Too bad we don’t have an active community over here. So I brought the poll I created in Russian retro community. The question is – which Contra do you like more? And it’s about Contra and Super Contra(Super C) on NES. I think result is interesting. I wonder if similar results would be in other countries?
500 people voted at the time I write post. It will be more votes with time. But it’s quite enough to say that in Russia people like both of the games quite same. Below is screenshot of the poll. With translated text.
Hey guys. Sorry I am so bussy. I created The Guardian Legend on Discord chat So join the chat and you can drop some intresting stuff there. Maybe a fan art or music for The Guardian Legend. Or maybe some intresting video or a game that could be featured on this page.
So yeah. I am still busy with promoting my game Orbox C. And it probably will take few more months. If you want to support me then you can try free version of the game. Orbox C Free. If you like it and buy it then please leave review on game’s Steam page. It’s great puzzle game so give the free version a try.
I want to make a video review of Contra: Revenge of The Red Falcon, and Contra Locked ‘N’ Loaded. And because I am too busy I don’t know when I could do that. I already recorded the walkthrough of the Revenge of The Red Falcon. Now I need record some voice review over it.
Revenge of The Red Falcon is modification of the NES Contra. It’s intresting. It’s much harder and levels are longer.
Locked ‘N’ Loaded I think not really modification but builded on some engine. But it’s like modification on Alien Wars. It lacks in graphic quality a bit but it’s OK. I would record some gameplay of it and make review. Basically it’s good 3.5/5 game, so you can give it a go without waiting for me. It’s free game anyway.