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Messages - Spudacus

So we're several posts into Ep.2, I was just wondering if anyone has questions, comments, concerns ect about the whole thing.
Post 48

Area 9, Ruins of Luir
Time 7:55 ten minutes after Post 47 by Rubyc42

Fixated on the approaching dust cloud through his DMR?s scope, Malcolm suddenly makes out the form of a red robotic creature, running at break neck speed.-
-?I have visual! Engaging!? firing off a few rounds, he watches the head components crumble and the body stilled. But the sky is suddenly teeming with small, agile fighter crafts and a wide row of robots tear across the ground.
- ?Letty, Rico, target those air units! Malcolm, you and I take the ground!? As the robots closed in Sebariel raised his shotgun at the nearest, and fired. Though the machine exploded, a cluster of small jelly creatures remained in its wake. Firing another round, he takes cover behind a concrete wall as more approached. Above, Letty was performing evasive maneuvers as Rico fires two rifles at her pursuers.
-?Ha hahaha!  Eat plasma death, morire(Die)!?
-?Rico get them off me!!? Letty activates her bullet shield, producing a matrix of swirling energy bolts, absorbing the fighter?s bullets. Happy to comply, Rico deftly destroys several with rapid firing, but some get to close to Letty?s shield, which quickly fries them. Below, Malcolm quickly burns through his ammo trying to kill the charging robots as they surrounded the warehouse, leaving bizarre trails of pulsating slimes. Sebariel frantically tries to destroy them before they reach the civilians, slashing down the chargers with his psy blade and blasting the slime clusters. Rico fires both rifles at different targets amidst a growing cloud of smoke. As he stoops to reload, he?s suddenly struck from behind by a laser.

-?Se Caza?!? as he falls to his knees from shock, a blue variant of robot leaps to his roof top. It begins to raise its sledge like fist over his head, but is broken in two and disintegrated as Letty broadsides it at top speed.
-?My turn to save your life, Rico!? Getting back on his feet Rico raises his right rifle in salute.
-?Grazie Madonna! But this isn?t over yet!? He whips around, facing another jumper with a barrage of plasma and kicks the scorched pieces off the roof which squishes some slimes. Taking a chance to reload, Sebariel leans against some rubble looking for Malcolm. Having been surrounded by chargers, Malcolm had drawn his pistol and fired both his guns as he dodged several jumper beams. Pumping his shotty, Sebariel rose to assist him, but is bowled over by an unseen charger. Smashing into a wall, he curses as blood streams from his face and hands, shotgun knocked aside. The looming machine raises it?s fist like an anvil above his head. Malcolm see?s Sebariel about to die, but has a swarm of slimes between them. But he has one gambit to play. His left arm has an experimental portal device, able to temporarily create portals at the cost of his shielding.
-?Insufficient shielding.? Chyrl reminds him that his shield are already below half, dangerous to risk.
-?Good enough!? He fires a portal on the wall behind the charger and beneath him, drawing the gravity hammer. Right as the robot was going to crush Sebariel, he falls through the quantum tunnel and brings the hammer down on it, shattering its frame. Sheathing the hammer he hoists Sebariel to his feet.

-?You still combat effective?? Wiping the blood from his face Sebariel cracks a smile.
-?Why, you need a break? Thanks, Spartan.? Letty?s voice pops up on the comm, sounding worried.
-?Guys? I think they?re retreating!? Looking out, they see the chargers and jumpers leaving the debris littered battlefield. Still on the roof, Rico fires a few more blasts at the departing fighters.
-?Bon viago, had enough of Maiorico?s fury?? Sebariel bend over picking up his gun, scowling.
-?Stay frosty, Maiorico. I think they're regrouping. That claw bot's signiture it getting stronger on radar.? Letty lands next to Rico, her chips nearly depleted and out of breath. Wiping her forhead:
-"Do you think we can even beat it, sir?" Checking his low ammo, Sebariel's grip tightens. A low rumbling noise starts picking up.
-"Anything is possible, Letty."
End post, approx. 15 minutes elapsed
Fan Art / Re: Guess who had fun with sprite editing
April 27, 2013, 08:10:47 PM
I think my favorite is top left, but their all quite impressive.
All of Duty
The "Honey do list" Game! follow the misadventures of a ex navy seal stay at home dad juggling laundry (Literally, it's a mini game) changing car oil, collecting trash, chauffeuring kids, the works! Bad as Harvest moon? MAYBE!!
which leads me to...
Harvest Mon!
Take control of a Jamaican tobacco farmer!
Voting / Re: Best cover
April 21, 2013, 07:46:54 PM
I had always thought that the NA cover was going to be the last boss. It seemed a pretty novel, creepy thingy. The terrain doesn't directly reflect any of Naju either. But I still voted it cause the way it impacted me as a kid.
Maybe connector peices? Cog/gear structures that moves the guns-wings-parts around during transformation? Or maybe generators for the suit.
Post 45
Time 6:01 AM right after post 44, in same setting.

Malcolm takes Maiorico hand in a firm shake
-?Hello, Maiorico. It?s an honor to serve with you and Letteria. I hope we can cooperate under these? unusual circumstances.? Pleased by a respectful tone, Maiorico?s confidence returned with a grin.
-?Well amico (friend) you?ll get the honor of seeing one of the most fantastico(fantastic) GF on Naju!? Letty punches his shoulder
-?Rico! Stop showing off, Akrn and Tetharil are way better than you!?
-?[ caza [/i] (What)!? I said one, didn?t I?!? Malcolm laughs, while Sebariel shakes his head.
-?I?ve learned we all are a little crazy. Besides confidence is luxury I haven?t had for a long time.? His voice drops as he is reminded of the desperate battles he fought on Reach, but Letty didn?t catch that last part.
-?Uh, sorry what??  Sebariel, impatiently:
-?Guardians, cut the chatter and follow me. Our transport will be arriving at the helipad within minutes? He began to ascend a nearby stair case, followed by Malcolm and the GFs, but Maiorico wasn?t satisfied.
-?Eh, what transport? I thought all Naju?s airforce was grounded with the pile up at the terminal!? Sebariel didn?t bother looking over his shoulder to respond.
-?That is true. But SAFE has their own resources, and a helicopter is en route to take us to area 9.? Letty, behind Malcolm.
?A helicopter? Isn?t that an old model to use?? They reached the top, which lead them to the roof top which didn?t look much like a helipad.
?It?s the best at our disposal that doesn?t need a runway. Now Guardian Mechiko, did you equip the bullet shield model that I issued you?? Letty nodded, remembering it was a relatively new weapon model, a level two system for defensive tactics.
-?Good. And Maiorico, is your grenade launcher equipped?? Playfully tossing a grenade in his hand:
-?All systems bene (good) to go!? The humming of rotors started to be heard and some twenty feet away the helicopter approached. Imitating Rico?s Italian:
-?Va bene (all right) Then we?re ready for deployment.? Sebariel was holding a compact combat shotgun, and was loading it as the speaking went on. Malcolm had been reequipped with his DMR, which he held at his side, his pistol holstered and the gravity hammer shouldered. They group formed a wide circle as the chopper landed and then seated up. There was silence for initially, but Rico:
-?Now to see some real action! My combat algorithms have been minimo (idle) for too long! While the flamboyant Italian seemed completely confident, Letty was fidgeting nervously.
This made Malcolm concerned and hoping to be of comfort he reached out to her.
-?Letaria, something wrong??
-?Umm, the last time we went to area 9, this huge machine appeared that fired all these beams and missiles. None of our weapons damaged it, and it smashed the place.? Malcolm turned to Sebariel, wanting to see what his plan was.
-?We?re not aiming to engage the invaders directly, Guardians. We?re scouting around the initial terraforming crater to identify their emergence point. Since the closest installation was completely destroyed, any close settlements need to be examined. Maybe the locals know something.? Suddenly, the pilot spoke over the choppers comm.:
-?A small settlement is within three kilometers of the crater site, identified as Luir. There?s smoke on the horizon, sir.? Sebariel narrowed his eyes.
-?Drop us off two kilos away. Guardians, I want you to provide air coverage in fighter form as Malcolm and I move in.?
-?Yes sir!?
-?Si Signore (Yes sir)!? The Maiorico leapt from his seat, performed an elaborate flip, and jetted away.
-?RICO! Wait for me!? Letty sprung after him in and entered a seamless diving transformation. As they flew along side the chopper, Malcolm turned his attention the strange fact that his AI Chyrl had been silent for almost an hour. Reaching via their mental connnection he searched for her.
-"Chyrl? Whats wrong? You havn't given me a conclusion." Her response was tinged with an emotional mixture he never heard from her, a blend of animosty and fear.
-"He hears me. Feels me. Muffles me." This shocks Malcolm. Being able to hear Chyrl would require either synchronized neural implants or psionic powers. Suddenly Sebariel's dark eye seemed a more sinister force. If he was suppressing Chyrl, was Sebariel really trusting the Spartan? Should he be trusted?
Time is about 6:25
End Post
PS: the Author apologizes for any poor/incorrect italian, his is based entirely off Assassin's creed 2 ::)
Voting / Re: Miria's Hair Color
April 14, 2013, 09:01:41 PM
Black hair helped variate her color scheme from solid red :redlander:.
I never beat the game until I got an emulator like a month ago (Didn't have to input passwords ::)) Things were pretty smooth sailing until blue optomon who I kept trying to use the laser against... died like twelve times XD. Then corridor 10 didn't want to open for me until I tried shooting directly down at it. Yeah, it took me a couple of weeks
Quote from: RubyC42 on April 09, 2013, 02:34:16 PM

             The Corridors below the Naju surface are still intact, known as the "Below Surface Worlds", but except for accidental opening of Corridor 19 in Area 9 and just outside the Habitability Boundary (Posts 03~11); all other corridors remain undisturbed and almost the entire population of Naju are blissfully unaware of their existance.

So corridor 19 is the only one open, unbeknownst for now
Also on the newest time line post 42 ended about 7 Am, right?
As for Sebariel, considering he works for an Earthern organization he could know about the Spartan project or even Aperture, so I'm cool with any relation Souperion wants between them, be it allies, old friends, or even rivals. Like maybe SAFE and Sebariel don't like the UNSC.
Introduction Area / Re: Joining the ranks
April 12, 2013, 05:11:42 PM
The few, the proud, everything Guardian Legend is here!
The Guardian Legend / Re: Corridor 10
April 09, 2013, 08:54:18 PM
Got the thing open :bluelanderbig:.
I was standing above the hatch firing downwards for 10-20 secs. guess that's what it was ::).
In other news, I just beat the game for the first time! I think my score was 30005, give or take a zero. Thanks guys for helping! :redlander:
Great idea and well done on the intro, that setting part really should clear things up. Maybe posts should state the setting, time elapsed since previous post and location. We could even use military time for the time frame. Y'know, keep things kinda clear. :bluelander:
Example:  Post #1 1800 Naju Central Airport

(Edit) good effect on summary, RubyC42.
Quote from: RubyC42 on April 06, 2013, 11:07:21 AM
Would be interested in seeing how Spudacus adds to his/her side of the story  :bluelander:
For the record, I'm a he :bluelander:.
I like the idea of moving to ep2, and I don't mind if Post 42 is moved to make it easier for anyone.
On my part of the story, I have an idea to avoid alot of negotiations (Malcolm being interrogated), and get him part of the "team" quickly, but I want to be flexible, keep everything moving smoothly and everyone satisfied :bluelander:.
I was thinking for the extended plot, the guardian fighters learn that the original corridor locks need to be reactivated to stem the swarms of creatures. just some food for thought :bluelander:.
The Guardian Legend / Re: Corridor 10
April 08, 2013, 03:30:58 PM
Alright thanks all. :bluelander:
I still can't get the corridor open, and I've fired the gun for like a solid minute. I'm wondering if it's because of my emulator, Jnes 1.1 , but I havn't had any other problems with it.