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The Guardian Legend: WORLDS

Started by Quoise Games, February 19, 2015, 04:11:52 PM

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Quoise Games

good suggestion, but yes it would take some time to implement.  The best approach to this would be to modify the existing LUA map script, and unless someone else does it, I would look into that after everything else has been finalized.  Its not that hard to implement on the LUA side, actually, so anyone with an itching for some coding should try their hand at it.


The lua wouldn't benefit me much sadly, as I play on console.
I died.


we do have 3 runners in our regular races who use a powerpak and play on console, so the lua unfortunately wouldnt be an option as fireball said

Quoise Games

Ok, here's a build that showcases some features. Item drops are randomized, and the randomizer crashes less frequently when entering a seed, because some areas are compressed (you'll see what I mean if you test it).I suggest testing this before using it to race, there may be some problems because  it includes foundation for future changes.  The pink, unfortnately, has not been eliminated yet, and occasionally the off map rooms may appear.  Please report any bugs as you find them.


More testing is needed, but i made a seed this morning using the seed name: mysaberislimp and i got an unwinnable seed.... GIANT center area, no corridor (that i could find) and no items anywhere. i didnt explore EVERY tile (because i had to leave for work) but i explored about 80% of it, and there was no corridor 1....

it did have a cool palette to it though


So... When your saber is limp, you can't go all the way...
I died.


im just trying to figure out why i got a dysfunctional seed....

Oh well i will try again when i get home

Quoise Games

I've tried several different seeds, but i've never not got atleast one corridor. I suppose the corridor indicator did not show up in your build.


We have had it before where we didnt get corridors. its possible that it just glitched too.
We will be doing testing here on it in the next few days.


So i did a test.... using the seed #stuffpjbreaks

This time i got a seed that had a corridor 1. I'm going to go fairly in depth here to try and illustrate a few points.

First off, seed was BASICALLY unwinnable.... i had 400 chips going into corridor 21... game was stingy as fuck with red landers, and i was doing corridors 6-10 with 150-200 chips.... MOST of the game i sat at 50 chips, then got the 100 and 150 landers close together.

Defense shields.... i had 5 shields (fast movement speed) after corridor 11 -_- sort of trivializes everything up to basically... corridor 6.
The one thing i CAN say about this particular seed was that the bosses themselves still hurt. I had a nasty headache and so i was using rewind and savestates just to get through the game faster and i was STILL getting wrecked even with 5 and 6 shields against bosses that should have done almost nothing damage wise. Good job! (More on that to come)

Gun powerups.... i found SEVEN of them throughout the whole game, and i had 3 gun power going into corridor 3. Im all for randomizing the locations of the items, but it would be nice if there were some kind of check in place to ensure that we didnt get 7 gun powerups and only 4 red landers.

Keys.... i dont know how you did it, but youve done it! You have figured out how to not only randomly remove some keys, but to force corridors that would not normally generate a key to give them to the player... Hats off to you sir! that was quite interesting. My seed did not have a ? key at all, and the + key came from corridor 5, which opened up SIX corridors when i grabbed it. Thats quite fun.

THE MAP! I had a seriously odd glitch which made map navigation a bitch. I had NO MAP INDICATOR for my location. Corridors flashed like normal, but the game was like "Your location? pfft who needs that?"  (unknown if programmed in or just a weird quirk of the seed i got)
The map also generates areas that appear to be completely unconnected to other areas (these eventually get connected to other areas once you receive keys,) which is interesting except that its VERY possible in area 0 to get..... NOTHING... going into corridor 1 if the items/minibosses spawn in the areas that are keyed off (for lack of a better way to describe)

Colors... I actually liked the color palette, i didnt get the butt ugly pink, but i did get a really interesting red which made blue landers and blue chips into red landers (without mouths) and red chips.... Trying to figure out where you were in the item drop table when all chips were red was quite "fun". The game also randomized the colors of the upgrades. Level 1 was red, level 2 was green and blue (with some being purple), and level 3 was a purple base with blue/green on top. A nice change honestly.

Last but certainly not least. Monsters / Bosses...
Whoevers bright idea it was to give rocks in the final corridor 15 hp.. JUST NO... not to mention they were doing AT LEAST 2 full hearts of damage with 7 shields. This was one of the primary reasons that the game was unwinnable. I could have easily handled the bosses with little to no chips, but the rocks were ABSURDLY strong. Even with 5 gun power and the triple shot, i could not kill them before they crushed me. I would like to point out, were there a NORMAL amount of red landers, or at least a semi normal amount of red landers, this wouldnt have been an issue.
Pellets had their speed greatly increased. Imagine my horror as im fighting a blue spider like normal and trying to kite it around and the PELLETS were faster than i was. Nice touch. It also made the optomons much more dangerous. I liked this change, it added a totally different dimension to things. Along the same lines were the Grimgrins. Faster Pellets made them much more challenging, not to mention having to fight ALL 3 GRIMGRINS, with just a pea shooter with 150 max chips and some EEs.
Most of the rest of the bosses were no issues at all. mostly because i was FAR superior to them in damage and shields.

All in all, its on the right track, but it needs to have some checks and balances put in. I like the direction that the randomizer is headed, it just needs a fair amount of refinement.

Quoise Games

Thank you Mattrick for this review:

Items: You we're right about this, good call! I was randomizing them instead of shuffling them.  That fix will be in the next build

Corridor Keys and areas: Thanks for the props! it doesn't work exactly like I intended it, but it still randomizes it enough for fun!

Map: Sorry to hear about the glitch. Maybe the indicator palette was the same as the map's pallete, causing it to blend in. The disconnected areas that you mentioned is a reasonable concern: they would have the potentinal to harbor all of the items. However, I put in a check to stop that from happening. If you do find some items, a boss, or a shop in these areas, thats not good (and let me know)!

Colors: I'm liking these colors too! I have some maps saved just because i like the palette and may use them in a demonstration sometime. Since everything is written in code, its not clear which colors are the 'ugly colors' and i'll have to find out the ones that are when I have some downtime to tinker around with that

Bosses: With item drops being more balanced, bosses shouldn't be a serious problem.  I will be upgrading bosses in future builds--I already have simple straightforward plans to make every boss more randomized and challenging.

Thanks again!

Quoise Games

So, here's a new build.  This build has all of the features that I originally intended for this randomizer. Alot of things are different in this one.  Enjoy! 


Okay this has some FANTASTIC things to it
the randomized corridors, the shuffled items, the randomized bosses........... THIS ONE IS AWESOME...


It creates a LOT of unwinnable seeds
multiple seeds where you get stuck at corridor 4 because no shops spawn at all
or seeds that create no corridors at all.....

its got so many good ideas in it... but its HIGHLY broken right now


5 seeds tested.... all the same thing.... 3 tested by me, 2 by zakky

no shops.... no way to open corridor 4.... and corridor 4 has the key needed to progress.... sucks

Quoise Games

So the two issues that exist are.. No corridor one and no shops? Any other issues found with the labyrinth?

You can also test using the tgl password mode just to see if the flight sequences are still good.