Hey people. So yestarday some guy congratulated me that our game is hidden gem puzzle on PCgamer. I am like what? It’s some algorithm that calculates Steam statistic and decide if some game is a hidden gem.
Hey guys. Sorry I am so bussy. I created The Guardian Legend on Discord chat https://discord.gg/93C68CT. So join the chat and you can drop some intresting stuff there. Maybe a fan art or music for The Guardian Legend. Or maybe some intresting video or a game that could be featured on this page.
So yeah. I am still busy with promoting my game Orbox C. And it probably will take few more months. If you want to support me then you can try free version of the game. Orbox C Free. If you like it and buy it then please leave review on game’s Steam page. It’s great puzzle game so give the free version a try.
I want to make a video review of Contra: Revenge of The Red Falcon, and Contra Locked ‘N’ Loaded. And because I am too busy I don’t know when I could do that. I already recorded the walkthrough of the Revenge of The Red Falcon. Now I need record some voice review over it.
Revenge of The Red Falcon is modification of the NES Contra. It’s intresting. It’s much harder and levels are longer.
Locked ‘N’ Loaded I think not really modification but builded on some engine. But it’s like modification on Alien Wars. It lacks in graphic quality a bit but it’s OK. I would record some gameplay of it and make review. Basically it’s good 3.5/5 game, so you can give it a go without waiting for me. It’s free game anyway.
What do I mean by puzzle game of the year? I mean the game I developed together with other guy – Orbox C. But it’s not me who called it that way. BatBeard guy recorded a video with our game and put it into the title.
So I am busy this days with promotion of our game. I am suck at promotion so I contact youtubers and ask them to make a video with our game. Only recently I learned how to find correct youtubers who could agree. BatBeard was one of them.
I sent him a free game key so he could try the game for free. He launched the game on his stream and liked it. He called it high quality, compared with Popcap games(Zuma, Bejeweled, Plants vs Zombies) and admitted very good level design. I am not participated with him anyhow so it is pretty honest opinion.
Personally I could critisize the game enough. But the same time I am pretty sure it is really good puzzle game. One of the best, or maybe the best of this type. And yes it does have great level design because I have a lot of experience with that from Orbox, Orbox B, older Orbox C browser flash version and mobile, and users custom created levels. From all of this I had tons of feedback. That helped to see the game deeper and create really great puzzles in Orbox C on Steam with 210 levels. There should be more levels in future updates and new type of elements. If this game will become a Puzzle game of the year I will be shocked I guess. But also happy, obviously 🙂
The video is pretty long. It is his first reaction on the game. He just took a part of the stream from Twitch and uploaded to youtube. So keep that in mind. It was recorded from the live stream so you can fast forward.
And by the way. If you want to try the game for free there is free version out there. With 30 unique levels. Check it out:
So basically I show 3 ways to make Don immortal and throw the ball like crazy all the ways possible. If you wonder how to make Don immortal there are 3 ways.
Get hit and throw the ball.
Throw opponent and throw the ball.
Make special move and throw the ball.
If you want you can read in details in the description under the video.
I made a free version of our game that I made with my friend Nikolai – Orbox C Free. This version has 30 different levels to play. The levels are originaly created for this. Basicallly it’s like a bonus pack for the game. So check it out. It is pretty fun puzzle solving for 15-25 minuntes.
And BTW. I can share a free copy of the full game(210 levels) for youtubers who could record a video for the game. Like first play impression, or review, or something. As it could be some sort of promotion. So if you have gaming channel let me know. You help me, I help you!
Have you played Crystalis? It’s a nice action RPG on NES. But there was a huge problem with the game. It has puzzles somewhat. But those puzzles don’t make any sense. So you just have no clue how to solve them. Now we have internet and can watch the walkthrough. But it’s reducing the fun I think!
Those puzzles are like in old quests. Or modern point and click games. Where player have to click everything, and have to try every item he has on everything. Because there is no logic at all. You can’t guess the right thing to do!
On the other side, in our beloved The Guardian Legend the puzzles in adventure mode of the game are way too easy. All you do is just find the room with a hint and solution is pretty obvious right away.
If there any chance some similar game or a sequel appears(and we know there was some attempts. And The Guardian Legend:Legacy project is also has some slow progression) then I would like to see some puzzles in there too. I think that was a neat feature. However they could be more clever and more intresting.
“He afraids of light” made no sense at first but then I guessed what to do by myself. Yes took me like 15 minutes. But it really made sense, so finding the solution did bring satisfaction.
Such a thoughts about puzzles in The Guardian Legend adventure mode. Have a nice day!
A pretty sweet list of top ten SHMUPs of all time is actually are favorites by this guy. But the list is great for sure and it has the game by Compile mentioned. If you did not know Compile developed The Guardian Legend. That’s why there are some similarities in the Space Megaforce.
Don’t blame author too much for not including some powerfull titles that could beat some mentioned games 🙂
Maybe you know maybe not. There was a hack started on the Metroid NES game in 2014 – Metroid – Rogue Dawn. So here is good news for you. It will be released very soon! Saturday 1/14/2017
This will be the best Metroid NES hack obviously. And maybe a best NES game hack ever made so far. The graphics is great. The levels done like almost none of the NES game ever have. At least none of the platformers.
There are amazing secrets, many easter eggs and surprising references. The animations are improved since the trailer we saw half year ago.
This hack is very expected by many people. Especially by Metroid fans. So have a look if you haven’t seen yet. But remember the animations are improved since the trailer released. So it would look even better than in the teaser Trailer.
I am a bit busy here with my recently released game. A week ago I put my music cover on youtube for the NES game.
If you played Zen Intergalactic Ninja you probably know it has pretty good music. Just as most of Konami games do have.
So here it is, check it out. And also screenshots of original game that let you remember if you played it long ago.
Oh and in case you wonder. Yes It’s a same piece looped 3 times. I wanted to work more with it and make more variations. But just had no time for it. So it was gathering dust for 2 years and I think I’d better upload as is!