Shop Cringe

Watching first time player doing this makes me cringe! Well, the game does let you do this 🙂

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A Megaman kind of game with Cave Story atmosphere. It’s done quite well. Solid indie game quality and it’s somehow free? There much worse platformers selling on Steam.

You can play it in browser or download here:

Walkthrough video:

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VGM music covers by Vladimir Chaplinsky

Felix The Cat NES seems has almost no music covers at all. The game is not well known I guess. It’s an easy game, and if you want to introduce NES to a kid that could be a good choice for 1 player game, tho the controls could be tricky at first.

Batman NES is you typical hard rock cover. Done in good clean quality.

The Transilvania theme from Quackshot Starring Donald Duck SEGA Genesis is something avantgarde, with dissonant notes. It also reminds weirdness from other Transilvania themes(like Duck Tales 2 NES)

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