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Messages - AlastorSX

Quote from: 7Soul on October 18, 2012, 09:58:35 PM
Most of the time this is due to limitations of the color palette, and for the art design in general.

For instance, in the ending credits her hair is brown, and during the game it's black. If it was brown in the game, her sprite would have to be drawn in a different way in order to display that brown color, and it could also result in bad readability against the background

NES games have a limitation of only 4 colors per 8x8 pixels sprite. In her case, she is made of 6 (or 8, I forgot) sprites, each using white, red, black and transparent

Great knowledge on the topic, but I am mostly curious about her attire. Is it that skimpy outfit she wears at the end? It just doesn't seem to be practical for combat, but then again, it is similar to what her sprite wears IMO.
The Guardian Legend / Re: Irem owns TGL
October 20, 2012, 06:08:20 PM
You know if I wasn't 100% sure it would cost millions of dollars, I would say let's raise the money and buy the copyrights.
The Guardian Legend / Look into the past for info...
October 20, 2012, 06:05:58 PM
Shot in the dark I am sure, but does Guardic Gaiden have any kind of story whatsoever to contribute to any of the mysteries from The Guardian Legend? I know someone here has looked into it, just haven't seen any posts on it.
PM Arseniy 7Soul I am sure he will. I posted here before I saw your topic on it. Great job again BTW.
Voting / Re: Do you pity blue landers?
October 20, 2012, 05:34:20 PM
Screw them. They may have helped me save in the past "Before ROMS so they are no longer useful to me :-p" but they also keep taking ALL my power chips. If they would have given me the weapons, my care cup wouldn't be so empty "Or my chip stock."
Voting / Re: Which flight area has your favorite tune?
October 20, 2012, 05:31:12 PM
No doubt Area 0. It made me fall in love with the game at such a young age. The password and computer room music are my other non-flight favorites because I also heard them a lot before playing for real.
Voting / Re: How much it took to beat TGL first time?
October 20, 2012, 05:28:52 PM
A week or less... Mostly because of Optomon pissing me off so much lol. I beat it in my teens though I had played it many times before that.
Yeah, I took that in account lol. You should have added a "What is The Guardian Legend?" For shits and giggles lol.
Voting / Re: Weapons
October 20, 2012, 05:24:53 PM
I love it's ability to do consistant damage in a short time. The duel sabers are wonderful when you are trying to get from point A to point B quickly without being overwhelmed by enemies. It has helped a lot in Secrets for me.
Voting / Re: Miria Mystery Nature
October 20, 2012, 05:20:45 PM
You know in Japan, some people actually make anime serieswhere people can be in space and not die. She could be 100% human for all we truly know. The shield definitely has a good argument on her ability to be part human.
Double Ragon - (Sorry, Ladies) 2 girls that were pissed off at the wrong time of the month. Bad guys beware! Starring Billy Jean and Jamie Lee as the Protagonists "And Nagtagonists."
Zombies At My Neighbors - Flunked hard. Wasn't near as popular as the sequel "Zombies Ate My Neighbors." You play a kid who spies on the neighbor girl to find out she has zombies at her house. Gameplay lasts about 2 minutes, and the development team would be replaced for the sequel.
Allout: New Vegas - You're a wanderer of the Mojave wasteland with a gambling addiction in the post apocoliptic world. Get your broke ass some more caps and blow it all again! "Sadly this is the story of some NPC's in the game."
Ega Man - You're a young tuff who can't spell very well who chucks eggs at unsuspecting business men. Bonus points for stealth and hitting CEO's.
Basic ideas for the sequel / Re: New girl name
October 20, 2012, 04:42:50 PM
If similar, Marina (Mayor-In-A) is of japanese origin if I spelled it correctly. Almost sounds like Marinate lol. I am at a loss at the moment so let me think on it.