTALLY useless, by reducing its hp to 1. Less than stellar on the randomization. Is it possible to change weapon values? i.e. making a hyper laser into a fireball, or making a multibullet into a rotator? (im mostly just talking damage wise, not graphically) that would be far more interesting.

3. Optomons. These are the only enemy in the game that every seed gets weaker. Less than amazing.

If those issues can be fixed, this randomizer should be even better than the other one!

Quoise Games

Quote from: Mattrick_ on September 07, 2015, 07:33:53 AM
Alright, done some pretty extensive testing with the new Worlds randomizer.
3 Major things.

1. Whats with the guarenteed god fleepa in corridor 1? i get making it harder, but EVERYSEED has a god fleepa in c1. Less than fun to fight a 2000 hp fleepa with level 1 gun, a saber, a multibullet, and a rotator.

2. Weapons. Sure they randomize, however it doesnt make weapons any more or less strong. It either makes some weapons GODLY (i.e. level 2 or 3 fireball with NO movement so it becomes a godmode shield EX: http://www.twitch.tv/mattrick_/v/14465686) or it makes it completely and TOTALLY useless, by reducing its hp to 1. Less than stellar on the randomization. Is it possible to change weapon values? i.e. making a hyper laser into a fireball, or making a multibullet into a rotator? (im mostly just talking damage wise, not graphically) that would be far more interesting.

3. Optomons. These are the only enemy in the game that every seed gets weaker. Less than amazing.

If those issues can be fixed, this randomizer should be even better than the other one!

Hey, thanks for the extensive testing.  I've made recent modifications that should actually address these three problems.  If you download the most recent build (a few posts up) those problems will be addressed.


hmmm i thought i had the most recent build... going to test right now


Going live right now...
Using the seed to test - Mattricklikes

if youre interested in seeing what this random run does check me out



So i figured i would make a quick checklist of things we talked about during the stream the other day.

1. Randomization of powerup locations.
2. More Randomization of boss health, with a much higher maximum HP range, without touching boss damage (major imbalance potentially)
3. Potential Randomization for ALL bosses, Both in and out of corridors (starting with keeping them randomized within their respective areas)
4. Eventual Randomization of all bosses/mini bosses in and out of corridors within all areas, (red grimgrin in c1 anyone?)
And keep in mind for #4 as we said, if the bosses are required to have special events in order to be able to fire (such as skulls for eyegores and eyes for grimgrins), and they are not in said corridors, it MAY NOT be a bad thing. A red grimgrin in c1 without eyes is still a challenging monster without being WAY over the top.
5. Randomization of corridor entries ( e.g. shop randomly opening c1-10 instead of 4 everytime)
6. Pink, THIS COLOR SUCKS. If possible, ditch that palette. Its ugly, it hurts the eyes, and no one cares for it -_-


Obviously these do not have to all happen at once, they can be rolled out over time. It was just a compiled list of things that were discussed during the stream.

As always, your work on the randomizer is much appreciated, and we will keep testing/running it as we are able.


Isn't the random boss health also may cause imbalance?


It will certainly increase the challenge, but because youre keeping the bosses damage the same, it shouldnt be a problem.

The problem came in when you had the god fleepa in corridor 1 who had like 1000 life and each one of the squids did 3 hearts of damage each.
That isnt fun, nor is it balanced.

But, a fleepa with 1000 health that does completely normal damage is much more challenging and managable. I think the only one that could be a real problem if it had a ton of health would be the blue eyegore, because hes a glass cannon normally, but outside of that the rest are totally manageable easily.