Have you played Crystalis? It’s a nice action RPG on NES. But there was a huge problem with the game. It has puzzles somewhat. But those puzzles don’t make any sense. So you just have no clue how to solve them. Now we have internet and can watch the walkthrough. But it’s reducing the fun I think!
Those puzzles are like in old quests. Or modern point and click games. Where player have to click everything, and have to try every item he has on everything. Because there is no logic at all. You can’t guess the right thing to do!
On the other side, in our beloved The Guardian Legend the puzzles in adventure mode of the game are way too easy. All you do is just find the room with a hint and solution is pretty obvious right away.
If there any chance some similar game or a sequel appears(and we know there was some attempts. And The Guardian Legend:Legacy project is also has some slow progression) then I would like to see some puzzles in there too. I think that was a neat feature. However they could be more clever and more intresting.
Optomon did a great job towards it with 2 of the puzzles in his The Guardian Legend: Secret Edition
“He afraids of light” made no sense at first but then I guessed what to do by myself. Yes took me like 15 minutes. But it really made sense, so finding the solution did bring satisfaction.
Such a thoughts about puzzles in The Guardian Legend adventure mode. Have a nice day!