Matt Bozon is the author of Shantae. And he would want to make a sequel to TGL. He commented on Twitter. I doubt that it will happen. But it’s nice to know some great game developer have this thought 🙂
Month: January 2020
Rygar Vengeance
Rygar on NES was one of those games that felt like entire another world. It felt really big at that time. Great mysterious atmosphere and exploration feeling. Ed Findlay trying to create some kind of Rygar remake or sequel. He called it Rygar Vengeance and it can be found on his site . In case site not works he also has his youtube channel.
At the time I write this the game is beta version 1.4. Below I post some screenshots. And the only short gameplay I found is in the Ed’s youtube teaser video 3 years ago. I’ll post it below screenshots.

you are LANCER TWO
A guy Stuffman on tumblr posted quite ambitious claim of game project inspired by The Guardian Legend.

you are LANCER TWO, weapon of mass destruction and property of the AUTONOMOUS SPACE-TRAVELING ROBOT ORGANIZATION, a military branch of the GALACTIC COUNCIL. you are a cutting-edge fighting machine, capable of merging with your TRUSTY LANCE to become a tiny FTL-capable spacecraft, designed to jet into the deepest reaches of space and fight alone. you may or may not have feelings. (if you do, it’s plausibly deniable).
your current mission is to travel to a mining colony at the fringe of the galaxy, which has been invaded by the dreaded VON NEUMANNS. theorized to have already infested much of Andromeda, this self-replicating menace must not be allowed to have a foothold into our galaxy!
the GALACTIC COUNCIL will take no risks with the VON NEUMANNS; upon arriving in the star system, the BLACK HOLE BOMB inside you arms itself. should you be defeated and fail your mission, it will detonate, taking you and everything in the star system with it.
the VON NEUMANNS are already doomed. can you save this lonely planet, and yourself?
(she has a more “civilian” look, but in true NES fashion, you can’t see it until you beat the game.)