This video combined over 5000 attempts to speedrun the Super Mario Bros. on NES. Looks quite amusing! 193 hours of attempts. Means average attempt is 2.3 minute.
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Today is Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary. The famous Famicom/NES game.
So I use this as an excuse to show this cool song “Rawest Forest” Reanimated Collab (SMRPG Music Video). It’s a collab on the original one with tons of artists do small parts of the original video. I am not a big fan of Mario so what I actually like is the song itself.
Also I saw this cute gif in the discussion
And here is the song! Rawest Forest Reanimated Collab (SMRPG Music Video)
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So for the Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary Nintendo announced this gadget:
And it looks like just an easy way to take money from the wallets.
I mean hey, this definitely just some basic computer with emulator in it! There are tons of handled consoles produced today. You can get cheap ones from Ali Express. And this one looks just the same type.
What you get inside? -> Super Mario Bros 1 -> Super Mario Bros 2(AKA The Lost Levels) -> Ball(Mario version) the first Game & Watch game -> Digital clock with funny animations.
And that’s all.
They could at least create a different version of the Mario with new levels. Like an exclusive 35th anniversary version. There are Mario level editors out there to modify the ROM without coding. They would not even need to program anything.
And why not to have a collection of Game & Watch games inside? That would make sense and would be cool. Their idea came from that it was 40th anniversary of Game & Watch this year April 28.
I don’t know… What do you guys think?
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