Optomon VS Megaman

Optomon is tough but Megaman is pretty strong too. Could he beat that monster? Or will Optomon smash him with his deadly attacks?

Poll should appear here. If not appearing, maybe something blocking it, or crowdsignal server has troubles.

Trying polls on the front page. Maybe with time it could work and enough people would vote! Voting polls are very fun in the game’s Russian fan group, in VK.com (Russian social network) https://vk.com/theguardianlegend (by the way I am one of the admins there). So we should try to build such thing here too.

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videogamesage.com Weekly Contest

Recently there was videogamesage.com Weekly Contest – The Guardian Legend(ended). Unfortunately no one told us. Maybe some people here would participate if they knew.

It has mostly screenshots from people who tried to beat the score. But also a nice material for our art gallery. One is their mascot in style of Guardian Legend heroine. And other is hand made prize. The ship keychain that is made with cross stitch embroidery.

I also created new gallery section specially for things like that “CRAFTS and MISC”(maybe there could be a better name? Let me know.)

Don’t forget we also have Discord to discuss things: https://discord.gg/93C68CT

If you like the site, please consider to make a donation! That will be a good help.

Aleste on Sega Mark III

アレスタ Aleste on Sega Mark III is great SHMUP game from Compile. Aleste series remind of Zanac overall. This one also has some similarities with MUSHA on Sega Genesis.

It has similar powerup system with Zanac for special weapons. Tho in Zanac most of weapons are forever until you die. In Aleste they end over time. Upgrading the main weapon is like in MUSHA. Maybe MUSHA even based on this game?

Zanac and Aleste games has many familiar elements with The Guardian Legend. I love the final Round 6 that starts from 28:19 in the video below. It looks totally like Naju surface. Player also shoots out the panels and reveals the bio surface under them.

The game also goes under the name Power Strike on Sega Master System. And looks the same. They are probably identical. Tho who knows maybe there some differences(for example original is quite too hard would be a good idea to lower down the difficulty).

The MSX2 version came few months later after the Mark III. It has intro and a little bit more extra levels. However visually not as good. And MSX2 scrolling not that smooth. MSX2 version is also a bit easier. Which is good because the original from Mark III is quite difficult.

Here are some screenshots from the game:

So much like Naju surface!

The final boss 1st form is totally the Naju’s first boss. Defense system on landing the Naju:

The very first level background color is terribly bright. I think that was a bad decision to make this bright green ground:

Game has Zanac type of bosses:

Nice looking space station background with a rock surface:

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The Guardian Legend review by Xygor Gaming

Thanks so much to Xygor Gaming! Youtubers like him really made the game so much more known!

There is probably nothing new you will know from the review.
– Great game: we all know
– Great gameplay: sure
– Great music: yes sir
– Innovative: yup!
– Hidden gem: nod nod
But consider to drop a like. It might help to boost the video around his subscribers and to be shown in related videos.

If you like the site, please consider to make a donation! That will be a good help!

Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary

Today is Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary. The famous Famicom/NES game.

So I use this as an excuse to show this cool song “Rawest Forest” Reanimated Collab (SMRPG Music Video). It’s a collab on the original one with tons of artists do small parts of the original video. I am not a big fan of Mario so what I actually like is the song itself.

Also I saw this cute gif in the discussion

Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary

And here is the song! Rawest Forest Reanimated Collab (SMRPG Music Video)

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Steel Seraph is becoming better

We are watching the progress of this game. As it’s an indie game heavily inspired with The Guardian Legend. Author considers the feedback from people and improves the game. Steel Seraph is becoming better with time.

Take a look at the recent video showing some gameplay from the current game state.

Author is very responsive. So if you have a feedback for him then go contact. He will listen! There is definitely a lot of room for improvement. And feedback from players is the best help to find weak spots and improve.

You can find him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/steelseraphgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jordan.s.thomas/
Discord chat of Steel Seraph: https://discord.gg/czcCwJW

Gameplay video of Steel Seraph indie game:

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Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary gadget

So for the Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary Nintendo announced this gadget:

And it looks like just an easy way to take money from the wallets.

I mean hey, this definitely just some basic computer with emulator in it! There are tons of handled consoles produced today. You can get cheap ones from Ali Express. And this one looks just the same type.

What you get inside?
-> Super Mario Bros 1
-> Super Mario Bros 2(AKA The Lost Levels)
-> Ball(Mario version) the first Game & Watch game
-> Digital clock with funny animations.

And that’s all.

They could at least create a different version of the Mario with new levels. Like an exclusive 35th anniversary version. There are Mario level editors out there to modify the ROM without coding. They would not even need to program anything.

And why not to have a collection of Game & Watch games inside? That would make sense and would be cool. Their idea came from that it was 40th anniversary of Game & Watch this year April 28.

I don’t know… What do you guys think?

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