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Started by arseniy, February 10, 2010, 11:35:50 PM

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I play TGL in VirtuaNes so I refer to it. Go to the Tool/Cheat Support. The adress 003C is weapons. To change it find in the adress columns and double click(not sure why but not works entering manually).
1-12 is normal weapons. up to 255 is random glitchy weapons. Set over 12 and press select. U'll see selection on weird places. Most of this weapons just crash the game. Also some of them can work but if you take red or blue chip bonus it will make everything more glitchy and more possible to crash.

:bluelanderbig: I talk about next thing!
For example select laser wepon(works only in corridors) and then go to cheat menu and set 8(Twirl Forward Ball). It will make some glitch and the wepon stays on screen without take any chips and destroy things around.
:skull:The possibility of this is not so wide but not so little. For example I come up even with almost whole screen destroyer by selecting twin laser, then laser and then swithc between Laser(9) and Twirl Ball(8 ). It not works all the time.
Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KCIwk3g3WM


Cheat menus in emulators can be fun, and are often instrumental in finding game data. Also, I like the weapon name "whole screen destroyer".

Other RAM addresses I know off the top of my head:

$30: Mode of gameplay; #50 for shooter sequence, #52 for "TGL" mode,
$4A: number of gun firepower
$4B: number of shield
$50: The area the player is in
$51: The corridor the player is in; or, the room type the player is in on the overworld.
$4AC-E: How much special weaponry player has
$4AF: Number of "EE"
$4B0: The keys the player has


Can u translate into VirtuaNes adress system? or $ means just equal to 00 and 0?

Quote from: optomon on February 11, 2010, 06:58:29 PM
Cheat menus in emulators can be fun, and are often instrumental in finding game data. Also, I like the weapon name "whole screen destroyer".

Other RAM addresses I know off the top of my head:

$30: Mode of gameplay; #50 for shooter sequence, #52 for "TGL" mode,
$4A: number of gun firepower
$4B: number of shield
$50: The area the player is in
$51: The corridor the player is in; or, the room type the player is in on the overworld.
$4AC-E: How much special weaponry player has
$4AF: Number of "EE"
$4B0: The keys the player has


$ just means address. And when I say for example, $3C I mean $003C. So $4AC would be $04AC etc. Should work in VirtuaNES.


Quote from: optomon on February 11, 2010, 10:09:45 PM
$ just means addresses. And when I say for example, $3C I mean $003C. So $4AC would be $04AC etc. Should work in VirtuaNES.
Very nice cheat adress. Works in VirtuaNES
0052 - X
0053 - Y


Quote from: arseniy on February 10, 2010, 11:35:50 PM
I play TGL in VirtuaNes so I refer to it. Go to the Tool/Cheat Support. The adress 003C is weapons. To change it find in the adress columns and double click(not sure why but not works entering manually).
1-12 is normal weapons. up to 255 is random glitchy weapons. Set over 12 and press select. U'll see selection on weird places. Most of this weapons just crash the game. Also some of them can work but if you take red or blue chip bonus it will make everything more glitchy and more possible to crash.

You can probably guess, but the reason for the glitchy weapons is that they aren't weapons at all.  The game takes the normal weapon value (1-12) and uses that to index into tables.  These tables hold various information for the weapons - damage, chips per shot, graphics to use, etc.  If you set $3C to a value higher than 12, you are basically telling the game to grab values outside the boundaries of the tables.  So that game is actually pulling numbers from the game code (machine code) and using these values in the weapon routines.

Same thing applies to all of Wonderland.  The game is creating rooms from data that isn't room data.

Quote from: optomon
Other RAM addresses I know off the top of my head:

$30: Mode of gameplay; #50 for shooter sequence, #52 for "TGL" mode,
$4A: number of gun firepower
$4B: number of shield
$50: The area the player is in
$51: The corridor the player is in; or, the room type the player is in on the overworld.
$4AC-E: How much special weaponry player has
$4AF: Number of "EE"
$4B0: The keys the player has

Do you know any more optomon?  I've been reverse engineering this game pretty hardcore, and knowing the meaning of RAM variables helps immensely in figuring out what the code does.  For example, I knew $50 and $51 were related to the corridors/labyrinth number, but I hadn't narrowed it down as precisely as you laid it out right here.
My NesDev blog: http://tummaigames.com/blog


Someone else who is reverse engineering Guardian Legend...

I know too much. There's a page ($500s, $600s maybe) in ram that holds tons of attributes for the sprites that are on currently screen (what palette they are assigned, how many hits they take, vertical/horizontal positions on screen, what sprite graphics they are etc.) and if you understand the 6502 and indexing you could do a lot with them... except, of course, because of the limited free space in the rom, you'd have to overwrite much existing data in the game if you wanted to modify them.


Quote from: optomon on March 11, 2010, 01:15:26 PM
Someone else who is reverse engineering Guardian Legend...

I know too much. There's a page ($500s, $600s maybe) in ram that holds tons of attributes for the sprites that are on currently screen (what palette they are assigned, how many hits they take, vertical/horizontal positions on screen, what sprite graphics they are etc.) and if you understand the 6502 and indexing you could do a lot with them... except, of course, because of the limited free space in the rom, you'd have to overwrite much existing data in the game if you wanted to modify them.

I thought I was the only one!  Pretty cool to find someone else who's digging into the TGL code. 

The sprite object variables actually cover the $500, $600 and even part of the $700 page.  The hitboxes for example start at $6E0 (I think?) and bleed into the $700 page.  TGL allows up to 24 (I think?) sprite objects on the screen at once, so a lot of RAM space is required to hold the data for all of them.
My NesDev blog: http://tummaigames.com/blog


It's surprise huh? Why google doesn't find forums of TGL modify.hack etc. Request will lead to review sites in most of cases.


Quote from: arseniy on March 11, 2010, 08:51:23 PM
It's surprise huh? Why google doesn't find forums of TGL modify.hack etc. Request will lead to review sites in most of cases.

I think that's because there are no forums discussing TGL modification.  Except for the password stuff at gamefaqs.  You should make a TGL Romhacking forum here.  Then if anybody searches google for that they will come here :)
My NesDev blog: http://tummaigames.com/blog


~~ Cleaveland