2 nice fan arts found. One is anime style and other is other anime style. Both are nice stylish pen drawing.
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A very nice set of 3D renders by Arvid Torres. Go and throw him a like on twitter for this Guardian Legend 3D mockups. https://twitter.com/ArvidTorres/status/1178509980812492801
I also added a nice ammount of new fan art to the art gallery. Check it out too!
Looks nice. But I see there are other pictures in the sketch book near. I wonder if only this one was chosen? Maybe he will make the other ones too? See more fan art in our gallery.
Original author link: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw8ULiwFiiq/
Very nice fan art based on the original Japanese cover art. Or maybe drawn over.
The Japanese cover was made in somewhat H. R. Giger style. This one also has something from that creepy feeling of Giger’s works (most known for xenomorph from Alien franchise).
Full size picture can be found in our gallery along with other great fan art.
I think if the game was in this kind of style then it would be creepy. Or even a horror. Not sure if I would want that.
Today I want to share some pencil works by SoulStryder210 . He draw screenshots of games with pencil sometimes. Including NES system. Including one with The Guardian Legend of course! You can go to his page to see more from NES and other systems. Here I post only NES screenshots he drew. The games are – Castlevania, Contra, Double Dragon, The Guardian Legend, River City Ransom, Megaman, Metroid, Nemo Dream Master, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bros 3.
This awesome fan art has been around for a while. But I uploaded it to the gallery only now. I used it for new year greetings last year. And now I am confused which one to use this year. Anyway check this fan art in better quality in the gallery. And the other great arts too. Check our forum if you are interested in some deeper community things going on.
Today we have Miria drawn like a poster looking fan art. The author – Yuki Mikazuki, from Poland – draw this kind of girl in many ways. Often 18+. That is why I will not give a link here. So this time he decided to draw his character as a Miria. I think the game’s logo could be placed under the Naju.
You can find more fan art in the gallery!
Beautiful fan art with Miria transforms into starfighter. Found on twitter from @sugippon here: https://twitter.com/sugippon/status/1004723127186698241
She looks very relaxed here. The scene seems when Miria leaving exploding Naju.
More awesome fan art in the gallery!