First person shooters evolution

Quite impressive transition between first person shooter games. Starting from old and going up. The game picks are the ones that author is played and liked. But still it can be considered as evolution video of the FPS games.

I remember there were browser games where you start with basic squares and then with coins or scores or exp you spend them to upgrade the game. Making it from basic squares to more and more graphically and features advanced, little by little.

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Formula 1 Pac-Man helmet

Valtteri Bottas got helmet designed by his friend Tiffany Cromwell. It’s called Bot-Man and obviously inspired by Pac-Man game. You can see a video in his twitter if you want:

Twitter post

When we see The Guardian Legend helmet? 😂(spoiler – never)

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Pirate consoles/clones database

Big database of pirate consoles/clones launched. Someone is trying to organize the info that hangs around the web. In some countries only the pirate consoles were available. The number of those clones are huge.


If you looking for some clone, now the info might be found there.

Clones were quite different, some were as good quality as originals, some had issues.

The shapes of Famiclones(NES-clones) were in all of the kinds. Many mimic higher generations. You can find a famiclone as Sega, SNES, Playstation, Wii and so on.

Below some examples of famiclones:

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