When you want to play your favorite game but the challenge is not as it used to be. Because you know the game too good. Well here is a way. Play it on a faster speed!
Letsplay from Carina – 90 fps Speed Challenge: The Guardian Legend
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This is fun. Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link randomizer has an option to switch sprite to another. This is how Miria sprite looks like in it. Yes she is green. But NES limitations made that way that if she was red then everything around that uses the same color would be red.
And by the way have you noticed that the music in map walking view in Zelda 2 has some similarities with The Guardian Legend start tune(Approaching Naju)?
Zelda 2 – overworld theme
The Guardian Legend – Corridor 0(Approaching Naju)
Check out the moment when Miria raise up tri-force at 2:22:35. This is a funny happy face. Also she has a kiss with Hyrule there, or is it a hug?
Also here is the new Astrolancer demo from Stuffman:
Stuffman continues to develop the game “Astrolancer”(inspired by The Guardian Legend). Said he is putting out the new demo on this weekend. So, I guess, you will be able to play flying stages as well.
Lets see some past screenshots of the progress he posted.
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Simple but interesting homebrew NES game – Böbl. Modern NES games sometimes show interesting features that could exist back then. We never seen them. In this one there are kinda “physical” water splashes when you dive in and out of the water.
Also the game is free if you want to try it out on emulator. Not all emulators run it. I used Nestopia to play it. game link: https://morphcatgames.itch.io/bobl
Video playthrough:
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I bet you don’t know Zhenya Bagatsky. He is a hardcore gamer from Russia. He plays games for his own fun. How I know about him? He is one of the admins in Russian retro gaming comminty that I often visit. I also heard he was a good arm wrestler.
So he posted another video play through. This time the “Namida no Soukoban Special” game on Famicom Disk System. I am not a fan of Sokoban, so I didn’t even read the annotation. But what I saw was something strange on his back. So curiously I clicked the video and figured that was a cat. And then I noticed the stream was pretty long. So I asked him about that.
And he said that the cat jumped on his back after a hour of the stream and then kept sitting for the rest of 16 hours of the stream.
Too bad he has bad lighting. That’s so adorable and amusing.
Video is split in 2 parts. Because youtube limit is 12 hours. But if you really need then here is the link to the sinlgle 17 hours video on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/886156648
The moment the cat jumps on the back is at 1:06:37
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Thanks to Hardcore Gaming 101 picture, now we know that there was canceled MSX2 version of The Guardian Legend that was developed simultaneously with the NES version.
A bit late I saw there is an official trailer for King of Fighters XV shown several days ago.
I played King of Fighters in 00’s on emulators. KOF 98, 2000 mostly. And a bit of 2002 UM. This new 15th episode reminds of 90’s style a lot. Which I think is good.
It’s a great fighting franchise. With fun gameplay and very stylish anime characters. My favorites are King and K’. I also love Rock from GAROU and I think they will have him in this one too.
Too bad I don’t have Playstation or modern PC to play it. I would like to try.
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Hardcore playing is strange. Have you played Mega Man? It’s pretty hard. But why would you want to beat it even harder than it is? But some people do. As a player who have beaten Rockman(Japanese version of Mega Man, not sure if there are any differences) I don’t even want to imagine beating it with no damage. That’s crazy challenge.
The first video is in Russian. I think not using glitches but using different weapons. And the other one is in English, no other weapons, only default weapon. But use some glitches(which doesn’t make it that much easier).
Do you want to try? I say no. Don’t torture yourself like this!
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