Fan made NES intros

Some NES games lack of intros. Here are the examples of possible intros for some NES games.

Super Contra NES intro, made of using arcade version graphics. It is a video made in editor:

Mega Man 3 NES intro. An actual game mod. So it could be on actual cartridges:

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Changeable Guardian Estique progress

There seems quite a hype around the game from the Compile’s ex-developers. “Changeable Guardian Estique” is a SHMUP with a transformer.

Looks quite nice. However I highly dislike the music. I mean, it’s an OK music it just doesn’t sound like it fits in there.

Join The Guardian Legend’s Discord to talk with other fans about games and stuff.

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Unfinished skin from Super Mario Bros Crossover

Found here:
“A incomplete Skin that I found from the deleted Super Mario Bros Crossover wiki and that I decided to complete and publish on DeviantArt.”

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Full acoustic album of the game

Full acoustic guitar album of the game. The quality is rather amateur. The notes not perfect and miss the grid a bit. It can be played on background. Imagine it’s your friend playing the music from The Guardian Legend just for fun. Click image to go to the album on BandCamp. Can be downloaded for free or with donation, by your choice.

I played a little bit with mastering tools and reverb and here how it could sound. Join the game’s Discord chat to discuss this, if you want more songs from the album to be converted this way. Here is example:

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Changeable Guardian Estique

New SHMUP game by Compile ex-devs in developement. Changeable Guardian Estique(超翼戦騎エスティーク). Devs tweetter – @kakikukecat

You play as a robot transformer who can transform into a jetfighter.

I hope they will change the music. It doesn’t seems to me to fit the game.

Recent tweet shows a new boss, who is also kind of a transformer:

The footage of the demo which shows full 1st stage and most of the second stage:

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