
Fans are welcome!


Started by Mega Man Model T 101, August 05, 2011, 11:02:21 AM

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Mega Man Model T 101

That's a bit different from what I have in mind for my story. But still, we all have our opinions and ideas after all.


I just want to say that the Guardian Legend is necessary to dilute a beautiful story.
So I want to hear your story ...

Mega Man Model T 101

I'll work on it soon. I think you'll find it interesting.



Many fan projects works with donations and there might be no other qay if the project is not easy. Programming, graphic making, sounds, music - it all takes much of time and people spend lot of time on the jobs already and tired to do other job.

BTW have you seen what Teremochek did? There was also other guy making the project in flash but we did not heard from him for months.

The demos are available, you can find in work section.


I can not contact them I would like to participate in his project


who exactly you would like to contact with?


Teremochek his project interested me would help him.



Quote from: Delikomix on August 08, 2011, 07:34:03 PM
1. Beginning
To earth priblezhaetsya unknown object ...
In attempts to establish contact were unsuccessful ...
It was decided to organize ekspiditsiyu ...
Its composition was Miriya ...
When approaching the planet all ekspiditsiya
otakovana was killed and all ...
Miriya sposlas but was very badly damaged ...
Its energy shield was not working at full capacity ...
She had two choices:
1. To die in space
2. Dolete to the planet
She got to fly away from here but it is no longer able to ...

I doubt anybody could understand this  XD because even I hardly understand, tho I know what those words like priblezhaetsya mean :D

Here is translation:
1. Begining:
Unknown object flying towards the earth
Attempts to establish contact with it were unsuccessfull
It was decided to send a team to find out what the object is. One of the members of the team was Miria.
Planet attacks them when they came closer. Everybody exept Miria were killed.
Miria was pretty bad damaged and her energy shield hardly functions.
She has 2 choices:
1. Die in space(the best choice! :) )
2. Land the planet.

She would like to fly away but she could not because her ammunition was so damaged so she had to land the planet.


Thank you very much arseniy. I really appreciate your efforts to open this to the english-based world.


I understand the problem here is the Russian text
arseniy translated into plain language for people and then my translator changed everything
               Глава 1
К земле приближается неизвестный объект…
Попытки установить с ним контакт не увенчались успехом…
Было решено организовать экспедицию…
В её состав входила Мирия…
При приближении к планете вся экспедиция подверглась нападению…
Все погибли…
Мирия спаслась, но получила очень сильные повреждения…
Её энергощит сильно пострадал и не работал на полную мощность…
Недолго думая она решила добраться до вражеской планеты…

Запустив механизм самоуничтожения, Мирия покинула планету…
Но запас энергии был исчерпан, и для возвращения домой было слишком далеко…
Так бороздя космос, она летела в неизвестность…
-Там на Земле ни кто не знает, что я выжила-Подумала Мирия.

Помните, после первой стадии идёт 11 коридор, и там поднявшись выше, мы встречаем паука…
Хочу сделать так чтобы теперь паук лежал на земле, будто мёртвый и когда мимо него проходишь, то он нападает
///!ВНИМАНИЕ! Сектор заражён вы находитесь в зоне карантина…\\\


И вот опробуй другой переводчик
                             Chapter 1
The Earth is approaching an unknown object …
Attempts to contact him were unsuccessful.
It was decided to organize an expedition...
It was Miria …
When approaching the planet, the entire expedition was attacked …
All were killed...
Miria escaped, but was very strong damage …
Her ?nergoŝit was badly damaged and did not work at full power...
Not long thinking, she decided to get to the enemy planet …

Running a self-destruction mechanism, Miria left the planet...
But energy reserve was depleted, and to return home was too far away...
Flying space, so she might fly into the unknown...
-There's no one on Earth knows that I survived-Thought Miria.


the translation is fast  :skull: