Cute girl beats monster

Hey everybody. I was sent a picture today which I’d call something like – cute girl beats monster. Here is what he said:

“Here is an illustration I finished of one of my favorite video games of all time. I was six years old when I first played, The Guardian Legend. I remember in 1988, when my brother’s friend first bought the video game and unfortunately he forgot to take it home. I played that game every day until eventually beat it. My love for the music, the art, the play, and just about everything about it, I really cherish to this day. It pleases me to share this game with my daughter who is now the same age I was when I first played it. Thanks for having this website and there’s some   talented people in your fan art and I’m glad they appreciate the game just as much as I do.”

Remember we have a nice gallery with lots of fan art for The Guardian Legend.

Cute girl beats monster


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