Fans are welcome!
- Total time spent Online
- 25 days, 18 hours and 56 minutes
- Total Posts
- 2,111 posts
- Total Topics started
- 156 topics
- Number of Polls created
- 11 polls
- Number of Votes cast
- 21 votes
- 12 am
- 1 am
- 2 am
- 3 am
- 4 am
- 5 am
- 6 am
- 7 am
- 8 am
- 9 am
- 10 am
- 11 am
- 12 pm
- 1 pm
- 2 pm
- 3 pm
- 4 pm
- 5 pm
- 6 pm
- 7 pm
- 8 pm
- 9 pm
- 10 pm
- 11 pm
- Work
205 posts of the member's 2111 posts (9.71%)205
- Мастерская
188 posts of the member's 2111 posts (8.91%)188
- General Talk - simple and fun
185 posts of the member's 2111 posts (8.76%)185
- Rom Hacks, MODs, Plugins
183 posts of the member's 2111 posts (8.67%)183
- Basic ideas for the sequel
153 posts of the member's 2111 posts (7.25%)153
- Introduction Area
145 posts of the member's 2111 posts (6.87%)145
- The Guardian Legend
135 posts of the member's 2111 posts (6.40%)135
- Fan Art
110 posts of the member's 2111 posts (5.21%)110
- Общение на свободные темы
87 posts of the member's 2111 posts (4.12%)87
- Знакомимся здесь
85 posts of the member's 2111 posts (4.03%)85
- Предложения по русскому отделу и сайту
22 posts of the board's 43 posts (51.16%)51.16%
- Video share
81 posts of the board's 187 posts (43.32%)43.32%
- Audio
27 posts of the board's 65 posts (41.54%)41.54%
- Donations
13 posts of the board's 33 posts (39.39%)39.39%
- Общение на свободные темы
87 posts of the board's 229 posts (37.99%)37.99%
- Оригинальная игра
17 posts of the board's 45 posts (37.78%)37.78%
- РОМ хаки, МОДы, плагины
57 posts of the board's 152 posts (37.50%)37.50%
- Wonderland
45 posts of the board's 122 posts (36.89%)36.89%
- Audio Work
24 posts of the board's 66 posts (36.36%)36.36%
- Audio
54 posts of the board's 154 posts (35.06%)35.06%