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Grass land Half-life 2 map.

Started by elvenrogue, September 07, 2013, 06:28:39 AM

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I forgot about this for a while. back in 2010 i started to work on a Half-Life 2 grassland map based off... well the best nes game of all time... mario 3! no no i kidd The guardian legend ! I just recently found my old file that i though where lost for ever due to megaupload being shut down! however i made a video back in 2010 of this map and the progress i was making with it before i lost every. Check it out.



I m not a half life player but that's kinda crazy :)


More than "based" I'd say "inspired". Are those the stock textures?
If you feel like playing with mapping again I had a try at this as well some time ago, I dream of a day in which I will get back to work on it so we can have an HD remake for good.


Quote from: UserK on September 10, 2013, 06:56:42 AM
More than "based" I'd say "inspired". Are those the stock textures?
If you feel like playing with mapping again I had a try at this as well some time ago, I dream of a day in which I will get back to work on it so we can have an HD remake for good.

textures as in the non-8bit textures? if you're talking about those, they are from with in the game SDK it's self. If you're talking about the 8-bit textures, i took a in game screen shot of the walls and converted them over to texture files. After i found these missing files i had i downloaded the SDK from with in steam and trying to start this project back up However i'm running into SDK luanch errors where it can't find the info and it says i can keep going but it crashes with an error. i looked up some info and it said to reinstalled Half-life 2, to Reinstall the source SDK, and to play Half-Life for a few mins and none of which doesn't seem to fix the problem.

The idea i have for this would be make it look as close as i can to the 8-bit style of TGL with the textures, However i do plan on making every Blue Lander a 3D model so when you walk in it's not going to be on the floor instead it will be sitting up looking at you. With each buy area for the weapons a bit push up from the floor like a small table to have it stand out more where you can just walk up and over it to pick up the items.

If i can get my SDK working once i am done with this map, i was thinking about remaking all the maps into the game. If i had the knowledge i would add a few more things into it rather then simple fixes.

Open doors - i would close off and make teleporters
No Music - Add the 8 bit music or use Remix verson of the song with premissions

The Real idea i have behind this if i really could do it the way i want to do it. I would turn it all into a mod, I would have it setup a first person shooter, i would have the weapons changed with models, and you can pick up the TGL weapons and switch between them. I would add in a the Jet mode, where you could go into first person mode, or 3rd person to fly. I would redesign 3D models of most if not all the in game TGL aliens.

I would have her lazer gun/cannon on screen and it would display each icon for each power up like a hologram right ontop of her hand.

Of course i would add in the the shield system, speical power levels, shield levels, attack power levels, etc.

It's a huge project idea but as of right now most of this i do not have the skill for, So hopefully after i get done with my Game Design Classes then i could work on something like this.