The Guardian Legend NES Commercial (1989) found on old VHS. How is this look for you? I have never seen this commercial in the game reviews. Channel owner says it was aired on KCAL 9 California in 1989. Good thing he(or someone) recorded it!
guardian legend
The Guardian Legend NES Review
The Guardian Legend NES review by SNESdrunk. Video. Thanks to channels like this the game did not went to abyss yet. And new players have a chance to know about this NES gem. It probably deserves to be in top-10 NES games.
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Awesome fan art
This awesome fan art has been around for a while. But I uploaded it to the gallery only now. I used it for new year greetings last year. And now I am confused which one to use this year. Anyway check this fan art in better quality in the gallery. And the other great arts too. Check our forum if you are interested in some deeper community things going on.

Poster looking fan art.
Today we have Miria drawn like a poster looking fan art. The author – Yuki Mikazuki, from Poland – draw this kind of girl in many ways. Often 18+. That is why I will not give a link here. So this time he decided to draw his character as a Miria. I think the game’s logo could be placed under the Naju.
You can find more fan art in the gallery!
Miria transforms into starfirghter
Beautiful fan art with Miria transforms into starfighter. Found on twitter from @sugippon here:
She looks very relaxed here. The scene seems when Miria leaving exploding Naju.
More awesome fan art in the gallery!
Fan Art
The Guardian Legend fan art. From Third Half. More fan art in the gallery! Chat with other fans of the game in Discord:
Today we have cute chibi Miria and lander walking together.
And a simple classic lander.
Things on backpack
A long time ago there was a topic where someone asking what are those things on backpack?
Back then I did not think about that much. And did not tried to find out. So. Recently I opened the Japanese manual and I finally realized. Those things on backpack was another engines/jets! So we all know a pair of engines are inside her boots. But did you know there was another engines over the back? I didn’t and I think many did not realized this. So here is a picture showing exactly those engines:
I hope you enjoyed this little revelation about The Guardian Legend game just like me 🙂
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Cute girl beats monster
Hey everybody. I was sent a picture today which I’d call something like – cute girl beats monster. Here is what he said:
“Here is an illustration I finished of one of my favorite video games of all time. I was six years old when I first played, The Guardian Legend. I remember in 1988, when my brother’s friend first bought the video game and unfortunately he forgot to take it home. I played that game every day until eventually beat it. My love for the music, the art, the play, and just about everything about it, I really cherish to this day. It pleases me to share this game with my daughter who is now the same age I was when I first played it. Thanks for having this website and there’s some talented people in your fan art and I’m glad they appreciate the game just as much as I do.”
Remember we have a nice gallery with lots of fan art for The Guardian Legend.
The Guardian Legend best speedrun?
Hey guys! This seems to be The Guardian Legend best speedrun so far. 52:24
If you looking for the gameplay tactics then this can be good guide.
Also you might see some tricks. Like skiping the transform animation by holding select. He dies to get back to some point faster.