Pryapisme – Crazy eclectic music

My friend showed me this band yesterday. Pryapisme – Crazy eclectic music with lot of various genres in every song. But in awesome way.

Warning. To be able to listen to this waves of sound you need to have pretty wide range of genres acceptance. 8bit, Jazz, Techno, Metal and more. They describing their music genre as Rocococore.

The songs are very melodical. And often will remind music from 8bit, 16bit boss battles. That’s why it can be intresting for people who know old games!

The music is intense but produced well, so you wont be abused by the sound. If you are in a mood to listen to something like boss battles music give it a go.

You can listen the album here:

It’s probably a good idea to have a look at their music video first. Maybe it’s a bit flashy, so don’t watch it if you have epilepsy. Good luck :):

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