Challenge at 90 fps

When you want to play your favorite game but the challenge is not as it used to be. Because you know the game too good. Well here is a way. Play it on a faster speed!

Letsplay from Carina – 90 fps Speed Challenge: The Guardian Legend

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What if The Guardian Legend is a platformer?(sort of)

This is fun. Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link randomizer has an option to switch sprite to another. This is how Miria sprite looks like in it. Yes she is green. But NES limitations made that way that if she was red then everything around that uses the same color would be red.

And by the way have you noticed that the music in map walking view in Zelda 2 has some similarities with The Guardian Legend start tune(Approaching Naju)?

Zelda 2 – overworld theme

The Guardian Legend – Corridor 0(Approaching Naju)

Check out the moment when Miria raise up tri-force at 2:22:35. This is a funny happy face. Also she has a kiss with Hyrule there, or is it a hug?


Also here is the new Astrolancer demo from Stuffman:

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Nostalgia song

Nice video. I have no idea what is the song about as it is in Spanish. But the video footage runs so much cool 80-90’s things, mostly retro games from various platforms. Spectrum, Amstrad, Atari, Commodore, Neo Geo, Nintendo, Sega, Azpiri, Royo, Erbe…

The cat sat on the back of its owner for 16 hours, while he was streaming a game for 17 hours.

I bet you don’t know Zhenya Bagatsky. He is a hardcore gamer from Russia. He plays games for his own fun. How I know about him? He is one of the admins in Russian retro gaming comminty that I often visit. I also heard he was a good arm wrestler.

So he posted another video play through. This time the “Namida no Soukoban Special” game on Famicom Disk System. I am not a fan of Sokoban, so I didn’t even read the annotation. But what I saw was something strange on his back. So curiously I clicked the video and figured that was a cat. And then I noticed the stream was pretty long. So I asked him about that.

And he said that the cat jumped on his back after a hour of the stream and then kept sitting for the rest of 16 hours of the stream.

Too bad he has bad lighting. That’s so adorable and amusing.

Video is split in 2 parts. Because youtube limit is 12 hours. But if you really need then here is the link to the sinlgle 17 hours video on Twitch:

The moment the cat jumps on the back is at 1:06:37

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Steel Seraph is becoming better

We are watching the progress of this game. As it’s an indie game heavily inspired with The Guardian Legend. Author considers the feedback from people and improves the game. Steel Seraph is becoming better with time.

Take a look at the recent video showing some gameplay from the current game state.

Author is very responsive. So if you have a feedback for him then go contact. He will listen! There is definitely a lot of room for improvement. And feedback from players is the best help to find weak spots and improve.

You can find him on Twitter:
Discord chat of Steel Seraph:

Gameplay video of Steel Seraph indie game:

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Blaster Master Zero 2

Lets have a look at Blaster Master Zero 2. A sequel to Blaster Master Zero. This time with traveling between planets. It looks great. Has many weapons and upgrades. Funny thing with charging your tank with fall down from bigger height. Tho the guy coming out of the tank seems to die too easy when fall down from a height that’s not looking so big.

I am sure everyone here thinking the same thing. That’s what also could be done with The Guardian Legend 🙂 Hahaha!(hiding crying) Who knows if this ever happens, but yeah. By the way, if you did not know, there is fan made sequel Guardian Legend: Shadow of Naju. It’s not that professional as BMZ2, but it’s not bad at all, I liked it.

Want to meet with other Guardian Legend fans? Join discord chat. Or join the forum discussions.

Game similar to The Guardian Legend

Some people wonder. What are some games that are similar to The Guardian Legend? So suddenly I discovered such game. It’s on FDS(Famicom Disc System) and it’s called – Akuu Senki RAIJIN. I would say it’s more similar to predecessor – Guardic. If you did not know The Guardian Legend is actually a sequel to Guardic. It even has a name like “Another Legend of Guardic” in manual. And some Japanese fan arts put ALG on their arts.

As I understood player can can decide to transform between mecha and starship. But it’s possible only on certain platforms. Player can fly in all 4 directions and walk also in 4 directions. So he can’t walk diagonally.

I do not know the details because I just discovered this game. I was browsing youtube for recent The Gaurdian Legend videos and luckily there was video “The Guardian Legend But Worse”. Sometimes people asking what are the games similar to The Guardian Legend? So this might be really interesting as this game is similar to both TGL and Guardic(prequel of TGL).

I would say that the game looks nice. But the gameplay seems not really good. I also think that it would be hard to understand what to do in the game and how to progress. There is no map to help. Maybe there is some helpful manual comes with the disc? Necessary instructions often contained in manuals back then . Music is almost always the same and there is no boss theme when the bosses appear.

However the game doesn’t seem terribly bad. So that’s it, this is the similar game, please welcome – Akuu Senki RAIJIN