Nice video. I have no idea what is the song about as it is in Spanish. But the video footage runs so much cool 80-90’s things, mostly retro games from various platforms. Spectrum, Amstrad, Atari, Commodore, Neo Geo, Nintendo, Sega, Azpiri, Royo, Erbe…
Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary
Today is Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary. The famous Famicom/NES game.
So I use this as an excuse to show this cool song “Rawest Forest” Reanimated Collab (SMRPG Music Video). It’s a collab on the original one with tons of artists do small parts of the original video. I am not a big fan of Mario so what I actually like is the song itself.
Also I saw this cute gif in the discussion

And here is the song! Rawest Forest Reanimated Collab (SMRPG Music Video)
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Guardian Legend ending music with VRC7
We missed this one in 2019. Cutter Cross ported Guardian Legend ending music on VRC7 sound. I think the only game with VRC7 was Lagrange Point. It’s kinda impressive. Almost 16bit Sega sound on 8-bit Nintendo console.
If you still not understand. VRC7 is special Konami’s circuit that works on 8-bit Nintendo console! Making the sound so great it’s comparable to 16-bit Sega.
The result is quite nice. Check it out:

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Awolnation’s Fleepa looking art
The cover art of the Awolnation’s song “Drive” reminds of Fleepa so much! I think it’s coincidence tho. The song has nothing to do with The Guardian Legend. It’s a cover of the song by The Cars, “Drive.”
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Happy new year everyone!
Hope you will have great 2020!

Zaider – Battle of Peguss
Another game similar to ours Zaider – Battle of Peguss (超戦士ザイダーバトルオブペガス). You can walk out of the ship and walk in somewhere. I don’t know details. There is no walkthrough around. The game is on MSX 1986. Ability to walk inside buildings seems interesting. I read that weapon(s?) can be upgraded. The terrible scrolling is not in this game only. It is quite common for MSX games back then.
Also on nicovideo I found probably a remix of the title theme. Sounds nice so I adding it.
Hey guys. Have you heard about pepsiman? Well I didn’t. Untill yesterday 🙂
As you may know, the Pepsi released an advertisement with Kendall Jenner. And it is pretty ridiculous advertisment. Pretty much like a lot of advertisements out there. It’s just went meme and got lot of laugh at it and funny jokes about giving pepsi to a policeman. So Pewdiepie(a famous youtuber) made a video about it and mentioned Pepsiman there. Jesus christ. I went to watch that commercial with Pepsiman(It’s not the one with Kendall Jenner, it’s some old stuff). Check it out:
I don’t know how about you, but I found it so hilarius! There is a game with that dude on PS1 which I don’t think I want to play. However the theme song from there is really funky! If you like James Bond themes you definatelly should check that out.
You can also find this character in the game Fighting Vipers on Sega Saturn. But don’t bother to see. You don’t need that. It looks like a bad clone of the first Virtua Fighter.
OK bye for now. Stay tuned. I try to make myself produce some stuff for youtube and also post it here. But it goes, you know. Slow.
Did you miss me?
My thoughts were far away for a while. But now is a good reason to write something. I can say this again and again. That we need to bring more modern presentation to the site. How to do that? I have no idea and have no much time to do research. But I hope with time that can be managed. Would be great if some people could help me a little.
So what’s new there around The Guardian Legend? First of all this cover version of the title screen music. It’s a quite nice one. Also author mentions that he likes the game a lot and have nostalgia feeling about it. Which is good as he made this music with more care than just to get attention around retro buzz.
If you wonder where is this picture of the Miria from, it’s from here:
Also the author replied me about the other picture there. He said it was just some doodle drawing from the stream request. So. I guess we will not get this one more than a draft. Which is probably is okay. This is a bit like a parody looking one 🙂
Thanks everyone who is around The Guardian Legend. If you have some ideas of site improvements, let me know! See ya!
Guardian Legend music by Troisnyx
Hey everyone. Today we listen to a very nice Guardian Legend music covers by Troisnyx.
BTW, sorry, my computer was broken 🙁 That’s why there was no posts.
I don’t know what’s her name. But if you check her account on newgrounds there are plenty of links to her social pages –
The music covers she made are kinda ambient stuff I’d say. And really good muscial quality! The first one, I guess she singing by herself. And that is very nice and touching. It also sounds very cinematic. Definatelly would fit some cutscene or a game music perfectly. The second one reminds Metroid feeling. It’s a very nice loop that feels calm and a bit creepy same time. If you want to listen to it as a loop you can do it on newgrounds. I’ll give links to both tracks.
Troisnyx – Flight into Naju:
Troisnyx – Deep-Blue:
Links to a songs in case you want download them or to listen as a loop:
Pryapisme – Crazy eclectic music
My friend showed me this band yesterday. Pryapisme – Crazy eclectic music with lot of various genres in every song. But in awesome way.
Warning. To be able to listen to this waves of sound you need to have pretty wide range of genres acceptance. 8bit, Jazz, Techno, Metal and more. They describing their music genre as Rocococore.
The songs are very melodical. And often will remind music from 8bit, 16bit boss battles. That’s why it can be intresting for people who know old games!
The music is intense but produced well, so you wont be abused by the sound. If you are in a mood to listen to something like boss battles music give it a go.
You can listen the album here:
It’s probably a good idea to have a look at their music video first. Maybe it’s a bit flashy, so don’t watch it if you have epilepsy. Good luck