Super Clash Bros

Super Clash Bros is another arena fighting game with characters from many retro games. Author claims that he is gonna add over 70 characters to the game. But the game will also have level progress adventure mode. So basically you can pick character and play the game of the other character. Like you take Scorpion from Mortal Kombat and play Sonic The Hedgehog levels.

The game is in development and nobody knows when it will be finished. Maybe in several years. You can try the demo here:

The author of the game created a topic by himself on the forum. So you can ask him anything:,2072.0.html

The Guardian Legend – Sequel or Remake

Hello everyone! Have you ever wanted to play The Guardian Legend sequel or remake? Well, of course you did! And here it is!

Ladies and gentlemen please welcome The Guardian Legend: Shadow of Naju

The Guardian Legend: Shadow of Naju. Sequel or remake.

This game was made by one guy. He started to work on it in 2010. And he finally finished the game now. The game uses sprites material from many other games. It has kinda mash up content. But it works pretty fine enough. The music is also taken from many other games. The music choices are quite strange however. But that’s author’s taste. The game has all classic weapons and 2 new ones.

Below I will drop you some game screenshots. So you could see what I am talking about.

The game has two languages – English and Russian. So do not be confused that my screenshots are in Russian.

The download links could be found in our forum. You also can leave a feedback to the author. So he could know what you liked or didn’t liked about the game.

The game was updated to version 2.0. The starting fire rate changed to faster(was very slow before). There is added possibility to teleport between zones. And map now has marks for items and bosses.

Want to chat with other fans? Join our discord:

Have fun! I completed the game and it was quite enjoyable! If you haven’t played the original game then a short description. This can be described as some specific metroidvania. You walk around the big map collecting weapons and fighting mini bosses and walk inside corridors. When you walk into corridor you transform into starfighter and now you fly and shoot enemies.

The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot The Guardian Legend Sequel Remake Shadow of Naju screenshot


Zodiac Story indie game


If you ever want to play a game like The Guardian Legend I have something for you. It is an indie game heavely inspired by Metroid and The Guardian Legend. It is mix of those two.

Zodiac: Story of The Guardian

The genre is so called Metroidvania and SHMUP. There are a lot of places to walk, jump and fight around. A lot. Just like Metroid. You will find special weapons and upgrades. Very much like in TGL. The flying stages have a lot from TGL. Author made many enemies and bosses almost directly from TGL. And the protagonist is also a transformer.

But I warn you! The walking and jumping here is a lot more than flying. So if you love Metroid this is good for you.

I should mention that the game is still in Beta. It’s a full game already but there should be some minor updates. So keep that in mind. The game also should have some different endings. Yes the game has plot. I am not sure how much endings it has now(there was at least one). Let me know.

The game can be found here:
