Dimension Shift will never be released, I guess

Few years ago I posted about homebrew project Dimension Shift – https://theguardianlegend.com/2020/10/dimension-shift-homebrew-nes/

Checked about further development recently. The project is on hold since beginning of the 2021. And I am afraid it will be left from there.

However here is a demo. The game, seems like, based on Shatterhand/Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain ROM. It has features from there, like grabbing the metal grids, health UI, level selector and its animation, medkit usage, the elevator moving up.

What’s cool about it, is the way the backgrounds and foregrounds visually look. Really nice looking stuff. But there are no enemies in there. So it’s a showcase of pretty empty levels. This might be useful for other NES games artists or just overall gaming pixel artists as an inspiration.

Maybe we will never hear about this project again. Or maybe it will be passed to other hands and continue.

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Playing as Casey

This kind of stuff was like a dream in childhood. Using emulator’s cheats we can make what was impossible with the game.

It did upset me Casey could not be chosen to play story mode in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters on NES.

This is possible to do using RAM address of the player position. That also means it is possible to do that with game genie. With Hothead and Shredder that would make the game crash at the battle with Shredder. On emulator it is possible to turn the cheat OFF at the place where the game crash and then turn it ON again.

Here I recorded story mode playthrough with Casey Jones. I also added fun camera edits for more interesting look.

I also prefer this game over Sega and SNES version. It has more fun gameplay and superior physics feel over them.

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Evil Dead blood and gore arcade game

Creepy, goory, bloody, blackest humor Beat ’em up game on Arcade.

Check out the – Night Slashers

The graphics is great. However, I have a little bit of vomiting reflex watching it. It’s a great Halloween game. Requires some trained nerves. Watching all those blood and guts falling around can make uncomfortable.

The humor in this game is very black and bloody.

I do not know much about the game. All I did is enjoyed this video walkthrough:

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Giant Super Mario Bros. (ROM hack)

What a funny idea! Someone created a double height sized giant Mario in the game. Giant Super Mario Bros. it is.

Levels are almost the same. But author said he had to tweak some places to make them possible to walk through.

I am checking the game in the video below. I am sorry for terrible play 🙂 I am not a Mario player. I played it a long long ago and not much. The only Mario game I did beat was Super Mario Bros. 2

You can get the ROM patch here: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6142/

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Dragon View – hybrid genre game from SNES

I haven’t played the game myself but when I stumbled upon it, it captured my attention. Because it is a hybrid genre Exploration Adventure+Beat ’em up RPG game.

You are walking over a land and then enter locations which switches the game into an action genre. Sounds familiar, right?

The graphics in this game is pretty nice. The 3D view of the overworld is pretty good for SNES.

The overall gameplay and design decisions are questionable and have downsides from what I read.

I could not write a good review of the game, but just today some channel I am subscribed delivered one. So check it out if you want to know about the game:

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Pushing Intellivision limits

Todays developers keep pushing the limits of some old consoles. While it’s common to see it with NES, Intellivision is end of 70’s beginning of 80’s era.

Below are interesting examples of new games on the old console.

Anthropomorphic Force is a vertical scrolling SHMUP with a robot. It has nice music and parallax background movement. The enemies in it are a bit repetitive and basic. However the bosses are huge and quite impressive for such an old console.

The game lands somewhere on the half way to the NES quality which is never seen back in the days. Have you seen Donkey Kong series on Intellivision? Just to have an idea how the games were back then.

The video is blurred. But that one shows more levels and bosses of the game:

Another interesting example is Mario port. It also looks better than any game back then. That guy also working on ports of some other games like Castlevania, Megan and Prince of Persia.

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Bubblegum stickers in 90’s in Russia

In 90’s in Russia a lot of people glued stickers on their fridges. Recently, some street artist with the nickname A11c1ear made large copies of these 90s stickers and put them on the streets. A lot of people felt huge nostalgia about these.

I don’t know how it was in other countries but the themes should be familiar. They are mostly about worldwide popular stuff like games, movies, cartoons etc. Like Mortal Kombat, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles to name a few.

Here is the video showing those huge stickers:

And here is few examples of 90s fridges:

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Sonic 30th Anniversary Symphony

All Sonic fans are probably already know about this. I am not that much a fan of Sonic, but I love stuff like this. Music from the game played with a full symphonic orchestra. With a good arrangement it sounds great and enjoyable!

This was put on youtube a week ago and I found out only today.

I set the start time mark to 14:50. It’s where the actual concert starts. And before that is some random music from the game and covers.

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