Funny art

Some art looks great, some is amateur. But sometimes it’s different. This one looks like a parody. Something that Monty Python could do. Just try to imagine this in a game. She throws the fireball like some fancy enchantress. Is it funny or is it ridiculous? I don’t know 🙂

I hope the author wont read it.

More special modes for Miria

I stumbled upon that tweet. Those poses are really intresting. And this instantly gives an idea about more special modes for Miria in The Guardian Legend. She could have more versatile backpack.

Fore example that bow pose looks like for some powerful strike. That would work only in walking adventure mode. The other intresting pose is for softer and maneuver flying. She could fly to any XYZ direction with this. And very fast change the direction. And the third pose, I don’t know. Could be some other sort of fire mode or cutting the walls.

I think there could be a special section in the Gallery for stuff like that. And check that tweet it has more images.

More special modes for Miria 1 More special modes for Miria 2More special modes for Miria 3


Guardian heroes classes

First of all thanks to the amazing Optomon who donated for the site to keep going. He is amazing because he made The Guardian Legend:Secret Edition. That is really helpful, I am thankful to you! 🙂

And now to the post.

I bet most of us thought that it would be so cool if there was some sequel to the game. And maybe with different heroes to select.  But did you thought that the heroes could be so different like differnce between RGP classes? You know like Knight, Wizard, Archer. I think it would be great idea. That totally makes sense since the game has adventure walking mode . And would make even greater gameplay difference between classes because of changes into SHMUP mode.

Hard to imagine what kind of classes could be in potential TGL like or sequel game. Maybe there is something like that in SHMUP or futuristic RPG games already.

The idea come to me when I looked at this fan art. Or maybe correct to say art inspired by?

guardian Zhaina by SMeadows for jaimehlers
Zhaina by SMeadows for jaimehlers

You can read what customer says(it is a commission) about his character Zhaina here:

He thinks that Neptunia games probably have some impact from The Guardian Legend game.

I would say his Zhaina character abilities could be around ice and freezing. Also I think there better to be male characters too! If you remember there was few male characters done based on TGL character concept. Especially this one. Ordered by our forum member RubyC42 (AKA youtube RubycoredBejeweled)

guardian Commission for Rubycored
Commission for Rubycored

You can find more fan art in the Gallery.

Very Nice Fan Art Miria

Look at that. Very nice view on the costume. Just as I see the Miria in the game. That is the way how I always seen her. Not a bikini and skin but some cover! If you look closer to the details artist made, it is visible that this is not a human body. Only her head is human. I think that belly button was not necessary tho. I guess this is done considering general public demands to exaggerate sexiness in games fan arts.

That blaster does look belong to the Guardian Legend universe. Not ideal probably. I don’t think such a cyborg needs to press trigger with a finger to shoot. But it’s OK and acceptable. I’d agree to play a sequel with such a gun.

I think artist captured the feel of the game pretty well! At least that’s how I feel too 🙂

Thank you Stephen for this great fan art!

You can visit the original page where I found it. There are several pictures showing the progress from a sketch to a finished drawing.

You can find more fan art in the Gallery. You can see the picture details with full size in the Gallery.

guardian legend miria fan art by stephen scoville

Nice TGL inpisred art

Now that’s an issue with me. Saved lot of stuff but never saved the links. So I can’t find where I found this. I remember it’s inspired by TGL and something else.

Pretty nice drawing, but I don’t think I would like to play The Guardian Legend with this type of heroine.

OK. Google image search helped. It is Stratos Guardian by Jonathan Price.

Here is what he says:

“She was a fun one. The name popped in my head because I had a bit of nostalgia thinking about one of my all-time favorite video games while working on this one, The Guardian Legend on NES.”

So I found it here:

You can visit the Gallery for more art.

Miria in space with sword

New fan art picture. Miria hanging in space with a sword. Her gun looks strange. It definatelly doesn’t look like belong to The Guardian Legend world.

There is also naked version of her over there. I wont tell where tho 🙂  As this site is not supposed to post things like that.

I am glad the fan art of the game keep coming time to time.

You can visit the Gallery for more art.