Nostalgia Bubble shared his remix/cover version of the full soundtrack for The Guardian Legend game.
It’s good to have all songs at once. But it is pretty amateur. The low end is a rumble mess. So it’s better to listen on speakers without lows 🙂
Also the loudness varies. Some songs are much louder than the others. Which make it not comfortable to listen through. You’ll have to reach the volume slider to lower down the volume, or turn up.
Anyway it’s great to see some people do fan stuff for the game! So I am happy to share it for everyone!
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Now this is something I like to hear.
Even if the low end needs work.
People who are far away from mixing have no idea about a lot of stuff. So yeah. As a home thing it’s OK.
Great! So I did right to share it on the main page 🙂