Sunsoft style music Corridors 7, 8, 17 & 18

CutterCross created a Sunsoft style music that playing in Corridors 7, 8, 17 & 18 in The Guardian Legend. Really nice to hear how the music would in different chip-tune style. Check it out!

Corridors 7, 8, 17 & 18 – The Guardian Legend (FamiTracker 2A03 Sunsoft-style Cover)

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Guardian Legend by TheSuperDrunk

Fan art based on Japanese cover art

Very nice fan art based on the original Japanese cover art. Or maybe drawn over.
The Japanese cover was made in somewhat H. R. Giger style. This one also has something from that creepy feeling of Giger’s works (most known for xenomorph from Alien franchise).

Full size picture can be found in our gallery along with other great fan art.

I think if the game was in this kind of style then it would be creepy. Or even a horror. Not sure if I would want that.

Art inspired by our game

Sometimes there is art inspired by our loved game. I think maybe I should create a specific gallery section for this. There is not much fan stuff going on currently. But here is some music loop I created from this video – – it has only 1 cycle of the music. The music is from the password section and the final flight as well.

Original poster in case you are interested:

Simple but effective

This is such a simple idea. Making a line art over the Japanese art cover of The Guardian Legend. But the result is really nice. Click image to go to the gallery. There is an option to see image in original size.

Simple but effective The Guardian Legend line art