Funny reaction on double KO with Blue Optomon by speedrunner Dancarnate. Should be a pretty rare thing as when you kill the boss then projectiles are destroyed too.
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This video combined over 5000 attempts to speedrun the Super Mario Bros. on NES. Looks quite amusing! 193 hours of attempts. Means average attempt is 2.3 minute.
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Long ago I did show little bit of the area underneath the map. That area is not random unlike all the other directions out of the map.
Here is some footage of that. I recommend watch it on youtube and click timecodes, where I picked some highlights. Mostly nothing interesting happens there
The switch of the area types happens only when you go in and out of portal doors. That would require too much time to try test every cell to figure out if the area types match the main map. That also means, if you walk into other area without entering a door then it will not change and stay the same.
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This kind of stuff was like a dream in childhood. Using emulator’s cheats we can make what was impossible with the game.
It did upset me Casey could not be chosen to play story mode in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters on NES.
This is possible to do using RAM address of the player position. That also means it is possible to do that with game genie. With Hothead and Shredder that would make the game crash at the battle with Shredder. On emulator it is possible to turn the cheat OFF at the place where the game crash and then turn it ON again.
Here I recorded story mode playthrough with Casey Jones. I also added fun camera edits for more interesting look.
I also prefer this game over Sega and SNES version. It has more fun gameplay and superior physics feel over them.
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People keep making games for the old retro consoles. This is Irena Genesis Metal Fury for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. The work in progress.
The game had successful campaign on Kickstarter, so mostly like it’s going to be finished. Tho there were cases when games got the necessary donations but then stopped. I think Sega+SHMUPs fans might be interested in such a game.
The graphics looks a bit amateur for my eye. Gameplay seems kinda OK.
Authors say it is inspired by classic games of the 90’s such as Thunder Force III / IV, Aero Blaster, Super Shinobi II and Contra Hard Corps.
I also see similarities with Gradius series.
Below is gameplay video of stage 1.
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A while ago M2 company bought rights for Aleste series. The original developer was Compile. As you may know Compile developed Zanac and The Guardian Legend.
M2 created the Aleste sequel – GG Aleste 3. And it’s not just a new game. It is made on Game Gear system. So it’s a real ROM which can work on Game Gear console. It is available on Game Gear Mini. And also it is in Aleste collection on Nintendo Switch.
They captured Compile’s vibe pretty good. The game looks really nice. And has good soundtrack.
This immediately put a thought in my head. What if they could develop The Guardian Legend sequel? If someone is reading this and find this a good idea, then try to contact them and suggest them this idea.
When you want to play your favorite game but the challenge is not as it used to be. Because you know the game too good. Well here is a way. Play it on a faster speed!
Letsplay from Carina – 90 fps Speed Challenge: The Guardian Legend
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アレスタ Aleste on Sega Mark III is great SHMUP game from Compile. Aleste series remind of Zanac overall. This one also has some similarities with MUSHA on Sega Genesis.
It has similar powerup system with Zanac for special weapons. Tho in Zanac most of weapons are forever until you die. In Aleste they end over time. Upgrading the main weapon is like in MUSHA. Maybe MUSHA even based on this game?
Zanac and Aleste games has many familiar elements with The Guardian Legend. I love the final Round 6 that starts from 28:19 in the video below. It looks totally like Naju surface. Player also shoots out the panels and reveals the bio surface under them.
The game also goes under the name Power Strike on Sega Master System. And looks the same. They are probably identical. Tho who knows maybe there some differences(for example original is quite too hard would be a good idea to lower down the difficulty).
The MSX2 version came few months later after the Mark III. It has intro and a little bit more extra levels. However visually not as good. And MSX2 scrolling not that smooth. MSX2 version is also a bit easier. Which is good because the original from Mark III is quite difficult.
Here are some screenshots from the game:
So much like Naju surface!
The final boss 1st form is totally the Naju’s first boss. Defense system on landing the Naju:
The very first level background color is terribly bright. I think that was a bad decision to make this bright green ground:
Game has Zanac type of bosses:
Nice looking space station background with a rock surface:
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