Look at that. Very nice view on the costume. Just as I see the Miria in the game. That is the way how I always seen her. Not a bikini and skin but some cover! If you look closer to the details artist made, it is visible that this is not a human body. Only her head is human. I think that belly button was not necessary tho. I guess this is done considering general public demands to exaggerate sexiness in games fan arts.
That blaster does look belong to the Guardian Legend universe. Not ideal probably. I don’t think such a cyborg needs to press trigger with a finger to shoot. But it’s OK and acceptable. I’d agree to play a sequel with such a gun.
I think artist captured the feel of the game pretty well! At least that’s how I feel too 🙂
Thank you Stephen for this great fan art!
You can visit the original page where I found it. There are several pictures showing the progress from a sketch to a finished drawing. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3m58g
You can find more fan art in the Gallery. You can see the picture details with full size in the Gallery.