Sonic 30th Anniversary Symphony

All Sonic fans are probably already know about this. I am not that much a fan of Sonic, but I love stuff like this. Music from the game played with a full symphonic orchestra. With a good arrangement it sounds great and enjoyable!

This was put on youtube a week ago and I found out only today.

I set the start time mark to 14:50. It’s where the actual concert starts. And before that is some random music from the game and covers.

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Very cool guitar shorts

neightduke posts many music covers shorts. And he also has The Guardian Legend ones.

Unfortunatelly I can’t embded his instagram posts so I will give them as links and below will attach videos directly to the site. Hope he is OK with this.

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Title screen music cover by Raccoon Cemetery

A very simple music cover of the title screen music.

And this I saw on twitter. So much reminds of the last boss of the game! By Dave Rapoza.

Original tweet is here:

The final boss in the game to compare:

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The Guardian Legend full soundtrack music cover by Nostalgia Bubble

Nostalgia Bubble shared his remix/cover version of the full soundtrack for The Guardian Legend game.

It’s good to have all songs at once. But it is pretty amateur. The low end is a rumble mess. So it’s better to listen on speakers without lows 🙂

Also the loudness varies. Some songs are much louder than the others. Which make it not comfortable to listen through. You’ll have to reach the volume slider to lower down the volume, or turn up.

Anyway it’s great to see some people do fan stuff for the game! So I am happy to share it for everyone!

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Guardian Legend ending music with VRC7

We missed this one in 2019. Cutter Cross ported Guardian Legend ending music on VRC7 sound. I think the only game with VRC7 was Lagrange Point. It’s kinda impressive. Almost 16bit Sega sound on 8-bit Nintendo console.

If you still not understand. VRC7 is special Konami’s circuit that works on 8-bit Nintendo console! Making the sound so great it’s comparable to 16-bit Sega.

The result is quite nice. Check it out:

Cutter Cross avatar

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Sunfost style

What if The Guardian Legend was made by Sunsoft? It would sound something like this:

The youtube video sounds a bit like lower quality mp3. So here is link to soundcloud, in case you are interested:

A little bit more music found today. This one is not so good but it’s OK. It’s rather like medley with various songs from the game: