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Landing sequence completed

Started by UserK, October 27, 2010, 10:15:21 AM

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Hello everyone!
After countless years of navigating in the large, limitless space that is internet, I somehow got there. I've orbited around the forums for a while after deciding to register. Now that I'm here, I wonder how I missed this place for so much time!

This is a game which literally haunted me for a while. Quite a while I have to add, and I still remember the pain of those passwords. I have a love-hate relationship with those games of the past. Blocky, buzzing, few colors and a lot of flickering sprites in a moving mosaic of pixels. I find hard to believe I once considered this colorful, sharp, smooth, tech. But the fun factor is still unquestioned.

For The Guardian Legend this steered quite clearly to the "love" side of things, as most NES games I had the honor to buy. I believe this was due to the sheer amount of time it took me to finish it the first time (I think I finished it twice, or maybe three times up to now), it took years the first time!
I believe the challenge really helped me in perceiving this as good, even in the days the NES were starting to rot, as I always considered it to be ongoing business.

Looking back, I suppose TGL could actually be the source of my English, together with "Picked up a clip" from Doom, a few years later.

If memory serves, I got stuck for a lot of time in the first level. As a child, I found the shooter sections pretty difficult, and the boss is quite hard with that puny gun. They did good in putting those star enemies here, the joy of finally being able to blast'em many hours later is epic. I was quite surprised when the Guardian landed and it became a maze exploration game. Sure, it was on the back of the box (EU BTW) but being this my absolutely first game after Mario, the mechanics were fresh and interesting.

Where do I went from there? I don't quite remember. I have downloaded a complete map of the game, maybe it will help me figuring out my path.

This has been written after a whole day of button mashing so I suppose that's enough for today. Wish you all a good day/night/whatever. UserK out.



Ya I remember after I beat the shooter area I was totally confused with sudden adventure mode! I did played some SHMUPS on NES before TGL so it was totally awesome surprise!

TGL was very frustrating at times. First time I play it was chinese or something version and I could not open corridor 4 bcuz I had no idea what to do...