Snowy Fields Remix by ZXD

It’s actually pretty hard to find anything high quality on The Guardian Legen music covers. And I did not found something new for myself. So I post this. Did not want to post something I heard to many times already. So lets check this music cover by ZXD.

The Guardian Legend Snowy Fields Remix by ZXD

So we have a basic theme with some additional layer of organs. The bass sounds way too thin and spiked out. The kick drum just lost. Snare has a lack of bite. Sounds like pretty typical amateur work. So author has a tons of things to improve.

Also it has no any intro and outro. Just throws us the original game music sheet repeated 3 times.

Still, we thankful for people like that, who try to put the TGL music into their works. And also it’s not that bad. I’ve heard much worse.


Nice TGL inpisred art

Now that’s an issue with me. Saved lot of stuff but never saved the links. So I can’t find where I found this. I remember it’s inspired by TGL and something else.

Pretty nice drawing, but I don’t think I would like to play The Guardian Legend with this type of heroine.

OK. Google image search helped. It is Stratos Guardian by Jonathan Price.

Here is what he says:

“She was a fun one. The name popped in my head because I had a bit of nostalgia thinking about one of my all-time favorite video games while working on this one, The Guardian Legend on NES.”

So I found it here:

You can visit the Gallery for more art.

Miria in space with sword

New fan art picture. Miria hanging in space with a sword. Her gun looks strange. It definatelly doesn’t look like belong to The Guardian Legend world.

There is also naked version of her over there. I wont tell where tho 🙂  As this site is not supposed to post things like that.

I am glad the fan art of the game keep coming time to time.

You can visit the Gallery for more art.

Space Megaforce/Super Aleste game

If you have an urge to play a game similar to The Guardian Legend. The chances you find something similar are about zero. However, the SHMUP part of the TGL have some similar games like Zanac, you probably know. The other one is Space Megaforce on SNES. It’s pretty fun and slightly reminds The Guardian Legend SHMUP mode. It reminds Zanac more but still has some vibes from TGL. So here is some review of Space Megaforce. Developed by the same company as The Guardian Legend – Compile. Might be a good idea to try it if you haven’t played!