The Guardian Legend

Community => General Talk - simple and fun => Topic started by: Donloteion on December 29, 2012, 07:39:10 AM

Title: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on December 29, 2012, 07:39:10 AM
Character Sheet Sign-up




Personality: (Just some info about your character?s primary behaviours. No need to go too in-depth since you?ll surely show it and develop during the course of the RP)

Physical Appearance: (Naturally so people can have a general idea of what a character looks like. Also include any potential cybernetic replacements, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of those.)

Bio: (List if the person is from a version of Earth, Venus, Hyrule, Coruscant, Tallon IV, Eternia, Alefgard, Final Fantasy VII's Planet Gaia, Final Fantasy VI's World of Balance, or any other place you can think of, and some background if you wish.)

This is something I used to do a good while back on the Metroid Prime boards over on GameFAQs.  It started out as a simple "Create Your Own Space Pirate Logs", which turned into a huge Space Pirate RP, which included just about anyone and everything.  It was a huge cross-over of sorts from just about any video game or comic book you could think of.

Anyone interested in starting something like that here?  It doesn't have to be anything epic where we create this giant battle system or anything like that; we simply just create characters based somewhat on ourselves, and we throw ourselves into The Guardian Legend universe.   

Every universe, super hero, etc. is welcome.  It could be something that starts out in Sunnydale California with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and eventually just get taken to Hoth from Empire Strikes Back, or anything like that.  Just crazy stuff, with our own character(s) based on ourselves or along those lines, thrown into the mix of insanity.  But the core and most important aspect of the entire RP, will always be The Guardian Legend  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP- general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting
Post by: RubyC42 on December 29, 2012, 08:00:21 AM
i personally already have an idea for a TGL-like character; although getting someone to design it is usually thechallenging part..

QuoteName: Akrn Salthic (ah-kern)

Age: Robots can have ages?

Gender: Male

Universe: TGL [duh!]

Personality: Nothing defined just yet; probably develop as story progresses

Physical Appearance: Virtually a totally blue "armoured" Guardian fighter; although he has a human-like face for communications when in walking mode. (i guess slightly similar to how the english version of Miria appears in the boxart?)
in fighter mode: a blue plane with white strips here and there; especially on the wings

Pro: System is capable of installing a wide selection of arsenal; some are even capable for "Level 4" upgrade. Strong defence

Con: Limited chip capacities; can be slower due to heavier arsenal; when in walking mode - he prefers to use sabres and shields/force fields (thus limited attacking range)

Special mention: has a "rival" Guardian Fighter named Tetharil, or "Terry" - orange armour and unlike Akrn, he wears no helmet so sports a black, long hair
Title: Re: Text based RP- general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting
Post by: Donloteion on December 29, 2012, 08:03:12 AM
Hey that's cool, we can just roll with it and get artwork done down the line if we get to that point. 
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on December 29, 2012, 01:14:45 PM
Name: Murahan Korik

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Personality: At first glance, pretty easy going but rather conservative; he keeps personal matters to himself.

Physical Appearance: 5'6''.  Average build. 

Bio: Murahan hails from the City of New Phlan in the Moonsea Region.  (As depicted in the NES game Pool of Radiance).  Murahan was a rookie guard for the city, but he recently quit the position in favor of joining up with a couple other adventurers he met in the local tavern.  He'd often pass by the signs posted in town, talking of Riches Fame & Glory, and how the Council sought heroes of all kinds to free the city from the evil hordes.  Armed with nothing more than a short sword, plated armor, and a small shield, Murahan was ready to do his part for the city.  What he didn't realize, was what was lying in wait for him.  Sure, there were talks of an evil bronze dragon that ruled the castle to the south, but that would be the tip of the iceberg, concerning his adventures, as there were more to life than horses, dragons, and magic....
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on December 29, 2012, 01:22:46 PM
If we're going to allow crossovers i think it's a good idea to  also mention which universe/game the character belongs to; just incase for people who never heard of the game have no idea what any of what you [generic] are trying to explain actually means.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on December 29, 2012, 01:28:52 PM
Agreed.  That's why I listed what game I'm coming from and was generic about it.  The crossovers are for those who want to tell their own stories for awhile, but if they like what other people are writing, or feel like getting into what other people are writing, they can find a way to bring their character over.  The central focus or the main most important world will always be The Guardian Legend.  My character might be able to mop the floor with monsters, people, etc. where he's from, but put him on Naju, and Fleepa will maul him.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on December 29, 2012, 01:36:29 PM
So how should we start the thing? As in the settings (other than being on Naju or Naju-like planet, obviously)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on December 29, 2012, 01:46:27 PM
However we want I guess.  I'm just sorta making this up as I go.  Maybe just start your character somewhere, and start writing and see what happens. 
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on December 29, 2012, 02:07:19 PM
But i am useless at starting RPs D:

oh well; here goes nothing.

[note; I tried to "fuse" the two worlds together; so at least there MAYBE some linkage for the two characters after some posts. I am also plan to use some elements of this thread:,1868.0.html ; so everything "above the surface" could be of your world; while the "below surface" worlds are  the actual  TGL-like stuff]

Would be great if more people could join though; too bad i don't see many of us are actually the RPer type around.


It had been what appeared to be yet another eventless year; months after months of various trainings and testings of various weaponry developped by the Military, and doing mock missions around the "Above Surface" worlds. But beyond the monotonous daily life; things appeared to be  nothing out of ordinary for many years in the Above Surface worlds.

Even for a highly regarded member of the Guardian Fighters, Akrn never found out what really goes on in the "Under Surface" worlds - any operations down there were kept as strict "Military Confidence" and the only times when he had a chance to venture down there were during more mock missions in highly controlled environment.

It was now the time for the end-of-year break and Akrn had been given a short break after what appeared to be an eternal wait for. And dispite that he had been told to remain on high alert for any possible "real" missions; Akrn never really allowed it to detract him from his plans - after all; it had been the same for as long as he can remember, what could possibly go wrong this year?

Near the "Capital City" [currently unnamed, but can be named as the story goes on, i guess]; Akrn sat on a bench inside the city park observed the normal life that went on around him - families stocked up groceries for the dinner party; elderly couples and kids fed the swans in the lake; and other military people from the same establishment mingled with the civilians that other than the uniform they wore; they appeared not unlike each other.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on December 29, 2012, 02:22:48 PM
OK cool, let's roll with it and see where we end up.  I'll get to posting soon.   :redlander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on December 29, 2012, 03:36:03 PM
I'm in! I guess, if we're talking space pirates here, the space mercs will do, too  :redlander:

Name: John 'Redeye' Targa

Age: ~30-35

Gender: Male

Personality: Seemingly, a brute and unsophisticated guy who always prefers smashing the doors over lockpicking and plays only as the Barbarian or Paladin in D&D (though being intelligent enough to pick AD&D v2 of all systems). Has a good military tactics knowledge and is an above average weapons expert. He may behave dumb from time to time, but is very loyal to his comrades and has a Code Of Honor of sorts.

Inspired by: Bill Rizer (Contra), Bren McGuire (Turrican), WarHammer 40K, Todd (P. W. Anderson's Soldier)

Physical Appearance: Almost 2 meters high, short buzzcut black hair, red eyes, athletic but somewhat obese physique (those Space Burgers between missions don't do much good). Has cybernetic implants in his eyes and back, resulting in better communication and feedback with the power armors and EinhanderZwei's onboard AI. The cons of his physical abilities are obvious - he's too bulky for narrow spots and fragile surfaces, especially with any kind of power armor on.

Bio: Born on Earth as one of the Adam Project subjects. Once served in the Turrican Assault Suit Unit under the command of legendary Bren McGuire, under the 'Redeye' callsign. After the unit was dismissed after the final victory over The Machine, went mercenary. Has some serious hots for Samus Aran and expresses this in constantly inviting her to a cup of Space Coffee and/or challenging her to pissing contests of whoever's last mission was harder, whenever they meet at the same Space Hunters station. Pilots a small one-man gunship called EinhanderZwei (can be translated as 'One-Handed [Sword] Mk. II') - his replacement for the TGL fighter transformation. Currently assigned to mining and terraforming supervision of the planet Naju.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on December 30, 2012, 09:55:49 AM
[[ Terraforming project eh? That would be an invitation for events to come ]]

Donloteion :

So you're a whole chapter RP'er type, eh*? I guess i'll need up up 2 gears of creativity to match that D:  XD

* I asked because over the years i have had seen different styles so i wasn't really sure what i'd expect.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on January 01, 2013, 08:58:40 AM
Haha I'm just sorta makin' stuff up as I go  :redlander:     We'll see where it all goes.  There's a-lot of freedom here to do whatever you want so enjoy!!

I've created a topic for the actual RP itself, so we can keep the character sheet sign ups and all that for this topic we have here.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 01, 2013, 09:10:43 AM
Oh yeah I read it already; that's why I came back here to make my own observations instead of disturbing the main thing with OOC discussions and stuff.

I rememeber few years ago when I was still a mass text RPer the most i dealt was more or less paragraph-like posts (like how I opened it all up); and by golly it was tiring enough as is XD

Nothing for me to add there just yet; maybe because I still think the two universes are still too divergent for any connection within the first few posts, at least for now. But when the plot gathers pace everything will come together eventually.

So I'll hand it all over to EinhanderZwei to make his BIG entry :redlander: (or anyone else that wants to join, of course)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 01, 2013, 11:02:40 AM
Quote from: RC42 on January 01, 2013, 09:10:43 AMSo I'll hand it all over to EinhanderZwei to make his BIG entry :redlander: (or anyone else that wants to join, of course)
Hah, that's what I just did!  8)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on January 01, 2013, 11:03:42 AM
EXCELLENT.  :bluelanderbig:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 02, 2013, 01:30:36 PM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 02, 2013, 12:16:53 PM
At the same precise moment, a massive metallic creature sprung out of the crater. It was shaped like a pair of giant robotic claws attached to the metal mount with something that seemed to be missile launchers on its sides. As they fired at John and the Guardians, it was now clear that the creature was indeed armed with explosive projectiles.

That was WAY too quick @_@; oh well, no matterl I'll think of somthing :P

What about Donloteion though? He looks like the forgotten one at the moment.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 03, 2013, 01:37:22 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 02, 2013, 01:30:36 PMThat was WAY too quick @_@; oh well, no matterl I'll think of somthing :P
Haha, yeah; I've even referenced this quickness within John's dialogue (the 'any violence' part). :D

Quote from: RubyC42 on January 02, 2013, 01:30:36 PMWhat about Donloteion though? He looks like the forgotten one at the moment.
Yeah, I'm too thinking of holding it all off for a bit, just so he can jump in. Would be interesting indeed to see how he's gonna trade his initial dark fantasy setting for space sci-fi...  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 03, 2013, 01:38:50 AM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 03, 2013, 01:37:22 AM
Haha, yeah; I even referenced this quickness within John's dialogue (the 'any violence' part). :D

Yeah, I'm too thinking of holding it all off for a bit, just so he can jump in. Would be interesting indeed to see how he's gonna trade his initial dark fantasy setting for space sci-fi...  :bluelander:

Goooooooooood morning.  :redlander: I'm actually working on my reply as you just came on.

And I was  thinking that myself as well; but since he said  that it's an open-end RP one can only hope that eventually the two worlds will collide XD

Would be great of 7Soul could join us though, i am sure if the plot takes off there will be plenty of ideas for his game XD
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 03, 2013, 08:44:25 AM

Re: Posts #10 and #11

We're on the same plotline, right? I asked because the two posts didn't exactly link up properly so i was left in a bit of a mist (still using my old RP habits, incase i am missing something)

From the look of things i guess a huge plot progress is in call for the  next post  :P
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 03, 2013, 09:14:04 AM
Well, Post 11 described the events taking place at the same time as Post 10's ending. I just assume that John, Akrn and Terry were not necessarily at the same exact location. So it was like 'Terry shielded Akrn -> Akrn looked at John -> John got blasted by the Clawbot'. Seems coherent enough to me.  :bluelander:

Man, where is Donloteion and why nobody else signed up yet...
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 03, 2013, 09:22:03 AM
Got it; wasn't sure because John seemed to have taken no notice  of Akrn dispite the end of Post #10; so i wanted to check.  :bluelander:

Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 03, 2013, 09:14:04 AM
I just assume that John, Akrn and Terry were not necessarily at the same exact location.

Nah, after the end of post #10 they're just few feet from each other - although it was true that in earlier posts Akrn was still behind them a little bit since they were caught in battle right after landing.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on January 04, 2013, 06:35:47 PM
Hey guys, I'm still here- work kicked my ass this week  :-\  But I'm gonna get to more posting  8)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 05, 2013, 12:24:50 AM
Quote from: Donloteion on January 04, 2013, 06:35:47 PM
Hey guys, I'm still here- work kicked my ass this week

welcome back  :redlander:, i hope it wasn't something  like this was  it?

EinhanderZwei's Post 13

That just demolished my own plans again XD, my original idea  was to have Terry and Akrn carry John back to Naju Central base and have John answer some "questions" about what happened in the earlier posts.

but no matter; i'll find a way to readopt  :bluelander:

basically the general idea is going  to be this (may change); Terry makes it back to the Naju Central Base while  Akrn used whatever energy left to carry John to the new spaceship that Terry told him to carry to. Which means that Akrn is pretty much out of service with USS Compile's  engineers having no idea how to work on him because his systems used newer models than what their records had for Terry['s systems].

You can go ahead and post on without my post though - incase you feel the urge to carry on. Since i pretty much told you what it's going to  be about :P
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Donloteion on January 05, 2013, 04:59:54 PM
Quotewelcome back  :redlander:, i hope it wasn't something  like this was  it?

It actually was.   :3
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 06, 2013, 11:32:32 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 05, 2013, 12:24:50 AMThat just demolished my own plans again XD, my original idea  was to have Terry and Akrn carry John back to Naju Central base and have John answer some "questions" about what happened in the earlier posts.
Well, you can still do that. What about John stumbling upon Akrn and Terry while wandering the Compile, so they can have a proper chitcht now?

Quote from: RubyC42 on January 05, 2013, 12:24:50 AMbasically the general idea is going  to be this (may change); [...].
Uh, well, we're not forced to use linear storytelling, are we?  :bluelander: I think, the 'meanwhile' schema will do just fine!  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 07, 2013, 09:07:01 AM

Donloteion ,

Want one of us to at least join in with your side of the story? Or you're ok on your own until the two worlds collide together?

[still keeping the hopes high on someone will join the RP, though XD]
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 10, 2013, 11:08:45 AM
Thought that since we're crossing over and acting as multiple characters at a time, it would be fun to list all the franchises that we've picked for crossover (excluding TGL, of course - can't imagine why  XD). A nice way it would be to introduce each other to our favorite franchises, I think...

My party:
John Targa - original character, also featured in Megiddo, my indie game;
Samus Aran - Metroid;
SHODAN - System Shock;
Bayonetta - well, Bayonetta;
Bren McGuire - Turrican

Soon, I'm planning Durandal from the Marathon Trilogy to join the fun.  8)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 10, 2013, 11:17:58 AM
Here's the cast of characters that have so far been used on my side, minor characters not included:

== Already appeared ==
Akrn Salthic - TGL
Tetharil "Terry" Cannin - TGL
Rookie GF-1 (Amet) - TGL
Rookie GF-2 (Killian) - TGL
Rookie GF-3 (Samuel) - TGL
Rookie GF-4 (Letty) - TGL
Sigurbelle - Original Human
Horaculous - Original Anthro [ ]

The Rookie Guardian Fighters were originally unnamed, and continue to be referred by their "number", so far only "4" is female.

== May appear in future posts ==
Rookie GF-5 - TGL
Rhynier - Original Mecha [ ], well, ok, he was originally inspired from a Bomberman Character

I don't plan to use any other franchises at least when it comes to my own character cast. So  it'll either be TGL-related fancharacter,  or of  my own original character

I already expected use of Marathon when you mentioned Pfhors :P
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 10, 2013, 01:10:44 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 10, 2013, 11:17:58 AMI already expected use of Marathon when you mentioned Pfhors :P
Haha, yeah. I like how as of now, the whole thing looks like a wargame of sorts. I am controlling the mercs and (for the most part) Space Marine-like characters, you're mostly in charge of GFs and mechas, Donloteion is all wizards and warriors so far... if only he was able to post a little bit more often. :(
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 10, 2013, 01:17:21 PM
It would be great if 7Soul could join us with his characters from his Rikerok game. I have a feeling it would be a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

all RP leads to some sort of wargames :P and it's only going to escalate from this point on.

Although it is true to say that the plot is now back to being 3-way split (but then again Donloteion's plot never really intersected with any of ours yet), soooooooooo, i'll wait for your next post with the mercs.

BTw: will we be seeing any of these  (,1841.msg5448.html#msg5448)characters? Or are they not of your originals?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 11, 2013, 05:47:41 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 10, 2013, 01:17:21 PMBTw: will we be seeing any of these  (,1841.msg5448.html#msg5448)characters? Or are they not of your originals?
Hm, that's a neat idea, actually. And yep, both ladies are my originals (the first one being actually the protagonist of my video game, with John being her superior). Will think of some way to integrate them, surely.  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 11, 2013, 06:34:11 AM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 11, 2013, 05:47:41 AM
Hm, that's a neat idea, actually. And yep, both ladies are my originals (the first one being actually the protagonist of my video game, with John being her superior). Will think of some way to integrate them, surely.  :bluelander:

John's her superior? I  was thinking at least the pair show up as antagonists for the first few posts or something , maybe they had a grudge against Guardian Fighters for  whatever reason their logic arrives at.  :P ;D
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 11, 2013, 06:49:27 AM
I'd go with something original. I always wondered how Miria could be so well equipped for fighting on Naju. I figured out whoever designed system DP must have had a clear picture of what she was going to face so I guess a recon squad should have been sent there before her.

Rey Seightmour.
Would like te be referred as "Mr Rey" when not fighting.

Apparently 35-40.


Could be easily described as a silent loner. He makes no secret to be the last survivor of a secret mission involving Naju exploration. He must have been defending his post for a very long time and his behaviour shows the scars of the solitude. He well also occasionally spit out old memories of his comrades.
Besides extensive knowledge of a few areas and their fauna, as well as the skill to repair his cybernetics, he appears to have a wide range of basic skills but severely lacks teamwork. He well seldom groan about a mission he's still on and apparently slowly advancing towards success. It is otherwise clear determination is what kept him afloat in Naju's harsh conditions.
Albeit he will never point out his exact rule in the chain of command, it seems he was on the low end of the spectrum, probably a team's field engineer.

Physical Appearance
He appears as a dirty, smelly, worn out dude in a camo suit torn to pieces. His most distinguishing mark being his cybernetic legs in perfect condition. It is no secret those needs frequent tuning, apparently due to some kind of background electrical noise emitted from somewhere. He just isn't in his best shape and he's probably quite younger than he appears to be.
He brings with him a laser pulse rifle, apparently powered by a generator in the legs. Two strong cables pour out of his calfs, joining above the back, where they make up for a solid steel frame protecting the spinal cord and then run both arms to the hands.

Rey was part of an expedition whose only goal was to gather information to engineer for system DP. The strike team was hastly assembled as soon as Naju was identified, packed with as much tech as possible and sent to surface with the fastest ship available.
At least that's what he would tell.
However since system DP required several years to design and even more to manufacture within tolerances this would imply Rey should be much older or (perhaps more likely) that system DP was engineered without taking their data in consideration.

Rey is usually found in proximity of his team base of operation, at an Y junction connecting what we would call Area 0 with area 3. Area 4 can also be easily accessed by a short stroll back in Area 0.
Currently, hunting is the only good reason for him to move out of his hideout as it's equipped with a few auto turrets able to keep away creatures hunting. The turrets will shoot everything that is not recognized as Rey, cycling through targets when possible. The damage is very low but apparently sufficient to cause animals to desist assault.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 11, 2013, 07:01:17 AM
Suddendly I realize it would have been better to read the Nexus thread first.
I guess I don't really understand what's going on.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 11, 2013, 07:01:54 AM
Quote from: UserK on January 11, 2013, 07:01:17 AM
Suddendly I realize it would have been better to read the Nexus thread first.
I guess I don't really understand what's going on.

Let us know if you prefer a summary of what has so far happened.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 11, 2013, 07:06:20 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 11, 2013, 06:34:11 AMJohn's her superior? I  was thinking at least the pair show up as antagonists for the first few posts or something , maybe they had a grudge against Guardian Fighters for  whatever reason their logic arrives at.  :P ;D
No no, let's keep this 'John is a supposed bad guy' twist for now, it's great! I'm going to play around it a bit.
Title: Summary of Naju Nexus as it stands after Post 19
Post by: RubyC42 on January 11, 2013, 07:17:25 AM
Quote from: UserK on January 11, 2013, 07:01:17 AM
I guess I don't really understand what's going on.

Have a bit of extended break this afternoon so here goes anyway:

Donloteion's side of Story

Muharan is currently trying to find his way out of New Phlan (Pool of Radiance (, a virtual reality/Alternate timeline by the works of Naju Fringe Division when he realised that he has been cut off with the actual laboratory; with the possibility that he will be trapped there  forever

RubyC42 & EinhanderZwei's side of Story

A Project to terraform the surface  of Naju was interruped when John Targa's arch nemesis, SHODAN (System Shock 2 ( apparently came back to life. She controlled the vital machineries and is in the progress of ruining everything on Naju.

Meanwhile, the team of Guardian Fighters*, led by Tetharil (or Terry) has been dispatched to deal with the situation - the resulting battle heavily damaged another Guardian Fighter, Akrn, to the point that he and John had to escape from the planet altogether to another spacecraft, USS Compile. John was successfully healed by Bayonetta (Bayonetta ( but  they did not have the necessary tools to fix Akrn.

John tried to find ways to contact the ground crew he was interruped by his old superior: Bran McGuire (Turrican (

* - Basically, like System DP, Guardian Fighters have the capabilities of shifting into fighter mode and walking mode.

[The attached shows the approximate timeline as it stands after  19 posts]

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 12, 2013, 09:30:07 AM
Honestly, I have little idea about how you're turning out Naju to be.
There are guardians, apparently many, albeit rookies.
A terraforming cruiser dispatched and initiated operations without native resistance. I take for granted it's operating on a "natural" section of the planet.
Naju has a central base of communication, an ... International Airport? What does that even mean?
Ok, I'll just throw in something.

By the way, shouldn't USS Compile be USF Compile? As United Space Federation. USS is for USA navy if I understand.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 12, 2013, 09:45:35 AM
Quote from: UserK on January 12, 2013, 09:30:07 AM
Honestly, I have little idea about how you're turning out Naju to be.
There are guardians, apparently many, albeit rookies.
A terraforming cruiser dispatched and initiated operations without native resistance. I take for granted it's operating on a "natural" section of the planet.
Naju has a central base of communication, an ... International Airport? What does that even mean?
Ok, I'll just throw in something.

Well, as with most RPs, many things tend to get confusing especially if people joined in a little late... that i understand.

After all, as Donloteion wished, we just made stuff up as we went along so there aren't anything in particular set in stone right from the start (other than the fact that the setting as to be set on Naju)

So long as noone end up using either the "godmode" or any deus ex machina i think we should be fine.

If you needed explanation on certain features or plot devices though feel free to ask; i would personally like it to be made easier for any future people who wish to join.

International Airport: basically, just used as a "launching pad" for the Guardian Fighters, since they don't have a "corridor" or some passage that allowed them the needed speed boost when turning into fighter plane mode (not yet anyway, we still have not touched on any "Corridors" - or known in this RP as "Below Surface Worlds"); they just used a ground-level runway which could serve the same purpose. Besides, there are more aerocrafts in this RP so an inclusion of an Airport would at least facilitate that... i think...
A runway out of nowhere would've probably made less sense.

Naju Central: The "Capital City" of Naju, which does have a sizeable civilisation in this RP; and it also contains the communication centre as well as the Military Establishment that houses the Guardian Fighters; if you prefer this could be considered Area 0 in the real thing.

Takeover of the terraforming cruiser - well, it's hard to resist an electronic takeover, which is what SHODAN did.

Guardians - there are 7 known Guardians, Tetharil being the most experienced, Akrn being the most "up-to-date" and well constructed and the "Rookies" being recent constructs that have so far little combat experience and thus less reliable than Tetharil or Akrn. However, the Guardian Fighters remain the most well-respected team of fighters from within Naju.

Currently, the Naju we're using in this RP is a bit like this:

The Surface is habitable, albeit not perfectly habitable everywhere: certain areas, like "The Far West" (Area 9, if you will) remain outside the "Habitability Boundary" which meant that only mechas like the GFs or  well protected living beings can venture out there. The Terraforming Project that was undertaken in the earlier posts (Posts 2~5) were contracted in order to expand out the planet habitability outside the current known boundaries. Until of course the cruiser got taken over and wrecked the place.

The "corridors" that lie below the surface still exist, although they were largely hidden off and unknown to the populace until the "posessed" spaceship fired at that area which released the aliens, and the Clawbot, inside (you can treat it as the opening of Corridor 19 in TGL terms)

I wouldn't be able to explain, though, Donloteion's side of the story; all I understand at the moment is that his characters are currently set in an alternate-timeline/virtual reality through an experiment done by "Naju Fringe Division".

Currently, no set location of whereabouts about that is known, and I would expect Donloteion to elaborate on that as his posts come in.  :bluelander:

...hope I cleared up many things there.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 12, 2013, 11:17:44 PM
Hey, nice job, RubyC42! You've managed to tie some loose ends that even I had not thiought over. Really great job  :redlander:

Quote from: UserK on January 12, 2013, 09:30:07 AMBy the way, shouldn't USS Compile be USF Compile? As United Space Federation. USS is for USA navy if I understand.
I won't lie - I've put 'USS' just out of habit, but (and because) there are still numerous examples in sci-fi that utilize the Terran navy ranks and hierarchy for spaceships (the most famous being Star Trek, I think)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 13, 2013, 01:36:28 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 12, 2013, 09:45:35 AM
I wouldn't be able to explain, though, Donloteion's side of the story; all I understand at the moment is that his characters are currently set in an alternate-timeline/virtual reality through an experiment done by "Naju Fringe Division".

Currently, no set location of whereabouts about that is known, and I would expect Donloteion to elaborate on that as his posts come in.  :bluelander:

...hope I cleared up many things there.
Yes, thank you very much.
I actually have an idea to link his storyline with ours but I sure won't take the liberty of messing up his character(s).
Here's an updated timeline.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 13, 2013, 05:11:36 AM
Quote from: UserK on January 13, 2013, 01:36:28 AM
I actually have an idea to link his storyline with ours but I sure won't take the liberty of messing up his character(s).

Of course; we can always wait for Donloteion's updates and see if  there's a place you can come in on :bluelander: or you can make a small post that sets in his world, but not at all intersecting with his characters.

And so you're joining my side of the plotline eh?  sounds interesting.

[edit] still coming in as Rey Seightmour, right? Just checking since I was  just thinking about how your character could meet up with mine (but probably won't be mentioning anything until it makes an appearance through your post)

Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 12, 2013, 11:17:44 PM
Hey, nice job, RubyC42! You've managed to tie some loose ends that even I had not thiought over. Really great job  :redlander:

It's what i do when I stay awake at night worrying about random things  :bluelander:

[[ nothing for me to add to the RP as of this post, so Post 23 will be going to someone else ]]
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 14, 2013, 08:13:37 AM
Re: Post 23

So you're turning this into a survivor horror, eh? Ooooooooookay
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 14, 2013, 08:40:01 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 14, 2013, 08:13:37 AM
Re: Post 23

So you're turning this into a survivor horror, eh? Ooooooooookay
Well, for a while at least. I guess it's an appropriate time to mention three things that I have a (probably bad) habit to inject into my writing: Resident Evil references, abstract humor and Tarantino-style jumpcuts. I just can't help!  ;D :redlander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 15, 2013, 02:20:38 AM

Originally a botched commission, but I was thankfully able to get him to edit some areas here and there.

So there you go; I present you Tetharil Cannin :bluelander: ( least you can think of Terry having that kind of design, anyway...)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 15, 2013, 05:50:34 AM
Nice! Personally I imagined him and Akrn to be some kind of a cross between male Miria and Xan from Unreal Tournament '99, I don't know why!  :D

Coincidentally, I've made a quick sketch of John and his team yesterday, will post here sometime soon...
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 15, 2013, 07:15:35 AM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 15, 2013, 05:50:34 AM
Nice! Personally I imagined him and Akrn to be some kind of a cross between male Miria and Xan from Unreal Tournament '99, I don't know why!  :D

Nah, I'd say for Akrn his outlook could be something like this [obviously more elaborate and with the wingblades, but when I saw this pic i thought "this could be a useful base for Akrn"  :redlander:]

Re: Post 23/26

So what happened to the rest of the crew? I hope a sizeable population of them are still alive :P [referring to the crew and the medics at Post 15, 16 and the "other" John at Post 22]
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 15, 2013, 07:31:35 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 15, 2013, 07:15:35 AM
Re: Post 23/26

So what happened to the rest of the crew? I hope a sizeable population of them are still alive :P [referring to the crew and the medics at Post 15, 16 and the "other" John at Post 22]
Good point... I assume that not everybody was turned to zombies, and some other survivors have managed to fight back; that would be somewhat original.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 17, 2013, 12:18:27 PM
So, what's the status of the RP at the moment? Are we all waiting for Donloteion's big return?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 17, 2013, 01:56:08 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 17, 2013, 12:18:27 PM
So, what's the status of the RP at the moment? Are we all waiting for Donloteion's big return?
Sorry man, got a couple of really FUBAR'd days lately and a creative micro-burnout. Will get back to it after full recovery!  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 17, 2013, 11:59:51 PM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 17, 2013, 01:56:08 PM

Sorry man, got a couple of really FUBAR'd days lately and a creative micro-burnout. Will get back to it after full recovery!  :bluelander:

Ha, no worries mate, was just wondering since the plotline seemed  to be heading in that direction where we're all just waiting for that one man to post  :bluelander:

wish you all the best, though!
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 18, 2013, 09:55:52 AM
I guess I could spend a little on the secondary characters I'm using to try to bring Rey to base.

Earl and Leona.
They are the two dealing with managing the airport from the control tower. Leona is a military, a skilled tactician and an excellent hand-to-hand fighter as an hobby. Normally, she can manage the airport herself with ease, as well as probably everything else she needs. She has short, red hair. Her face is often serious, if not severe looking.

Earl is a civilian. He was dispatched to Naju to better analyze the radio signals the planet emits (apparently he his an expert in signal analysis), as well as taking care of radio and aircraft scans. He's rarely seen without headphones. When he's not looking at a monitor she's looking at his redhead boss. Before that, he was at the gym. In case of extra pressure, he helps Leona in her duties.

Their lives crossed about two years ago and slowly evolved in a stable relationship. Albeit officially forbidden, their relationship is tolerated and management even relocated Earl to control tower.

Callisto "Cal" Cheldaux.
Guardian fighter recently crashed (post 28). More details to follow.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 18, 2013, 10:18:02 AM
Quote from: UserK on January 18, 2013, 09:55:52 AM

Callisto "Cal" Cheldaux.
Guardian fighter recently crashed (post 28). More details to follow.


I thought it was one of the 5 Rookies that I used on my side of things. I was just trying to work out who it should be (and thinking that "how could you kill one of them GFs?!"  ). Hehehe

Now that i'm here, I might as well give a brief outlook at each of them

Rookie GF-1 (Amet), Grey - A Sniper, likes to use ranged weaponry while trying to remain outside enemy's sight, the most newest GF made - as he has a beta-test cloaking  devide installed in his systems.
2 appearances: #08 and #15

Rookie GF-2 (Killian), Skyblue - A Warrior, likes to use short-range weaponry like sabres and knifes, one of the only few GFs to be trained directly by Akrn
2 appearances: #08 and #19

Rookie GF-3 (Samuel), Maroon - A Striker, likes to strike from above - thus prefers Fighter mode over Walker mode, but when grounded, he uses rocket launchers and long-range artillery firepower
2 Apperances: #08 and #10

Rookie GF-4 (Letty), Fuchsia - Currently the only "female" GF in the team, uses electric-whips and crossbows to strike her enemies
3 appearances: #10, #15, #19

Rookie GF-5 (Maiorico), Forest Green - Italian-speaking and highly flamboyant GF, hugely unpopular with the other GFs and Akrn hates him even more so; but many times he has proven to be 'the' one that end up saving the day, has a more balanced approach to everything, a "modern version" of Miria, you could say.
No appearances yet.

These are the 5 GFs (in addition to Tetharil and Akrn) that I will use on my side ofthe story. But as UserK mentioned; there could be more :D

So whatever happaned to the "other" John on post 22?

Edit 21 January - Added primary colours to the 5 Guardian Fighters
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 18, 2013, 11:40:44 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 17, 2013, 11:59:51 PMwish you all the best, though!
Heh, thanks! I guess it's over now, so I'll try coming up with something very soon  8)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 18, 2013, 12:59:59 PM
QuotePost 29:
- You won't need to. Sigurbelle?
- Only this toolbox, I'm afraid...

Sigurbelle would have a pistol of her own, although it's very lightweight and used more as self-defence than for offense (think of that part with Samus with only a stun gun in Metroid:Zero Mission (GBA))  :D

Alright, time to think up something of my own, then!
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 18, 2013, 01:24:04 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 18, 2013, 12:59:59 PMSigurbelle would have a pistol of her own, although it's very lightweight and used more as self-defence than for offense (think of that part with Samus with only a stun gun in Metroid:Zero Mission (GBA))  :D

Oh, alright, fixed then:

Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 18, 2013, 12:36:06 PM- Only this stun pistol, I'm afraid... Maybe my toolbox can be of use, too.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 20, 2013, 03:43:00 AM
Just updated post 30 to include two more areas, Areas 1 and 5

Area 9 will be open to anyone who wants to try play with any Guardian Fighters of their own :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 22, 2013, 09:54:17 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on January 18, 2013, 10:18:02 AM
Callisto "Cal" Cheldaux.
Guardian fighter recently crashed (post 28). More details to follow.


I thought it was one of the 5 Rookies that I used on my side of things. I was just trying to work out who it should be (and thinking that "how could you kill one of them GFs?!"  ). Hehehe[/quote]I actually believed you would borrow me one of them. After all, they were dispatching for scouting and it appeared nice to me one of them could have a serious trouble.

Cal is part of my current plan of pulling down the threat level. GFs were never detailed before and I needed one of them. We must find a way to fix this.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 22, 2013, 09:57:16 AM
Quote from: UserK on January 22, 2013, 09:54:17 AMI actually believed you would borrow me one of them. After all, they were dispatching for scouting and it appeared nice to me one of them could have a serious trouble.

Cal is part of my current plan of pulling down the threat level. GFs were never detailed before and I needed one of them. We must find a way to fix this.

No, no, feel free to use one of them if you like, or stick with your own Cal if you prefer, let me know your preference. We could always integrate Cal into the rest of the team too.

[Technically, Amet the sniper remains unused in my latest post, post 30, so he could be freed up]
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 22, 2013, 10:13:27 AM
I sure could give Amet some hard time. I think it would plug nicely with Rey which bases his survival about spotting the enemy before it spots him.
Nonetheless, being in a thick forest gives him a very good reason to team up with Rey as his preferred weapons are likely uneffective.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 22, 2013, 10:16:40 AM
Sounds good, so you want to use Amet? [And bring Callisto in later?]

Just so i can edit post 30 to reflect on it.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 23, 2013, 11:58:36 AM
There's no need to have Cal. Amet will do.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 23, 2013, 12:21:29 PM
Sorry for another occurrence of inactivity, was busy with two my art projects... But I'll be back in the saddle again soon! In fact, today will try best to post the promised pic of John and his gang. To chew on something in the meantime, here's my old sketch of Bren McGuire:

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 24, 2013, 01:37:23 AM
Quote from: UserK on January 23, 2013, 11:58:36 AM
There's no need to have Cal.

ok :(, well, have  fun with Amet :D

It's been a while since the last timeline update, and last few posts have been pretty active, so here's the updated timeline, as of Post 30.



The "Front/Back" is a nod to The Goonies II (, where there are two separate maps under the same name, depending on which side of the house you're on. Considering that on here the characters involved does appear to be on opposite ends of the planet...

Post 14 --- Donloteion's last post

Post 19 --- Sigurbelle and Horaculous joins Compile

Post 21 --- Amet got dispatched by Terry, and got lost to the other side of Naju.

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on January 24, 2013, 11:58:03 AM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 23, 2013, 12:21:29 PM
Sorry for another occurrence of inactivity, was busy with two my art projects ... old sketch of Bren McGuire:
Take your time. /me likes.

Quote from: RubyC42 on January 24, 2013, 01:37:23 AM
It's been a while since the last timeline update, and last few posts have been pretty active, so here's the updated timeline, as of Post 30.
Thank you very much for your work.
As a side note, I originally intended to put Rey much closer to base. However, as things turned out to be, it was impossible to make it sound convincing unless it was located very far so I had to move him away. At this point, I believe it would be necessary to have a very "binary" planet such as Twinsun (Little Big Adventure (, with the highlands being the separator as we cannot have anything as extreme as (Last Exile) hourglass-shaped ecosystem.


I have to note that for a civilization able to perform terraforming in a matter of hours using beams infused from orbit, it appears unlikely they didn't have information about the true origins of the highlands. It appears more likely to me everybody actually knew about their sysmologic activity and kept them under strict observation. It doesn't really change much.

BTW, what area was Amet supposed to scout?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 24, 2013, 12:28:19 PM
Quote from: UserK on January 24, 2013, 11:58:03 AM
Thank you very much for your work.

Keeping it updated incase our host makes his big return  :redlander:

Quote from: UserK on January 24, 2013, 11:58:03 AM
As a side note, I originally intended to put Rey much closer to base. However, as things turned out to be, it was impossible to make it sound convincing unless it was located very far so I had to move him away. At this point, I believe it would be necessary to have a very "binary" planet such as Twinsun (Little Big Adventure (, with the highlands being the separator as we cannot have anything as extreme as (Last Exile) hourglass-shaped ecosystem.

I personally think a binary planet system maybe a bit too much to keep track of, it would be alright as is with just "the two-halves" of Naju (as well as the Virtual Reality side) as of now. Don't forget that we also have the "Below-Surface Worlds" (aka "Corridors") that we still have yet to touch.

Umm yeah, just read about the game in detail. I guess if you want to see it as a planet of two halves with the mountain range separating the two, it could just about work :D

Since we just touched on the other end of Naju surface, everything could [have] happen[ed] down there - perhaps they contained remnants of previous [failed?] terraforming projects, or was primitively developped and the project was perhaps delayed or cancelled half-way, or whatever you (UserK) could think of.

This is the point of such RPs, get creative at everything, linking them together into one big epic story but not making it look too ludicrous  :bluelander:

Quote from: UserK on January 24, 2013, 11:58:03 AM

I have to note that for a civilization able to perform terraforming in a matter of hours using beams infused from orbit, it appears unlikely they didn't have information about the true origins of the highlands. It appears more likely to me everybody actually knew about their sysmologic activity and kept them under strict observation. It doesn't really change much.

I cannot deny that the people who worked with the Terraforming projects onboard the Terraforming Cruisers would have known and became curious about the  Highlands (if that's what you are referring  to) - the way I described it was merely spoken from the local Naju inhabitants' point of view. Perhaps the Military have known a lot about it themselves already and like with the Below-surface worlds in Post 0 (the very first paragraph), they might have kept it away from the public, even the Guardian Fighters.

You know how the Military in video games and even in real life hide just about everything from the public.  :P

Or maybe the inhabitants believed in a "Flat Planet" theory and venturing beyond the Eastern Highlands was a no-no becuase "there be dragons". After all, not everywhere on Naju is currently habitable so it would have been a logical at least to set the Highlands as "natural boundary" of currently habitable areas of Naju (at least on the "Front" side).

If you still think this is illogical/complicated, i can easily change the post.

Quote from: UserK on January 24, 2013, 11:58:03 AM
BTW, what area was Amet supposed to scout?

Originally, the "Area 7" of Naju, located in the caverns right below the Eastern Highlands (Area 5). The seismic activities done by the Zibzub caused a collapse of its interior, which broke the "barrier" between the Naju Surface and the Below-Surface Worlds. Amet would have been able to get a glimpse of it. (Becoming the first Guardian Fighter to see the real one)

However, given that Amet is currently the newest Guardian Fighter constructed; it would be possible that certain navigation equipments on him malfunctioned or harmlessly glitched that caused him to drastically deviate from his original flightpath. Or maybe he just subconsciously missed his destination and kept flying (cf. real-life event of Northwest Airlines Flight 188)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 24, 2013, 10:07:29 PM
Heeeere's Johnny! (
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 25, 2013, 01:04:06 AM
Still trying to convince an artist to give a try at Akrn, will post updates if I get something worthy to show :bluelander:

although I don't know about the Rookies; i guess they'll remain as imagination...
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: arseniy on January 25, 2013, 02:06:55 AM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 24, 2013, 10:07:29 PM
Heeeere's Johnny! (
Pretty creepy dude ::)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 25, 2013, 04:02:21 AM
Haha, I've tried my best to make the WarHammer Space Marines look like the CareBears compared to him. Looks like I've succeeded! XD
Next up is his family portrait with Rydia, and I finally gave up and decided to do something about Akrn myself  :bluelanderbig:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 25, 2013, 10:23:32 AM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on January 25, 2013, 04:02:21 AM
... and decided to do something about Akrn myself  :bluelanderbig:

You mean the Male Miria x Xan Kriegor version that you originally visioned him as? :P

If you want to give him a try though feel free to  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on January 27, 2013, 03:57:32 AM
Alrighty, so here go John and his sis:  :bluelanderbig:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on January 27, 2013, 10:23:14 AM
You know you (generic) are way too obsessed about the RP when you get in a celebratory mood the moment this shows up XD

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 01, 2013, 10:52:21 AM
Re: Post 33/34 by UserK

So has Rey found the crash site or not? I reread the post like 6 times to realise that apparently he did not.

Since I was already making my next post involving Amet that assumed he did...

Just thought i'd ask. It'll be a simple edit either way.

and BTW: the timeline between the two sides are back in sync, so there's nothing to worry about now  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on February 02, 2013, 08:10:19 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on February 01, 2013, 10:52:21 AM
So has Rey found the crash site or not?
I've been vague on purpose. He only had a very rough estimation of the crash site. Yes, he did spot something interesting (that's why he's "going down with a smile") but unfortunately he blindly jumped in the wrong direction. It'll take at least another post (three hours on Naju) for them to meet, unless Amet is really creative about getting in contact.
Graphically, that's what happened.

This week I spent a lot of time out looking for a job so I neglected writing this for obvious reasons. My original plan involved Amet starting a fire for easy location. He probably started building the fire while Rey entered the forest. I have still not decided how damaged he is. As you might have guessed however, this other half of Naju is not as easygoing as the colonized one. It will take several hours for them to get back to Rey's base camp where they will attempt communication.
This will likely happen while John Targa is in convalescence / being rebuilt.

For what's worth, I think it's an excellent idea to end Chapter 1 here, the story arcs seems to fit.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 02, 2013, 08:24:51 AM

Quote from: UserK on February 02, 2013, 08:10:19 AMGraphically, that's what happened.

Cheers for the map, will come in handy. and yes, the "him coming down with a smile" had me thinking on the wrong track for a bit, too.

Just wanted to check on it before I polish up my post incase I misunderstood anything or the intentions (which  I'll admit happens pretty frequent...)

And there's no rush on anything. at least this RP isn't your particarly "fast" type or something, so it gives us a lot of time to juice our imaginations a bit.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on February 08, 2013, 12:09:52 PM
Two posts today.
I plan to need other two posts, hopefully to be written in the next few days.
I hope you're all happy of how powerful I made Amet's weapons. It looked very likely to me that given his firepower, he should have been able to deal with a single enemy with no hassle at all!

Next post (expected tomorrow): Rey and Amet make their way back to the base camp. I still have to decide how hard they'll try to contact back Naju front side.
Following post: debriefing at the airport. Earl explains what's happened. Who wants to be there?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 08, 2013, 01:53:56 PM
*scraps the entire draft he was making on Amet's side of the story* XD

QuoteI still have to decide how hard they'll try to contact back Naju front side.

That would depend on who will be doing the communicating, I am sure for Rey he will be trying to get in touch with the Airport Control Tower; although Amet will be trying to use it to contact either Tetharil (who is unavailable, Post 35) or Akrn himself, too.

Quotedebriefing at the airport. Earl explains what's happened. Who wants to be there?

My lastest post [post 35], I had Earl and Leona help out with the reconstruction at the Airport since the Crash of Compile [post 31] was so close to the airport i really doubted they would've stayed there not helping out... and since there's only a few hours after the crash it's very possible that they're  still helping out around the place. Though it is possible that Earl returned to the Control tower to the communicating system ringing from Rey.

Though if Earl makes his way back to the airport to explain it to Leona, then Sigurbelle will be there too. and possible Horaculous, depending on where the exchange takes place.


The fork at the end of the Naju-Frontside will be for the anticipated posts from EinhanderZwei - and of course Akrn, Killian and Samuel splitting from the group.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on February 09, 2013, 09:09:15 PM
Uh, Hi, i'm interested in getting involved in the RP, I've finished reading it, (Post 37) and hoping I can share some of the action. I'm thinking my character is inbound to Naju on an old space ship, luanched to a random destination.

Name:Malcom Jurthaen



Personality: Quiet, often in deep thought, a little introverted, likes to plan things out but also hates inaction.

Physical Appearance: Spartan (Halo) style armor, dark green and silver,opaque helmet. Some 6'1, a slighter build for spartan.

Bio: Abducted for the UNSC Spartan program at age 6, he was later subject to UNSC/Aperture science testing, a result of the Aperture
perpetual Testing Initiative (Portal 2) He has an experimental portal device that can create short lived portals on flat surfaces, but requires a great deal of energy. He was deployed during the Reach invasion, but dissapeared in the last hours before it was totally glassed. He has inserted in his neural lace an aperture personality core, the Conclusion Core (he calls her Cheryl ), that produces possible outcomes of his actions, feasible or not. This kinda interfers with his normal thought patterns, but she/it has been useful in the past as she/it seems to have a strange knowledge of foreign, outside factores. Kinda like a sphinx, or a djinn, not explaining the result, only telling it.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 09, 2013, 11:22:40 PM
Welcome, welcome! :bluelander: it's great that there are more people joining the fun ;D

Hope the plotline isn't as complicated  as I thought it would have been for newcomers... there are some old posts in this thread that explained the planet Naju in more detail, too.

Any questions or things that need clarification feel free to ask, though  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on February 10, 2013, 09:01:17 AM
Thanks, I'll admit the plot has been a tad confusing, but it's a pretty great story, and I'm a little nervous to join such great story tellers :).  I was thinking about making an "intro" paragraph on my character's situation, leaving it open to enter the plot. But hopefully not another crash landing, It's already kinda done, no offense to anyone.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 10, 2013, 09:08:46 AM
Lol, Don't be shy :bluelander: we don't bite, although the monsters that appear in the RP do... short or long posts, it doesn't all that matter, so long there's a steady flow of the plotline then everything's all good.

Can't deny about the confusion part though, especially in the earlier posts, because the plotlines were (though still are, see the timeline image just above) separated to each other, so each poster had their own plotline that didn't particularly join up with others until a bit later.

I don't think we'll need another crash landing for now, that's for sure - How about Malcom just popping by for a stopover on his journey, gets curious about wth happened here and starts asking questions about the place - maybe it'll be an interesting place to join in  the main plot :bluelander:

But it's totally up to you; your character, your plot ;D
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on February 10, 2013, 09:38:20 AM
Thanks, it's nice to find a civil website!
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on February 10, 2013, 01:19:11 PM
Hello Spudacus! I hoped you would just get intercepted by ThunderSpectrum somehow but anyway...

With the post I just published, Rey storyline is actually complete. No more messages involving him or Amet are supposed to appear in Episode I.
As I said however, there will be an extra post involving Earl (and perhaps Leona) to answer a few questions regarding Amet and the crash. This is going to happen 2-3 days after USF Compile crashed. At this point in time, there will still be no radio contact so Amet will still be MIA.
In Episode II, Amet and Rey will try to get radio contact. Somebody will have to pick them up I guess. Ideally, Episode II will end with them going back to base.

In the meanwhile, if someone wants to provide some important stuff I must not miss when writing Earl's debriefing, I'm all ears.

Anyway, the writing of this part was longer than predicted. I scrapped many useless details for the sake of keeping a good pace and a low word count.

I have also started to think at a way to join Donloteion side of story, supposed he comes back from the dead. I want to thank him (thank you Donloteion) for this, it's an awesome idea to celebrate 25th anniversary!
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on February 10, 2013, 04:41:41 PM
Oh dang, I completely forgot about Thunderspectrum. That sounds like a better plot builder than what I was doing. Maybe he gets beamed onto Thunderspectrum or something when he tries to eject?
Never mind
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on February 10, 2013, 05:52:38 PM
Alright *pant pant* first post interacting with other characters. I hope I didn't mess Letty's personality up or fiddle with the plot badly.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 11, 2013, 12:02:34 AM
Quote from: Spudacus on February 10, 2013, 04:41:41 PM
Never mind

Oops, did I post too quick?

It's still possible that he was intercepted by ThunderSpectrum while on route during his cryojourney; which caused Sabre to dramatically and drastically deviate from its original flightpath and eventually run out of fuel just outside Naju? Since Malcom appeared to be incoherent which was a sign that he was not aware about wth he was involved in.

That's one idea...

Quote from: Spudacus on February 10, 2013, 05:52:38 PM
Alright *pant pant*.

XD need a break? I just thought that since everyone was posting I can't feel left behind or something  :P  :D

Quote from: Spudacus on February 10, 2013, 05:52:38 PM
I hope I didn't mess Letty's personality up or fiddle with the plot badly.

Actually, you're doing  a  great job on her :) After all she is facing someone totally alien to things they're used to seeing on Naju so I was sure that she needed to be as "professional" as she could be as a GF XD
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 11, 2013, 02:09:54 AM
A general note to everyone: EinhanderZwei told me that he is on another bout of burnout and other personal projects, so he won't be  posting for a little while...

Which implies that I probably will be holding back my next post as well; until at least he makes his part :bluelander:

I try keep the timeline image (on reply #78 (,1884.msg6500.html#msg6500)) updated as the posts come in, so if people are felling behind will know how the plot progress is looking at at the moment.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on February 11, 2013, 05:59:48 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on February 11, 2013, 02:09:54 AM
A general note to everyone: EinhanderZwei told me that he is on another bout of burnout and other personal projects, so he won't be  posting for a little while...
Guys, to be honest you've already jumped centuries forward, so right now I'm not even sure if I will able to ever catch up. Probably not
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 11, 2013, 10:08:12 AM
Quote from: EinhanderZwei on February 11, 2013, 05:59:48 AM

Guys, to be honest you've already jumped centuries forward, so right now I'm not even sure if I will able to ever catch up. Probably not

You can always do a "This is between the events of Post X and Y" like I have done many times over (and you don't hear me complaining *shrug*)

Or tell me which posts are the offending ones and we'll get them deleted instead?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on February 11, 2013, 10:43:53 AM
Quote from: RubyC42 on February 11, 2013, 10:08:12 AMOr tell me which posts are the offending ones and we'll get them deleted instead?
Wha..?! Don't even think about this! O_O I'm ridiculously not worth doing this O_O
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on February 11, 2013, 04:00:16 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on February 11, 2013, 12:02:34 AM

It's still possible that he was intercepted by ThunderSpectrum while on route during his cryojourney; which caused Sabre to dramatically and drastically deviate from its original flightpath and eventually run out of fuel just outside Naju? Since Malcom appeared to be incoherent which was a sign that he was not aware about wth he was involved in.

That's one idea...

I like that idea, it could speed up introductions since someone (Maybe Rydia) would know a bit about him from that.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on February 13, 2013, 09:51:39 AM
So... my work is starting really slow. I have already been given my 1st day of "free vacation"... uhm uhm uhm.  :-[ Anyway!
I cannot quite figure out who's doing what so I've decided Earl would just talk to the man in command.

As you can read, Earl is... let's say "very liberal" with regard to even military authorities. I plan to introduce his corp in the future, in case the story evolves as planned, but it's a remote chance. That said, given the political pressure leveraged by his corp he was able to sign up Leona for evac as well. He thinks something is really going to be much worse. His shuttle is scheduled in 8 hours from the briefing. Leona is not scheduled yet but according to the deal she will be on a shuttle in no more than 72 hours.

Considering post 41 talks about "the last few days" it's very likely they are all evac already. I think we should really take timing more seriously as I cannot figure out much.
If you keep Ep I going, I will have to reactivate Rey and Amet.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 13, 2013, 10:03:05 AM
maybe I was too quick in posting Post 41 after all... oh well. [If anyone wants to "rewind" the RP  a  little bit for the timeline to get in sync let us know

...and as i understood it, Post 41 was still only a few hours after the crash of compile (i thought i mentioned it at the top of the post).  the "last few days" that was mentioned was only talking about the events before that, you know, the Area 9/Far West problem [Posts 3~11] and the whole USF Compile storyline [Posts 13~32].

So, as far as timeline is concerned, we're still on the same day as the crash of compile, nearing midnight.

[As for me, I cannot post until EinhanderZwei comes back; my other main character: Tetharil Cannin, is locked on his side of the plot]
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on February 14, 2013, 11:13:34 AM
All those things fixed in lass than a day? Wow, you're really making them over the top. Perhaps Compile was not as large as I intended.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 14, 2013, 11:16:58 AM
Quote from: UserK on February 14, 2013, 11:13:34 AM
All those things fixed in lass than a day? Wow, you're really making them over the top. Perhaps Compile was not as large as I intended.

It was originally going to take about 48 hours; but we realised that it would cause offsync between our side and your side of the plotline so we eventually ditched it.

And it isn't fully fixed, just cleared enough to get the services going again, all the damage are still there, including the wreckage, so they're still "being" fixed.

Really, I thought they're all explained in Post 32 & 35...   ??? so it's either something to do with my grasp of english or something I am totally missing...
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on February 14, 2013, 11:23:11 AM
Yes, it is well explained in words. It's just I have a lot of trouble understanding how any "major" work can be completed in "hours". For much I tried, I have difficulty. But yes, it's what I read. It reads ok.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on February 14, 2013, 11:29:55 AM
Quote from: UserK on February 14, 2013, 11:23:11 AM
Yes, it is well explained in words. It's just I have a lot of trouble understanding how any "major" work can be completed in "hours". For much I tried, I have difficulty. But yes, it's what I read. It reads ok.

I guess that depends on how damaged you originally thought the Airport suffered as the result of Compile's crash, from what I understood of EinhanderZwei's post [post 31], while there has been a lot of shatterd glass and rubbles. The whole terminal remained in one piece without any sections collapsing.

So, with that in mind, the "major" work that was undertaken in Post 35 was simply the clearing of the glass and rubbles from inside the terminal, clearing of any debris from the runway (so planes and spacecrafts can take off) and the healing of the injured passengers and John Targa. It could be something that in theory be done in couple hours.

ok, it's still stretched, but it's not too stretched like, say, a section of the terminal collapsing altogether and having to reconstruct it

Although in all honesty, i only did it to avoid any desyncing of the timelines, since you just said above that you took it seriously...
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 01, 2013, 01:51:49 AM
So, at this rate, it's now unlikely that our big host Donloteion (and at this point,  EinhanderZwei) are coming back to the RP.

What shall we do then? Head over to Chapter 2 or start a new RP altogether?

or has everyone lost interest by now (which i wouldn't be surprised)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 06, 2013, 02:43:19 AM
I've had 2 full weeks at work so I neglected this.
I've been given a lot of free mornings in the next few weeks. I'd sure appreciate something to do when I'm at home.

I'm very surprised Donloteion never came back. He did something very bold with his almost totally fantasy setting.
As for EinhanderZwei, I think he's going to come back. Who knows what's going on with him.

Personally, as I said, I'm not going to write anything more in Ep 1. I'm not quite satisfied with how the story arc developed but I guess I'll have to take it as is.

So, what should we do?
First of all, I'd propose some rules:

I'm tempted to pull everything to google docs in timeline order, apply some additional formatting and see what comes out. But I think some of you guys have a problem with google?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 06, 2013, 03:13:54 AM
If we want to go into Chapter 2 as is then I am fine with that, probably have to ditch a couple posts off Chapter 1 so the plot can flow smoothly (like, cut off at Post 40 and Chapter 2 will start from there instead? it seemed that posts 41, 42 and 43 are the problematic ones at least when we're talking chronology.)

Just let me know what your ideal plotline/plotprogress would've been and I'll adapt to that, if it helps.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 06, 2013, 10:47:23 AM
Post 40 was supposed to be my last post in ep 1. As noted previously, I was a bit confused about the timeline. I see no problem with your post 41 and I appreciate you decided to make those zones on the "standard hazard" level. What's the problem here? I think it can stay, no problem.

I wouldn't move p 42 without hearing from Spudacus' first. I don't see much a chronological problem here as well, but sure it's not the best thing to have at an episode end.
Would it be good as a start? Well, sure it would fit better.

My post 43 was not even supposed to be there. I posted it to try starting the writing again and as an in-world way to communicate people in command know more or less what happened. I also had the need to lock up some near-future possibilities, sure we cannot have another disaster for a while.

For Ep 2, Rey and Amet are going to just try getting a stable radio contact. If everything goes best, they'll get picked up somehow at the end of Ep 2.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 06, 2013, 11:07:21 AM
I asked because i remember you had trouble getting your head around the timeline that passed between posts 40 and 41 (you thought it was 48 hours passed already, eventhough it was probably less than 2) just a couple post above at reply 93, 94 and 95... although it is true that i should have waited for EinhanderZwei's post before posting that, oh well.

well, my characters are still tied to EinhanderZwei's side of the story so i am waiting for him to return, too. (so that rules out using Tetharil and Maiorico at least until then)

Would be interested in seeing how Spudacus adds to his/her side of the story  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 07, 2013, 01:05:08 AM
Yes, I got this. Thank you very much. It's not much of a big problem anyway.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on April 08, 2013, 03:47:14 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on April 06, 2013, 11:07:21 AM
Would be interested in seeing how Spudacus adds to his/her side of the story  :bluelander:
For the record, I'm a he :bluelander:.
I like the idea of moving to ep2, and I don't mind if Post 42 is moved to make it easier for anyone.
On my part of the story, I have an idea to avoid alot of negotiations (Malcolm being interrogated), and get him part of the "team" quickly, but I want to be flexible, keep everything moving smoothly and everyone satisfied :bluelander:.
I was thinking for the extended plot, the guardian fighters learn that the original corridor locks need to be reactivated to stem the swarms of creatures. just some food for thought :bluelander:.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 09, 2013, 01:34:53 AM
So, as things stand, we're still waiting for a word from EinhanderZwei;

although if he wants to, it's possible to put his side of the story on hold and allow him to come back at a later time when the time is right for him?

since technically, at the end of Post 35 John and Bay were seen leaving the Airport, and it will probably be easy for Tetharil and Rydia to go with them as well - so in that way, EinhanderZwei won't be missing too much of the plotline when he comes back. It might also give him a chance to return with a bang should the crew get in trouble again :P

Just give us the word :bluelander:


As for chapter 2, i think we can continue on from post 42 and as UserK pointed out, ignore Post 43 entirely.


Remember the timeline infograph? I tried to label every post number in their proper chronological order.

Note that there is a "skip" between my side of the story between Post 35 and 41; yeah, I know i jumped a bit too far on that one...

on the timeline side of things, it appears that the last of  Rey/Amet post (post 40) is at least 12 hours ahead of everyone else, since they took a night out in the pyramid and took another 9 hours walk to Rey's hideout; while everyone else are still on the previous evening/midnight.

Or in more detai

Taking the start of the RP as Day 1.

Day 1 roughly covers the events from the start right up to the start of the USF Compile story (Posts 0 ~13), as the RP started in the afternoon it's possible that the first midnight had passed after John Targa woke up in its Medical Bay (Post 13)

Day 2 roughly covers the remainder of the events on USF Compile, right up to the crash of it near Naju Central (Post 13~31) , the Airport clearup (Post 32, 35), crash landing of Malcolm (Post 38~42) and the search for Amet (Post 41), so as things stand, at the end of Post 41 and 42 the time are nearing midnight of Day 2, but still in Day 2

as far as i can tell, only Post 40 took place in Day 3 proper
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 09, 2013, 10:06:25 AM
So P43 is going to be dropped? It would happen at the end of day 4 if I understand.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 09, 2013, 10:09:14 AM
Quote from: UserK on April 09, 2013, 10:06:25 AM
So P43 is going to be dropped? It would happen at the end of day 4 if I understand.

from the looks of it yeah, it was posted way too early, could return at near the end of Chapter 2 , though, at least just before the team pinpoints where Rey and co are :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 09, 2013, 02:34:16 PM
Alright, so I decided to write up the intro to Episode 02, this is what i have so far (trying to make it new-joiner friendly, at least...)

Let me know if i missed anything or i should remove anything :redlander: because i tried to include everything that was mentioned in the first episode, so i want to be sure all logic holds...

Welcome to the Roleplay dedicated to The Guardian Legend - Naju Nexus!

This is Season 01, Episode 02, for S01E01 please see here (,1885.0.html)

The Planet Naju

             After the events of the original Guardian Legend where Miria successfully diverted the planet's course from crashing into Earth; Some of the inhabitants, eyeing all kinds of possibilities with it, have decided to attempt a permanent colonial settlement on it.

             Due to the hostile environment of the planet, a full-scale terraforming was required for civilian and military colonisation. Currently only portion of the surface has terraformed enough for habitable living; its current boundaries well defined on the Naju atlases named "Habitability Boundary". Venturing outside the bountaries are possible; but would be lethal without use of specially constructed protective suits, or only possible for other non-biological or native population.

             The planet's surface geography is nearly evenly sliced in two by a mountain range that spreads throughout the full circumference. Giving the rise to the terms "Front side" and "Back side" of Naju that describe the opposing sides of the surface worlds. The "Front side" contains all odd-numbered "Areas" and all the terraformed, habitable zones; while the "Back side" contains all even-numbered Areas (except Area 0) with its composition nearly unknown to the population of "Front side".

             The "core" capital colony of Naju, "Naju Central", the  "Area 0" of Naju; houses virtually all functions of Naju colony: The administration, military support, transport, and containing the bulk of Naju population. The spaceport included: "Naju Central Airport", serves as the main gateway to other Areas of Naju, as well as the main landing/departing site for space-shuttles and spaceships

             The Corridors below the Naju surface are still intact, known as the "Below Surface Worlds", but except for accidental opening of Corridor 19 in Area 9 and just outside the Habitability Boundary (Posts 03~11); all other corridors remain undisturbed and almost the entire population of Naju are blissfully unaware of their existance.

             The inhabiting Monsters/Aliens of Naju are still present, some in robotic form, and while they have largely been hidden away from the colony; many are rapidly resurfacing and threatening the colony. This caused a near constant deployment of various generations of Guardian Fighters to constantly keep the alien invasion in check. But it's only a matter of time before it becomes uncontrollable...

Summary & Role Play Cast as left from previous Episode (up to Post 42)

:bluelander: IF you would like to join, just post your character(s) profile here (,1885.0.html) :bluelander:

             What appeared to be a routine terraforming task turned into disaster when one of the terraforming cruisers: USF Compile, was hijacked by SHODAN who used it to reawaken the dormant monsters that had been hidden away in Naju's Below Surface Worlds. John Targa and Akrn Salthic were deployed onboard USF Compile to investigate on the situation while other Guardian Fighters (Amet, Killian,Samuel, Letty & Maiorico) were sent on scouting missions to assess the scale of the disaster (of which only Area 1 was deemed in threat to call for temporary evacuation, but Amet never made it to his destination and crashlanded on the Back side of Naju).

             John and Akrn were quickly left in a precarious situation when SHODAN transformed the cruiser into a System Shock 2 ( styled Survivor-Horror. Although they were united with some allies along the way, John felt that only a full destruction of the cruiser would save Naju from being totally annihilated by SHODAN. He successfully crashed the cruiser a small distance from Naju Central's Airport with all cast surviving the crash but leaving the airport and segment of the city in a heavily damaged state.

             Amet Velpiks found himself in the unknown land after crash landing, while he attempts to try contact with Naju Central, he meets up with another inhabitant Rey Seightmour; together, they head back to Rey's hideout, while also attempting to gather as much information about the unknown lands of the Back side.

             Meanwhile, a soldier from a far, far away world ( made an energency reentry in Naju...

  • Donloteion (;u=6109)'s side of the story (Last post: Post 14)
**not included due to player inactivity**
  • EinhanderZwei (;u=24)'s side of the story

    • John Targa & "Michael Bay" Bayonetta == Seen departing Naju Central Airport to undisclosed location
    • Rydia == With Tetharil giving report on the events surrounding the crash of USF Compile
    • Bren McGuire == **unknown, wait for update from EinhanderZwei**
  • RubyC42 (;u=6054)'s side of the story

    • Tetharil "Terry" Cannin == With Rydia
    • Akrn Salthic, Killian Rhodallister & Samuel Laszlith == At Area 5 looking for Amet after losing contact with him
    • Amet Velpiks == Taking refuge at Rey's hideout after crashing on the Back side of Naju as result of botched scouting mission
    • Letearia "Letty" Mechiko == Escorting Malcolm to GF Barracks
    • Maiorico, Sigurbelle, Horaculous == Continuing assisstance in Naju Central Airport after it sustaining damage as result of crash of USF Compile
  • UserK (;u=728)'s side of the story

    • Earl & Leona == About to leave Naju Central
    • Rey Seightmour == With Amet at his own hideout on Backside of Naju after having been trapped there for many years and having to rely on his own survival skills
  • Spudacus (;u=6120)'s side of the story

    • Malcom Jurthaen == Was on Cryogenic journey away from Reach when his ship went out of control and burnt up on Naju atmosphere - currently being led away by Letearia in order to find out further about him
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on April 09, 2013, 06:44:37 PM
Great idea and well done on the intro, that setting part really should clear things up. Maybe posts should state the setting, time elapsed since previous post and location. We could even use military time for the time frame. Y'know, keep things kinda clear. :bluelander:
Example:  Post #1 1800 Naju Central Airport

(Edit) good effect on summary, RubyC42.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 11, 2013, 11:50:23 AM
I strongly support this decision.
I will try writing something tomorrow, it will be something short for the time being. I plan to hyperlink it to previous messages for easier navigation.

For clarification, here's what P43 is supposed to say "between the lines".

Earl has been recalled from Naju surface from his employer. Earl "traded" a pass for Leona as well in exchange for some work in finding an explanation in what happened to Amet. Clearly, Earl's employer can provide a lot of pressure even on highly ranked officials. Also notice the evac request was issued very fast, it's very likely this corp has more knowledge of what's going on than military. By locating Amet, they also proved quite some technological edge.

As previously said, Earl was scheduled to leave the planet quite soon. Its corp will also pick up all its equipment deployed on surface.

Leona will follow a couple of days later. Unless something prevents her to leave, they'll both be gone for a while. In the case events unfold as I hope, they will be back, but it's currently an unlikely possibility.

Note on terminology. Rey won't speak about area numbers, but there are some references in describing its locations. Such as hideout position. I previously located his hideout at a junction connecting Area 0 and 3 nearby 4. I really meant to write 0, 2 and 3.
Those numbers are not the numbers intended by other people, so mind the context of who's saying what. Rey area 0 is an old ruined city, made of large stones. It is supposed to contain landing point Alpha (term used by Earl in P25), the spot where Miria landed. Rey has no knowledge of what happened there and probably does not even know this place has a name. Area 2 is the swamp with the exploding multiplicating spiders, 3 is the forest. Note that differently from the game, area 3 and 4 are contiguous and will be referred as "forest".

The character also had to evolve differently than I originally predicted, I basically had to carve a niche out of the super-powerful beings roaming around in the other hemisphere. Keep in mind the back side is supposedly much more dangerous than the front side - it was dangerous even for Miria herself. I already introduced some elements that might hint at how Rey survived so long. If everything unfolds as I planned, its status will be clarified and hopefully will get a boost as well.  The character however will keep its inclination to stealth, mobility and safe environment navigation.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 11, 2013, 12:13:25 PM
For my side of things, I try keep the "areas" as descriptly accurate as possible to how they appeared in the game, and i thought about evening things out by having one half of all the areas appearing on each half of the planet; even if they aren't referred by their actual area number (hence me giving them full titles).

unless of course, I misunderstood something. Since Area 3 is already used on the front side as Dense Veridiplata Forests. Although i don't mind having Area 3 on the Front side and Area 4 of the Back side join together. Even if they're not referred as such by Rey.

oh, and updated the postdraft again. Let me know if it's good to go. :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 12, 2013, 08:21:33 AM
I'm fine with it.
Thinking at it again, I'm not.
Let me sketch something again so to be extra special super sure I have understood.

As an additional note: Leona was not "summoned by her superior". Her special license is Earl "price" for the work done here. Earl is a civilian consultant, Leona is not.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 12, 2013, 09:01:58 AM
i think we're making this way morecomplicated than it needs to be.

but anyway, we'll see how it works out
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: EinhanderZwei on April 12, 2013, 12:24:59 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on April 12, 2013, 09:01:58 AMi think we're making this way morecomplicated than it needs to be.
Sorry guys, but that's exactly the reason I won't post it anymore. Too many pointless characters, too many convoluted descriptions, too many things going everywhere at the same time, so what started as fun right now is (judging from what I've read before falling asleep) just too tedious, boring and overwritten. It's just not fun to me personally. I admit, I sported these flaws as well - that's the reason #2 why I'm leaving this.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 13, 2013, 03:33:00 AM
That's indeed very bad news. Judging from your blog, we will be missing you.
That said, I'm drawing a per-character timeline and there sure are weird things going on with the time involved by many actions. I'm trying to sort it out as best as I can.
It is very problematic none of us seemed to understand what was going on.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 13, 2013, 09:02:22 AM
Ok, so far I have resisted giving explanations on timeline by my side. I knew words alone won't do.
I have completed my per-character timeline. As you can see, it's really not complicated as it seems once we filter out all the noise.

Timeline by character, in SVG format ( (to be preferred).
Same in PNG (

As you can see, we're really talking in two different time scales. Rey moves by feet and albeit faster than average, everything still takes hours for him. In P33 (,1885.msg6447.html#msg6447), I marked the timeline explicitly. P34/35 (,1885.msg6489.html#msg6489), recovers from the disaster in an hour. This introduces several issues in my opinion, but we could still work it out.
With P37 (,1885.msg6497.html#msg6497) another hour has gone by yet on P41 (,1885.msg6525.html#msg6525) everything is still much, much faster. They scout whole caverns in apparent detail in hours.

I am still considering producing an in-order PDF with rearranged and re-edited messages. Before going on, I guess we should totally fix up all the pace issues.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on April 13, 2013, 12:28:48 PM
Hello! I've been reading the RP and sign-up sheet, and IÂ’m interested in the story possibilities. I would like to join in on the action and help out (at least with some ideas :redlander:), so here's me character:

Name: Sebariel Talaince
Apparent age: 39
Gender: Male

-Personality: Patient and analytical, He is generally reserved and collected. Compassionate, but has learned to (mostly) disguise emotions with indifference, being hardened by many years of combat. Can come across as rough and cold, but is really considerate. Mission minded, but is a team player who ultimately wants to take of issues.

-Physical Appearance: About 6 foot 1, broad. Appears to be in prime, but has graying brown hair that falls just above the shoulders, hair being parted in the middle and out of the eyes. Wears a light plate vest/leggings, dark silver, with gauntlets above the wrist and medium length armored boots. Wears a trench coat over armor.

-Background: Sebariel is a member of SAFE, the Security and Arms Force of Earth, a private corporation that was contracted for Naju's security, and he is on duty on Naju, investigating the undergoing problems.

-Assets: Simple Psionic power gained from a blood transfer with a Protoss Dark Templar (Starcraft), and elongated life. Uses a shotgun as primary weapon, and has arm based energy blade.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 13, 2013, 12:37:13 PM
Welcome aboard! :bluelander: I hope you'll have all the fun with the RP (inspite of all the ongoing problems, at least.)

So yeah, we're just trying to work out some lingering issues that we have noticed after the  first batch of posts. but we hope to get them all cleared up and get the next episode ready soon :bluelander:

Starting with Episode 2 I will be dramatically altering my post writing style as to make everything easier to understand for other people, at least i hope so...

To userK responded to the timeline problem as a PM
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on April 13, 2013, 09:46:41 PM
Thanks, I look forward to getting going once things clear up a bit :redlander:

As I said, I have a couple ideas for basic underlying plot. Looking at Spudacus's idea of the Locks, I think it would be good, at least for the Guardian Fighters, if there arose the need to seal the locks to stem the flow of invaders. I've plotted out how my character could introduce the issue, and bring it to the GF. That alone could galvanize lots of characters, seeing how with 10 locks, there could be a good deal of ground to cover.
My other thought is that we could introduce another culprit responsible for the locks opening, besides SHODAN's stint with the terraforming cruiser. These ideas are really just for setting some kinda of objective for peoples to be working at, and to really bring home the TGL feel. With something simple and open, yet determinant, there could be a sort of set goal.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 14, 2013, 11:23:20 AM
The storyline revolving around the corridor seals/locks sounds good, and will eventually be touched on. but I think we don't need to rush to get them into the plotline in full into episode 2 just yet.

As for my side of things, I think for Episode 2 it would most likely revolve around getting Malcolm comfortable on Naju, Sebariel coming up with the postulations that the corridor seals/locks has been compromised/needing to be reactivated and the GFs should check on them again. (and of course the work to get Rey/Amet back)

hey, maybe it's possible that Sebariel and Malcolm knew each other in some way? :bluelander: probably would make Sebariel's entry a little bit easier (but that's up to you both, obviously)

although an Antagnist for use in the RP sounds good too. We'll see how it goes first.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 14, 2013, 11:48:07 AM
Ok, new timeline has been updated.
RubyC42 clarified me the time frame of some posts is really much, much longer than I imagined. He also made me re-read again everything and I figured out I had really more time to fit. This caused Ray's timeline to be much, much more compact than previously imagined.

Canonical links to PNG (, SVG (

We are also discussing a set of "semi-rules" to follow. In particular, I would like each post to contain a single "happening", encouraging multiple posts so they can be addressed specifically. Ruby notes this is usually considered bad habit and indeed, multiple sections could do the same with less fat added.

I am indeed positive most issues are now ironed out. If anyone wants me to update the graphics or has any comments, we are here to make sure everybody gets everything right.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on April 14, 2013, 05:13:23 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on April 14, 2013, 11:23:20 AM
hey, maybe it's possible that Sebariel and Malcolm knew each other in some way? :bluelander: probably would make Sebariel's entry a little bit easier (but that's up to you both, obviously)
Good idea, that could save introduction times for both, and could help kick off their involvment. Since Sebariel works for a security force from Earth, maybe Malcolm is brought to him, and from there, the lock problem could start arising. If Spudacus agrees, that could work.
The "semi-rules" is a good idea, get some guidlines down for ease of understanding and smooth the flow of events."
Also, the time line really clears stuff up, RubyC42. :redlander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on April 14, 2013, 05:34:13 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on April 09, 2013, 02:34:16 PM

             The Corridors below the Naju surface are still intact, known as the "Below Surface Worlds", but except for accidental opening of Corridor 19 in Area 9 and just outside the Habitability Boundary (Posts 03~11); all other corridors remain undisturbed and almost the entire population of Naju are blissfully unaware of their existance.

So corridor 19 is the only one open, unbeknownst for now
Also on the newest time line post 42 ended about 7 Am, right?
As for Sebariel, considering he works for an Earthern organization he could know about the Spartan project or even Aperture, so I'm cool with any relation Souperion wants between them, be it allies, old friends, or even rivals. Like maybe SAFE and Sebariel don't like the UNSC.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 14, 2013, 11:01:27 PM
Quote from: Spudacus on April 14, 2013, 05:34:13 PM

So corridor 19 is the only one open, unbeknownst for now
Also on the newest time line post 42 ended about 7 Am, right?

Yup, it wasn't identified, but it was mentioned in Post 5, which took place in Area 9:

Quote- Well, first it appeared that something's got wrong with the terraforming laser, and it has created a tunnel. We decided to dig it up, and once we did, there was this weird square door. It has opened, and then they flew out and started firing at us.

Also, the Clawbot then attacked the group right after (Posts 9~11); which after John Targa was knocked out (Post 11) it was left behind. So it's possible that even now it's wrecking havoc in Area 9, or closing in on the nearest settlement.

Personally, I'd say Post 42 ended at something like 2am, since it only crossed over midnight (Post 41) and Malcolm landed sometime later. Although they could have taken a bit of time to get back to the Naju Base.

So as things stand, we're good to go?  :bluelander: (Episode 2's here:,1929.0.html ) or any other lingering questions anyone'd like answered?

UserK: you labelled a 5PM as5AM
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 15, 2013, 01:35:49 AM
Corrected in my local copy. Unfortunately, google does not allow me to update a file keeping the link.
Therefore, I'm postponing upload until more issues are noted. Being between 9AM and "early night" of the same day, I hope everybody figures out I've made a slip error.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 22, 2013, 08:45:26 AM
Since a week have gone by, I guess I should write something. RubyC42 heard from me but just to let everybody know.

Albeit I will have two slow weeks coming and a post ready to go, I won't post anything. Post requires time to be late afternoon so until we're in order, I'm keeping it there.
Keep in mind because of timeline issues, those new EP2 posts chronologically overlap with Amet and Rey sleeping in the pyramid. They will be back at base around 11-12 AM. Being already a few hours ahead, I'd rather not mess up with the timeline more.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on April 22, 2013, 11:24:24 AM
Nothing for me to add to the RP just yet, so I am just waiting for Souperion's next post before i proceed :P
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on April 28, 2013, 12:07:02 PM
So we're several posts into Ep.2, I was just wondering if anyone has questions, comments, concerns ect about the whole thing.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on April 29, 2013, 11:44:35 AM
I think it would be better if we stick to approximate time. 1 hour and 3 minutes sounds a bit odd to me.
That said, it's ok for me but I don't feel like we need a new timeline for the time being.
Is my english ok? I had a bad day.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 05, 2013, 01:40:20 AM
Just saw this:

couldn't help but imagine it eventually happening  between Sebariel and Malcolm sometime XD


As for the RP, everything's fine for me; I know i haven't posted much but that's because I haven't had much ideas on how to progress the plot on my own (at least out of caution it conflicts to any ideas you lot have :P ) so I mainly just add a couple lines between Letty and Maiorico and see how things go from there on.

Also forgot to mention, Re: Post 44 - Spudacus has the liberty to come up with whatever the Database comes up with " the request to find out more about UNSC, Reach, Aperture, Spartans and everything else related to Malcolm". including the good, the bad and maybe even the ugly.

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 06, 2013, 08:41:12 PM
Quote from: UserK on April 29, 2013, 11:44:35 AM
I think it would be better if we stick to approximate time. 1 hour and 3 minutes sounds a bit odd to me.
Gotcha, will do.
Any way i'm glad everything is going well. I was wondering if we can still make Meanwhile Posts. Since we're keeping track of time, I thought that would help keep everything going smooth.
That said, I'm thinking now could be a good time to shift to the other characters and follow them for a bit.
Lastly, I love that picture! and the irony that the artist's dad's name is Malcolm (It's my favorite name for stories XD)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 06, 2013, 11:02:51 PM
Quote from: Spudacus on May 06, 2013, 08:41:12 PM
I was wondering if we can still make Meanwhile Posts. Since we're keeping track of time, I thought that would help keep everything going smooth.

Don't see why not, if it happens at the same time as the main post, go for it :D

I am still kind of not sure how to progress the plot... anyone have any suggestions? I thought maybe this will be a good time to introduce an Antagonist (not controlled by me as people have complained I have too many chars) into the plot, considering the Airport and Area 7 are currently free for use.

Although i could lend out one of my recent original character ( if anyone wants to use one :bluelander:

As for the main plot, after reading Response #120 (top of this page) I thought about the team (or maybe some member of it, or Sebariel, of all people, decides to trot off on his own) deciding to revisit the Ruins and find themselves the glimpse of the opened Corridor 19
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on May 07, 2013, 06:04:05 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on May 05, 2013, 01:40:20 AM
Just saw this:
couldn't help but imagine it eventually happening  between Sebariel and Malcolm sometime XD
YES! That would be hilarious, though I think Rico would love to get into that action too.

As for plot/ antagonist, I got an idea for debate. I was thinking a corrupt Guardian of sorts, maybe the one Tetharil used to know, or just one that has appeared. Basic idea is that this black Gardian is trying to undo the locks, maybe to unlock the invaders' mastermind, IT. Perhaps he/she attacks area 0 to obtain terraforming technology to uncover the locks. While I'm thinking about it, I kinda like how we're starting to get going here!
Also, for the record, here's a quicky on Halex, since he may be more involved.

Name: Halex Cyphru
Age: 34
-SAFE member, friend of Sebariel. A scout by profession, dressed in full camo with lotsa observation gear and such. Roughly 5.10, dark brown hair. He uses an SMG and Revolver. Light hearted and practical, he is a skilled observer. His Jeep (nicknamed Alexis) is a 5 seater, including the turret.
He sometimes seems a little touched in the head, result of frequent solitary deployment. Over all easy to get along with, eccentricities not withstanding.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 07, 2013, 08:11:11 PM
I'm hoping to see UserK around soon, since we've reached the time he said his characters would be active (Post 52, 12:30). It'll be nice to get more on his side into the mishmash :bluelander:.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 08, 2013, 12:08:51 PM
Edit 13 May: Added the GFs' example Chip count and HP, mostly as a measure of how they compare to each other
Edit 15 May: Added more about Killian's personality

Akrn Salthic - Chip: 2600, HP: 32, Def: 8

Quote from: Souperion on May 07, 2013, 06:04:05 PM
As for plot/ antagonist, I got an idea for debate. I was thinking a corrupt Guardian of sorts, maybe the one Tetharil used to know, or just one that has appeared. Basic idea is that this black Gardian is trying to undo the locks, maybe to unlock the invaders' mastermind, IT. Perhaps he/she attacks area 0 to obtain terraforming technology to uncover the locks.

Lol I actually had an idea about Tetharil's lost friend too although his purpose was more to take out his grievance on Tetharil (and by association, the other Guardian Fighters) than to try gain access to the Corridor Aliens and to tame IT for his own.

But it could be possible that during the long time that had elapsed he had discovered by himself the Corridors, maybe even spent the time down there in the Below-Surface Worlds; and after the Terraforming Disaster that opened them up he finally got the "freedom" he longed back onto the Naju Surface?

Also, if we're going with this route, then I will mention that this 'corrupt' Guardian (and the disaster that separated him and Tetharil) predates Akrn and all the Rookie GFs, so all 6 of them would have no idea who the hell he is, and he could in theory take advantage of that  :bluelander:

A brief talk about the personalities of the Rookie Guardian Fighters, incase anyone wants to know them farther:

They should have no effect on how they have already appeared in the Roleplay; this is merely to expand out their personalities and abilities should they be needed in later plot developments.

Amet Velpiks - a Sniper by trade, he is evidently trained to be as remorseless as possible when it comes to picking out targets and is generally the man of very few words and expressions. Evidently, the time he is spending with Rey Seightmour is dramatically changing his trait.

Pros: Have stealth technology, which he could use (if have enough chips to do so) to sneak up on an enemy, or to slip away when he gets in trouble. Extremely accurate marksmanship (obviously, as a Sniper)

Cons: Weaker protection in comparison to the other GFs due to more emphasis on stealth movement - also, most of his weaponry are long-ranged, which means he is very vulnerable when enemies get up close.

Chip: 4000, HP: 27, Def: 5

Killian Rhodallister - Unlike the other GFs, Killian is especially trained by Akrn Salthic himself. Although he is very cooperative and effective team-player in assissting other GFs when needed and is generally the all-round open guy that you could have a good conversation with, in crisis he could be overly dictatorial and authorative for comfort (eventhough his only intention was to keep everything and everyone under control)
             Due to the fact that he is under direct orders of Akrn and Tetharil, he is most likely not going to recognise authorities of any other Naju military officers (including Sebariel, so if he wants Killian's assisstance in anything he is going to have a hard time - although Killian will in the end join in only to be sure they don't get themselves in a mess)

Pros: Very powerful when in close-range combat due to his skill in martial arts. Also having the highest defence and relatively high HP which means he takes quite a bit to knock down

Cons: as with Akrn, has very limited ranged attacks so has to rely on other GFs or his own dodging skills when facing ranged enemies.

Chip: 3200, HP: 37, Def: 8

Samuel Laszlith - a Striker by trade, he prefers striking his targets from above which means he prefers fighter mode over walker mode, occasionally prefers hovering above-ground instead of walking. Personality wise he is constantly on the lookout for anything that he can blast from Naju's orbit, even if it's just a group of innocent pigeons that his weaponry have no chance of hitting anyway. Also, he is the kind of person you would want to constantly yell "calm down" at.

Pros: Has the highest Chip capacity of the lot, as well as the most varied aerial firepower.

Cons: Has no walker-mode weaponry, although he could in theory reposition his turrets to face the enemy when in walker mode, they become vulnerable to be struck out of shape which would totally ruin his fighting power. Also, depending on the scenario (e.g. swarmed by aerial enemies) he  could unleash an "all-out" attack thatblasts literally everything  in his sight, even if other GF and allied characters are well within range.

Chip: 12,000, HP: 23, Def: 6

Letearia Mechiko - The only active female member of the Guardian Fighters, she is the most compassionate of the lot and frequently shows that by making sure none of the allies around her get themselves in unnecessary danger. Informally, she is your typical naive girl that likes cute things, but formally she is very diplimatic and would try avoid bloodshed when it comes to engaging  other "talking" characters (evidented by the crash landing of Malcolm)
             She is the only GF that uses two main weapons: Crossbow for long-rage attacks and a electrically charged whip for short-range, she also uses two Gradius styled "options" to aid her battle when in fighter mode (not available until at least Episode 3), but other than that her weapon selection is very limited.

Pros: She has inbuilt repair system that can offer short-term repair and resupply to other Guardian Fighters - although she cannot use it on herself or on Akrn Salthic.

Cons: The least bravest of the GFs, she gets nervous and panicky when faced with large tasks which could dramatically effect her fighting performance. Also, she has the lowest HP of the GFs which implies she could end up being the first and easiest GF to get KO'ed

Chip: 6000, HP: 20, Def: 7

Maiorico dei Guardiani - Essentially the "male version" of Miria in that he is designed to be all-round balanced fighter in terms of Offense, Defence , Chip count and Fighter/Walker balance. Due to the seriousness nature of the other GFs, the Naju military constructed Maiorico especially to "lighten up the atmosphere" with his massively flamboyant, italienglish speaking personality (in addition to the other, darker reason for his creation). Known for his rashness when it comes to girls and tackling missions though dispite that he is perhaps next to Akrn in reliance in getting the mission complete.
             As he is usually the 7th (and thus, last) Guardian Fighter to be sortied for missions, he is usually used as the "backup" should any of the GFs get in trouble of their own and save their day. Due to this, his "successes" in "rescuing" his "comrades" had overtime fed his cockiness which made him all the unpopular among the GFs (even Akrn himself cannot stand him)

Pros: Having no Cons

Cons: Having no Pros

Chip: 4000, HP: 30, Def: 6

Any questions? just ask.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on May 10, 2013, 01:21:40 PM
Ok, P52 is up. Takes about 20 minutes.
I appreciate a lot the queries from the DB. I have been thinking at some new elements for a while but couldn't figure out how to introduce them. I guess I'll drop something this weekend since it's raining again!

I am sorry I have been giving the impression Amet is changing. It really wasn't supposed to be. He is only interested in making the teamwork. Keep in mind that besides the words shared with you very little talking is going on between those two. As you will read, their partnership isn't quite smooth.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 10, 2013, 01:28:25 PM
Quote from: UserK on May 10, 2013, 01:21:40 PM
I am sorry I have been giving the impression Amet is changing. It really wasn't supposed to be. He is only interested in making the teamwork. Keep in mind that besides the words shared with you very little talking is going on between those two. As you will read, their partnership isn't quite smooth.

Nonono, on the contrary, it's expected of Amet. I am very interested in seeing how Amet would develop given the unusual circumstances he is facing compared to the other GFs (some might also tell that Letty and Rico have changed slightly after getting themselves more involved with Malcolm and Sebariel, so we're all good, after all it's all part of the character evolution, no?)

Besides, with the enigmatic (as i see it) personality of Rey, Amet would end up being "pushed around" which you already did in Post 53.  :bluelander:

As all thing stand, just keep working at it as is :bluelander:

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 12, 2013, 07:06:14 PM
Edit May 14 Example Stats for relative comparison
Since bad guys need to be known, here are the new antagonist's basics for now. More will be revealed in time  XD
Age unknown
Black armored Guardian, silver hair medium length. A visor can come down from his helmet and cover his face.
Details of his "betrayal" by Tetharil are unknown, probably left to RubyC42. He was somehow locked in the Below-Surface World but was released by Erajiv after the SHODAN showdown. He is singularity focussed with revenge on Tetharil but aims to destroy all Guardians too. He has a mixed respect of Erajiv and contempt for his demanding personality. He's an older model of the same era of Tetharil and Akern, and is equipped with a variety weaponry ranging from the area blast, repeller, to cutter lasers. Has high HP, chip cap. and very skilled. One of the original Guardians.
Chip 9000 Hp 36 Defense 5 Offense 8
Age: Some hundreds
Unidentified species (For now), close to eight feet tall, dark blue armor ( large arm blade, apparently electrically charged as seen post 56 part 2.
Very aggressive, subjugating, and self righteous (Kinda based off Halo Elites).His knowledge of Naju suggests he inhabited Naju before the events of The Guardian Legend. He strives to "release" Naju by opening all the corridors and employing the monsters to destroy the human colonies. Possess great physical abilities. Beneath his hemet is a large third eye, which has mystic properties. Knows the terrain of Naju and it's secret passages (to explain his rapid movement.)
HP 45 Defense 7 Offense 11
Title: New Timeline for Episode 2, as of Post 59
Post by: RubyC42 on May 14, 2013, 12:37:47 AM
Just leaving this here

Made this new timeline for Posts 51~59 just to be sure everyone are on the same boat:

Posts 43~50 seems to be linear enough, so didn't include them here.

Let me know if i missed or misunderstood anything.

Key to tags:
(A) - Area 9 / Corridor 19
(B) - Area 0W
(C) - Naju Central
(D) - Area 5
(E) - Naju Backside

==10th hour==
(A) 43~51 - 10:00 +30 - The group fights the Clawbot, succeeds, meets Halex, regroups and heads to Area 0W

==12th Hour==
(A) 55 - 12:00 +10 - Erajiv and Callisto enters the stage, Callisto heads to Area 5

(B) 52 p1 - 12:30 - Letty interviews the refugees and Sebariel believes Corridor 19 is responsible
(B) 54 p1 - 12:30 +10 - Sebariel and Maiorico leaves to Area 9

(C) 52 p2 - 12:30 - Killian obtains records from Naju Core's Database
(C) 57 - 12:45 +25 - Killian and Colonel Shores discuss the results of the Database's records about UNSC

==13th Hour==
(A) 54 p2 - 13:30 - Sebariel and Maiorico arrives at Area 9
(A) 56 p2 - 13:30 +15 - Sebariel enters Corridor 19, Rico is knocked out by Erajiv
(A) 58 - 13:45 + 40 - Sebariel challenges Erajiv, collapses passage to Corridor 19, leaves with Maiorico

==15th Hour==
(B) 59 p1 - 14:20 +1h20 -  Halex called for a shuttle to bring them and the refugees back to Naju Central, the group reunites and they all depart

(D) 59 p2 - 15:30 +10 -  Callisto Arrives at Area 5

==Late Afternoon==

(E) 53 - Amet loses patience with Rey / they plans for the Great Escape
(E) 56 p1 Amet goes out to find food for the next few days
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 14, 2013, 09:33:06 PM
Should it be mentioned that in posts 43~51 that they meet Halex? otherwise I'm cool with the timeline.
I was wondering if we should give all characters relative stats for comparison like the GFs. That could help some fight scenes :bluelander:.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 14, 2013, 11:28:56 PM
Quote from: Souperion on May 14, 2013, 09:34:39 PM
Post 58
(Note: The crater is in the form of a large cave-like opening.)

-?Please insert pie to proceed"

Oh, so the crater/corridor seal is prependicular to the surface? I always thought it was parallel to the surface and the corridor's opening  is on the ground (like in actual TGL game) than on the wall

Also, i LOL'ed at the pie reference XD

Quote from: Spudacus on May 14, 2013, 09:33:06 PM
Should it be mentioned that in posts 43~51 that they meet Halex? otherwise I'm cool with the timeline.
I was wondering if we should give all characters relative stats for comparison like the GFs. That could help some fight scenes :bluelander:.

Fixed, and the timeline was just to be sure we got the time correct  :bluelander: although i think all parts of the story are back together timewise.

If you want to, go ahead  :bluelander:

Forgot to mention, Erajiv's has a blaster located on the other arm ( as well  :bluelander:, although somehow the artist didn't include it in the final version which is why you couldn't see it... my bad
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on May 15, 2013, 11:41:33 AM
So, I had a full free day... and I read this. I'm afraid I'm starting to feel confused again so I guess it's time for a timeline picture. I wonder if I could do it by the end of Friday, it became apparent to me as I tried to write something which is more chronologically inline with what's going on.

Quote from: RubyC42 on May 10, 2013, 01:28:25 PMBesides, with the enigmatic (as i see it) personality of Rey, Amet would end up being "pushed around" which you already did in Post 53.  :bluelander:
Thank you very much. I didn't try to make him enigmatic, he's just somehow shellshocked.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 15, 2013, 12:10:50 PM
Responded as a PM.

But if anyone  wants to, here's the "rough" timeline for Episode 2 as of Post 59:

As things stand, the "front side" plotlines should be back in sync  with each other, with the Backside still some hours ahead. Posts 55 and 57 were a bit out of line i think to introduce new characters (especially the antagonists)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 15, 2013, 07:50:12 PM
Everything looks in order, time wise. BTW, sweet looking Erajiv, though I almost prefer your "Azyrick" name. Maybe that's his last name :bluelander:. And that was a nice fight with Sebariel, I kinda imagined Erajiv was straight out tougher than him.

I'm gonna go ahead and give stats for my characters for reference. Since Malcolm has 3 weapons I'll list them individually.
Hp 20 Shields 20 Defense 4 (Doesn't apply to shields)
Offense (from fastest to slowest): Magnum Pistol 3 DMR 6 Gravity hammer 12
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 16, 2013, 01:11:36 PM
So we all agree that Souperion is officially awesome at fight scenes? :redlander:

Granted, i rarely do fight scenes myself, mainly because I tend to make it overly short, or overly unbalanced, and I tend to make Evil triumph all too often...

are my own posts alright for everyone though?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 16, 2013, 04:18:30 PM
I like your posts. You have a good mind for story material :bluelander:.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on May 16, 2013, 10:00:07 PM
Quote from: RubyC42 on May 16, 2013, 01:11:36 PM
So we all agree that Souperion is officially awesome at fight scenes? :redlander:
You sir, flatter me. I also like your posts; good story developments.
And yes, I liked the idea of the crater being perpindicular (the seal was flat, but there was the cave thanks to impact), because I figured that the laser hit it at an angle. That, and it made Seb's plan be more practical, because he sure coudn't take Erajiv alone.

To keep up with the team, I'll do my character stats/ skilliness. (They both are inherently more frail than most, because they are mostly normal ( ::)) humans.
-Sebariel: Reflexive blocker. Psionics vary, primarily support/tactical applications.
HP: 11. Def 3. -- Blade Power: 6-- Shoty--4.
Halex: Highly elusive, good cover/camo. Has active camoflage function to blend in (short term).
-HP: 9. Def 2. --SMG Power: 3. medium range--Revolver: 4. medium range.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 17, 2013, 09:46:29 AM


...i don't even know who could this design fit, Samuel perhaps?

but anyway's here's one of the currently being designed Guardian Fighters XD , done by the same artist who did the sprite edits (,1937.0.html) , dispite it being FABULOUSly colourful (but that's the artist's style, everything she does is like that)

Anyway, cheers for the feedback, I said at the start of the RP that i changed my writing style from Ep1 so i wasn't sure...
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 18, 2013, 12:37:08 PM
Alright, so I am planning the next post involving Akrn (without the 'e', think of it like the real word "acre" :bluelander:) and Callisto.

One side of my habit is to have Callisto to -partially- reveal why he wants to turn on other Guardians and  reveal about Tetharil's "treachery" in that fateful day. But on the other hand I don't think we're ready for such a high climax in the  RP just yet (we're only Episode 2 and 60 posts in, after all...) and if he feel that his destiny is to destroy Tetharil and the other Guardians why would he be telling Akrn everything? XD

Or maybe it can just be a short fight where, like Sebariel with Erajiv, Callisto gets paralysed for a short while and Akrn and Co can make their getaway until the next time they meet in later  episodes.

Just gathering up ideas and stuff...

(Although I am kind of waiting for my GF to come online sometime too (the same gal that does Rico's italian lines) since she loooooooves evil characters so maybe she can supply some handy ideas and scripts to go with it too. -- but she's doing exams these few weeks so i don't know when she'll be on...)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
While we're at it... are we sure we want to go ahead this way?
I found myself very uncomfortable writing something else. After a couple of days of thinking I think I have understood my problem.
I think recent posts are very dangerous to my perception.
For first, we haven't worked on the issues which plagued the first episode. Not only there are now more characters, but characters which were primary in Ep 1 are now barely mentioned.

I would like everyone to reconsider character stats as well. I know they are for relative comparisons only but...

whochip counthp
Miria, begin508?
Miria, end4000?25?

I mean, I feel the essence of Naju is extremely diluted right now. For first, what made the first TGL possible has been replicated multiple times. We have at least 5 apparently powerful replicas. Half of the planet is tamed and apparently has been for a while, with colonies and such...
In P57, the existance of other extremely powerful organizations are confirmed. Come on, a intergalactic war... with no one knowing? It feels like Naju was too irrelevant to be considered. Please reconsider the importance of UNSC.

Keep in mind we're working on restoring a "Fringe" division.
What I propose (and I have a post going in that direction) is to review at least P57 so the suspension of disbelief is preserved. I can elaborate on those concept as much as you need. I hope nobody finds that problematic, but I really think we should keep them on different universes because I don't really believe anyone working on Naju might not know about UNSC... or Covenants for that matter.

P56.2 also caused me some discomfort. Well, not really, what happened after that. From those posts, I get the idea that Rico is not a hybrid cyborg but basically a complete machine. I see no reason for which he/it should not be out of the game for longer. Personally I don't think Erajiv would have spared its life and if it's a complete construct. Consider the possibility. This would produce a much more convincing threat and I think we need this.

P56.1 also has some issues and should be rectified at least partially, the travel would have take much, much longer if Amet mobility is so limited.

I would like to remind that I have in the past posted an in-rpg explanation of what happened to Amet. For some reason the post was expunged from timeline. As I said however, someone knows what happened.

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 19, 2013, 07:16:53 AM

There was a big post here, but after thinking it a couple times i've decided to just screw it and removed it.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 19, 2013, 10:37:18 AM
I understand the concern with the UNSC, and I pretty much agree. I guess I exagerated the security of secrecy for the UNSC, and I'm sorry for the mess up. I'm willing to review/edit post 57, just let me know what you have in mind for the suspension of disbelief factor :bluelander:.

Also, I'd like to make clear that I have no intentions of the Halo universe becoming any more involved, I.E. covenant attack Naju or UNSC show up. I solely meant to use it to make familiarity for my character (fan made), and to try to connect the somewhat limited TGL universe to a well established one. I didn't mean for it to detract from the main story like it did :-[.

Any stat adjustments neccessary I will make. Callisto could be more like 12-15 health 2 Def and 1200 chips etc, Erajiv closer to 20 Hp, and Malcolm about 8 Hp 10 shield .

A thought for Erajiv's sparing Rico, prehaps he thought that Rico was already dead since he's not too familiar with machines and didn't see Rioc breathing? Or he's so confident in his abilities he thought one hit was enough.

I hope that my posts havn't been dentrimental to the RP, and if any of my tendencies bother anyone, lemme know.

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on May 19, 2013, 05:47:25 PM
-Edited post 58. Hope that helps.-
--I think that Callisto should reveal his spite in parts, more like in the first encounter he says he's trying to kill Tetharil, and more bits of the story popping up as more encounters come.--
Alright, I hope we can get through the confusions here. I'll try to do my part:
Rico being alive: I seem to have a looser grasp on the bio-mechanical nature of the GF's than I thought. Sorry about that. Just how much of the Guardians is machinery? By constructed, I kinda imagined them to be almost entirely machines. I just didn't want to kill off Rico yet, as he is one of my favorite characters. I was thinking that Erajiv had KOed him, thought him dead, and tossed him aside, hearing Seb coming up. Seems a little to soon to start killing main (I think them to be) characters.

The fight:: I thought from the start that Erajiv was far beyond Seb in power. I just wanted it to be a little reserved in intensity/stakes, since it was the first encounter.

Erajiv being a threat: I was thinking for Erajiv to really get to deadly work, attacking the area 3 facility (due to it being near a corridor) and basically decimating the place. I know that we need a crazy dangerous enemy, but given this being the first post with him in action, I didn't want to overdo it. There is still alot of room for him to prove dangerous. Besides, Callisto is also hopefully to be quite a problem.

Episode 1 characters being gone: We can either explain that Einhander's crew has left, has disappeared, or try to assimilate them into the plot again. I personally hope to get the other peoples that haven't shown up yet into the thick of it.

Naju Essence being diluted: I think we should introduce some Najuan ruins, or maybe the Blue Landers to bring the story back home. It could be cool if we had Erajiv be a Naju native, maybe one who betrayed the race when it was first attacked. Maybe we just need to brainstorm some real TGL type events to base the RP.

SAFE: I don't want this group to make things worse, so I'll keep it at that SAFE is a private company that has hired out Sebariel, Halex, and probably some NPC class peoples for Naju safety. I never really meant for Seb to always be the leader, unless everyone else thinks it is working.

Outside influences: I agree that UNSC shouldn't be heavy in this. I think that we should keep it at that Naju knows about the UNSC and that UNSC possibly is investing in Naju. Malcolm should keep the fall of Reach secret, so we avoid any need to mention or dwell on it.

Stats: I agree that could be for faithful to the original, but their just for relativity.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 20, 2013, 12:31:26 AM
Here's an idea for discussion: how about in Episode 3 the team finds the Ruins of the Lander (destroyed by Erajiv?) in Area 3?

Originally, I was going to allow Landers to make full apperances in the RP (as powerups like in the TGL game), but since UserK want them to appear much earlier and of higher significance in the RP, I am going to adopt Souperion's idea of some sort of Shrines built for Landers or something

Quote from: SouperionJust how much of the Guardians is machinery?
Originally, as bio-mechanical as Miria, but since UserK is against the notion of TGL-replicas, I'm now going to say they're 100% mechanical (Megaman-like Reploids, if you like)

Quote from: SouperionIt could be cool if we had Erajiv be a Naju native, maybe one who betrayed the race when it was first attacked.

I already have a plan regarding Erajiv and the native monsters on Naju and  why he is hellbent on destroy the colonies, but that's spoilers stuff

These were originally part of my earlier post that I removed, but here they are again since UserK will need them:

Quote from: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AMCharacters which were primary in Ep 1 are now barely mentioned.

EinhanderZwei left the RP, so his characters will no longer take part (I was going to bring that up after the group all united in Naju Central at the end of Episode 2, but since you asked now...), also, Tetharil is most likely going to leave with them as well, so he will also play no further role in the RP until UserK feels time is right to summon him again - which in essence leaves Callisto chasing Akrn and the other Guardian Fighters.

Most of Episode 2 plot revolved in Area 9 only anyway.

Quote from: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
I would like everyone to reconsider character stats as well. I know they are for relative comparisons only but...

Akrn Salthic - Chip: 1200, HP: 18, Def: 7
Amet Velpiks -  Chip: 2000, HP: 14, Def: 2
Killian Rhodallister - Chip: 1600, HP: 21, Def: 7
Samuel Laszlith - Chip: 6000, HP: 13, Def: 4
Letearia Mechiko - Chip: 3000, HP: 9, Def: 5
Maiorico dei Guardiani - Chip: 2000, HP: 15, Def: 4

Quote from: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
P56.1 also has some issues and should be rectified at least partially, the travel would have take much, much longer if Amet mobility is so limited.

Hence why i written at the end of the post that "The duration of Amet's trip back to the camp is open for interpretation." It would've taken Amet 5 hours for all we know to get back to Rey's camp, I left it especially for you to decide on that

Quote from: UserK on May 19, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
Keep in mind we're working on restoring a "Fringe" division.

It's still in the plot plan, but that's Episode 4 material.


After spending the last sleepless night thinking about the points UserK brought up, I am now going to let UserK construct the post involving the encounter between Callisto and Akrn. Because, really, I no longer feel comfortable making posts like this if they're going to get questioned later, and I need first hand understanding of how UserK prefers fight scenes to unfold.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on May 20, 2013, 01:32:18 PM
QuoteI understand the concern with the UNSC, and I pretty much agree. I guess I exagerated the security of secrecy for the UNSC, and I'm sorry for the mess up. I'm willing to review/edit post 57, just let me know what you have in mind for the suspension of disbelief factor
No need to apologize! I think we can work on it and let it blend. My current idea is as follows.
Suppose everything really happened. There's a universe in which the Halo wars are really taking place, Spartans are there and characters from this universe will be coherent with those happenings. However, those universes now crossed. They are somehow different versions of the same time but in this "dominant" universe, UNSC and the covenant wars didn't happen: instead, humanity had to face the Naju threat.
It would just take to add a few lines to P57 so the command recognizes the data as somehow screwed up. In this dominant timeline UNSC could be pretty much anything, but it appears to me it could be the organization which later became the United Space Federation. Or perhaps it could be a branch of USF which - in this universe - didn't develop in the same way.
There's a problem though. SAFE. I think this is very good idea by itself (it is likely security firms will have a major role in the future) but those characters had several interactions with the "dominant universe" characters. I don't think SAFE needs to be downtuned at all but we sure would have to find a way to connect those universes. Sure SAFE hasn't popped out of nowhere but I'm not sure where to place it either. SAFE cannot be from another universe... but it has to be to recruit Sebariel... or Halex. Which are connected to Malcom.

I don't think there's the need to adapt anything besides that... but we have to make sure the various universes start to blend more coherently.

QuoteI seem to have a looser grasp on the bio-mechanical nature of the GF's than I thought.
Yes, I guess we can no more avoid to discuss this. Personally I managed Amet as a heavily augmented human rather than a complete borg. This appeared to be the case to me considering they need to eat. Apparently, Rico needs to eat a lot and this suggests me their biology is not completely altered. No idea on how much machinery they have but I think they should have at least a human brain, perhaps with augmentation.
My understanding of Amet is that he has some kind of augmentations similar to... perhaps Deus Ex 2? Borgs do eat in DE2, yet their features are much less prominent.

QuoteI was thinking for Erajiv to really get to deadly work, attacking the area 3 facility
Excellent! I think he's now really pissed off and this fits him perfectly! But I think HQ will have to become serious at civilian evac if this happens. Which could be actually a good thing!

I have a plan to justify why John Targa & Co disappeared, which fits with Ep1 "megacorp" vibe. The problem was really Terry and Akrn (at least Akrn came out in the end at Ep2).

QuoteOriginally, I was going to allow Landers to make full apperances in the RP (as powerups like in the TGL game), but since UserK want them to appear
Me? Not really. I think we should first find what matters in what we have already. Adding stuff is exactly what happened so far. Whatever it worked can be discussed, sure we can only keep adding new flavours up to a certain point.
QuoteOriginally, as bio-mechanical as Miria, but since UserK is against the notion of TGL-replicas
I must have wrote something wrong. I'm not against hybrids and I'm not against Miria replicas either. But consider the first guardian is Legend. We cannot have 5 legends going around, each one being more powerful than the original. Nothing really prevents us from doing so. But I think it's not paying proper homage to the Legend.
QuoteHence why i written at the end of the post that "The duration of Amet's trip back to the camp is open for interpretation." It would've taken Amet 5 hours for all we know to get back to Rey's camp, I left it especially for you to decide on that
Perfect, just make all those overheating issues disappear. Keep in mind that Rey isn't really going to have any issues with him since they are already at talking distance. If there was chance for trouble, it sure was going to happen before they could talk. Keep in mind that Rey is shellshocked. Odds are he might not even notice it. His world is pretty... limited, in perception.
QuoteIt's still in the plot plan, but that's Episode 4 material.
And it can still be! But I think we cannot no longer avoid playing the "universes have collided" card.

I'm also sorry you give up your role. I'm not used to cooperative writing but I always believed everyone had the same importance although who invented a character somehow seems to keep a stronger grasp on him. I think we can just write about this. Cooperative efforts have to be planned.
Since you mention about Ep 4, I guess it could be a good chance for all of us to write a few lines on what they plan to do in ep2, ep3, ep4. I guess we have to head in a common direction.

My targets are
ep2: Rey and Amet establish contact to base.
ep3: they get back to base
ep4: Amet will be back to your control. Rey will likely lurk around the military facilities.

In the meanwhile, here's my timeline (, it's a bit different.
(sorry but I couldn't make it less than 150KiB)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 20, 2013, 09:57:55 PM
So we're on the same page, the Halo universe is altered for the RP to exclude the Covenant war. That's possible, as Spartans were produced before it. Only Malcolm's origin of arriving at Naju would be changed. I suppose he could have made a miscalculation of warp jumping his ship and ended up in the wrong place. But his gravity hammer will stay, just for the variety ::).
I suggest that the UNSC is the Earthern part of the USF, the branch dedicated to Earth's operations and political interests, y'know for the realistic part. It's probably the Gaurdians who know the least about the UNSC, and the files were pulled up to find who he was and who he belonged to.
That being said, this could also be in the years before the Covenant formed. I think I'll dedicate a post to re-explain Malcolm's circumstance of arriving at Naju.

I think it's wise to do some thinking on the general direction. I imagined that the shuttle crew would arrive at naju central and then the team end up being sent to the military outpost in area 3, which comes under attack by Erajiv and the invaders. I thought that the conclusion of Akern Vs. Callisto could be that Erajiv calls for Callisto, who finally obeys. Or Killian arrives and helps Akern fight him off. I did mention the Fringe in post 57, and I can forsee bringing that back later too. I'll be editing post 57 soon when I get the time.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 21, 2013, 01:04:14 AM

After all that discussion, it appears that we all prefer some sort of set plot guidelines for the next few posts/episodes and make posts in accordance to that plan than using impulse and creativity-on-the-spot method (which is what EinhanderZwei originally preferred and the system we used up until now)

Ok, at least we got THAT cleared up now, good, that means we can finally lay out all the plot plans, devices and "to come" things now so we know where we'll be heading to :bluelander:

<< All the plot plans as I have imagined the RP to use will be included/added later >>

Corridors - Corridors 11~20 will be accessible on the Areas on Naju-Surface, which leads to the Below-surface worlds, Corridors 01~10 will be located inside the Below-Surface Worlds which will contain a deep-underground computer room/lab that have control over the area and how it's run (again, reference to Seed/Nurvus of Phantasy Star IV), the team will have to decide on whether to destroy, disable, or alter its systems to halt the population explosion of the native monsters

Landers - Landers will serve the same function as they did in the actual TGL - power and chip upgrades. Although none of them have been met yet in the RP. Shrines to Landers will also be found throughout Naju Surface as the Landers also helped the original TGL in taming Naju so the future colonists made shrines for them.

Quote from: UserK
No idea on how much machinery they have but I think they should have at least a human brain, perhaps with augmentation.

Amet could be a Cyborg as he is constructed differently to the other GFs in that he is a beta (so to speak) bio-Cyborg for testing the Stealth features. As for the rest, it really depends on how you (plural) visioned the original TGL-Miria to be, which for me would be 100% Robotic.

You can think of the eating real food in posts 32, 35 and 56 as being needed to recharge their battery and/or have some sort of processable fuel so their internal systems can continue to function. (So in a way, when they're hungry it's more a warning that their battery's running low)

Quote from: UserK
The problem was really Terry and Akrn

Tetharil will leave with the Crew of the ThunderSpectrum as well (originally planned with EinhanderZwei before he left the RP), and probably not return until Episode 4 or later. This gives more "space" for Callisto to reveal in greater detail about his Desertion/treachery and will allow it boil down to Akrn confronting Terry when he return (oshi)

Quote from: UserK
ep2: Rey and Amet establish contact to base.
ep3: they get back to base
ep4: Amet will be back to your control. Rey will likely lurk around the military facilities.

Mine is more like this:

Ep2: Group heads to Area 9 again (done), Antagonists make intro (done), Amet and Rey reestablish contact and gets transported back to Naju Central, and everything will be asked of about Rey here

Ep3, this will take place in Day 4: The team hears about the problems with Area 3 / Lander shrines and dispatched there, meets Terramute(?) that Erajiv released from Corridor 13, first official upgrade for the GFs with with the Landers (Letty obtains her Option?)

Backside: Amet/Akrn returns to the Back side (this time with constant communication/escort) to find more about their geography, they come across a ruined laboratory (Area 6?) which would be the Fringe Division Lab, plans are drawn to find out farther about it and maybe bring it back online.

Front side: The group, pressed on by Naju Central, actually heads into the Below-Surface Worlds of Area 3, may actually also see the seal for Corridor 03, but cannot open it.

Now, timeline problems:

Post 45: Killian said  he will be heading to the Communication Centre to try get aid on locating Amet (this is also where the Expunged Post 43 would come in) and will not return until Post 52.2

Post 56.1: the "40 minutes" is in reference to the duration of the time Amet took in gathering up the "food", the time taken on the way back is another thing altogether
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on May 21, 2013, 12:29:43 PM
Quote from: Spudacus on May 20, 2013, 09:57:55 PM
So we're on the same page, the Halo universe is altered for the RP to exclude the Covenant war. That's possible
There are already some references to happenings triggered by the war. No need to be so radical.
Point is there are really different time streams here.
In the Halo time stream, everything happened as you described. There's an entity called UNSC which works exactly as you described.
In the Naju Nexus timeline, there's another entity, which happens to be called UNSC as well but does... similar things? Different things? Your choice really.
Characters coming from Halo timeline will use term "UNSC" to mean a thing they know.
Characters from the Naju Nexus timeline will use the term "UNSC" to mean another thing. When questioned about the covenant war they would not know anything about that as it never happened in this timeline.
This does not imply it never happened in the Halo universe. It didn't happen in the Naju universe. Unless we find a way to make this happen coherently with other events. So when characters talk to each other about the past... and the past does not match, they'll have to conclude there have been some sort of trans-dimensional mish-mash.
Maybe you're referring to the problem of making SAFE coherent as well? Yes, I can see this will require bold adjustments. I have myself no idea on how to fix that. In that perspective, I guess your ideas are likely the best option.

I fully support your idea of UNSC being the earth-centric part of USF.
Yes, your idea of making the Covenants war happen in the future appears viable as well. Do as you see better fit.

QuoteTetharil will leave with the Crew of the ThunderSpectrum as well (originally planned with EinhanderZwei before he left the RP), and probably not return until Episode 4 or later. This gives more "space" for Callisto to reveal in greater detail about his Desertion/treachery and will allow it boil down to Akrn confronting Terry when he return (oshi)
Are they still here? I missed that entirely!
QuotePost 56.1: the "40 minutes" is in reference to the duration of the time Amet took in gathering up the "food", the time taken on the way back is another thing altogether
I admit I have no clear understanding about when to start counting those 40 minutes.
QuoteAs for the rest, it really depends on how you (plural) visioned the original TGL-Miria to be, which for me would be 100% Robotic.
It is a hybrid in my opinion. In "Miria Mystery Nature" it seems most people agreed she was far more than a cyborg. Of course rookie guardians could still be 100% more robotic. It makes little sense to make them able to digest something other than water or pure sugar (or garbage like Mr. Fusion) but we can go over that.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 21, 2013, 01:22:42 PM
Quote from: UserkAre they still here? I missed that entirely!

Strictly speaking, they left after the events of Post 35, but the GFs don't know about it - So the news will be broken about Tetharil being no longer at the base when the GFs (Letty and Maiorico) return to the Naju Central Base - and assuming a trouble-free journey back from Area 9/0W to Area 0, would be around post 63 or 64.

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on May 21, 2013, 04:37:28 PM
I personally think the Gaurdians should be cyborgic. They are too human to be fully machines :redlander:. I also think we could let the Landers have speaking parts, seeing as they were fairly intelligent ::) in the game.
I'll admit I don't fully understand what UserK wants me to do with SAFE, but I'll try to establish it here.

SAFE is a private corporation, earthern based and operated. I was pretty much trying to make it my contribution to Naju's personal universe. It was an early contracted group for Naju's security to complement the local security force. Thusly it works with NSF (Naju security force) with general harmony. SAFE units have more free volition concerning deployment and missions, but follow orders of importance or ones that come from high up. Let it be noted that the actual SAFE staff is fairly small, so that NSF still bears most of the responsibility. Sebariel and Halex have been here long enough to know all the basics of Naju and such, but don't know everything.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on May 21, 2013, 05:18:08 PM
While I'm thinking about, what do we need to know about Horaculous? I want to be able to include him when we can and need to.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 21, 2013, 11:35:57 PM
Quote from: Souperion on May 21, 2013, 05:18:08 PM
While I'm thinking about, what do we need to know about Horaculous?

Horaculous is just your typical qualified Pilot who can fly just about every plane imaginable, from a Cessna, a Boeing, a F-22 Raptor to Sky Grasper (Gundam) and Vic Viper (Gradius) - he is also the only pilot left that can fly space-worthy fighter/supply planes, namely the aformentioned Sky Grasper.

Well, ok, he may not be qualified to pilot robots (eg Macross), and takes time to adapt to helicopters.

Unlike most other characters in the RP, he has been born and raised on Naju's Colony so he is not a contracted employee of Naju Military.

He generally appears only when a transport pilot is needed (like when Sigurbelle needed to get on USF Compile in Post 19, and when the shuttle was needed to bring the survivors of Luir in Post 59), he is very confident of his piloting skills even if it involves some bizarre stunts (required when flying through a debris field or through airborne enemies)

I was going to write up about his history and why he is the only pilot left that is qualified to fly space-worthy planes, but after seeing the debate surrounding USF/UNSC and SAFE i decided not (or rather, unable) to include it.

Quote from: Souperion on May 21, 2013, 04:37:28 PM
I personally think the Gaurdians should be cyborgic. They are too human to be fully machines :redlander:. I also think we could let the Landers have speaking parts, seeing as they were fairly intelligent  in the game.

Cyborgs, ok then :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 22, 2013, 12:00:07 AM
While I am also at it, Sigurbelle is a prodigy engineer who was involved in the making of Akrn Salthic (hence she is a TriOptimum* employee, see Post 32), after the delivery of Akrn to Naju's Guardians department they found out that he was more than what Naju's current technologies are capable of in terms of repairs and maintenance, so Sigurbelle  was summoned to become Akrn's personal engineer (post 04 (,1885.msg6151.html#msg6151)).

Although she is capable in repairing the Rookie GFs, too. (Post 15 (,1885.msg6205.html#msg6205))

In essence, she is only a civilian, but because of her relation with Akrn she has unusually free access to just about every military installations that Akrn has access to, too.

* - I might change the company name for sake of originality
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 22, 2013, 08:22:49 PM
Edit of Post 57 complete. I chose to go with the Covenant Wars never happening, to keep Malcolm's back story (Which I will re-explain) from getting too complicated. I also referenced Portal 2's multiverse/dimesnional testing, for side story involving the Fringe possibly.

Story wise, I intend Malcolm to have warp jumped from an Aperture testing site, which became under attack from UNSC rebels, to secure Chyrl, who I'm simplifing to be more involved (IE, make her dialogue easier on the story.)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 23, 2013, 10:41:53 AM
Alright, so I am having a bit of trouble concluding post 61.

The general idea is that Killian will arrive at the Area where he and Samuel will head down and aid Akrn. Meanwhile Callisto attempting to extort info about Terry from Akrn (who will reveal nothing, obviously)

The three will then attempt to get away from Callisto (since fighting him will be outright suicide), Killian will probably use a smoke screen as well as signal jammer to distort Callisto while they get away

This is where the problem lie: using this plan, there's no way to have Callisto just leave them behind. In theory Erajiv could summon Callisto, but given his personality and that he is facing three Guardians right there he is totally going to ignore Erajiv and go for the coup.

Though if anyone has any ideas themselves and wants to take over feel free to  :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on May 23, 2013, 10:21:10 PM
Ok, I will read the new posts ASAP.
I figured out I had to scrap what I've currently written to better focus on what we have already. As Rey+Amet timeline is a few hours ahead already, I believe this is not a problem.

What is the problem with SAFE? There's no problem really with how it interacts with other entities from the same timeline. As I said, its role is very well defined and has always been from start. There is also no problem with neither Sebariel nor Halex. However, in P43 we read:
QuoteSebariel knew this breed of super soldier, and looking at the Spartan, realized that he knew this Spartan as well. He remembered 3 years ago, SAFE, his employer, was involved in locating a rebel base for the UNSC (Spartans? leader). They found it in a residential area, and reported the findings, and a plan to evacuate civilians before the UNSC moved in. The UNSC wasn?t willing to wait, given the covenant threat, and set about on a torch and burn operation. Sebariel worked hard to save people as the UNSC?s air force leveled almost the whole district. He remembered seeing a Spartan squad emerging from underground warehouses, after clearing them of illegal weapon caches
From this , we can understand SAFE operatives had previous contact with UNSC. There's no problem by itself as those could have been the operatives from "this universe UNSC". However, Sebariel knows Malcom and Malcom comes from a different universe... in the previous version.
Now the Covenant wars are no more, Malcom existance is compatible with this universe so there's no more a problem.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on May 24, 2013, 06:23:56 PM
OK! :redlander:
-For the record, I figured how they knew each other's names; Malcolm was called for by the spartans, and another SAFE agent addressed Sebariel by name within earshot.
-Also, for the concern of how the heck the Guardians are going to get away from Callisto, here's what I got: Since they can't beat the psychopath, maybe with the smokescreen and radar jamming, Callisto blindly charges through the smoke and crashes into something (hey, it happens :P) or they lose him in a cavern/tunnel network. Something simple but realistic to shake him.
-P.S.; I've edited P43 to remove the Covenant reference.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 27, 2013, 02:19:19 PM
Alright, so I finally managed to finish Post 61 and updated the post accordingly.

Now the RP can continue, sorry aboutthe wait, guys :bluelander:

29 May 2013 Just thought of adding this:

By the time Akrn and co arrive at the outpost, Malcolm, Sebariel and co are still 40 minutes from arriving at Naju Central, assuming a trouble-free journey. But the group can still make contact each other, should the Outpost in Area 5 be run by [or can contact] SAFE members

Also assuming no "timezones" between Front and Backside, this would be the time where Amet loses his patience with Rey (Post 53). So depending on how long UserK decided on Amet's trip back to the base, their side of the story is still that much time ahead of everyone else.

Although since the humans has been going on since 5AM (and that's only counting the time of the first post), i am sure Sebariel, Halex and maybe Malcolm are pretty tired at this stage, lol
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on May 29, 2013, 12:49:07 PM

Hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's Callisto and Maiorico! :bluelander: (sans the bulky flight modules, anyway)

Well, the very first, very rough draft sketch, anyway XD; so expect design to change (even total overhaul) as time passes by.

That do you guys think so far? :bluelander:

(also, edited my previous post incase people missed it)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on May 29, 2013, 04:56:32 PM
So far so good. It's nice to see artwork in progress. :bluelander:. A bit of an elvish look for Maiorico!
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 01, 2013, 12:21:52 PM
saw this:

i wonder how much of the fail it would be for Malcolm with this XD

also, i have nothing to add to the RP D:  so Post 63 will go to someone else :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on June 01, 2013, 08:07:07 PM
That there's the ultimate irony of Halo XD. I gotta squeeze that in.
Also, that meme's got improper English ( no offense to anyone, I'm not normally picky) should be an extremely ect.
Edit June 01
I've changed Chyrl's personality and function to be more compatible for the story. Think of her as a Cortana with a bit of GlaDos's cynicism.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on June 02, 2013, 07:28:00 PM
Just for story direction, should we have the Guardian group in area 5 call for help? If so, I was thinking that we could use Horaculous to get Sigurbelle to them, and probably with an escort for safety reasons (maybe Malcolm, maybe just NSF troops.) I was figuring that there would be a break before the next deployment for medical attention, re-arming, and rest (poor Rico is probably going to stay out for a while :'()
Since it will come up eventually, I was kinda thinking that the outpost in area 3 would be attacked when the group, whoever ends up going there, has already arrived.
Also, I think that it would be cool if we had the area 5 Guardian stumble upon some Najuan ruin/landers. I don't know how to have that contribute to the story but hey, it's a start for bringing the TGL feel home  :redlander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 03, 2013, 02:36:51 AM
Quote from: Souperion on June 02, 2013, 07:28:00 PM
Should we have the Guardian group in area 5 call for help? If so, I was thinking that we could use Horaculous to get Sigurbelle to them

Oh, that is the idea that I wanted to imply at the end of Post 61.

Quote from: Souperion on June 02, 2013, 07:28:00 PM
and probably with an escort for safety reasons (maybe Malcolm, maybe just NSF troops.) I was figuring that there would be a break before the next deployment for medical attention, re-arming, and rest

I was thinking/hoping  that the group would be sent to Area 5 first to aid the Guardians before they're eventually sent to Area 3 (which I originally planned to occuer at Day 4, instead of Day 3), but given that Sebariel just got the order to move to area 3 before they even realised what happened at Area 5... i guess you both can decide who will head to Area 3 and 5 amongst yourselves?

Quote from: Souperion on June 02, 2013, 07:28:00 PM
Also, I think that it would be cool if we had the area 5 Guardian stumble upon some Najuan ruin/landers. I don't know how to have that contribute to the story but hey, it's a start for bringing the TGL feel home  :redlander:

open discussion:

> IF living Landers are to have a speaking role in the RP, how intelligent will they be? Fully speaking and fluent, or speaks in some Najuan Gibberish that are still intelligible to the characters who have been here for a while (Sebariel and the Guardians) but ignorant to newcomers (Malcolm)

> Will the Guardians know about their existance? If there are going to be shrines, I thought that it made some sense that living Landers are extinct on the Frontside/populated areas , and the colonists made the shrines in memory of them. But there maybe still plentiful of them in the less populated areas like the entire Backside (allows Amet and Rey to bump into some of them in their journey to Sky Stabber) or the still not-so-populated Area 3 (maybe Erajiv found out about them there and went there in a bid to eliminate them).

Another idea would  be that, during the festivities at the Lander Shrines, the Landers make a special entrance (for what, i don't know yet, ideas welcome).  Which would make sense for Erajiv wanting to ruin them because maybe the Landers are aiding the Colonists the same way they aided the original TGL in taming Naju?  :bluelander:

Do excuse me for this dose of overcreativity >_>

What I have in mind for my next post (btw, we have a duplicate "61" and a 62 when it should be 62 and 63, respectively) are the following:

> Callisto continues to chase the signal, but is put off briefly by the route that lead to Corridor 17. He still has no idea he has been duped yet.

> Killian will probably head to the nearest city and contact either Sigurbelle or Colonel Shores to request assisstance for Akrn and Samuel (this is where the problem starts, the other group are already been told to head  to Area 3, and that is at least and hour prior. So it will depend on how Shores will decide after this, if Killian went for the Military route, whether to recall Sebariel from Area 3 to aid Akrn, or tell Killian to piss off  since they have an even more important mission at hand). This is also the part where Killian gets first glimpse of  the Lander's Shrines (maybe there's a festival upcoming? XD) and maybe he will even meet a Lander himself and receive his first official upgrade  :bluelander: lucky him
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on June 03, 2013, 08:10:44 PM
On the landers:
-I was thinking that the blue landers are primarily intelligent, benevolent and perpetually happy (them big smiley faces :bluelander:), but maybe the Red landers would be harder to understand, since they're a different variant, speaking gibberish and weird sentences. Get a little goofy and creative :).

-The the Landers could be extinct from the front side, so the guardians/populace don't know much about them and are shocked to see live ones.

-I was thinking the festival could be a celebration of Naju being saved by Miria (they call her the guardian of Legend ect). If Erajiv does find them, he could try to find out through them how she sealed the corridors/what happened/how to open them all faster/anything appropriately evil.

-lastly on the deployment of the group, maybe a SAFE frigate or other support comes in to handle (for now) area 3, whilst the others head off to area 5.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on June 03, 2013, 08:26:44 PM
I'm open to having area 3 put off. We could have Shores dictate that what ever is going on in area 5 requires more immediate attention. Lets keep the groups together a little more, so personalities can keep bouncing off each other.

The festival/ celebration/ shindig sounds like a pretty good idea. I agree that the Landers ought to be kinda smart yet goofy, prehaps a little naive. Increasing their rarity is a good idea as well. I like the idea of red Landers being harder to understand/ more cryptic. Prehaps they are revered by their blue bretheren (hey, finding those always made my day :redlander:. It also seems tactical to me to have the Lander's be secondary targets of Erajiv and/or Callisto, although more of either bad guy getting them if they get the chance but focusing on more important goals. That would make the little buggers  :bluelander: a fairly important ensemble in our story. Perhaps Akrn gets an upgrade from one/ gets healed. A little power boost could help him be more set apart from the other GFs.

Ps: Post number prob solved!
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 04, 2013, 03:02:57 AM
this is intended for UserK but you both might also find this useful.

Basically, since it's been a while UserK's around, so I expect him to have a lot of new  questions regarding the new posts.

I've made a new timeline image (hand-made this time) hopefully will help UserK in understanding the recent posts. So no new time-paradoxes anywhere hopefully :V

New Timeline by Post Number ( / New Timeline by Time (

Let me know if this is legible for you lot :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 04, 2013, 11:54:00 AM
Alright, since we're going for the Landers Festivals route, I've noticed that we're going to need a new character for that part of the plot (for the duration of the Festival, at least)

SO as usual, the appropriately named FireWithinMidnight agreed to use one of her characters for that purpose  :bluelander: (her character is actually a fancharacter of Tales of Symphonia ( universe, but it has been readjusted and readopted to fit into the TGL universe/RP)

QuoteName: Aaron Sibelius

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 6?1?/186 cm

Personality: Nice, well-mannered, down-to-earth and a bit daft to the point he might shirk from his duties despite how loyal he is to his own occupation due to a distraction or another, he can come across as apathetic to life as he treats everyone and everything with the same enthusiasm (which can appear to be fake or excessively childish for some) ?except for who holds his undying loyalty (the Landers).
His fundamental rule is: he treats others the way they treat him. The most apparent result of this rule is his approach to conversations: he won?t interrupt people but he cannot stand being interrupted. If interrupted, he?ll wait some time before resuming his discussion as if the interruption never took place to begin with.
He has the annoying tendency to appear and disappear seemingly at will, taking people by surprise. He also develops a visible twitch whenever someone talks about fate and similar or blames his/her situation on destiny and similar.

Physical Appearance: [ original dA link (]

This character will only be used for about 5 posts (probably sporadic reappearances whenever Landers show up), so you won't have to worry about having too many characters

oh yeah, do let me know how the current layout of Post 65 is looking like - just wanted to bring all 4 different plotlines into sync each other so they can all progress in simultaneous harmony instead of having one part that's hours ahead  of the rest.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on June 04, 2013, 04:16:53 PM
I think it is good that we introduce some non-permanent characters. I like the Idea of getting the story lines back within a 30 minute radius of each other  :). I like the layout.

Should we say Killian pulled off the distress cal around 17:30? That would give group 1 (Seb, Malcolm, Letty) time to get transport (Via Horaculous, methinks) with Sigurbelle and head that way. If you guys want, I'll take care of the reassignment post for group 1.
And since this could end up being a little important, how long should Rico be out of commision? a few hours? An episode? If applicable, should he come with the group and recieve medical attention from Sigurbelle (poor girl, she is really a medic right now  :) :-[) during the journey?
Since I never quite picked it up, which area are Rey and Amet in again?

Aaand another piece of food for thought: should Callisto find the peoples at the Festival or should we have a different, less personable problem pop up for the occasion?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 04, 2013, 10:43:59 PM
Quote from: Souperion on June 04, 2013, 04:16:53 PM
Should we say Killian pulled off the distress cal around 17:30?

Sure, it would be around 17:30~17:40 when he made the call. Part 2 of Post 65 will start at the end of Killian's call and him walking out of the phonebooth

Quote from: Souperion on June 04, 2013, 04:16:53 PM
That would give group 1 (Seb, Malcolm, Letty) time to get transport (Via Horaculous, methinks) with Sigurbelle and head that way. If you guys want, I'll take care of the reassignment post for group 1.

To avoid super-sonic travels, the group will need about 2, 3 hours to get to Area 5, so the festival would have just ended when they arrive (and Horaculous going all "wait, i missed the festival?! D: " XD)

And sure :bluelander:

Quote from: Souperion on June 04, 2013, 04:16:53 PM
And since this could end up being a little important, how long should Rico be out of commision? a few hours? An episode? If applicable, should he come with the group and recieve medical attention from Sigurbelle (poor girl, she is really a medic right now  :) :-[) during the journey?

I'll leave that up to you :redlander: He could be told to sit in the medical bay while the others head to Area 5 (which would see him out of action until well into Area 3 Mission), or true to his personality, he will insist in coming since he doesn't trust Sebariel and Malcolm going with Letty XD (which would then depend on who gets the Blue Lander when they get there)

Quote from: Souperion on June 04, 2013, 04:16:53 PM
Since I never quite picked it up, which area are Rey and Amet in again?

It would depend on whether we're using the "Odd Areas and 0 on Frontside and Even Areas on Backside" system of Naju Geography, in that case, Amet/Rey would be in what would be described as Area 4 :bluelander:.

Quote from: Souperion on June 04, 2013, 04:16:53 PM
Aaand another piece of food for thought: should Callisto find the peoples at the Festival or should we have a different, less personable problem pop up for the occasion?

I plan to have the festival proceed without any trouble, since we're going to use TGL stuff, i thought it would be a good time when i can use THIS

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on June 06, 2013, 11:34:00 AM
Alright, sounds good. Can't wait to see how this goes down! wait... phonebooth? XD
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 06, 2013, 11:35:35 AM
Quote from: Spudacus on June 06, 2013, 11:34:00 AM
wait... phonebooth? XD

LOL well Killian needed a way to contact Shores... so a phonebooth came up as the most obvious candidate for that  :bluelander:

if you have better suggestion let me know :P

oh yeah, might not be able to post the full Post 65 today, but i will try at least post up enough details about Killian's call to Colonel Shores (which is really only about 3 lines XD), so at least you both have something to link up with in the meantime  :bluelander:

If needed, here's the current approximate state of the Airport:
> The runways' back in operational order, although the departures and arrivals are still backlogged
> debris clearup are mostly complete by this stage, though the wreckage of USF Compile is still there under heavy guard
> Airport still suffering extensive damage, the reconstruction is still ongoing though there are not as much passenger congestion as to the flight congestion
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 13, 2013, 11:28:13 AM
I see we have a period of inactivity lately (again)...

So, everyone going through busy times, writers' block, waiting for UserK to show up, or just waiting for me to finish Post 65?

Of it's the 4th option it will be a while since my GF is doing her exams and won't be available until next week... and certain parts require her input.

But if there's anything else any of you are needing before the next post let me know and i'll fill you guys in.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on June 13, 2013, 04:47:01 PM
I've just had a busy few weeks, and have been re-re-revising plans ( ::)) to make 'em more interesting. I'ma working on it though!

Okay, post is up. I hope that Sigurbelle was acting in accordance with Ruby's thoughts on her character. Incase you don't know, the frigate Irem is in the same nature of the Compile in the respect that Irem was another part owner of TGL (sob).
If there are any other concerns, lemme know :redlander:.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on June 15, 2013, 09:23:55 PM
Okay, good to see things starting again. just as a side thought on Akrn, he seems to have more mechanical components than the other GFs, possibly a result of his different construction than the local not-so-rookie-anymore GFs. a question on area 5, are the crystal fields in subterranean caverns with mountain ranges above? That's what I've gathered from area descriptions ::).

Plot discussion for Sebariel/Malcolm etc side: I was considering they get attacked by ariel enemies, forcing them to use the boosters, but then the ship gets damaged and Siguerbelle and Malcolm (rescuing her) fall out into the below caverns, where they'll eventually find one of the original teleport panels to area 5 (around the end of the festival). But I can't figure out what the other's would do XD.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 15, 2013, 10:48:38 PM
Quote from: Spudacus on June 15, 2013, 09:23:55 PM
Okay, good to see things starting again.

Ha, sorry to keep you waiting, mate  :( :-[ you must have  been getting pretty bored/impatient at us after nearly 10 days of nothin to build on XD

On the plot discussion:

How about maybe Malcolm and Letty get together? If we're going to continue the TGL-theme from this point on (which might rule out Sigurbelle even if there might be a subplot possible revolving the wider Aperture and TriOptimum, since it would then diverge from the original TGL universe) it could be possible that te pair have a small personality development and/or stumbled on another Lander while there on the ground.

Unless Souperion have other ideas or prefer the team get to Area 5/Mutena City in one team  :bluelander:

On Area 5 descriptics.

I got the idea of the mountain range from these corridor visuals


flatlands, volcanoes, pillars, and craters XD , ok , not as much as slopes and cliffs, so imagine the area being a lot more rugged and steep than the flatlands here

So the crystal mines/areas below the mountain range  might full well be there, just not visible on the surface  :bluelander:

Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on June 16, 2013, 06:35:36 AM
Hello! So... I took a couple of hours to read those new posts. I needed again to read them twice.
I have come to realize I don't know what we are drawing there and I don't see anymore how my style fits the frame. I've had a lot of difficulties writing something new to be ready for when the timelines are synced but I have no result. I initially believed this was due to the intricacies of the events which have been set up. A couple hours ago however, I came to the conclusion I don't want to contribute more for the time being. I'm afraid this condition will turn out to be permanent.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 16, 2013, 08:19:58 AM
Hmm, that's bad news indeed - the last we'd want is another person to drop out of the RP after all that effort.

Maybe you're just suffering a bout of writer's block? It happens when you think you have a plan but it doesn't want to come out correctly on paper. Had it plenty of times myself over te RP too.

QuoteI don't see anymore how my style fits the frame
I thought it's natural that everyone have different styles of their own? so that's the problem there? Sure there was a bit of problem linking the plotlines togather because of the  huge distance between yours and ours, but aren't we already working on it to bring it back all together eventually?

It's fine if you want to sit out for couple more posts, but please let us know where and how you would like to join back into the plotline, at least set us a target/checkpoint to reach, if it helps.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on June 16, 2013, 06:43:51 PM
Quote from: UserK on June 16, 2013, 06:35:36 AM
...I came to the conclusion I don't want to contribute more for the time being. I'm afraid this condition will turn out to be permanent.
Oh man, I'm sorry. I was a bit afraid of how spontaneous plot development is in an RP. I can understand though. However, if you want/need a way to feel more involved, may I suggest that you concoct an additional character to add to the mix? Maybe a bit of a bridge that could help Rey when he returns to civilization. I'm not saying that Rey needs to join the main group; we just need to give him a role, I guess, once he and Amet reach civilization. Perhaps they reach area 3 (They are in the adjascent area 4, right?), and possibly its security outpost? If either of the groups found 'em, we could probably skip the telling of Amet and Rey's story (for time's sake) by using a prerequisite.

I guess if we can just get the Characters on your side involved, I'm sure it will be more excited. Maybe the two see a passing jet over head, and take the gamble to follow it (unknowingly to area 3.) We'd hate to lose your input :-\.

Now, for the other side of the story, I didn't really have any idea what would happen en route to area 5, so whatever you guys think would be interesting, I'm cool with. If they lost Malcolm, rather than Sigurbelle, that would probably mean that they would have to keep going to get aid to Akrn and such (having him paired with Letty would give them more confidence in abandoning him, too ::)).
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on June 16, 2013, 07:03:50 PM
Right, I'm going with Malcolm falls out and Letty is sent to see if he's alive, letting the rest stay on course to area 5, about an hour left to go.

I hope you (UserK) don't feel too hopeless yet, and I hope nothing I'm responsible for is affecting your writers block. Should we go over the events we're aiming at happening? My conclusions so far is (in no particular order);

A: Amet and Rey establish some contact with either a group or NSF (Maybe Earl and Leona? They've been inactive and could come back.)

B: Killian's group attends the festival with Aaron with no problems (probably).

C: Sebariels group reaches area 5 and contacts Killian and CO. (Including Malcolm and Letty eventually.)
These are just basic guesses with side events not involved, and are up for contemplation.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 20, 2013, 12:48:43 PM
Re: Post 65

Right, so this is taking a lot longer than expected, so apologies for not being able to finish that one yet.

Now that i think of it, would you guys prefer a more sliced down "summary" instead of the full text?  (important parts like Aaron talking through the Festival to Killian will still be written out in full)

Also, I don't have anything in mind atm for post 67, unless Spudacus is waiting for my input on something? Though a small plot could revolve with Sigurbelle asking Sebariel for details about Malcolm  :bluelander:

Or anyone having any other issues with the RP that people feel they need to address? (Other than working out how to get UserK back into the story)

22 June 2013

Still writer's blocked x_x, sincerly i hate this considering we're at an unstable position as it stands...
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on June 23, 2013, 09:30:32 PM
I've just had a busy week and been unable to prepare any material, but I'm starting work on the next post (Part of the flight to area 5.) And I'll be sure to avoid any complications I can and keep the action up. Should be up shortly(ish) :redlander:.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on June 23, 2013, 09:58:28 PM
Post 67 up. Sorry for being long winded, shouldn't happen again, just alot of material i wanted down in one post. I apologize in advance for any complicated wording, especially the portal scene.
Also, don't feel that my rendition of the Red lander has to be yours, this one (smiley as i've taken up callig him :redlander:) could be unique in his gibberish.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 24, 2013, 12:44:57 AM
Nah, that's nothing compared to some of the stuff i've written up previously XD. I like it :bluelander:

Now that I think of it, we also haven't used the teleporting system yet - maybe Malcolm and Letty manages to use one of them (the one the Red Lander Smiley brings them to) and arrives at Mutena City/Lander Festival ahead of schedule? (as in, before Horaculous and co actually arrives)

Ofcourse, this'll still be a couple posts ahead (around Post 72, depending on the events of inbetweens) so there's time to juice up the plot ideas. :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on June 24, 2013, 03:48:54 PM
That was actually more/ less what I've had in mind. I intend them to find a teleporter and Smiley give them a key to use it.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on June 24, 2013, 10:22:12 PM
ooooooooo oops my bad
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on July 06, 2013, 07:09:16 AM
Hello, my work is turning out way more demanding than I expected so as I previously written, don't expect to see more from me.
As I noted weeks ago, the goal of ep2 was to make Rey+Amet position know using radio contact with them eventually being back to base. By how ep2 has evolved so far, this appears unlikely to happen. I think everybody has an idea of what they were going to do in the near future, but I lack a vision to make it happen as even after they join the group, all the issues will still be not solved. Feel free to advance their events if you need to.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on July 14, 2013, 12:01:11 AM
At this rate, what shall we do with the RP? Try continue as usual? or let's start a totally new one but with the same (albeit reduced, if needed be) crew?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: UserK on July 14, 2013, 02:24:21 AM
I don't know, I'm out it for now. Perhaps in autumn we could be talking about it again but for the time being I'm done with it.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on July 15, 2013, 07:41:23 PM
I think we could make a new one with a reduced crew. What I thought could be neat is if we make a side story using different characters in the same setting. That could help us not have to remake the entire story line, and touch on more original TGL material sooner.
We could also alter the plot to remove any unnecessary complications as we need to. Just my thoughts.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on July 15, 2013, 08:07:18 PM
Yeah, a little side story of sorts to keep brain food coming, since the main RP is too large for just a few people. Perhaps some peoples find a corridor and head into the sub-level of Naju? We could all contribute a character or two that combined would compose this little troop. Just an idea :redlander:

It could help too if we set some kind of climax or goal for the little story, so that every one can take turns filling events.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on July 17, 2013, 07:40:32 AM
So basically, how we did the start of Episode 2? Could work with that.

As for the main plotlines, since we already know how the remainder of the plot is going to be (save for the Amet/Rey branch); I think we could just skip ahead, finish episode 2 in summary form and head to episode 3 instead?

How episode 2 (at least the festival part) will finish as I had in my head:

> The Lander Festival will take place as normal, Killian and Letty & Malcolm reunite, they "buy" upgrades from the Landers (Killian a new sabre, and Letty a more powerful crossbow/whip). and saves their progress is needed to

> Horaculous and co also make it to Area 5 - Mutena City, the whole team head to the Outpost and Sigurbelle uses one of the Blue Lander to heal Akrn, much to Samuel's jealousy

> Due to limited occupancy of  Horaculous's aircraft, Sigurbelle, Letty*, and Samuel remain behind in Mutena City so Malcolm, Sebariel, Halex, Killian and Akrn can return to Naju Central. Episode 3 may start with Horaculous departing to bring the trio back. (this is to allow for the reduced crew needed for Episode 3)
* - if Souperion prefers/likes Letty, she can replace Killian as the one that heads back with Akrn, while Killian stay behind

> Callisto will eventually find out that he had been duped by the faux signal, and will head to Area 3 with Erajiv after being ordered to, as usual.

> Episode 3 will then start at the morning of Day 4, when everyone's rested and ready to head off to Area 3 (at least all characters will be together and there won't be too many of plot branches to worry about)
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on July 19, 2013, 08:32:59 PM
Allright, let's give that plan a shot. We could always later add to episode 2 to fill in the holes if we want later.

As far as ep3's goals, Rey and Amet must be somehow connected. I was thinking that Erajiv launches an attack at a military outpost in area 3 which is built on top of a corridor (unbeknownst to the NSF) and that's where the party is sent. Rey and Amet could notice the monster swarm passing through area 4 to 3 and be drawn to the battle, thus getting involved once an for all. Any other thoughts?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on July 19, 2013, 08:38:45 PM
Sounds good to me. Lets finish this episode. I'm fine with the travel reservations for the way back :redlander:
I like the plan for area 3. Maybe the group works their way underground after the attack (omigosh corridor time!). Of course, we can worry more about that as the current plans unfold.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on July 19, 2013, 10:16:03 PM
you both live together or  something, you always post together, lol.

So yeah, where shall we start? Back at the base?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on July 20, 2013, 06:57:26 PM
Truth be told yeah, we room together XD

Let's start back at base (those who are, anyway :bluelander:)
I kinda want Smiley to stay with Letty. Y'all can improvise with his gibberish talk XD.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on July 20, 2013, 10:05:28 PM
I add my consent to the plans. I thinks that good bi-lingual guardian Maiorico should be operational by then. I was thinking that about the time everyone is rested up and good to go area three outpost (name idea- Vandhald) would be under attack by Erajiv's preemptive assault on the place. I would like to involve the Terramute dragon as his trump card and a great foe for the combined group. For a little more interesting work, I theorize that after the first wave of attack is repelled, some people (Lead by Halex, since he is sort of a reconnaissance/ observations expert) take a look around, and discover the dragons lair ( ::)) just before Erajiv awakens it. As always, just my ideas for the future.
I guess now we need someone to step up to the plate to start episode 3. At least, the prologue to cover what we arn't writing :redlander:. Once we get that, it'll be a little smoother sailing methinks.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on July 21, 2013, 01:55:38 PM
So we'll continue posting on the same thread, just confirming.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on July 21, 2013, 10:12:31 PM
Sure, I think the other thread isn't long enough to warrant a break yet, so we'll keep using the same one.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on July 24, 2013, 01:27:08 PM
So is Maiorico stilll in the repair bay or has he snucked into the shuttle with the group?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on July 24, 2013, 02:06:29 PM
I didn't really think about that, I kinda rushed post 68 late at night :P. But I think that could be very funny and the most likely thing Maiorico would do. I'm gunna do a few edits to clean up 68, just to make it all transition well.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on July 25, 2013, 07:53:39 AM
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on August 17, 2013, 01:17:39 PM
Hey guys, just popping by to say that i'm still here, although i am still thinking how to construct the plot ideas for Post 76 >3>

I know the idea that the outpost will get swamped again and Rico will be all "come at me bro"; my worry is figuring out how would Banier fit in/what his roles could be.

on the topic of Gaidic Generations, i guess following that up, it makes Tetharil/Callisto Gen 2, Akrn Gen 4, and the Rookies Gen 5 Guardians?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on August 18, 2013, 09:05:20 PM
As per the Gaidic run down, that sounds about right (I forgot to mention that Banier was also obscured because he aged at a human rate.)
To be perfectly honest, I sorta marked Banier for death, what I had in mind was him being killed by Erajiv when he personally attacks the fort. Of course, if anyone wants him to live, he could easily be an informant type, given his long time working on Naju.

I think that Vandhald's siege should restart pretty soon in the RP (a chance for new powers to be applied), peaking with the Terramute Dragon emerging  :o. I also see Erajiv personally showing up for some combat, but I just haven't figured out a good reason he would personally join the siege. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on August 19, 2013, 04:08:59 PM
The way I see it, Erajiv is gunning for the corridor's entrance so he could break in to find it whilst the siege tries to tear the place down. Banier could be near where the corridor is, and gets int Erajiv's way, if we want to kill him off. On another note, when Erajiv mentions the First, he's talking about Miria. he also sensed some latent ability in Akrn which hasn't been revealed, which I kinda thought would be some connection to Miria/naju/corridors (more specifically, the knowledge of how to open the corridors), or something else RubyC42 comes up with. Just suggestions.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on August 22, 2013, 02:05:43 PM
I'm not thinking that far ahead yet XD, just enough plot ideas for Post 76 (although I think it maybe too short >> let me know if it is)

As for Banier's fate, if he is earmarked for death (<spoiler>As for me, three Guardians are already set to be killed in the course of the RP</spoilers>); I think we can leave it until the end of the Corridor 13/03 arc when the Guardians head in and try disable the Area's malfunctioning(?) computer (in TGL terms, breaking the seal), but that's still a bit ahead.

As for the siege itself, so far my plan was that the siege will proceed as normal (like the Area 9 arc in Episode 2), but the group find it increasing difficult to hold off, eventually they have to find other ways to stem the flow - this will be an ideas that link Halex-led trip to the Terramute Lair, where Erajiv will then release one of them on the group when they arrive, but thats just my own idea.
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on August 29, 2013, 06:48:38 PM
Just here to say I'm still here, even though work has kept me from preparing anything for a bit. I hope to post this weekend, something to reconnect Killian's side to the current time. We'll see if I suceed XD
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Souperion on August 29, 2013, 09:06:38 PM
In case anyone is interested, I'ma working on Amet and Rey's side, though I've one road block: I wanna involve them in Vandhald's plot, but I'm not quite sure how. I'll figure something out, but suggestions would help make it a team effort :redlander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on September 08, 2013, 03:54:45 PM
I'm afraid I won't be able to continue the RP. I'm really sorry, but events in my life have just become too time consuming to dedicate the time this deserved. I enjoyed my involvement through the thick and thin. I don't know if you'll continue at this point, but if you do, I hand over the fate of my characters as you see fit. long live Guardian Legend :bluelander:!
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: RubyC42 on September 21, 2013, 01:50:53 AM
aww, that's unfortunate to hear :(; well, we'll always be here if you ever return :bluelander:
Title: Re: Text based RP Character Sheet sign-up (& general thoughts, ideas, OOC chatting)
Post by: Spudacus on September 23, 2013, 03:57:33 PM
I might be able to contribute every once in a while, when I get a break from college. And I'll keep visiting the site when I can. Turns out my apartment has crappy internet XD.